Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 125: Shaolin, the golden dragon of luck

In the monk monastery, there are a total of nine rooms in the name of Tianzi, and Xuangang Xuanyuan and Wutianwuyan each live in one.

At this time, the four of them are retreating in one of them.

Only Wuzhen was cleaning the courtyard.

Ten times the speed of cultivation, plus the aid of a nine-grade pill Yuanyang Pill.

Aura swarms.

The vitality of heaven and earth converged, and at this moment, luck was soaring.

In the sky above the monk monastery, the scene of air luck presents a different vision of heaven and earth.

The air and luck are intertwined, and the mystery is extraordinary.

Among the golden light of soaring air luck, the first thing I saw was the roar of the dragon and the phoenix. This kind of air luck scene is beyond ordinary people can see.

The posture of the dragon wind complements and complements each other, and the golden light of luck rises into the sky.

Then there was a golden light of unfavorable luck rising into the sky, and a simple and atmospheric "Fire" appeared in the golden light.

Turning into the sun's sacred fire, it swept across the sky, burning through the eternal years, and finally condensed into a small sun rising up.

The sun **** fire never goes out.

The golden light of luck can also be regarded as the number of fate, such a scene is mysterious and mysterious.

It cannot be realized, nor can it be described in words.

In the posture of the dragon wind, among the roar of the dragon and the roar of the phoenix, a small sun rising up, the sun **** blazing fire.

The mutual radiance and the collision of air and luck create a spectacular scene that is extremely mysterious and complements each other.

At this moment, a vast Buddha light soared into the sky, and within that golden light of luck, this vast Buddha light appeared.

It directly suppressed the posture of the dragon wind and the little sun burning with the sun god's fire.

This Buddha light is domineering above the golden light of three qi luck.

The vast Buddha's light, the radiant rays of light, horizontally press on the posture of the dragon wind and the real fire of the sun.

The golden light of the previously shining Three Kinds of Qi Luck lost its light.

It became dimmed.

This golden Buddha light that overwhelms everything is finally condensed into a beautiful and mysterious Buddha boy.

The facial features of this Buddha boy were actually the same as Wutian who was only five years old.

If Xuan Xin is not retreating at this time.

The golden pupil of his luck can definitely be observed above this monk monastery.

A series of miraculous changes have taken place in the fortune of the weather, the long river of fate, and the golden light of luck.

There are all kinds of incredible magic.

Reincarnation of cause and effect, destiny is doomed, and a series of entanglements in Buddhism.

A series of changes are so wonderful.

The past, present, future, reincarnation, and numerology changes all seem to have foreshadowed them, and they can’t escape the mathematics...

In the golden light of luck, the Buddha boy above it, when the vast Buddha light became more and more dazzling, a strange darkness suddenly appeared under the Buddha boy's feet.

The weird dark light grew stronger and stronger.

In an instant, darkness struck, and the vast golden Buddha light merged and transformed into darkness a little bit.

At the feet of Buddha Tong, in the endless darkness, a mysterious and mysterious black magic lotus gradually condensed.

The Buddha child full of Buddha nature, at the moment when the dark magic lotus appeared.

It turns out to be a little bit demonized...

Havoc is born...

The posture of the dragon wind, the fire of the sun god, under the suppression of this dark magic lotus, the light no longer shines.

Keep dimming...

At the same time, amidst the mysterious golden light of luck, another vast golden Buddha light soared into the sky.

In this golden Buddha light, a nine-story gold pagoda of merit, exudes a dazzling light.

Numerous golden words condensed into a majestic stone stele.

This majestic ten times, seems to have endless mighty power.

The nine-story gold pagoda seems to be endowed with stone tablets.

Boundless power.


As soon as the stone tablet came out, it directly suppressed the surging dark demon energy, and the endless dark demon energy suddenly shrank.

The mysterious dark magic lotus was even a little bit hidden and disappeared.

Dark magic lotus, all the weirdness that appeared.

All catastrophes disappeared without a trace.

After the dark magic lotus disappeared, the endless dark magic energy transformed into a vast golden Buddha light.

The Buddha boy who tends to be demonized is set against the golden Buddha light.

The devilish energy faded, and it was full of Buddha nature again.

Full of spirituality.

In this series of incredible and mysterious air and luck, there is the shock of these nine-layer merit gold pagodas and stone tablets.

The Golden Light of Four Kinds of Qi Luck is set against the backdrop of the vast Buddhadharma.

It seems so harmonious.

A stable state of absolute balance and stability has been formed, which complements each other and strengthens each other.

Under the maintenance of this stable state, once this stability is broken one day, this luck will be in the long river of numerology.

There will also be a series of unexpected drastic changes...

Evolved into a series of strange darkness.

What kind of terrible catastrophe was generated.

No one can predict.

The posture of the dragon wind complements each other, plus a blazing sun god.

Form a stable corner.

Among the vast Buddha's light, the Buddha child full of Buddha nature occupies a corner, and the nine-story gold pagoda and stone tablet occupy a corner.

The coexistence of triangles forms a trend of harmony and stability.

The golden light of air luck is intertwined, gradually forming a golden dragon of air luck, and this golden dragon of air luck rises into the sky.

Leap over the long river of destiny, and finally find a quiet and elegant temple at the end of the long river of destiny.

The golden dragon of luck hovered in the quiet and elegant temple.

Early the next morning, Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan and Wu Tian Wu Yan walked out of the monk monastery.

The breath is restrained, and the spirit is united.

It is already the unity of nature and man.

Build the foundation of the innate realm.

"Nephew Wutian, have you also built a foundation?"

After the four of them looked at each other, Xuan Yuan asked with an incredible expression in his eyes.

After that, Xuan Gang and Wu Yan also turned their eyes to Wu Tian.

This is only five years old, innocent and lovely child.

"Return to Master Uncle, Master Nephew has already built the foundation of the innate realm."

Wu Tian folded his hands together and nodded obediently, without showing any complacency. UU reading


Xuan Gang, Xuan Yuan, and Wu Yan were all shocked and took a breath.

I just think all this is incredible.

It's too magical.

First of all, I won’t say how Wu Tian came. This is an insoluble mystery in Shaolin.

But everyone knows that the real veteran of Shaolin is Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan.

Then the first three generations of disciples to join was Wuzhen.

Followed by Goten.

It took less than a month for Wu Tian to join Shaolin.

Moreover, Wu Tian was only a five-year-old child, and it took less than a month from the beginning of martial arts.

Wu Tian's martial arts realm, the enchanting chase all the way.

Finally, together with Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan and Wu Yan, they built the foundation and tied the martial art realm!

This is simply shocking!

Although Wu Yan had fallen into waste before joining Shaolin, Wu Yan had accumulated a lot of accumulation.

It's not the same as Wutian, who catches up from a blank sheet of paper.

"It's too fierce, Master Wu Tian is my first master guardian of Shaolin?"

Xuan Gang, who was deeply shocked, couldn't help but doubt his position in Shaolin.

He also had to be convinced, and had to admit that Wu Tian would be in the realm of martial arts.

Quickly surpass him.

"I'll go to see Master together as soon as possible."

In the same way, the innate Wuyan who built the foundation, pulled Wutian to his side with the attitude of his brother.

It's not because Wutian's talent is better than himself.

And the heart is not balanced.

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