Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 173: Zangjing Pavilion Chuanwu Skills

Early the next morning.

With the addition of four generations of disciples, Juezi generation, Shaolin now seems to have a different vigor and vitality.

There is a feeling of renewed vitality.

This kind of atmosphere is unprecedented. After all, in this huge temple before, there are only a dozen monks in total.

Early in the morning, these four generations of disciples gathered together.

"Did you find out, after worshipping into Shaolin, the martial arts cultivated for thousands of miles."

"Ah, did you find it too?"

"Hi... I thought I was the only one..."

"Last night I meditated and practiced, and I felt like a god-assisted, and the martial arts improved smoothly..."

"Yeah, this kind of feeling, this kind of invigoration has never been experienced before."

"Me too last night, the smoothness of martial arts cultivation by leaps and bounds is fascinating."

"It's horrible, it feels refreshing to practice in retreat."

"To be honest, when I was practicing last night, I almost lost myself, thinking that I was a buried genius..."

"Amitabha, the poor monk did the same last night, almost thought he was a genius with a pearl and dust."

"A night of hard work is worth what I have done in the past few days..."

"Shaolin is really a place blessed by the Buddha."

"It is said that this monk monastery was bestowed by the Buddha."

"God, what kind of Dharma power is this?"

"Shaolin will surely rise and become the most powerful spiritual place in Buddhism."

"That is, the abbot Xuanxin is a monk who can communicate with the Buddha. Is this still a question?"

"Shaolin is really magical, it is the treasure land of Lingshan."

"Amitabha, fortunately the poor monk worshipped Shaolin."

"If I bury myself in Shaolin for several years, it will not be impossible to achieve innateness..."

The four generations of disciples from the Juezi generation have already experienced firsthand the magical effect of martial arts advancement blessings at three times the speed of martial arts practice in the monk monastery last night.

After some exchanges and heated discussions.

Can't help being excited.

One face flushed.

I just feel the blood surging.

The future is bright, and the future achievements are infinitely ambitious.

They all found out that they practiced in the monk monastery last night and truly experienced the magical and extraordinary feeling of traveling at a rapid pace.

The kind of martial art that is like a god-assisted, smooth wind and smooth entry into the martial arts.

It's fascinating, and it's hard to get rid of it.

Especially the two Tianjiao who came from Beiyuan Mansion, and the top ten core disciples live in the A-style Buddhist monastery.

Cultivating last night, I experienced the blessing of martial arts advancement at three times the training speed.

Now they are especially thankful that they have come to Shaolin.

Fortunately, I became the fourth generation of Shaolin disciple.

Before, they looked down on Shaolin, and they were able to stay because of Wu Yun, a strong man in the golden core period.

Now it seems that even if he hasn't voted under Wuyun's seat.

With such a miracle, the speed of martial arts practice is also satisfied.

Martial arts practice is a boring one for several people, and it is a matter of more tests of willpower.

Penance is not something ordinary people can persist.

But in the monk monastery, it is like a god-assisted, smooth cultivation effect blessing.

It is fascinating.

Make people intoxicated.

Practicing in retreat will no longer be an extremely boring thing.


At this moment, the old monk Wu was able to appear in front of the four generations of disciples in the Juezi generation.

Seeing the old monk Wu Neng, the two Tianjiao who came from Beiyuan Mansion immediately widened their eyes and looked incredible.

Shaking his whole body, he rubbed his eyes with his hand in disbelief.

"Ah... he..."

"He is... Du Du Du Da..."

Just when the two of them couldn't help but exclaimed, Jue Tian, ​​the head of the four generations of disciples, appeared beside them.

Raised his hand to pat the two of them, motioned to them and shook his head.

Only then did the two of them react.

He immediately raised his hand and covered his mouth.

Obviously, they recognized the identity of Wu Neng, and were inexplicably shocked by a former cabinet chief.

A big man who used to be under one person and above ten thousand people.

He even became a monk in this little Shaolin.

Such a shock, such a shock, was obviously too violent for them.

And Juetian's performance showed that he had known for a long time that the former cabinet chief assistant Du Tongfu was a monk in Shaolin.

Wu Neng also noticed the Juetian trio but didn't care.

"Poor monk enlightenment."

After announcing the Buddha's name, Wu Neng reported his dharma name.

"I have seen a great monk!"

All the disciples of Juezi generation respectfully saw him immediately.

The two core disciples from Beiyuan Mansion kept trembling with their heads down.

They would never have thought that Du Tongfu, the former chief minister of the cabinet, became a monk in Shaolin and was a disciple of three generations.

Such a big man actually hides as a monk in this shaolin monastery, where the mountains and water are not visible.

"The core disciple stepped forward and can choose a bronze medal. You can go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and choose one exercise method for the 9th grade. You can choose two exercises below the 9th grade at will."

"Elite disciples step forward and choose a bamboo plaque. You can go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and choose one of the eight exercises, and you can choose one of the exercises below the eighth rank."

"Handyman disciples can go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and you can choose two exercises below the sixth rank."

Wu Neng took out the prepared sign from his arms, and the four generations of disciples from the Juezi generation were short of excitement after listening.

One face flushed.

Ten core disciples rubbed their hands and removed the bronze medal excitedly.

Next, two elite disciples stepped forward to take down the bamboo tiles.

One by one gearing up, the hands trembling with excitement, the excitement inside can't wait for a long time. U U Reading

Now the entire Tianbei City, everyone knows the depth of Shaolin martial arts.

There are several local quality exercises alone.

The four generations of disciples are not qualified to choose to practice the local quality exercises.

Even the core disciples can only choose one Nine-Rank Cultivation Method to practice, which is an opportunity that many core disciples can't even dream of.

Of course, except for Juetian and the two core disciples from Beiyuan Mansion, for them the appeal of the Nine-Rank Cultivation Technique is.

Even if it is placed in their family, it belongs to the core practice.

But this attraction is also very limited.

Only the land quality technique can make them excited about it.

For elite disciples and handyman disciples, being able to choose a practice technique of rank eight or lower is already very impressive.

In Tianbei City, in addition to Wenshu Monastery, Heng Daozong and Wujian Villa, Nangong Family and other martial arts giants.

In other small sect small worlds, being able to practice a third-rank or above technique is already very impressive.

"Okay, you'll go there soon."

Wu Neng raised his hand and waved, and the four generations of disciples immediately respectfully saluted.

Then rushed towards the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in a hurry.

In Shaolin now, although four generations of disciples have joined, nothing has yet been arranged to get on the right track.

The abbot Xuanxin was in retreat.

Xuan Gang, Wu Tian, ​​and Wu Yan were also in retreat.

Only Xuan Yuan, Wu Zhen and his Wu Neng were in charge of Shaolin affairs.

They won’t be free until everything is on the right track...

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