Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 186: Rub Shaolin on the ground

Four thousand-year-old inheritance families, with the Beiyuan Mansion first-class, family elders and a group of elite disciples.


Go to Shaoshi Mountain with great momentum.

At this time, Xuan Xin was in the abbot's monastery, watching this scene through the mirror image of the little wine demon pupil.

The movement under the mountain can be described as a panoramic view.

Nothing was done, Xuan Xin just watched quietly.


A group of four generations of Juezi generation disciples were alarmed.

All ran out of the monk's monastery, each looking nervous and anxious. The sudden occurrence of this kind of thing caught them off guard.

They are facing four thousand-year-old inheritance families, as well as the elders and elite disciples of a large family in Beiyuan Mansion.

Although Shaolin was the first in Tianbei City, its current reputation and influence are not to be compared with those of the four thousand-year-old family.

It is this Beiyuan Mansion, which can be picked up by a large family of first-class people.

They are not comparable to Shaolin.

With such a big battle and such a big scene, these four generations of disciples are naturally afraid and uneasy.

There is even a kind of sect that survives.

The sense of crisis of extinguishing the door.

Although I was apprehensive and knew that Shaolin disaster was imminent, none of the four generations of disciples flinched. Everyone gathered together to face the four thousand-year inheritance family.

Although it seemed weak in terms of momentum, none of the four generations of disciples retreated, but chose to stand with Shaolin.

Undertaking together, facing such a test of life and death, they chose to stand with Shaolin at the critical moment.

This shows how strong Shaolin's cohesion is!

How strong is the centripetal force!

For a general sect, when faced with such a life-and-death crisis and test, let alone the four generations of disciples who have just joined for a month.

Even the core disciples of the sect, not necessarily able to stand up and take the pressure head-on.

I'm afraid the catastrophe is imminent and flew separately.

Hearing a little wind, I don't know where to hide, or choose to betray and stand on the opposite side of the sect.

When leading the party...

"How is it possible that my Shaolin has always been upright, so how can I hide the big demon?"

"In today's battle, I'm afraid Shaolin is in danger..."

"Just come around the door, they are deceiving too much by doing so."

"I'm waiting for the four generations of Shaolin disciples, and I absolutely can't shrink back at critical moments."

"Hurry up and inform Abbot Xuanxin that..."

"That's Senior Brother Juetian. He is from the Ye family of a thousand-year-old inheritance family. I didn't expect that he would stand opposite my Shaolin..."

"What should I do? Abbot Xuanxin is still in retreat, the two high monks Xuangang and Xuanyuan are also in retreat, and other disciples of the enlightened generation are also in retreat..."

"Yes, relying on me to wait for four generations of Juezi generation disciples, how can I cope with such a scene..."

"Don't be afraid, everyone, there is still a senior monk Wuyun..."

"I Shaolin is not a soft persimmon that people still knead..."


A group of four generations of Juezi generation disciples, although no one chooses to retreat at this moment, they are faced with the elders and elite disciples of the four thousand-year heritage families and the families of Beiyuan Palace.

Still feel the unprecedented pressure.

It is inevitable to feel nervous and uneasy.

At this moment, the only thing that can support them is the existence of the sacred and stalwart in their hearts, the abbot's profound heart that resembles the existence of gods and Buddhas in the world.


Juetian pronounced the Buddha's name, looked at his former brothers, and now looked at himself with hostile eyes.

Inexplicably complicated in his heart...

But there is no way.

He can only stand on the side of the family, even if he feels pain in his heart, he can only choose to sacrifice Shaolin for the benefit of the family...

This is a painful choice...

After today, there will be no four generations of Shaolin disciples, the chief disciple of the Juezi generation, Juetian.

Some are just Ye Tian, ​​the core disciple of the Ye Family!

"Senior brothers, please get out of the way, the big demon is hiding in Shaolin."

"My four-thousand-year-old family laid a net to kill this demon."

"Shaolin needs to be searched!"

Ye Tian stood up, a touch of complexity flashed in his eyes after speaking, and finally closed his eyes.

I saw a group of four generations of disciples, all of them furious...

what is this?

You say that when Shaolin hides the Great Demon, you hide the Great Demon?

What is the basis?

What is the evidence?

Nothing, just greet the mighty and greet you come up the mountain without killing them?

Open your mouth to search Shaolin.

what is this?

This is not to put Shaolin in his eyes at all, and it is even an insult to Shaolin.

After all, Shaolin is also the first sect in Tianbei City, the leader of the Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance, so it would be too domineering.

Unreasonable, the red fruit rubbed Shaolin on the ground.

Whatever you say?

Have you ever asked about Shaolin?

If you talk about searching, just search, what happened to Shaolin?

In Shaolin, did you kill the fish on the sticky board?

At this moment, a sense of indescribable humiliation arose in the hearts of the four generations of disciples!

All of them frowned. Although they didn't say a word, the meaning was obvious...

Four generations of disciples swear to die...

"What are you doing? Little Shaolin, dare to be with me in Beiyuan Mansion, a four-thousand-year-old family of inheritance?"

"I don't know how to live or die, how many jins and how many ounces in my heart?"

"Let's look for death, so spineless one by one?"

"Fool, get out of the way, or Shaolin will have to kill the door."

"Shaolin is just a small sect in a remote area of ​​Tianbei City. Who has given the courage and courage to the four thousand-year-old family of Beiyuan Mansion?"

"Looking at this, we are not allowed to search..."

"The place where Buddhism is clean, hiding this great demon, Shaolin is also a place where dirt and dirt are hidden."

"The mayfly shakes the just wait for the sect to be destroyed."

"Shaolin is trying to cover the big demon."

"A bunch of **** get out, this big demon can't get away..."

"It's so stupid, a bunch of stinky fish and shrimp, don't you have any strength in your heart?"



A group of elite disciples from various families in the Beiyuan Mansion, who had high self-esteem, saw that the four generations of disciples had the courage to stand up hard.

At the critical moment, they can still stand together.

At that time, he showed contempt, sneered and sneered at him.

These four generations of disciples are simply too stupid, don't you have any points in your own strength?

Still stubborn at this time?

Isn't that looking for death?


At this moment, the light of Buddha suddenly appeared in the sky, and a sound like thunder blasted in everyone's ears.

The four generations of disciples were excited and looked at the Buddha's light with joy.

That looming, gradually revealed figure.


That is, the former Zhiyun monk.

Wu Yun, a strong man of the Golden Core Stage, stood up at the critical moment, which gave the four generations of disciples more confidence in their hearts.

After all, they are not facing a level of enemy.

That was several levels far beyond them, and for them it was once an unattainable existence.


Ye Tian opened his eyes, and there were complex emotions in his voice.

For him, during the month of living in Shaolin, he has gained tremendously in martial arts.

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