Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 194: Tianpin Divine Art Dzogchen

Everyone's eyes focused on Jue Yuan's body.

Everyone wanted to see whether Jueyuan, who built the foundation of Great Perfection, and Jueyuan, who had cultivated his heavenly powers, was able to challenge a North Yuan Palace.

Decades of strongman in Jindanqi!

Everyone is watching Jue Yuan make a move.

The huge Tathagata phantom already possessed the terrifying power of heaven and earth, and suddenly turned into countless palms.

Palm after palm shoot out.

In an instant, a thousand palms came out, a thousand gang wind energy, a powerful palm with the power of heaven and earth.

Intensively attacked towards the Ye Family.


I saw Patriarch Ye take a breath, and he suddenly flew into the air while flying in the void.

The expression is solemn.

Faced with these thousand palms, he possesses terrifying palms with the might of heaven and earth.

It can only be constantly shifting.

Between the dodge, the thrills continue to make people frighten.

While dodging in embarrassment, Patriarch Ye had to release his body-protecting qi, while constantly resisting...

Facing this move of Jueyuan, he possessed the power of heaven and earth to show the power of heaven and earth.

Heavenly rank martial arts martial arts, the dignified Golden Core Stage Ye Patriarch, can only passively meet passive defense.

He has no time to take care of him, and he has no power to fight back.

Every action is extremely thrilling.

Looks embarrassed.

Everyone looked at Patriarch Ye in amazement, looking at the terrifying dense palm prints with the power of heaven and earth.

The phantom of the Tathagata like a god, the thousands of palms shot by the thousand hands...

It was so terrifying...

Jue Yuan dared to attack Patriarch Ye, and Jue Yuan mastered Heavenly Grade Divine Art is already very surprising.

But what people didn't expect was that.

As soon as Jueyuan made a move, the Heavenly Grade Divine Art was so horrible that it made the dignified Golden Core Stage Ye Family Master embarrassed...

Between the reversals, Jue Yuan actually had the absolute upper hand.

"Is this the Heavenly Grade Divine Art? It's as powerful as this, it's terrifyingly terrifying..."

"This... how could this be? Patriarch Ye can hardly resist..."

"Hey, Jueyuan actually took the upper hand in the duel by virtue of his Heavenly Grade Divine Art."

"This Heavenly Grade Divine Art is too strong, right?"

"Zhu Ji Dzogchen's Jue Yuan, with his Heavenly Grade and Divine Art, completely suppressed the Jin Dan stage Ye Patriarch."

"Oh my god, Jue Yuan leapfrogged the Golden Core Stage's Patriarch Ye, it was already incredible, I didn't expect..."

"Is this the Heavenly Grade Divine Art? Not only can it leapfrog challenge, it can even leapfrog suppression..."

"Jeyuan, this guy is too enchanting, it's terrifying..."

"Will Patriarch Ye couldn't catch it? Will he be defeated by Jueyuan..."


Following the Beiyuan Mansion, the elite disciples were dumbfounded and frightened with heated discussions.

Suddenly, because of a word, I fell silent...

Will Patriarch Ye be unable to catch Jueyuan's heavenly power?

Will Patriarch Ye be defeated?

In the heated discussion, because of such a sentence, it suddenly became quiet, and it was terribly quiet...

Jueyuan, a wicked Tianjiao who built the foundation of Dzogchen.

Dare to take action against the Jin Dan stage's Ye Patriarch.

Dare to leapfrog and challenge, this is originally a very incredible thing.

However, what people didn't expect was that Jueyuan actually took the upper point with his Heavenly Grade Divine Art, and completely suppressed Patriarch Ye...

Patriarch Ye, who was passively defensive, was even overwhelmed at the moment.

Looks embarrassed...

Suddenly, someone came up with such a sentence: "Will Patriarch Ye fail to catch it? Will Patriarch Ye be defeated by Jueyuan..."

In the hearts of everyone, it caused a huge shock, which was like a bolt from the blue sky.

This should have been like a fantasy.

It's a ridiculous sentence, but the problem is that between the reversal of the duel, everyone is in full view.

