Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 154: About the mystery of Jindan

Shaolin Temple became the first in the Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance.

He is the leader of the Tianbei City Budo Alliance.

Influence and fame reached the peak of a moment.

Pilgrims gathered, spiritual energy revived, and the Mahayana Dharma Lotus Sutra was first taught. Xuan Xin originally wanted to take advantage of the bright moment.

Manifestation of sect construction: the trial of the ladder.

But I didn't want to, Grandma Zihua and Senior Monk Zhiyun, the two ceiling-level ancestors suddenly broke through.

Caused a great movement.

It was a sensation.

Attracted everyone's attention, no one paid attention to him anymore.

Manifestation of the construction of the sect: the trial of the ladder can only be temporarily shelved.

Although he also wanted to watch and join in the fun.

Look at the breakthrough of the two ancestors.

But Xuan Xin held his own identity again, and could only return to the Abbot's Monastery in grief.

In the quiet and elegant abbot's monastery.

Xuan Xin was sitting leisurely on a chair and drinking the fragrant tea that had just been brewed in a small wine.

A dazzling tiger that is docile like a kitten.

He rubbed his head against Xuanxin's feet.

And Xiao Jiu climbed up on the chair, stood aside and beat Xuan Xin's leg with his little paw to please.

The little spiritual expression is completely skinless and faceless.

For Xiaojiu and the dazzling tiger, it was like two ancestors making a pill breakthrough, this kind of scene was just a few small scenes.

It's not interesting at all.

The two ancestors are no different from ants in their eyes.

No interest in what happened outside.

at this time.

Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan, Wu Zhen Wu Tian Wu Yan, suddenly broke into the quiet and elegant Abbot's Monastery.

"Abbot, it's not good."

"Something happened."

A few people hurriedly came to Xuan Xin, Xuan Yuan stood up first, took a sigh of relief and calmed his mind.

Breaking through the two ancestors, Granny Zihua failed to condense the pills, and her death was wiped out.

Reported to Xuan Xin.

"Got it."

When Xuan Xin heard this, she was taken aback for a moment, and there was a storm in her heart.

Full of shock.



The ancestor of Heng Daozong, Zihua grandmother, died when she failed to break through the pill formation?

Now the profound mind has been cultivated, no matter what kind of unbelievable major event, he can do it without surprises and give people a feeling of being in control.

In fact, Xuan Xin felt very numb in her heart.

I was shocked.

Shaolin is dead, and the one who died is still such a big figure in the martial arts realm of the ceiling of Tianbei City.

"Master, if you don't help, I'm afraid that the monk Zhiyun will be more ill-fortuned."

The eldest disciple Wuzhen stood up, and he saw that after listening to his master, Gu Jing Wubo had no fluctuations in his face.

It just replied the three words "I know" indifferently

I thought that my master had already expected everything, and that these things were under control.

It's just not willing to make a move.

"Abbot, the monk Zhiyun has high morals after all."

"Moreover, Wenshu Monastery and my Shaolin belong to the same line of Buddhism. This time it happened to break through in my Shaolin place. If the two ancestors both failed to condense the pill and break through..."

Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan, Wu Zhen Wu Tian Wu Yan, seeing Xuan Xin's delay in expressing his attitude, couldn't help feeling nervous and anxious.

Guang Liang, the abbot of Wenshu Monastery, has opened his mouth and begged to come.

And this happened in Shaolin.

Just under the nose.

Granny Zihua was dead, and Zhiyun monk belonged to Buddhism after all. If Shaolin really didn't do anything.

Looking at the Zhiyun senior monk, the pill formation failed and died, so many pilgrims witnessed it with their own eyes.

It will definitely have a bad effect.

It would seem that Shaolin couldn't save him.

Of course, it would be good if the Zhiyun monk succeeded in forming a pill fortunately.

But, think about Granny Zihua, I'm afraid no one will have confidence in the senior monk Zhiyun...


