Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 190: The collapse of confidence

In the duel between Ye Tian and Jue Yuan, the strength between the two was very different.

This is beyond doubt.

But what people didn't expect was that the disparity in strength between the two was that Ye Tian's strength was far less than that of Zhiyuan.

At this moment, Ye Tian had already tried his best.

And what about Jueyuan?

At this moment, Jueyuan stood there with his back to Ye Tian, ​​his brows remained motionless without frowning, allowing Ye Tian's gang wind energy to hit him constantly.

He was unscathed.

It looks like an ant is biting an elephant.

The four generations of disciples from the Juezi generation in Shaolin were stunned, and the elders and elite disciples of the four thousand-year heritage families in Beiyuan Mansion were stunned.

They did not expect such a result.

It seems that there is only the acquired three-fold, ordinary handyman disciple sweeping monk.

He has been pretending to be pigs and tigers all the time.

Although this Jue Yuan hasn't shot yet, it can be seen that his strength is far above Ye Tian.

This is an enchanting talent.

At least it is the innate realm.


Just in the midst of everyone's stunned eyes, Jue Yuan announced the Buddha's name.

While waving his hand, an invisible force grabbed Ye Tian behind him, and then threw it aside.

The strength gap is too great, and Jue Yuan doesn't even bother to do it.

This move between Jueyuan casually. ,

Let this confrontation look more like a farce, as if a child jumped out, wanting to fight an adult without knowing how high it is.

The adults allowed the children to throw their fists into a mess.

Finally, impatiently, he slapped the mischievous child to the ground.

It's that simple...


Ye Tian was exhausted at this time. Although he did not suffer a slight injury, he knew that he was not Jueyuan's opponent at all.

This is the crushing of absolute strength.

It was a deep sense of powerlessness, and he faced a behemoth like an ant.

At this moment, Ye Tian discovered that the clown was actually himself.

Suddenly, he fell into a trance.

His self-confidence, his pride, his aptitude for pride, it turned out to be such a strangely ordinary person as Jue Yuan.

The handyman disciple sweeping monk who has no sense of existence and is not taken seriously.

Give to press on the ground ruthlessly rubbing.

A kind of depression and depression that has never been seen before, spontaneously arises in Ye Tian's heart...

"Hehe, it turns out that I, Ye Tian, ​​is nothing at all among the four generations of Shaolin Jue's disciples..."

Ye Tian's face was desperate, and at this moment he couldn't help but laugh at himself. He thought he was the first of the four generations of Shaolin disciples.

Senior Brother Jue Zi generation.

The younger brother of the Ye family, the young Tianjiao, is an absolutely important and decisive existence for Shaolin.

He chose to stand on the side of the family. Such a choice was a crucial choice for Shaolin.

It now appears that he was really wrong.

The senior disciple of Jue Zi generation, the chief disciple of the four generations of disciples, is not important to Shaolin at all.

He chose to abandon Shaolin and stand on the side of the family, which is not even important to Shaolin, he Ye Tian was in fact to Shaolin from beginning to end.

It's just an insignificant, unimportant role.

Without him, Ye Tian, ​​Shaolin would not lose anything at all...

He values ​​himself too much.

Look at Jue Yuan, who is also fourteen or five years old. He is the same age as Ye Tian, ​​and he is just a handyman in Shaolin.

And he is also a sweeping monk.

On weekdays, no one pays attention at all, no one notices, but they have martial arts strength and enchanting talents.

But he beat him Ye Tian...

At this moment I, Ye Tian felt that he was more ridiculous as a joke.

He didn't know Shaolin at all.

Shaolin's background is truly unfathomable, and a hidden dragon like Jueyuan has emerged!

Everyone's eyes focused on Jue Yuan's body.

Full of shock.


Everyone is speculating about what strength this Jueyuan really is.

Because from the beginning to the end, Jue Yuan had never made a move, and he couldn't see his true strength at all.

From the perspective of breath, Jue Yuan is just an acquired triple layer.

But now, who would believe that Jueyuan has only acquired triple strength?

Everyone knows that Jue Yuan's martial arts aura, but nothing more than performance and disguise, his true martial arts strength and martial arts realm are at least above the innate realm.


At this moment, a cold hum exploded in everyone's ears.

It seemed to be a thunder in the sky.

It makes people feel excited.

Everyone came back to their senses, even though this kid Jue Yuan had the enchanting talent to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

But don't forget that the four thousand-year-old inheritance aristocratic family is here, and the four Patriarchs are still sitting in the sedan chair. Each Patriarch is a strong man in the Golden Core Stage.

Especially the Lin Family Patriarch, the head of the four thousand-year heritage family.

His martial arts strength is even more unfathomable.

The No. 1 master of Beiyuan Mansion, the first genius since the age of Beiyuan Mansion.

According to legend, this Lin Family Patriarch's martial arts strength has reached the Golden Core Stage Dzogchen, and he is a truly peerless strongman!

Shaolin wanted to confront the four thousand-year-old inheritance family.

That is simply seeking a dead end.

Even with the arrival of the King of Heaven, Shaolin is not qualified to fight against the four thousand-year inheritance families, and even Shaolin does not even have the qualifications to look at the four thousand-year inheritance families. UU reading

"What a Shaolin, what a four-generation Shaolin disciple."

"Jue Yuan, right, you are outstanding."

I saw a middle-aged man who was not angry but elegant and easy-going came out of the gorgeous sedan chair of the Ye family.

He is gorgeously dressed, showing the domineering dignity and superiority between his gestures.

Walking out of the sedan chair, his eyes were fixed on Jue Yuan.

It can be seen that the face of the Ye Family Patriarch is full of admiration and appreciation for Jue Yuan.

This is completely the look of the seniors looking at the back.

"Beijing Yuan Palace, it hasn't been out for decades, it's a arrogant man like you."

Patriarch Ye Patriarch carried his hands on his back and couldn't help but complimented Jueyuan, and Jue Yuan was the Patriarch of the Ye Patriarch with a face that was neither humble nor arrogant.

To show respect.

"Tian'er, know your shame and then be courageous. This can be regarded as a sharpening for you."

The Patriarch of the Ye Family didn't criticize Ye Tian too much. To tell the truth, this confrontation became a farce.

It's not because Ye Tian is not good enough.

It was entirely because it was too enchanting and beyond everyone's expectations. Even the four patrons had never thought that such an inconspicuous kid could pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

I really asked him to stand up and pretend to be.


Desperate, Ye Tian took a deep breath, stood up and silently returned to the Ye Family camp.

For Ye Tian, ​​he wanted to regain the confidence he once had.

It is not so easy.

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