Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 179: 4 years of inheritance family

Four generations of disciples have been living and practicing in Shaolin for a whole month.

Today, a four-generation disciple Zongmen Grand Competition was held.

Jue Tian broke through the Nine Layers of Hou Tian and became the well-deserved leader of the four generations of disciples. On the bright side, Jue Tian is the most talented existence among the disciples of Jue Zi generation.

He is also a veritable big brother among the four generations of disciples.

In this month, basically every four generations of disciples have achieved a certain level of breakthrough in martial arts.

The overall strength can be said to have improved a lot.

In this four-generation disciple Zongmen Grand Competition, Jue Yuan's martial arts strength is still acquired triple.

Still in the eyes of others, the most mediocre handyman disciple.

Among the four generations of disciples, it can be said that there is no sense of existence,

"My Shaolin is really a Buddhist holy land, and the Buddha blessed me to wait for the martial arts practice to advance by leaps and bounds."

"In less than a year, I will be able to reach the nine-fold the day after tomorrow."

"The monk monastery is the abbot of Xuanxin, the miracle given by communicating with the Buddha, and you can perceive the mystery in daily practice..."

"In less than ten years, I will inevitably build a foundation, which is something I couldn't imagine before I joined Shaolin."

"Now that I am waiting for four generations of disciples, the martial arts practice is so smooth, and within ten years my Shaolin can rise to become a first-class sect force in Beiyuan Palace."

"I don't think it will take ten years. After five years, Shaolin will be able to compete with the four major families of Beiyuan Mansion."

"Be conservative. After three years, Shaolin will be able to compete with Lin, Ye, Chen, Wang and the four big families."

"Big brother Juetian, martial arts talents are outstanding, I don't think it will take a year to build the foundation of the innate."

"I heard that the few Tianjiao of Wu Zi generation have been retreating in the monk monastery?"

"Yes, the Wutian of the Wuzi generation has already built a foundation at the age of five. This time he will be able to go even further when he retreats."

"Oh my god, you really are the enchanting Tianjiao who has overwhelmed an era!"

"Wu Tian is only five years old, and he is listed in the Wu Zi generation. It is not unreasonable that the second disciple of the abbot Xuanxin's prose biography."

"Wu Tian's talent is also in the Beiyuan Mansion, and the contemporary Tianjiao can't raise his head."

"Wait, one year later, I Shaolin will definitely be on par with the four great families."

A group of disciples of the Juezi generation were chatting after a meal.

Can not help but become more and more passionate.

Shaolin has great potential.


Shaolin is now the first in the Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance, and is the leader of the Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance.

If you want to expand its influence and continue to enhance Shaolin's reputation, you can only develop towards Beiyuan Mansion.

The Beiyuan Mansion has always been controlled by the four great families.

Lin, Ye, Chen, and Wang are four thousand-year-old inheritance families, and the heads of these four great families are all strong in the Jindan stage.

In addition, there is an ancestor of the four great families who is also in the golden age.

The martial arts heritage, the strength of inheritance.

It is simply unimaginable.

Among the four generations of disciples, the Jue Zi generation among them, the chief disciple Jue Tian.

That is Ye Tian.

They are the four major families, the core disciples of the Ye family's thousand-year heritage.

With the Ye Family's current strength and background, it does not seem necessary to come to this remote place to become a monk.

Shaolin wanted to increase his reputation and influence in Beiyuan Mansion.

Want to stand shoulder to shoulder with the four thousand-year heritage family.

Strength is not enough.

But in the eyes of these four generations of disciples, Juetian, who was born in the core disciple of the Ye family in a thousand-year heritage family, is included.

I have to admit that Shaolin's background and potential will be on par with the four great families in a few years.

Show your influence in Beiyuan Mansion.

It is even possible that Shaolin will become the super sect that governs Beiyuan Mansion, and the four thousand-year-old inheritance family will have to condescend under the influence of Shaolin.

Just when a group of four generations of disciples chatted easily after a meal.

A gray-clothed middle-aged man with a messy breath and anxious face rushed to the mountain with a wind blowing figure under his feet.

This person has an extraordinary background at first glance.


With a scream, the middle-aged man rushed forward, and a slide leaped in front of Juetian.

A group of four generations of disciples, Gu Shi looked at the gray-clothed middle-aged man.

When he came to Shaolin, he called Juetian the young master. This is because this middle-aged man is a servant of the Ye family of a thousand-year-old family.

Look at his expression, and an anxious posture of slippery kneeling and falling to the ground.

Presumably something big happened.

"Three butlers, why are you here?"

"Hurry up, please."

Juetian quickly raised his hand and helped the third housekeeper who was kneeling on the ground up.

These three housekeepers were indeed the servants of the Ye Family.

Jue Tian was obviously surprised by the arrival of the third housekeeper.

At the same time, Juetian couldn't help but a hint of unknown premonition emerged in his heart.

Ye Jiatangtang has a thousand-year heritage family, one of the four great families that controls the Beiyuan Mansion, and can make a housekeeper butler anxiously kneel and pounce on it.

This kind of thing has never been encountered in the Ye family for decades, so it can be seen that what happened to the Ye family is certainly not small.

Everyone's eyes focused on Jue Tian and the third steward.

They all want to know, what happened to the Ye family?

Although I really want to know, if people give a signal and don't want to let outsiders know about their own affairs, everyone will leave wisely.

"Young Master..."

The third housekeeper was lifted up, his eyes flushed with grief and tears.

Did not signal to Juetian.

It means that UU reading Ye Family doesn't mind, or don't care about letting outsiders know.

"Say, what's the matter."

Ye Tian became nervous, and asked the third housekeeper with a look of concern.

"Old ancestor..."

"The ancestor was attacked yesterday by a treacherous man and fought for hundreds of rounds. Unfortunately, he died of poison and fell..."

The words of the third housekeeper were like a bolt from the blue, making Jue Tian tremble all over, his face full of horror.

His eyes widened, and he looked at the third housekeeper in disbelief.


The four generations of disciples were shocked after hearing this.

This is definitely an extremely shocking and heavy news...


"Come back home!"

Jue Tian's face was expressionless, but his hands were trembling, which shows how uneasy his heart is at this time.

The Ye family is a family with thousands of years of inheritance, and the head of the family is a strong man in the golden era.

In addition, there is also an ancestor who is also the real strongest person of the Ye Family, who is the strongest person in the Jin Dan stage.

The ancestors of the Ye family have inestimable significance and influence on the Ye family.

To a certain extent, the existence of the ancestors of the Ye family is much more important than the owner of the family...

His fall was an extraordinary event in the entire Beiyuan Mansion. The Ye Family lost an ancestor, which brought a major reshuffle of the disputes between the four major clans.

The intricate disputes are also immeasurable for the entire Beiyuan Mansion.

Juetian didn't even have time to ask his master Wuyun for instructions.

Just turned around and bowed to the Daxiong Hall.

He took the third housekeeper and turned and went down the mountain.

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