Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 109: Nangong family's hidden weapon

After a few games, the duel between the core disciples of the sects.

Then it was Shaolin's turn.

Xuan Gang from Shaolin Temple played against Nangong Ri'an, the No. 1 seed of the Nangong Family.

Xuan Gang has been on stage much, but Nangong Ri'an is still not ready.

"It's Shaolin's No. 1 seed against the Nangong family again."

"In this Zongmen Rookie Competition, Shaolin has become the most anticipated highlight."

"If I'm not mistaken, this Xuan Gang has acquired great perfection, and he is not close to the innate."

"Yes, I didn't expect that the Shaolin disciple was also a talented arrogant, and he was not weaker than the direct disciples of other sects."

"Shaolin has land-based magic skills, and when it grows up in the future, it will definitely be able to compete with Wenshu Monastery."

"Shaolin's martial arts background is really too solid."

"What I want to see most now is the duel between Shaolin disciples and various No. 1 seeds."

"This Xuan Gang is also very young, and his martial arts talent is enough to match the number one seed of various sects."

"What the hell? Such an anticipated duel, why isn't Nangong Ri'an from the Nangong family still coming out?"



Xuan Gang has already stood on the duel stage, but Nangong Ri'an of the Nangong family has not been on stage for a long time.

Now there are every duel of Shaolin disciples.

They are the most anticipated by all the audience, because Shaolin is facing the No. 1 seed of each sect.

Full of highlights, full of expectations.

And everyone is very curious about how many magical things this Shaolin can show.

How much background can be accumulated.

From the current point of view, Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan's martial arts talents are all T1 level talents.

Shaolin's martial arts inheritance is not weaker than other sects, and Shaolin has already demonstrated a ninth-rank martial arts and local martial arts.

The martial arts background is even more comparable to Wenshu Monastery and Heng Daozong.

In the expectation and heated discussion of everyone.

Wearing a white robe and handsome features, Nangong Ri'an, who looks like a jade-faced scholar, stepped onto the platform.

Can be described as romantic and suave.

Literary talent, natural perfection, flawless white jade, unparalleled masters like jade.

Good day Nangong with such a temperament and face.

Attracted everyone's attention instantly.

"Oh my god, the Nangong family has been passed down for thousands of years, and it has been contaminated with the literary beauty of the Southern Dynasty. This attitude is really extraordinary..."

"It's perfect, it's impeccable."

"Every time I see the eldest son of the Nangong family, I, a eldest man, have a feeling of being subdued."

"There is such a perfect person in the world."

"Hey, no, haven't you noticed the breath of the world's son?"

"Ah, the breath is integrated with the heaven and the earth, and the world has already built the foundation."

"This... my god, Wenshu Monastery, Heng Daozong, Wujian Villa, Nangong Family, all the No. 1 seeds have actually built their foundations."

"Although the Nangong aristocratic family did not inherit the supernatural skills of land quality, it is hard to say the result of the innate foundation built by the elder son."

"Yes, there is a huge gap between the acquired and the innate. Although the land grade magic has the power to fight, it..."

"If the foundation-building innate Nangong Ri'an does his best or desperately, then Shaolin Xuangang really has no chance..."

"Haha, don't forget, what is the stunt of the Nangong family that is not easily revealed?"

"His... hidden weapon!"



In the midst of the heated discussion, some onlookers couldn't help but take a breath.

The Nangong family can become a giant of martial arts inheritance in Tianbei City.

Can be among the five major sects.

Not relying on literary talent, there is no particularly strong inheritance in the martial arts, and even Nangong Ri'an is the number one seed of the Nangong family.

The martial arts talents are not particularly outstanding.

No one in the entire Tianbei City dared to underestimate this Nangong family!

The real Nangong family was able to gain a firm foothold in Beicheng on this day, relying on one hand to never reveal it easily.

Hidden weapon stunts that kill people!

"Oh my god, the world's son built the foundation innate, then his hidden weapon is too terrible."

"Yes, among the direct disciples of the various sects, I am afraid that only Master Kongjian can win the victory."

"If it is in the same realm, then Shaolin Xuangang still has a great chance of winning..."

"In this matchup, it seems that Shaolin Xuangang has already lost."

"Shaolin Xuangang is impossible to guard against the hidden weapons of the elder son."

"In the big competition, although it is unlikely to hurt your life, the danger of Nangong family's hidden weapons can only be said to be Xuan Gang..."

"What are you talking about? Shaolin Xuangang asks for more blessings."



Almost everyone, after seeing Nangong Ri'an Zhuji.

Think of the horrible hidden weapon of the Nangong family.

Xuan Gang is not optimistic.

He even couldn't help worrying for Xuan Gang.

In fact, the hidden weapon of the Nangong family is extremely dangerous and it is a deadly skill.

If it was in the same realm, Xuan Gang would still have a great chance of winning by relying on the superiority of the geological magic.

But Nangong Ri'an built the foundation, and the huge gap in the realm of martial arts made everyone present not optimistic about Xuan Gang.

Determined that this duel Xuan Gang will undoubtedly lose.

I saw Nangong Hi'an standing on the stage, calmly and gentle.

There was a friendly smile on his face.

It is harmless to people and animals.

"Good day, Nangong, I have met the Shaolin monk."

"It's polite."

Nangong Ri'an suddenly clasped his fists and politely bowed to Xuan Gang.


"Xuangang Shaolin, I have seen the son."

Xuan Gang folded his hands together and followed the ceremony after he announced the Buddha's horn.

There was unspeakable excitement in Xuan Gang's pair of tiger eyes.

As a martial idiot, he finally waited to take the stage.

It's time to compete with others.

"Master, my Nangong Ri'an is not a thistle sword, I can't keep my hand and I won't stop with you."

"Maybe you don't understand, even if you have land quality magic."

"It can't make up the gap between acquired and and you Shaolin..."

Nangong Ri'an standing on the stage, the light is so dazzling at this moment, and his speech and manners make people feel like spring breeze.

Just watching others listen to him makes people feel particularly comfortable.

"Please don't say much."

"Go ahead."

As soon as Xuan Gang raised his hand, he didn't want to talk to you too much.

It's all done.

What do you say that some of these don't?

The blood in his Xuangang body was already boiling at this time, and his whole person was in an indescribable excitement.

"Okay, you are careful!"

Before he finished speaking, Xuan Gang roughly interrupted him, and Nangong Ri'an couldn't help but a flash of shame in his eyes.


I saw Nangong Ri'an carrying a hand on his back, a group of white light gleaming with endless cold light, bouncing up and down on the fingertips of Nangong Ri'an carrying his hand.


In this white light, there was a metal sound that was extremely crisp and trembling.

Everyone held their breath at this moment!

After Nangong Ri'an closed his eyes and flew up into the sky.

Endless mind energy radiated from Nangong Ri'an.

At this moment, the world seemed to be silent.

The soul is imprisoned, and there is a sense of time being still.


That group of cold flashes of white light, accompanied by a sharp metallic sound, seemed to have crossed the boundaries of time and space.

It made people feel horrified, and flew towards Xuan Gang on the platform!

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