Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 183: Break through the barriers and complete the foundation building

After a trance, Jue Yuan fully awoke.

There is a feeling of rebirth.

Consciousness returned to the body, Jue Yuan opened his eyes, and all kinds of enlightenment flashed in his eyes, and Jue Yuan realized that he was kneeling outside the abbot's monastery at this time.

"Poor monk Jueyuan, Shaolin Dharma."

Jue Yuan was muttering almost unconsciously, and the whole Shaoshi Mountain appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, one tree by one brick and one tile.

Both are still clearly visible.

There is also the mysterious and unspeakable ten-thousand-character Buddha's language, forming an array pattern spreading over the powerful mountain protection formation of Shaoshi Mountain.

Jue Yuan couldn't help but raised his head, looked at the sky and looked at the feet...

Although he couldn't see anything, Jueyuan knew that the ten thousand-character Buddha language, this mountain guarding formation was real.

Moreover, he feels far away, now he has integrated with the great formation of protecting the mountain.

As long as the person is in Mount Shao Shi, he Jueyuan can use the power of the mountain protector to become an existence like a **** of war protector Shaolin.

He bowed to the abbot's monastery.

"This is my chance."

"True, visible, tangible."

Jue Yuan knelt on the ground, kissing the land under his feet.

At the moment, his mind is clear and clear.

Feeling more secure than ever...

In the past, the chance he thought of, the ancient relics he thought of, he thought that by cultivating silently, he could shock people all over the world.

It's just rootless duckweed, everything is illusory, like dreamy bubbles.

They are not really obtained through their own efforts.

Now is his real opportunity for Jueyuan, he has relied on and Shaolin is the most solid reliance in his heart.

He felt that Yuan had faith in his heart, and the sacred and stalwart figure of Abbot Xuanxin became the most pious sustenance in his heart.

At this moment, he felt that Yuan had truly integrated into Shaolin.

Bathing in the sun and breathing fresh air is a feeling of detachment.

The feeling of nirvana rebirth.

This is the way he Jueyuan pursues.

Keep your feet on the ground, step by step.


After announcing the Buddha's name, Jueyuan stood up. At this time, Jueyuan was full of temperament.

Great changes have taken place, and there is a refreshing and refined.

Like a spring breeze, a sense of change is happening.

In the past, Jueyuan was an ordinary, even unremarkable existence, the kind of person who would never notice.

Jueyuan now makes people feel cordial, comfortable, sunny, upright and upright, making people feel like a spiritual nature.

It is as dazzling as a piece of uncut jade, a treasure that has come to the world.



"I have seen brother..."

"Have you had breakfast?"


Holding a broom, Jue Yuan smiled confidently and calmly on his face, greeting the four generations of disciples and seniors who passed by.

It attracted a group of four generations of disciples to stop and look at Jue Yuan's back.

Stunned for a while...

"who is this……"

"This kid is also from my Shaolin family..."

"How come I have never seen this kid..."

"It's a bit of an impression... I remember, the four-generation disciple handyman disciple Jue Yuan..."

"This kid is a sweeping monk, but how do I feel that he is... a bit..."

"This kid is a little handsome today... He has a temperament in every aspect..."

"It's weird, this kid has been alone before, how does it feel different today."


The changes in Jueyuan are from the inside out, his inner temperament and outer breath.

There have also been great changes in personality and way of doing things.

Gives people a very comfortable feeling.

Really reborn.


In the quiet and elegant abbot's monastery.

In the Zen room.


Xuan Xin let out a muddy breath, and when he opened his eyes, there was a burst of charm and sharpness in his eyes.

Receiving power and standing, a wisp of entangled air breathed in from the nose.

Ten thousand golden lights linger around the body, and each golden light contains ten thousand words of Buddha.

"I didn't expect such a coincidence to happen."

There was a flash of enlightenment in his eyes, and the ten thousand golden lights lingering around his body merged into Xuanxin's body.

This retreat lasts for a month.

This was something Xuan Xin hadn't expected.

It has never been so long in retreat.

I was thinking that it would be good for this retreat to break through the congenital Dzogchen and reach the foundation building period.

Unexpectedly, due to a coincidence, a four-generation disciple Jue Yuan realized that the ten thousand-character Buddhist language opened up the protection of the mountain.

Xuanxin not only broke through and reached the foundation building period, but also completed the foundation building...

It is only one step away from forming a golden core and reaching the golden core period.

The one-month retreat not only broke through a big realm, but also reached the critical point of breakthrough.

This is very incredible.

Extremely exaggerated.

It is also against the sky.

This is true, Xuan Xin has gained strength step by step, relying on her own efforts.

For one thing, there is the blessing of the abbot's monastery to practice martial arts at a hundred times faster.

One month's time, that is a full one hundred months.

Secondly, it is the great formation of guarding the mountain, the power of the ten thousand-character Buddha language.

Xuan Xin didn't expect that this Jueyuan was actually the destined person who started the mountain protection formation.

"Four generations of disciple Jueyuan..."

Xuan Xin muttered to himself for a while, he has now fully understood what happened.

The four-generation disciple Jueyuan joined Shaolin with a relic.

However, what he didn't know was that this was a devil bone relic that could kill him, and he thought it was the greatest opportunity of his life.

This demon bone relic awakened little by little with the help of the power of the ten thousand-character Buddha language of the mountain guarding formation.

At the same time, it gave Jueyuan sweetness.

Let Jueyuan's martial arts cultivation realm advance by leaps and bounds like an exaggeration against the sky.

In the end, this demon bone relic was in the abbot's monastery, and it would absorb enough power of the awakened ten-thousand-character Buddha language.

At the same time, Shaolin's protection of the mountains was launched.

Just when the demon bone relic awakened, a demon monk who had been sleeping for an unknown number of years woke up and tried to seize the body of and tried to replace Jueyuan...

At this time, Xuanxin completely mastered the power of the ten thousand-character Buddha language of the mountain guarding formation, and after waking up from the retreat, he killed the demon monk and spirit in the demon bone relic in his backhand.

Using the power of the Buddha's power of the ten thousand-character Buddha language, the demon nature of the demon bone relic was thoroughly purified, and finally the demon bone relic that was purified by the demon nature was used.

Fill the eyes of the guardian formation.

It was with such a coincidence that Xuanxin not only broke through and reached the foundation building stage.

And it's a complete foundation.

And completely controlled the mountain protection formation, and controlled the power of the ten thousand-character Buddha language of the mountain protection formation.

Now Xuan Xin can open the mountain protection formation at any time.

It's just that this great formation of protecting the mountains cannot be opened easily, and it is less than the critical moment of life and death.

Xuan Xin wouldn't open the mountain protection formation.

Just the power of the ten thousand-character Buddhist language is enough to make Xuanxin complete the foundation and challenge all the powerhouses of the Golden Core Stage.

In other words, the current Xuanxin does not have the martial art realm of the Jindan period, but as long as the person is in Shaolin Temple in Shaoshishan.

It has the strength to defeat any strong man in the Golden Core period.

This is the power of the Ten Thousand-word Buddhist Words of the Guarding Mountain Array...

In addition, the four-generation disciple of Jueyuan also followed the gains, and Jueyuan, who became a Shaolin protector, merged with the Great Mountain Protector.

Jueyuan can also use part of the power of the Wanzi Buddhist Words to bless himself.

In other words, Jueyuan can also leapfrog the challenge.

Jueyuan now is also the foundation of Great Perfection, and he already has the strength to fight against the Golden Core Stage powerhouse...

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