Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 163: Before preparing to retreat

After setting up the guarding mountain formation and gathering spirit formation, the first lecture of the Mahayana Dharma Lotus and the Magical Dharma Sutra, and the construction of the manifestation sect: the trial ladder.

The urgent matters in Xuan Xin's hands are finally over.

In the next period of time, Xuan Xin was ready to retreat once, and after having the Spirit Gathering Array, the aura of the entire Shaoshi Mountain became rich.

In the future, it will become more and more dense and become a real holy place suitable for martial arts practice.

A real blessed land of Lingshan.

The current Xuanxin, martial art realm is advancing by leaps and bounds.

Has reached the congenital perfection.

But this is not enough.

With Xuan Xin's current status and status, and with Shaolin's current fame and influence, as the abbot, he only has the martial arts realm of Innate Great Perfection.

Obviously there is no place to live in town.

Xuan Xin knew this, he had to improve his martial arts strength as soon as possible.

Guangliang, Jiyuan, An Ruyun, Nangong Wentian, these martial arts giants in the northern cities and towns are all in the foundation period.

Xuanxin is the leader of them.

The realm of martial arts can't fall behind, at least it has to break through the foundation building period, right?

Now Shaolin's martial arts foundation is also the time to make rapid progress.

Xuan Gang, Xuan Yuan, and Wu Tian Wu Yan, now also broke through the innate, with the help of their talents, understanding and luck.

In the monk monastery, martial arts cultivation is supported by ten times the speed of cultivation.

If Xuan Xin doesn't speed up the improvement of her martial arts strength, she will soon be overtaken by the two seniors and disciples.

This will not work!

In addition, Wu Neng, the former chief minister of the cabinet, the Shaolin coolie bell striker is probably about to build a foundation.

Now there is Wu Yun, a strong man at the ceiling level of the Golden Core Period.

There is also the monster of Tibetan Scripture Pavilion Wuming.

It can be said that Xuan Xin has no time to delay in improving the realm of martial arts strength.

Don't let go for a moment.

When he relaxes a little bit, he, the abbot, might be embarrassed one day that he can't hold the ground.

Shaolin is about to recruit four generations of disciples, Juezi generation.

Shaolin will enter the era of great development.

In order to cope with the possibility of greater conflicts in the future, Xuanxin must break through the foundation-building period in this retreat.

After thinking about it, Shaolin is now the first in the Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance.

The leader in charge of the Tianbei City Budo Alliance.

Shaolin's prestige and status are already unshakable in Tianbei City.

Shaolin was completely shocked at the Tianbei City scene.

If you want to go further in the future, you can only develop in Beiyuan Mansion, and Shaolin will show its influence in Beiyuan Mansion.

If you want to compete for incense and luck in Beiyuan Mansion, you will inevitably encounter greater resistance.

Even if Shaolin is now the handle of Tianbei City, it can be seen from the entire area of ​​Beiyuan Mansion.

Still a small role, still a small local sect.

As Shaolin's number one abbot.

Xuan Xin must improve her martial arts strength as soon as possible.

Although Xuanxin's martial arts talent is very mediocre, but now the rejuvenation of aura fully meets the martial arts training conditions.

Coupled with the blessing of entering the martial arts at a hundred times the speed of the Shangzhang Temple.

It is not difficult to break through the foundation building period.

One month of retreat does not work, then the retreat for half a year or one year.

If it doesn't work, it will take two years.

The blessing of the abbot's monastery to cultivate a hundred times the speed of martial arts is a pig.

After a long time, it has to fly.



As soon as Xuan Xin returned to the abbot's monastery, the butler Xiaojiu immediately jumped off the tiger's back.

Dexterously waving his paws up and down gestures.

At present, Xiandao Hybrid No. 1 is growing well in the Lingzhong experimental field.

It's harvest time.

"I went to see."

After seeing Xiao Jiu's gestures, Xuan Xin quickly walked towards a remote corner of the temple.

