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Chapter 97: Teach You To Play

Seeing Shangguan Wan'er not speaking, Wan Lun immediately started his show!

"Miss Wan'er, you may not know me, but I am actually a very gentle person! When I was studying in the U.S., I learned a lot..."

Wan Lun took a fancy to the past and introduced himself in a charming and talkative manner.

He even said that he had played against professional golf players, what achievements he had, and so on, Barabara.

Shangguan Wan'er hated such people the most. Hearing these words, she felt nauseous.

Wan Lun did not see the problem at all.

Still saying here: "I actually just practice a lot..."

Shangguan Wan'er was really impatient and simply walked towards the parking lot.

Wan Lun followed behind and continued to say: "You tell me, I have a senior membership card here!"

"Just to practice golf skills more! It's too much trouble to have to pay every time you play."

"Although it has spent more than three million, but to play is to have fun, don't you think?"

Seeing the waiter next to him passing by, Wan Lun's inspiration flashed and he immediately said, "Waitress!"

"Can I help you?"

Wanlun took out his membership card and slowly said, "I didn't ask carefully when I applied for the card last time."

"What kind of service can this lady and I enjoy?"

"Gold card members can enjoy the privileges of knife stabbing and staying in luxury suites at our resort, second only to black gold cards...and still..."

The waiter was talking professionally next to him.

Wan Lun seemed to know something, in fact, he knew it a long time ago, it was just pretending to be in front of Shangguan Wan'er.

After the waiter finished speaking, Wan Lun said, "Shangguan Wan'er, shall we go play ball together?"

"I don't know how to play."

"I can teach you!"

Wan Lun said kindly.

But at this time, he was already thinking trivially about the future.

I was behind Shangguan Wan'er, holding other people's small hand, secretly behind this...that...

Hey, this must feel great!

Shangguan Wan'er is still a shy little beauty, she must have never experienced such a thing.

I'm sure I can't be amused by myself at that time! Wasn't it right away to grab it and become something in your own pocket?

The happier Wan Lun thinks, the more eagerly he wants to teach Shangguan Wan'er to play!

"Wan Lun, I'll be straightforward. I brought my boyfriend this time. Don't think about it."

I couldn't bear the harassment of this person, Shangguan Wan'er had a direct showdown!

Heard the news...

Wan Lun was dumbfounded...

Boy friend?

At this moment, Tang Ke walked over and heard Shangguan Wan'er's words.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing! Let's go!"

Shangguan Wan'er immediately took Tang Ke's arm and walked her steps happily.

Only Wan Lun was left alone in a daze!

I was rejected by the beauty!

This... unreasonable!


Wan Lun became angry all of a sudden!

As a heir to a tens of billions of wealth, how can the rich second generation lose to a wild boy who doesn't know where he came from?

and many more? Is it a wild boy?

Wouldn't it be a bigwig who can come to this resort?

Wan Lun was suddenly a little surprised, looking at Tang Ke's back.

No, we need to investigate!

Wan Lun knew that this was Yangcheng, and there were too many people here either rich or noble.

Don't provoke others casually!

Wan Lun called the manager immediately.

Because it is a senior member, there are special managers dedicated to this kind of customer service.

Three million is not for nothing.

The manager nodded and bowed to Wan Lun's face: "Mr. Wan, you are finally here! Is there anything else?"

"Check someone for me!"

Wan Lun pointed to Tang Ke's back and said angrily.

"I'm going now!" The manager knew that this kind of thing violated the regulations, but there was no way, it was the customer's request!

In case the customer can't find anything, and finally does not renew, then a major customer will be lost!

Within a few minutes, he completed the investigation and arrived at Wanlun's side.

"This guest is a strange face and has never been to our resort!"


Wan Lun was surprised. He didn't expect that Tang Ke had never been to the resort!

Basically, I have never applied for a card!

I thought it was a big man, but I didn't expect it to be so good!

"People who have never been here indicate that they definitely don't play golf, as long as they play golf, they will apply for a card here!"

"You can't afford to play high-class games, right?"

Wan Lun has almost determined that this man is definitely not a rich person, let alone a powerful person!

Don't play golf!

Wan Lun smiled contemptuously, and then asked the manager: "Is the news absolutely true?"

"Absolutely true! This person has no record!"

"Go! Pack up this kid!"

Wan Lun immediately said to the manager, who immediately nodded in agreement like a dog.

At this time, Tang Ke and Shangguan Wan'er had arrived at the front desk, and the waiter was smiling and asking.

"Excuse me, what service area are you going to? VIP or ordinary service area, and if you have a membership card, please show it together."

Tang Ke looked at the scenery outside, and it was obvious that there were few people in the ordinary district.

Tang Ke likes places with few people, and asks Shangguan Wan'er's opinion: "Is it okay to go to the place with few people?"


Of course, Shangguan Wan'er didn't want to be disturbed when she was dating her little brother!

Nod immediately!

"Okay, I'll help you handle business!"

The waiter said respectfully, and this scene happened to be clearly seen by the manager and Wan Lun.

"Bah, I thought I was a low-key person, but I just didn't have money!"

Wan Lun is simply getting more and more angry!

Such waste can actually snatch Shangguan Wan'er in front of her!

If this is known to people, it will definitely make a big laugh!

This hatred must be reported!

At this time Tang Ke and Shangguan Wan'er had already begun to practice.

Although neither of them can, but Shangguan Wan'er obviously can't at all.

Tang Ke knew the approximate style of play anyway.

So Tang Ke taught Shangguan Wan'er to play ball here.

Tang Ke's big hand grabbed Shangguan Wan'er's small hand. Shangguan Wan'er didn't struggle and let Tang Ke teach herself here.

This action is exactly the same as Wan Lun imagined!

Shangguan Wan'er also knew something was wrong, but she just didn't want to let it go, feeling blushing all over her face.

I didn't expect to do this kind of thing on my first date!

I am so bold!

This is one of the few times when Shangguan Wan'er does this kind of thing.

You can almost feel Tang Ke's breath, which is simply intoxicating.

It feels the same as being hugged in the mall.

Wan Lun on the side...

It's going to be a terrible dog! Things to do by yourself! It was the first to be boarded!

This bastard is mad at me!

Actually make a big shot at the beauty in front of her!

But I can only look at it, even Tang Ke's posture is not standard!

But he didn't notice at this time. In fact, the standard is not standard. Whether it will be or not is not important anymore.

Wan Lun said angrily to the manager: "Hurry up and let this kid get out of me!"

The manager nodded quickly: "Don't worry! I'll deal with it right away!"

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