Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 200: Satoru at the ceiling level

Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian, both were strong in the late Jindan period.

And both of them are equipped with special skills.

They are all martial arts arrogances of an era.

The power of the moves between the two, the collision of martial arts strength, is very terrifying.

Especially when the two of them competed with each other's internal energy and the strong wind and vigor, the center of the two struggles was thrown in a hard granite stone.

It will also turn into powder in an instant.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the old monk Wu Ming looked so weak that he could not help but have a dying old man.

The sickness is crooked and trembling, even in full view.

He walked straight to the center of the strong wind generated by the wrestling force.

Ignoring them completely, Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian, these two martial arts masters of the Golden Elixir period.

It's so casual.

Then Gona had nothing to do.

Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian, the surging internal energy of the two, was like a clay cow hitting cotton in the sea.

There is no focus at all.

Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian both had horror on their faces, as if they were hell.

Immediately receive meritorious service and stand.

Looking at the old monk Wu Ming incredulously.

The two closed their hands at the same time, and the gust of wind and the strong wind suddenly disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, in the Buddhist scripture pavilion, the old monk Wu Ming, Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian, and the four generations of disciples of Juezi generation outside the Buddhist scripture pavilion.

There are also elders and elite disciples from various families in Beiyuan Prefecture.

Everyone was extremely shocked, looking at the old monk Wu Ming as if he had seen a ghost.


The air is exceptionally quiet.


The old monk Wu Ming announced the Buddha's name, and after seeing both of them put their hands up, he walked tremblingly and tidied up.

The movements are slow, and all the tricks and secrets that have been overturned are organized one by one.

As if it had just happened, it was not a big deal at all.

"Unexpectedly, a little Shaolin has hidden a world-famous person like his predecessor."

Patriarch Lin couldn't help taking a breath, he could see that the strength of the old monk Wu Ming was definitely above him.

Moreover, the martial art realm is so high that he will never be able to match it in his life.

The deadly battle between him and Li Wentian just now.

In front of this old monk Goming, they were playing like two children, and the two of them were like ants in front of him.

Even Satoru didn't bother to shoot.

This is definitely an expert, and he is truly powerful to the ceiling level!

In today's world, this is already a powerhouse who stands in front of the pinnacle and overlooks the sentient beings of the whole world.

Patriarch Lin's heart was full of fear at this moment.

How could such a high-level man with a ceiling in the world be in such a small Shaolin in such a remote area?

"I have seen seniors."

Li Wentian breathed a sigh of relief and respectfully bowed to the old monk Wuming.

Just now he was fighting to the death with the Lin Patriarch, he was completely at a disadvantage, if it weren't for the critical moment, Wu Ming would stand up.

He was probably defeated and died tragically in the hands of Patriarch Lin.

Li Wentian also knew that the old monk in front of him was a real strong and real expert.

"Donor Li, you have been in Shaolin for more than a month."

"Every night at Yinshi I sneaked into the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, looking through my Shaolin technique secrets in a mess..."

The old monk Wu Ming said helplessly as he cleaned up.

Li Wentian was shocked. It turned out that he was hiding in Shaolin this month. What he did and the small movements, every move was under the attention of this senior.

I think it's secret, I think nobody knows it.

Now I know that I jumped up and down like a clown.

This senior knows everything, even Shaolin knows everything, but he has always been disdainful of shooting him.

"Junior convicted."

"I shouldn't disturb the clean land of Shaolin Buddhism..."

Li Wentian was straightforward and honest, knelt down and recognized his mistake.

He was guilty, and his sin was hiding in Shaolin, and he broke into the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion privately to read Shaolin's martial arts secrets.

Also copied Shaolin’s Heavenly Pin Technique [Thousand-Hand Tathagata Jue]

This is a thief, this is a serious sin, placed in other sects, this is an unforgivable sin.

Secondly, because he provokes so much right and wrong, four thousand-year-old inheritance families gathered in Shaoshishan to besiege Shaolin, disturbing the clean land of Shaolin Buddhism.

Let Shaolin, who had nothing to do with this grudge, get involved.

"Remember that night, Li Shi practiced the secret technique [Bone Forging Sword] Dacheng, and suffered the pain of ten thousand swords and ten thousand ants and bones."

"The poor monk couldn’t bear it, so on the fourth floor where the donor often looked up, he put in an article on the essence of the Buddha’s method of washing bones, hoping that the donor could calm down and study and comprehend carefully, but he didn’t want the donor to look at it Just throw it aside."

"Now that the bone poison eats the heart, it is difficult to eradicate, and the deadline is approaching..."

"It's a pity, sigh..."

The old monk Wu Ming turned his head and glanced at Li Wentian. He didn't mean to blame at all, his expression of compassion was a pity.

Li Wentian practiced the secret technique, and he had achieved it.

The bone poison possessed the body, and the pain of the heart was bitten. Wu Ming originally couldn't bear it, so he put a book of "Bone Washing and Bone Refining" in the essence of Buddhism in the place where Li Wentian often looked.

In the hope that Li Wentian can calm down, study and comprehend carefully, understand the Dharma in it, and use the Supreme Dharma to detoxify the bones.

Unexpectedly, under this Li Wentian flipping through, UU reading www. When didn't see it as a martial arts secret, it just abandoned it with a look of disgust.

Now that bone poison eats the heart, the gods are also hard to save.


"Master, do you know the secret technique of [Bone Forging Sword]?"

"Yes, for the sake of revenge, the younger generation is eager for quick success and quick success. Now they suffer from the pain of ten thousand swords and the pain of ten thousand ants and bones every night..."

"It turns out that this bone poison has a method of resolving bones, washing the marrow and refining bones...I remember, isn't that the Dharma..."

Li Wentian was shocked, shocked and Wu Ming actually knew the [Bone Forging Sword] secret technique, shocked that Wu Ming knew his physical condition well.

At the same time, Li Wentian still had regrets in his heart.

Regretting that night, he failed to calm down, and carefully looked at the life-saving method of "washing the marrow and strengthening the bones"...

Li Wentian knows his physical condition, and knows that his life is approaching, and it will be hard to save the gods...

"Monk, disciple Jueyuan, beg you to save my second uncle."

Upon hearing this, Jueyuan rushed in and knelt in front of the old monk Wu Ming, begging.

For Jue Yuan, Li Wentian is his only relative in this world.


The old monk Wu Ming sighed and shook his head helplessly.

Now even he is powerless to deal with the bone poison in Li Wentian's body, and there is a silent force in his hands that moisturizes things.

He helped Jueyuan up.

Ignoring Jue Yuan, he turned his head to look at the Lin Patriarch, and said: "Lin Shizhu, your Heavenly Rank Martial Skill [Yi Lei Jue], is there an article [Chi Xin Su Q]?

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