There is a 100-square-meter spiritual seed test field.

"Xiandao Hybrid No. 1 seems to be fully mature."

What appeared before Xuan Xin's eyes was a huge golden rice field.

In the sun, it looks very dazzling, and there is a scent of rice.

The eyes are full of grains of rice ears.

On the one hand, the small wines these days have been meticulously cared for, and the farming is done well. This is also evident in Xuanxin.

This little guy, all his thoughts are spent on farming.

Also, fertilizing the little wine is the key, and this little guy has found all kinds of fertilizers that are equivalent to the natural treasures.

This makes Xiandao Hybrid No. 1 grow rapidly.

It didn't take many days before it was mature and ready for harvest.

"Hey, this is a third-grade spiritual material?"

Observing carefully, Xuan Xin discovered that these fairy rice, after the rice was fully mature, turned into a third-grade spiritual material.

The seeds of the second-grade spiritual material are planted and grown.

After maturity, he has upgraded his rank and became a third-rank spiritual material.

"This is estimated to be two to three hundred catties of rice."

Looking at his fairy rice experiment field, a golden piece of third-grade spiritual material had a bumper harvest.

Xuan Xin's heart was filled with unspeakable joy.


The little wine jumped up and down after a meal, and his little spiritual expression was full of pride and pride.

Holding a pair of paws in front of his chest, looking at a piece of golden spiritual material, there was an incomparable look in his little spiritual eyes.

It is a small wine, the holy ferret of Houtu with ancient blood, is the well-deserved father of the immortal rice hybrid.

"Have a good harvest."

"Leave a part of the seeds to continue growing, and take out the rest to Xuanyuan for consumption."

In the 100-square-meter spiritual seed test field, two to three hundred catties of three-grade spiritual rice were planted unexpectedly.

Such a high yield, such a bumper harvest, is simply unimaginable.

***, 10,000 catties per mu is not a dream.

Only a small part of the seed is needed.

Stay and continue to nurture.

There is not much left, and it will be eaten by the disciples, which will help improve the martial art state.


Xiaojiu waved his paws and gestured with excitement.

"Go ahead."

Xuan Xin raised his hand to Xiao Jiu, touched her furry head, and returned to the room after giving her encouragement.

However, before the retreat, Xuan Xin had to go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and bring the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures [Lian Hua Miao Dharma Sutra] to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion

Everything is arranged properly.

Shaolin's next major event was to recruit four generations of disciples, Juezi generation. This matter was left to Wu Yun, an experienced monk.

Xuan Xin is completely relieved, and can directly use his hand as a shopkeeper to retreat and break through with peace of mind.


With the Mahayana Buddhism [Lianhua Miao Dharma Sutra], Xuanxin came to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion again after many days.

The old monk enlightened his name, and his figure was as dead as a dead tree.

There is no breath of life.

The breath is restrained, to the point where it is completely natural.

Slowly sweeping the floor in front of the attic.

No one could see that such an ordinary and unremarkable old monk was actually a truly terrifying powerhouse.

Is Wuyun who broke through the Golden Core Stage the ceiling level?

But in front of Wu Ming, Wu Yun of Jin Dan stage is nothing more than an ant.

"I have seen the abbot."

Wu Ming, who was sweeping the floor in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, saw Xuan Xin immediately respectfully.


Xuan Xin slightly headed forehead, and stepped into the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and the old monk followed suit with his name.

"I have a book of Mahayana Buddhism [Lianhua Miao Dharma] which is the supreme enlightenment method."

"You should study more in the future."

Xuanxin was on the tenth floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and the scriptures were put into it beyond the Buddhist prohibition. Above the tenth floor, there was Buddhist prohibition.

There are Mahayana Dharma scriptures [Diamond Sutra] [Ksitigarbha Original Wish Sutra] [Lian Hua Miao Dharma Sutra]

There is also an epic level exercise [Tathagata Palm]

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