Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 159: Senior Monk Zhiyun worshipped Shaolin

The two ceiling-level ancestors of Tianbei City were wiped out in Shaolin.

Everyone was immersed in grief.

Many people cannot accept it.

For this reason, many people complained about Shaolin Xin.

He thought that Shaolin had done such a big battle and made such a big movement, but he didn't do anything.

Just pretend to be there and play tricks.

It's only going to be mystery there.

Just ask you, what did Shaolin do?

If you don't have this ability, don't stand up and pretend to be such a force, making everyone's expectations so high.

The result is so unacceptable.

The two ancestors died away, and the impact they caused was not small.

And just at this time.

Xuan Xin announced the Buddha's horn, which blew directly in everyone's ears.

Everyone's eyes focused on Xuan Xin again.

What everyone didn't expect, even stunned, was that a cloud of golden Buddha light appeared in front of Xuan Xin.

From the golden Buddha light, a cloud of phantom appeared, and the phantom gradually solidified and turned into a figure.

This figure is illusory and exudes an upright Buddhist aura.

Everyone felt a powerful wave of divine and soul energy.

The aura of heaven and earth swarmed, setting off bursts of vigorous wind, and the endless aura of heaven and earth condensed into a spiritual pill.

Above the spirit pill, a mysterious Dao pattern appeared.

The phantom gradually turned into substance.

The attitude of an eminent monk.

It was the Zhiyun monk who had just died and disappeared under the thundering might.

The golden light on his body dissipated, and the senior monk Zhiyun walked out of the Buddha's light, bowed down in front of Xuanxin and prayed piously.

A group of pilgrim believers were shocked and stupefied by the scene they saw in front of them.

His eyes widened in shock.

I only felt a tingling scalp, and many people rubbed their eyes.

Or slap yourself.

Can't believe my eyes.

This is not a dream, everything that I see in front of me is real.

Didn't the senior monk Zhiyun vanish under the thundering power?

How did he come alive again?

What exactly is going on?

"Am I right?"

"Oh my god, am I dazzled? Is that really the monk Zhiyun?"

"How could the senior monk Zhiyun still be alive? His physical body has been wiped out under the tribulation of heaven."

"Is it an illusion? It's not fake, is it?"

"High Monk Zhiyun is not dead, he was resurrected by Abbot Xuanxin?"

"Gosh, this is too scary, is Senior Monk Zhiyun a human or a ghost?"

"Don't talk nonsense, the breath of Zhiyun monk's body is an upright and upright breath of Buddhism, so how can it be a ghost?"

"Something's wrong, the senior monk Zhiyun is exuding waves of divine soul, his body is..."


A group of pilgrims made a direct sensation.

All of them looked excited, excited, and looked at the senior monk Zhiyun who bowed down in front of Xuanxin.

The senior monk Zhiyun didn't die, he was resurrected unbelievably.

Then what happened to the scene that they just saw, which was wiped out under the thundering sky?

They could even feel that the aura exuding from the senior monk Zhiyun, especially the spirit fluctuations, was too strong.

Guang Liang, Ji Yuan, An Ruyun, and Nangong's body trembled even after hearing the sky.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

Looking at him in amazement, the senior monk Zhiyun kneeling in front of Xuan Xin, each one was short of breath with excitement.

"The Patriarch..."

Guang Liang looked excited and rushed forward and shouted almost choked.

Before reaching out, I wanted to hold on tightly with concern.

But I found that I was caught empty.

The physical body of the Monk Zhiyun was actually nothingness.

Constructed by a mass of soul energy and aura, it looks like substance but in fact it is nothingness.

"Abbot Xuanxin, what's going on?"

"My ancestor, he..."

Grasping a space with one hand, Guang Liang looked at Xuan Xin with surprise.

Urgently want to know the answer.

"One way of martial arts, there is no shortcut."

"The senior monk Zhiyun succeeded in forming a pill and broke through the golden core stage, but he exceeded his own limit and his physical body could not bear the ashes, but the soul was saved by the poor monk.

Xuan Xin stood up, folded her hands and her face was calm, and said in a flat tone without any fluctuations in her expression.

Zongmen construction appeared before: Trial of the ladder.

Xuan Xin took the spirit of Zhiyun High Monk into it. With the test and help of the Trial Ladder, Zhiyun High Monk succeeded in making a breakthrough.

Although the body was finally wiped out in ashes, but the soul was preserved by Xuan Xin.

The current Zhiyun monk lives in the way of spirits.

The spirit pill was condensed, and the soul was placed on the sect building trial ladder.

It can be said that if it weren't for Xuanxin's move, Zhiyun senior monk would not only not succeed in forming a pill, but would also engrave the pill pattern.

Successfully broke through the Golden Core Stage, and finally survived in a spirit way.

His fate will be the same as that of Granny Zihua.

The reason why Zhiyun senior monk can survive in the way of spirit.

As a result, he succeeded in forming a pill, engraving Dao lines, and successfully broke through the golden pill stage.

And the spirit of Lai Zhiyun high monk has been integrated with the trial ladder, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to survive with this kind of spirit based on the martial realm of Zhiyun high monk.

Guang Liang, Ji Yuan, An Ruyun, and Nangong Wentian all looked stunned after listening.

Guang Liang cried with joy.

"Abbot Xuanxin's great kindness, the poor monk is here to thank you..."

Guang Liang also knelt down in front of Xuanxin, and bowed deeply to Xuanxin.

Senior Monk Zhiyun is still alive, and he has successfully broken through to become the Golden Elixir stage.

Although the body is but it is not important...

An ancestor of the Golden Core Stage, as long as he is still alive, for a sect.

It is an extremely precious resource.

"Abbot Xuanxin, my ancestor Zihua grandmother..."

An Ruyun knelt down in front of Xuanxin, the Zhiyun monk who was obviously dead.

It was resurrected miraculously.

This made An Ruyun feel a little hopeful in her heart.

"Amitabha, the poor monk is powerless."

Xuan Xin shook her head with a look of pity and regret.


An Ruyun lost her soul for a while, regretting herself infinitely in her heart. At that time, she didn't break through at the critical moment of Granny Zihua's pill formation.

Please bring out Abbot Xuanxin.

Otherwise, Granny Zihua could be like the Zhiyun monk, successfully breaking through the golden core stage and surviving in a spiritual way.

"The abbot is kind, and the poor monk is here to thank you."

"If it weren't for the abbot to take the initiative and help with the mighty power of great magical powers, the poor monk would definitely not be able to successfully form a pill, and definitely would not be able to successfully engrave the Dao pattern in martial arts.

"It is absolutely impossible to break through the Golden Core Stage, and even less able to live on the world under the support of the gods and souls under the ashes of the thunder and power."

"Shaolin recreated the poor monk, and the abbot Xuanxin is like the teacher of the poor monk."

"Today, the poor monk has been integrated into Shaolin, relying on Shaolin Buddhism, I implore the abbot Xuanxin to take in the poor monk and turn to the Shaolin school to become a monk."

In front of Xuanxin, the senior monk Zhiyun gave his disciples a big salute and worshipped again.

Very pious.

The excitement and urgency in my heart are self-evident.

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