Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 114: Xiao Huohuo, smashing flowers

Nalan Yan looked at Xiao Huohuo with a complicated expression, although Xiao Huohuo put on a look at Xiao Huohuo.

No nostalgia for her.

There is no longer any gesture of friendship.

But Nalan Yan believed that this was nothing more than Xiao Huohuo, pretending to conceal herself on the surface.

Anyway, in her impression, Xiao Huohuo was a seed of infatuation.

The entanglement between her and Xiao Huohuo, Nalan Yan can say to let go.

But Xiao Huohuo would never say to him Nalan Yan just let it go.

"Okay, I've said everything I should say anyway."

"I hope you can understand, what do I really want?"

After Nalan Yan finished speaking, she stopped talking, and directly raised her hand to run the magic arts, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth swarmed into the clouds.

The dazzling blue water power circulates in her hands like water and clouds.

The duel on the martial arts stage officially began.

Hengdao Sect's supernatural skill "Shuiyun Jue" has extremely high requirements for martial arts talents, and Na Lanyan is a natural fit for "Shuiyun Jue".

Once the local magic "Shuiyun Jue" was performed, the mysterious martial arts it showed directly stunned everyone present.

On the main stage, Sect Master An Ruyun of Heng Dao Sect, Qiao's face showed a satisfied smile.

In this duel, Heng Daozong will win without any suspense!

Impossible to lose.

"Is this the Shuiyun Jue of the Heng Dao Sect's supernatural skill?"

"The goodness is like water, it can converge the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into water power, which can flow in the palm as you like."

"God, there is such a perfect goddess in the world."

"Huh, why do I feel so hot?"

"I feel it too, this heat feels weird."

"I can't tell where it's hot. If you don't feel it hot, it just feels hot and irritating."

"It seems to be in my heart, but it doesn't seem to be."



Just when everyone's attention was focused on Nalan Yan.

Xiao Huohuo on the duel stage closed his eyes.

At this moment, his blood was burning, and his spirit seemed to turn into a blazing flame that would never be extinguished.

His heart and will burned like flames.

This burning ambition has infected the onlookers in the audience.

Everyone felt a scorching sensation.

But there is no heat source there.

This kind of heat seems to be in my heart, I can't see it and I can't catch it, making people feel inexplicably irritable and uneasy.


Xiao Huohuo opened his eyes, and a divine fire suddenly ignited in his eyes with a loud roar.


Condensed all the spirits, as well as the flames of endless heart and will.

It burst out from the pupils.


Xiao Huo Huo, who was born with fire and destined to play with fire, enlightened Yan, the simple and mysterious "Fire" in the golden light of luck was ignited.

Condensed a group of divine fire.


Raising his hands, a fiery will, against the sky, the will to never bow to fate.

Rush into the sky.

This forceful, persevering, indelible will seemed to ignite the aura between heaven and earth.

The endless aura of heaven and earth gathered in front of Xiao Huohuo.

Into the sacred fire cast by two groups of spirit and spirit.


Xiao Huohuo enlightened Yan, holding two sacred fires in his hands, gritted his teeth and tried to fuse the two sacred arts together.

An indelible heart, a will and faith that will never yield.

The mind is burning like a flame.

Little by little, the two sacred fires were fused together, and Xiao Huohuo Wuyan suddenly held a group of terrifying red flame energy in his hand.

The fire element keeps surging!

The scorching energy surged away, and everyone was stunned, looking at the flame that Xiao Huohuo held in his hand with horror.

"Buddha's anger lotus."

Xiao Huohuo flew across the sky and roared to the sky and suddenly threw out the divine fire he was holding.

The terrifying endless fire element burst directly!


The sacred fire exploded, and the terrifying hot energy was suddenly released.

Fusion took place in a very short period of time, the flames bloomed and formed a mushroom cloud, and the terrifying and hot terrifying energy agitated.

The various sects and families gathered from all directions in Tianbei City.

Gentlemen, rangers, big dogs and ordinary people.

One after another took a breath!

His face was pale, his expression tranced, and he was shocked by this scorching wave of energy.

The sky is unstable.

Xiao Huohuo fell from the sky, his face pale and tired, and his spirit and spirit at this moment was extremely weak.

There is no longer any fighting power.

"The heart is as fierce as fire, and the heart of a child will never be extinguished."

Xiao Huohuo murmured to himself, he will never forget the Master, when he was passing on the anger and anger of the Buddha with his local qualities.

An exhort to him.

Do not forget the original intention!

When the endless flame exploded and burned out, Xiao Huohuo was faced with a pitch-black scorched earth.

The scorching energy hasn't completely dissipated yet, and there is still a burst of fire energy surging between the heaven and the earth.

But Nalan Yan was in a mess.

With a shocked face, standing in a deep pit of pitch-black scorched earth in disbelief.

"how come……"

Nalan Yan's beautiful eyes were full of incredible.

She couldn't believe that Xiao Huohuo really had no feelings and nostalgia for him.

The start is so heavy and merciless!

He couldn't believe that Xiao Huohuo had such a powerful and terrifying martial arts technique.

So strong, she can't stand it at all!

Xiao Huohuo really destroyed her Nalan Yan's hand, and directly sacrificed the big tricks when they met, without leaving the slightest hand...

Xiao Huohuo was going to kill her when she met, which was completely different from what she had previously expected.


Nalan Yan, who was hit hard, felt the pain of her internal organs at this moment.

The whole body was burned by a hot and terrifying force.

This hot and terrifying force circulated in the body.

She couldn't resist it at all.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the pale Nalan Yan could no longer hold on to fainting.


I saw Sect Master An Ruyun flying forward and directly picked up Nalan Yan and flew to the camp.

And Wu Yan, who was exhausted, was also helped by Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan to step off the stage.

Only a group of onlookers who were dumbfounded and speechless with a frightened were silent on the spot.

No one thought that this duel would be so short.

There is no foreplay at all.

Xiao Huohuo came up and directly zoomed in on the killer!

Then I defeated Nalan Yan!

It was so violent and terrifying, and no one thought it would be such a result.

"This long duel is over like this?"

"Just...what fights..."

"Haven't started fighting? Just now Shaolin Wuyan sacrificed a terrifying fire, and the ground burned to a scorched earth."

"I didn't really fight, Shaolin Wuyan defeated Nalan Yan with one move, and Nalan Yan didn't even have the power to fight back."

"What the **** was that just now? The bursting flames from this Shaolin Wuyan Festival are too terrifying, right?"

"It seems to be called Buddha Rage Lotus, who can take such a terrifying trick?"

"If this is replaced by me, can't it be burned directly to ashes?"

"Isn't it, Nalan Yan, who was born in the foundation of the foundation, also possesses the land-level magic Shuiyun Jue, so he was defeated by Shaolin Wuyan?"

"This Shaolin Wuyan is really cruel to destroy the flowers, and the move just now didn't leave any room..."

"This Shaolin Wuyan, as soon as he comes up, he will make a big move? He can also play it..."

"This is also terrible. These Shaolin disciples are tyrannical, and the martial arts background is so unfathomable. They are fighting for the position of the leader of the Tianbei City sect."



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