Announcing the Buddha's name, Xuan Xin's expression of compassion for heaven and humanity seemed to be moved by the persuasion of Xuan Gang and Xuan Yuan.

In fact, Xuanxin was pawing her claws.

Of course he knew that it was not good for the two ancestors to die under Shaolin's eyes.

But the question is, what can he do?

It wasn't that Xuanxin couldn't save him, nor was he unwilling to help.

But Xuan Xin didn't know that Zhiyun senior monk had made a breakthrough in the formation of alchemy. What could he do if he went out?

Xuan Xin herself is just congenital Dzogchen now.

It has not yet reached the base-building period.

What can I do to help, the Zhiyun monk who has made a breakthrough?

In the realm of martial arts, Zhiyun senior monk is stronger than Xuanxin by a whole realm.

"Let's go."

Taking a deep breath, Xuan Xin stood up with a sacred attitude that he could grasp.

Although my heart is very numb.

I don't know how to solve this.

But Xuan Xin gave the disciples an inexplicable confidence.

It seems that as long as the abbot takes action, no matter how big the problem is, it won't be a problem.

It is true that she can't be an ostrich now. Grandma Zihua has already failed to make a breakthrough. The abbot of Wenshu Monastery Guang Liang prayed.

If he doesn't do anything with Xuanxin, or even show his face, wait until Zhiyun senior monk also fails to consolidate his pill and break through.

He died.

Two Tianbeicheng, ceiling-level ancestors, Qi Qi's death in Shaolin had a great impact on Shaolin.

Why did Granny Zihua die?

Under the thundering power, will it be wiped out in smoke?

The most important thing is this terrifying calamity as powerful as the thundering sky.

All martial artists, who want to form a golden core, must use the thundering heavenly miracle to temper themselves.

Polish your own strength and accumulate your martial arts into a golden pill.

And engraved his enlightenment feelings on the golden core.

That is, Dao Wen.

Under the terrifying tribulations of thundering sky, Granny Zihua has not formed a golden core and has not engraved the Taoist pattern.

I can't resist it myself.

Every warrior has a limit that he can withstand the test of this thundering robbery.

Within this limit, you must form a golden core to engrave the next Dao pattern.

Only in this way can it be considered a successful breakthrough.

Granny Zihua was in, beyond the limit she could bear, and still could not form a golden core to engrave the next Dao pattern.

All that was waiting for her was death. UU reading www.

So how can we help a person before he faces the limit of withstanding the thunder and calamity?

How about forming a golden pill as soon as possible and engraving the next Dao pattern?

In fact, it depends on everyone's perception, everyone's taste, and everyone's chance.

And it’s about luck.

Some people are well prepared, have a solid foundation, have a complete understanding, and have no flaws in their mood.

This kind of person just needs a heavenly calamity like a thundering sky.

It will come naturally, and it will naturally form a golden pill.

And engrave the next Dao pattern.

To put it bluntly, you have to be hacked to death by Thunder.

Comprehend that crucial step towards enlightenment.

You realize it.

Then it goes well, then it can quickly form a golden pill.

At that step, if you still can't realize it, then you can only be hacked to death.

Granny Zihua didn't have enough accumulation on her own, and she never realized that crucial step at the critical moment.

This is also related to a person's luck.

Qi luck is strong, and God will help it at critical moments.

Obviously, Granny Zihua is a little worse in terms of air luck and self-accumulation.

Senior Monk Zhiyun wanted to build a pill to succeed.

That must, at the critical moment, use the thundering heavenly calamity to polish the state of mind in the shortest possible time.

With a perfect state of mind and realizing that crucial step, before being chopped alive, can you realize that Dao forms a golden core and engrave the next Dao pattern.

Xuan Xin didn't know how to help the senior monk Zhiyun.

But he still walked out of the abbot's monastery surrounded by Xuan Gang, Xuan Yuan and others.

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