Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 122: Court rewards

Every ten years in Tianbei City, the rookie Dabi, a disciple of the martial arts league sect, comes to an end in the hustle and bustle.

Beyond everyone's imagination, Shaolin disciples took the top four.

Shaolin took first place.

All sects and families, gentry and rangers, big dogs and ordinary people after leaving Shaolin.

The entire Tianbei City was a sensation!

It was also on this day that Shaolin's reputation and influence surpassed Wenshu Monastery.

Shaolin martial arts background, Shaolin disciples Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan, Wu Tian and Wu Yan have become the objects of heated discussion among the people.

Become people's after-dinner talks.

Especially Wu Tian, ​​a five-year-old, only relying on the eightfold cultivation base of the acquired, defeated Wenshu Monastery's first day of arrogance.

The enchanting Tianjiao has become an existence that suppresses an era.

Especially by people's attention and pursuit.

It stands to reason that Shaolin won the first place. It should be the official announcement of the various sects. From now on, the Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance will respect Shaolin.

Shaolin is in charge of the Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance.

And respect Shaolin as the leader of martial arts.

Shaolin leads the various sects to guard the Tianbei City and maintain the tranquility of the Tianbei City.

However, with the exception of Baoguang Temple, Wujian Villa announced to foreign officials.

Such as Wenshu Monastery, Heng Daozong, Nangong Family, the three most influential old sect families.

There was no sound to the outside world.

Other Tianbei cities, various small sects and small families, and other prestigious gentry rangers are also on the sidelines.



Early the next morning, after the morning class was preached amidst the reverberating bells, and after all the pilgrims had left, Shaoshishan returned to peace and harmony once again.

After all the hustle and bustle, Shaolin is still the place where Buddhism used to be.

The sect disciple rookie competition ended, Shaolin won the first but failed to obtain the due status and rights.

Wenshu Monastery, Heng Daozong, and the Nangong family did not act according to the default rules of Tianbei City.

This Xuanxin is very open.

What he wants is to enhance the reputation and influence of Shaolin Temple.

With fame and influence, he can accumulate sign-in value, and he can sign-in again.

Improve your strength by signing in.

When I have the strength, can I still sit in the position where I should sit?

In this world of prosperous martial arts, after all, it is still a world where strength is respected.

Wenshu Monastery, Heng Dao Sect, and Nangong aristocratic family are nothing more than disobedience to Shaolin in terms of strength.

When Shaolin really shows its strength in the future.

They were convinced.

For this, Xuan Xin didn't feel anxious.

In the quiet and elegant abbot's monastery.

Xuan Xin incense the Buddha.

As soon as I sat down, the small butler of the temple, Xiaojiu, rode the colorful tiger and offered the freshly brewed fragrant tea.


In front of Xuan Xin, Xiao Jiu always had a flattering and pleasing spiritual expression.

"Go to work."

Raising his hand to Xiaojiu, and touching the hairy head, Xuanxin took the fragrant tea and drank it.

After Xiao Jiu left, Xuan Xin put down the tea cup.

【Abbot sign-in system】

value: 14851600

Merit value: 850

It has been nearly ten days for Xuan Xin, and he hasn't checked the information on his property panel.

After this time, the sect disciple rookie contest, Shaolin's first place greatly enhanced Shaolin's reputation and influence.

As a result, the sign-in value skyrocketed, and it didn't take long to accumulate a sign-in reward.

"Unknowingly accumulated so much merit?"

The merits directly skyrocketed by several hundred points, which Xuan Xin hadn't expected before.

In any case, merit is Xuan Xin's most important point.

Having accumulated so much merit, Xuan Xin felt very excited.


Just when Xuanxin was planning how to use so many merits in the future.

The big disciple Wuzhen came to the Abbot's Monastery.

I saw that he was over 60 years old and walked in with a tray covered with a red cloth.

"Master, this is a reward from the imperial court, sent here early this morning."

After placing the tray covered with red cloth on the table, Gozen said respectfully and seriously.

These days, the sect disciples rookie Dabi, Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan and Wu Tian Wu Yan, can be said to have made the limelight.

But he Wuzhen, as the abbot's direct disciple, has become an existence that has been ignored by everyone.

To be honest, Wuzhen was also a bit bitter in his heart.

He is too old to keep up with Wutian Wuyan's rhythm in martial arts.

"What are the rewards of the court?"

Xuan Xin couldn't help being a little curious and looking forward to the competition of the rookies of the Tianbei City sect disciples every ten years.

The first sect was not only the first in the Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance.

He is the leader of the Tianbei City Budo Alliance.

There are also official recognition and generous rewards from the imperial court and the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Although this year, Shaolin went beyond everyone's expectations and achieved excellent results in the top four with a strong black horse.

Wenshu Monastery, Heng Daozong, and Nangong aristocratic families were not convinced that they did not approve it, but the court still approved Shaolin's status in accordance with long-standing rules.

Officially recognized, Shaolin is the first in the Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance.

The imperial court admitted that Shaolin was the leader of the Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance.

Therefore, these rich rewards have already been prepared.

It was quickly given.

"Return to Master, this time the court rewarded a total of fifty thousand gold and ten Yuanyang Pills of seven grade pills."

While reporting to, Wuzhen lifted the red cloth covered on the tray. There was a gold ticket of fifty thousand taels and a white ceramic bottle on it.

Seeing the golden ticket and the pill bottle, Xuan Xin's eyes flashed, especially after hearing Wu Zhen said it was a seven-pin pill.

Xuan Xin couldn't help but breathe.

Fifty thousand taels of gold is enough to give Shaolin Temple and the entire Shaoshi Mountain a new look.

The current Shaolin Temple, except for a few decent sect buildings.

What else is there?

Doesn't the entire Shaomi Mountain, the repair and construction of the infrastructure, have to cost a lot of money?

You know, Shaolin is now the first in the Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance.

It's not just the kind of little troubles that you used to do.

At least the way down the mountain must be renovated, otherwise it won't be worthy of Shaolin's future cards.

There are many places to spend money.

With these fifty thousand taels of gold, it can be considered as a solution to Shaolin's current development needs.

Picking up the small porcelain bottle, after opening it, the fragrance of Dan was immediately tangy, which made people feel refreshed.

"Here are five Yuanyang Pills."

"Take it with you, keep one for yourself, and give the rest to Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan and Wu Tian Wu Yan."

A total of ten Yuanyang Pills, Xuan Xin divided out five, and then kept five of them.

Mainly Wu Tian Wu Yan, as well as Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan, just as the martial art is advancing by leaps and bounds, there is this Yuan Yang Dan.

Wu Tianneng can at least break through the nine layers of the acquired day.

Xuan Gang, Xuan Yuan, and Wu Tian, ​​have reached the acquired great perfection.

Just take this opportunity to build a foundation in one fell swoop.

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