Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 112: Xiao Huohuo vs. Nalan Yan

Tianbei City gathered from all directions, and there were gentry rangers from various sects and families.

A lot of big dogs and people watching the excitement.

After reacting from the unspeakable horror, they all took a breath.

Look terrified!

Looking at Xuan Gang walking down from the duel stage in disbelief!

"Is this true?"

"With one move, Shaolin Xuangang actually defeated Nangong Ri'an with one move?"

"This is also terrible. I used it to defend against Nangong's life-threatening hidden weapon, and then defeated Nangong Ri'an with just one move."

"But the trick just now is too terrible!"

"This is too sturdy, right? What a domineering defense, what a domineering power."

"Oh my god, this is a land-based magical skill, and Shaolin actually has two land-based magical skills."

"How is this possible? Just like this for the nine layers of the day after tomorrow, simply leapfrogging and defeating the Innate Realm?"

"Originally thought that Shaolin Xuangang's defensive skills were incredible, but he did not expect that he would have cultivated such a terrifying land-level magic!"

"Yeah, it has almost subverted my cognition. It is incredible that the land grade god's function is equal to the innate realm. I didn't expect that Shaolin Xuangang would directly defeat Nangong Ri'an with a single move."

"It's a terrifying magical skill. It's not an exaggeration to call it the strongest geological skill."

"This is the first time I have seen a terrifying existence that can leapfrog and defeat the innate realm so simply and neatly."

"Shaolin possesses two supernatural powers of geography. This is to rise to replace Wenshu Monastery and lead the Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance."

"An exquisite to the extreme Nine-Rank technique, a ground-class magical technique with strong restorative ability, a defensive magical technique that has just been defensively trained to a golden body, and a ground-class magic technique that can leapfrog the challenge and exert a terrifying force. The accumulation of Shaolin's martial arts foundation is too terrifying."

"Yes, I don't know how many martial arts backgrounds in Shaolin have not been revealed."

"Shaolin still has two duels, which are really exciting."


After Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan, these two battles that shocked the world.

The Shaolin martial arts heritage and the reveal of the martial arts inheritance have defeated Wujian Villa and the No. 1 seed of Nangong Family successively.

Shaolin gained a firm foothold from the five major gates of the Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance.

Up to now, both its influence and reputation are rising sharply. It can be said that Shaolin's current influence is no weaker than that of Wenshu Monastery.

Shaolin will have two duels next, if Wu Tian and Wu Yan can play well, especially if Wu Tian can defeat the emptiness of Wenshu Monastery.

Then Shaolin's influence and reputation will directly surpass that of Wenshu Monastery.

With the strongest posture and unmatched posture, it directly replaced Wenshu Monastery as the first in the Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance.

Become the new leader of the Tianbei City Budo Alliance.

The Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance will enter a new era.

The martial arts field is still going on, a duel between the other core disciples of the sect.

However, the audience in the audience has lost the slightest interest, and they are all discussing Shaolin's next two duels.

Especially Xuan Yuan and Xuan Gang have become the focus of discussion.

Soon, it was Shaolin's turn to confront Heng Daozong.

The Shaolin's direct disciple Wu Yan confronts Nalan Yan, the direct disciple of Heng Daozong.

Heng Dao Sect is a powerful martial art sect with martial art inheritance and martial art background, not much weaker than Wenshu Monastery.

And Heng Daozong is the same as Wenshu Monastery.

There is also inherited a piece of land quality magic.

When Xiao Huohuo enlightened Yan and stood on the duel stage, the whole martial arts field immediately burst into enthusiastic cheers and heated discussions.

"Finally waited for the Shaolin showdown again!"

"Shaolin is really amazing. I don't know if there will still be surprises in this duel."

"The three generations of Shaolin disciples, Wu Yan, the third disciple of the abbot's direct descendant, did not expect him to be so young, and he was also a step away from the day after tomorrow."

"My God, I originally wanted to worship Shaolin, but now it seems that all the disciples recruited by Shaolin are top talents."

"Just you? Want to worship Shaolin? Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan, Wu Yan and Ji Jian, which one is not the top arrogant?"

"Do you know this Wuyan? The young master of the Xiao family in Luoxian Town was an enchanting Tianjiao since he was a child. Later, his dantian was broken and turned into waste. His dantian was repaired by the Shaolin Abbot Xuanxin."

"Haha, it's more interesting. Do you know what it is? Xiao Huohuo once had a marriage contract with Na Heng Dao Zong Na Lan Yan..."

"What? There's this thing, hurry up and tell everyone..."

"Yes, Xiao Huohuo was still a waste at the time, and Nalan Yan didn't even show her face. Elder Heng Daozong came straight to the door and retired the marriage..."

"Damn, it's true? Xiao Huohuo wouldn't have been divorced and then worshipped Shaolin in despair, right?"

"Are you stupid? His dantian was repaired by Shaolin, and Shaolin martial arts has such a strong background. Is it his blessing to be able to worship Shaolin?"

"Damn, it's interesting. A Tianjiao turned into a trash, and the enchanting fiancee retired from marriage. He frustrated and escaped into the empty door. As a result, Tianjiao returned to fight with that fiancee..."

"Oh oh oh... this matchup is so interesting and interesting, I really look forward to it..."


For a while, the information about Shaolin Wuyan, especially Xiao Huohuo, was entangled in the marriage contract with the enchanting Tianjiao Nalanyan of the Heng Dao Sect before he became a monk.

Become the focus of people's heated discussion and gossip.

This is legendary when you think about it.

Xiao Huohuo turned from Tianjiao to waste, and ended up being humiliated by his enchanting and talented fiancee.

Disheartened, he saw through the world, suffered a major blow, escaped into the empty gate and became a monk in Shaolin.

As a result, Shaolin became Xiao Huohuo, allowing him to return to the ranks of Tianjiao, and one day he could stand on the duel with his former fiancee.

That Xiao Huo Huo Wu Yan, UU reading www. Can wash away its shame?

This matter, once heatedly discussed, the more blood spread, because Xiao Huohuo changed from Tianjiao to waste.

Degenerate from waste to Tianjiao.

Too legendary, and it is a classic script with a strong sense of substitution.

From all sects and families of Tianbei City, there are also gentry rangers, big dogs and small people.

Especially young men!

While chatting, he brought himself into Xiao Huohuo's role.

Followed by the blood surging.

Looking forward, Xiao Huohuo can show off his proud talent on the duel stage to wash away the shame he has suffered!

On the main stage, as the discussion on the martial arts field became more and more heated.

The gossip is extremely, and there is everything to say.

Heng Daozong An Ruyun's face turned black.


Immediately he let out a cold snort of unpleasantness.

Of course she knew that Xiao Huohuo was the current Shaolin Wuyan, and her most proud successor disciple Nalan Yan.

There was such an entanglement.

At that time, Nalan Yan was her chosen successor to the future sect. How could she be regarded as a wasteful Xiao Huohuo?

It can be said that she An Ruyun arranged the operation behind her back.

It's just that she couldn't think of it anyway.

There would be such a Shaolin, and after Xiao Huohuo worshipped Shaolin and became a monk.

Can also return to the ranks of Tianjiao.

Can still stand on the same duel stage with Nalan Yan to make such a big wave.

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