Everyone could tell that Patriarch Ye really couldn't catch it.

It seems that Jueyuan will really be defeated...

It's so unbelievable, something like the Arabian Nights, turned out to be something that is extremely likely to happen...

In fact, Patriarch Ye at this time was indeed almost unable to support it.

"Brother Ye, I'll wait to help you."

At the critical moment, Patriarch Chen and Patriarch Wang flew out of the sedan chair.

The volley flew across the sky and rushed into the sky.

Four thousand-year-old inheritance families, three masters, family master Ye, family master Chen, family master Wang, three martial arts masters who ruled the Beiyuan Mansion for decades.

They actually stood together.

The three of them flew across the void, back to back and shot together, and soon they all took over the horror.

Thousand palms with the power of heaven and earth.

It was resolved by the three Patriarchs.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time they felt far in their hearts.

It becomes even more unattainable.

Shaolin's fame and influence also unknowingly rose to a higher level, and everyone felt a sense of awe towards Shaolin inexplicably.

In the hearts of the four generations of disciples in the Juezi generation, Jueyuan also became a legendary existence.

Leapfrogging to challenge the golden core stage powerhouse, the Heavenly Grade magical martial arts suppressed the Ye Family Master out of breath.

In the end, it was up to three Jindanqi Patriarchs to join forces.

Only then did Jue Yuan's move be resolved.


"Tianpin Divine Art, how can you practice to Dzogchen depending on your age..."

Patriarch Ye was pale, panting for a while, looking completely embarrassed.

He was unexpectedly caught by a fourteen-year-old boy.

It was for this reason.

It stands to reason that Jueyuan's martial arts realm is absolutely impossible to force him to this level, and the gap between the foundation of Dzogchen and the Jindan stage is like a sky.

It is insurmountable.

Even if Jue Yuan had cultivated the Heavenly Grade Divine Art, it was far from impossible for him to be overwhelmed.

To the point of being so embarrassed...

But what he never expected was that this Jueyuan had actually practiced his heavenly powers to Dzogchen.

This thing is as incredible as hell.

What is the concept of Dzogchen?

Patriarch Ye, he has practiced a whole life of terrestrial supernatural powers, and has not yet practiced to Dzogchen. Your only fourteen-year-old Jue Yuan has actually practiced supernatural powers to Dzogchen.

How does Patriarch Ye accept this?

Whoever it is, you have to collapse...

The Jueyuan of the Great Perfection of Tianpin Divine Art, not only has the strength to leapfrog the, it can even defeat the powerhouse of the Golden Core Stage.

Just exaggerate...

At this time, it was not only Patriarch Ye, with an incredible face, and his heart was full of jealousy and fear.

Even Patriarch Chen, Wang Jiazhu, looked at Jue Yuan with the same look in his eyes.

The face is full of fear and fear...

Everyone present was shocked.

"What kind of monster is this Jueyuan?"

"He's really just a four-generation disciple of Shaolin Jue's generation, and he is also a handyman disciple sweeping monk?"

"How did he do it to reach Dzogchen?"

"The Heavenly Grade Divine Art Great Perfection, not only can leapfrog the challenge, but Jue Yuan also has the strength to defeat the Golden Core Stage powerhouse..."

"God, Jue Yuan actually forced the three Patriarchs to take action..."

"Shaolin is also amazing. He actually cultivated a monster like Jueyuan..."

"Is this Jueyuan's trump card? The Shaolin guardian is as strong as this..."


A group of elite disciples from Beiyuan Mansion, as well as the four generations of Shaolin disciples Juezi generation, all looked at Jueyuan like monsters.

Because of Jue Yuan, Shaolin was covered with a veil of mystery in the hearts of everyone.

At the same time, a man in black was hiding in the dark, observing in secret.

After seeing Jue Yuan, who had practiced his heavenly powers, and even reached Dzogchen, his heart was shocked...

The eyes are full of incredible...

After Jueyuan showed his martial arts power to build the foundation of Dzogchen, he was shocked by the hiding in the dark...

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