Opening Sign-in to a God of Wealth

Chapter 117: Sticky little tail

Chapter 117

Ye Chen sat in the back seat, and the thin and weak woman clung to him and leaned on him.

The bodyguard sat on the co-pilot, regardless of what was behind.

The backs of the seats are high, and they can't see the situation behind them.

It seems that Ye Chen deliberately avoided their sight and made small movements.

Ye Chen sat with no confusion, closed his eyes to quiet himself.

What just happened made his mind very confused.

In addition! He knew in his heart that thin and weak women might stick to him.

You saved her, she didn't stick to you.

and so! Treat it cold.

When he was on the bus, it was because of need that he talked to the thin woman.

I originally wanted to leave after arriving in Zhenyi City. result! It was discovered by a bunch of Huang Mao and others, and then something later happened.

therefore! The relationship between the two parties has undergone subtle changes.

He doesn't want this subtle relationship to continue to be subtle, so! Stop talking.

He has nine girlfriends, and he knows what women are thinking.

He is handsome and chased by countless women, he knows what women are thinking?

Cold treatment!

So that the thin and weak women won't stick up, and the bodyguards won't guess.

The thin woman didn't speak, she just leaned on Ye Chen's body.

Under the bumps of the car, she actually fell asleep with her arms around Ye Chen.

You hug it! I pretended not to know, it didn't matter.

Without words, I arrived at Zhenyi without knowing it.

"Here! Boss!" The bodyguard turned his head and said.

What makes him feel strange is: Why is there no movement along the way?

Is it? The two of them shook like that in the back row?

For the master, he can also be refreshed while driving.


Ye Chen opened his eyes and hurriedly pushed the thin woman leaning on her body.

"Where did you get off, beauty? Bus station?"


I heard that when she arrived in Zhenyi City, the thin woman cried all at once.

Just broke up?

Maybe I won't see it in this life.

"Why are you crying? Say!"

"No!" said the thin and thin woman, clasping her arms a little bit, and digging her head into Ye Chen's arms.

"I'm in Zhenyi City! You? Alas!"

Ye Chen didn't want to ask further, and said to the driver: "Go to the bus station!"

"No! Oh! You are responsible to me!"

"Am I responsible to you? Me? I didn't bully you again, me?"

Just now? Did the car shake?

I did nothing!


"Oh! You mean! Four bunches of hairy them? So! If you haven't changed cars, what should they do?"

Ye Chen thought for a while and said, "How about? Let my brothers take you back? Where is your home?"

"Woohoo! I'm scared!"

"What are you afraid of? They are all uncles! They will not bully you! I am responsible for bullying you! Don't you have my WeChat account? You send me WeChat!"

"where you go?"

"This one?"

"Say!" The thin woman turned her head and looked at Ye Chen.

Her eyes are so obsessed, so fearless, so trusting...

The look in her eyes revealed her heart.

Seeing the eyes of the thin woman, Ye Chen panicked.

not good! This little woman is completely in love with herself and clinging to herself.

"Me? I'm not here to travel! I'm here to work! I have a lot of things, I can't accompany you! You should go home!"

Suddenly! Ye Chen was too anxious to speak incoherently, don't know what to say?

"Are you in Zhenyi City? Or go to Red County?" the thin woman guessed.

"Me?" Under the effect of kind instinct, Ye Chen said truthfully: "Red County! Passing through Zhenyi City."

"Where are you, I will follow you!"

"Where is your home?"

"Red County!"

"Go! Go to Red County!" Ye Chen said to the driver.

"Boss!" The driver wanted to say: Do you believe her?

Is this unclear? Does someone stick you?

"What is your name?"

"Little grass!"

"Xiaocao is your screen name!"

"My name is Mo Xiaocao!" While lying in Ye Chen's arms, Mo Xiaocao reached out and took out his ID card from his pocket.

"You are not from Red County!"

Ye Chen could tell at a glance that she was from Shunhe County.

The name is correct, Mo Xiaocao. Nationality: Aquarium.

"Ooo, ooo!" Mo grass found himself revealed the secret spot cried again,

Ye Chen was afraid that she would fall, so he had to hug her back.

"I'm married! I'll be sitting on my father soon! Thank you!"

"Uncle is a good person! I want to talk to uncle! I believe in uncle!"

"Woo! I'm so young? Me? Still called my uncle! Then call my uncle! Alas!"

Good too! Uncle won't be the same as his nephew!

Let's be uncles and nephews!

Stop sticking to me! Otherwise, I will be pinched by Li Yanfang again when I go home!

Thinking of the twisted ears, Ye Chen's ears seemed to be hot again.

"I'm a part-time worker, and I always work in the world! I believe in Uncle! I'm with Uncle Ding!"

"But you? You are sitting upright! You? You are sitting in your seat..."

Ye Chen wanted to hug Mo Xiaocao to the seat, but they hugged him to death.

"I'm going to be a father soon! Are you like this? My wife will be angry if she knows!"


"You? Hey! You? If you don't sit upright, I will ignore you!" Ye Chen said angrily.

"You said you got married when you got married? You said you were going to be a father soon? I don't believe it!"

"Don't believe me? She doesn't believe me when I speak? If you don't believe me, ask the driver uncle!"

"Seeing is believing! I only believe it when I see it with my own eyes!"

"Believe it or not, I pushed you out of the car?" Ye Chen threatened.

"Cack!" Mo Xiaocao didn't dare not be afraid, and laughed.

"Don't believe me! Did you push me out of the car?"


"If you pushed me out of the car, you wouldn't help me! I believe you! Handsome uncle! Bo!"

As Mo Xiaocao said, he hooked his body and raised his head to give Ye Chen a loud "boo".

"You? You pinch me!"


Mo Xiaocao smiled and said, "If you really get married, I won't stick to you! But I don't believe it!

Do you think that Mo Xiaocao is ugly? still is? Is it short? I am 1.6 meters tall and I am medium in size in Nanguang province!

It doesn't matter if the man is taller, just love! I like!

Uncle driver! I announce! I like Uncle Shuai! I love him!

You testify to me! I love him! Oh oh oh! ..."

Mo Xiaocao was like a madman, crying for a while, laughing for a while, and crazy for a while.

"Kakka!" There was an emergency braking sound.

The driver was distracted, and the Hummer almost crushed the private car in front.

Under the influence of inertia, both Ye Chen and Mo Xiaocao slammed into the back of the front seat.


Not only was Mo Xiaocao not afraid, he also felt good.

It feels so good to be held by handsome uncle!

Shuai's chest is so big, relying on his arms is the harbor of love.

Lie on his chest and kiss his face, caressing the one you love... How happy would that be?

For a woman, what could be happier than this.

Handsome uncle! I like you!

you are young! Just the maturity I want! Man's maturity!

I will call your uncle!

uncle! uncle! uncle! ...

Call you ten thousand times!

I love you! uncle! Oh oh oh!

It is our right to like someone, but! Can you get a response to your likes?

Mo Xiaocao had no bottom in his heart!

Anyway! For this man, she would be desperate.

I will stick you!

Who told us to meet?

Who let us meet in that situation?

Is it? Isn't this fate?

When fate comes, you can't miss it!

I love you! uncle!

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