Opening Sign-in to a God of Wealth

Chapter 143: Free advertising

Chapter 143

Although the girl is dressed coquettishly, she feels immature.

She also jumped into the river because of money, which showed her immaturity.

but! Look at her carefully, she is really a beauty.

The face with long sweet potato seeds, the face is very full, giving people that kind of cute feeling.

Her eyebrows are also neat and beautiful. There is no description, no trace of modification, it is natural.

The body is not too tall, about one meter six to five. Slim, slim waist.

The prominent place is prominent, and the rounded place is round.

The place behind,

It makes people dreamy.

In a word! It is a reduced version of the beauty.

With her figure, if she was enlarged to a height of about 1.75 meters, she would definitely be a typical oriental beauty.

Maybe it was because of a woman's jealousy that Mo Xiaocao didn't like her. The eyes looking at her were staring, directly expressing her dissatisfaction.

Both of them are little women, but Mo Xiaocao looks much inferior in front of her.

Mo Xiaocao is a xiaolongbao type, pitifully small.

future? Milk powder costs thousands of dollars.

And this beauty who jumps into the river looks very big.

With her height and figure, she is obviously much larger.

This place is bigger, but it is more attractive.

Especially men, I like it.


Seeing that Ye Chen was about to leave, the beautiful lady in Jumping River got off the hospital bed, she got down without the money, and knelt down to the savior Ye Chen.

"thanks, thanks!"

then! "Bangbang Bang!" There were three knocks.

"You? You? What are you doing?" Ye Chen saw this and quickly stopped.

"Get up! Who made you kowtow? I also donated five hundred! You kowtow to me too!" Mo Xiaocao said unceremoniously.

To know! Mo Xiaocao's current identity is also a poor man.

Although she got the martial arts system, martial arts is very impressive. but! She has no money!

Just like people with academic qualifications, character, and contributions, are these people useful?

No money! People who have no money are looked down upon.

Others have no academic qualifications, no character, no contribution to society, only evil, but! People are rich!

Now the world! The rich is the uncle!

The bachelor is rich, and everyone is respected as the "uncle bachelor."

this is the truth! Money is supreme, character stands aside.

Do you have any martial arts? No money!

If you don't have money, you have to stand aside and be looked down upon.

Mo Xiaocao felt distressed when he donated five hundred to the beauty of Tiaohe.

If it wasn't for the situation at the time, she wouldn't donate it!

Under the circumstances, the two bodyguards each donated 10,000, and Shuai donated 20,000. Due to the situation, she bit the bullet and donated five hundred.

"Bangbang Bang!" The beautiful woman jumping in the river immediately turned her direction and kowtow to Mo Xiaocao.

"You? You? Are you really kowtow?" When Mo Xiaocao saw this, there was nothing to say.

"Bang Bang Bang! Bang Bang Bang!..."

The beautiful woman jumping in the river smashed her head and kowtow to the two bodyguards.


"Okay! Alright!" Ye Chen hurriedly stepped forward and helped the beautiful woman jumping in the river.

He didn't donate 20,000 yuan to the other party just to make him kowtow. He didn't have this kind of vanity, and he didn't want others to be grateful to him.

for him! What is 20,000 yuan?

Not to mention the 600 million yuan of Nongyi Development Bank, even the deposit of Zou Granny to his Swiss bank is also worth 1.2 billion.

For these 1.2 billion, Grandma Zou made it clear: Give him flowers and don't allow him to donate them for personal enjoyment.

With his current consumption, where can he spend 1.2 billion?

He now! No consumption at all!

All his expenses are "public expenses" reimbursed by Nongyifa Bank.

"I'm sorry!" The beautiful woman jumping in the river stood there, with an honest and silly look.

"Alright! Alright! If you have any difficulties in the future, you can directly contact me!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu: "Thank you! But I don't know who the benefactor is?"

"My name is Ye Chen!"

"Ye Chen?"

"I work for Nongyifa Bank! If you have any difficulties in the future, you can go directly to the local Nongyifa Bank, and you just say to find me. You report my name of Ye Chen..."

"I will call the benefactor directly!"

"This?" Ye Chen was embarrassed.

Not everyone gave his private phone number.

"Okay! This is my work phone!"

Ye Chen had no choice but to take out a business card and hand it over.

"Nongyifa Bank Credit Auditor! Ye Chen!"

Seeing that everything is true, the beauty of Jumping River secretly swears in her heart: Ye Chen! I will take you down!

Think I'm stupid? A victim of online loan?

It's all made up!

They are all used to lie to you!

In our eyes: kind people are equal to stupid!

This girl's jump today is worth it!

Although I accidentally drank a few sips of water, I got nearly 50,000 yuan.

Nima land! It's worth more than taking off pants a few times!

Accompanying those silly eggplants, you can't get anything but cool.

"This is my work phone. I rarely carry it on my body. Most of the time it is in the hands of the secretary."


"Okay! On behalf of Nongyifa Bank, I warmly welcome!"

I thought to myself: You are such a silly fork, I don’t know if the person in charge of our Nong Yifa’s personnel department would like it?

"Mr. Ye! The TV station is here for an interview!" A bodyguard ran over in a panic and whispered.

"Go!" Ye Chen didn't want to be exposed by the TV station, and left with a wave of his arm.

"My name is Qian Yun! Oh!"

The beautiful girl jumping in the river looked at Ye Chen's leaving back, and said loudly.

"Cut!" Mo Xiaocao uttered in disgust.

With the help of the doctor, Ye Chen hid in the doctor's office.

Put on a white lab coat, a white mask, and a white hat.

The TV reporter rushed to the air, but did not interview the hero who had rescued the girl who had jumped into the river.

but! Saw the jumping river girl!

"He is from the Nongyi Development Bank! Uuuuuu!"

Qian Yun took out Ye Chen's business card and handed it to the reporter.

"Ah! Credit examiner of China Agricultural Development Bank! Ye Chen!"

The photographer photographed the business card.

Although there was no interview with the rescuer, but there was no way to run for nothing, but the woman who jumped into the river was interviewed. and! I got specific information from Tiaohe Girl: The person who saved the life was Ye Chen, a credit reviewer of Nongyifa Bank.

In addition! The rescue hero also donated 20,000 cash.

Under the leadership of the heroes to save lives, the crowd donated nearly 50,000 cash to the Diaohe Girl.

In the evening, the Guibaoyang TV Station and the Nanguang Provincial News Station both reported on the heroes' deeds.

Although the TV reporter did not take photos of the rescue hero Ye Chen, the netizens did.

"He is a hero to save lives!"

"His name is Ye Chen!"

"He is a credit reviewer for China Agricultural Development Bank!"

"Identity confirmed! He lives in the hotel next to Nongyifa Bank!"

"OK! It's from Nongyifa Bank! I saw him go in and out of the head office of Nongyifa Bank with my own eyes."

"Ah! So handsome!"

"Woo! I'm going to Nongyifa Bank to block the gate! I want to chase him!"

"He is a credit examiner at Nongyi Development Bank! Ah! I don't love money! I love him!"

"Handsome guy! I like you!"

"This is the person I am looking for! The Prince Charming in my heart!"

"Why am I single so far? It's because I didn't find the man you like! Now! I found it!"

"It's not that I want to be a leftover woman, it's that there are too few men in this world, who have a good personality!"

"I've decided! End singleness..."

This night! Countless leftover women have insomnia.

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