Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 204: Law Name Fuhu

This little wine and gorgeous tiger, after a long time, actually wanted to become a monk in Shaolin.

Worship under the seat of Xuanxin.

This was something Xuan Xin could not expect.

I was surprised, and also incredible.

What do you think of a little ferret, a mighty and powerful tiger, wanting to become a monk?

The matter itself is funny.

But it is not impossible to think about it, this little wine and the colorful tiger's spirituality is almost a demon.

Are there any monsters in the legends of the Buddha world?

Whether it is a monster or a monster, it is possible to become a Buddha.

"How about this…"

The corners of Xuan Xin's mouth raised slightly, and he couldn't help feeling a little bit dumbfounded. He raised his hand to touch the heads of Xiaojiu and the colorful tiger respectively, nodded and said: "I will accept you as registered disciples."

"You are allowed to become monks in Shaolin, but you must abide by my Shaolin rules and precepts in the future."

"Focus on the Buddha, participate in Zen and enlighten the Dharma, put your mind on the Dharma, and make a positive contribution to the development of Shaolin."

As soon as Xuan Xin's voice fell, the little wine jumped with excitement.

The colorful tiger was also crawling on the ground with excitement.

"Small wine is a fine wine."

Xuan Xin randomly assigned Xiao Jiu a dharma name, nothing else meant it was a random dharma name, turned his head to look at the colorful tiger, and said: "Your dharma name Fuhu..."

This doesn't mean anything else, I'm too lazy and want to pick a law number casually.

Of course, Shaolin Fuhu has all, and it’s not certain whether there will be more Jianglong in the future...


Xiaojiu was so excited that he waved his paws and danced.

After getting the dharma title, he jumped on Fuhu's back with excitement, and rode Fuhu to the quiet and elegant courtyard.

After a short while, Xiaojiu came back riding on Fuhu.


Xuan Xin's eyes widened, and he looked at Xiao Jiu with a look of surprise, only to see Xiao Jiu who came back again, riding on Fuhu's back and furry body.

He even wore a mini robes.

Small body, also wearing a brand new mini monk clothes, also wearing a mini version of the monk hat on his head.

Put your claws together.

Pretending to be a monk's posture and demeanor.

It looks very funny, and also very funny...

"This little guy was prepared early, and even the robes and caps were tailor-made in advance."

Xuan Xin couldn't help but shook his head amusingly, Xiao Jiu, the little guy, had prepared everything in advance, looking at this brand-new red robe and monk's cloak.

Very compact and mini.

The little guy, Xiao Jiu, has taken great pains, and it seems that he really intends to become a monk in Shaolin in the future.

The ancient Buddha of the blue lantern has served the Buddha.

It's just that in the future, if you want to quit drinking and rebooting, I don't know if this little guy really sees the world.

"What does Fuhu wear on his head?"

Xuan Xin discovered that although this tiger had no robes and monk hats, it was wearing a golden hoop on the head of the tiger.

This golden hoop is engraved with dense Sanskrit.

In this view, it is a Buddhist instrument.


Xiaojiu jumped up and down on Fuhu's back to explain the origin of this golden hoop.

"It's really a Buddhist artifact..."

After seeing Xiaojiu's gestures, Xuan Xin didn't understand the origin of this golden hoop, but knew that it was indeed an ancient Buddhist artifact.

"Wear it, it looks pretty..."

Xuan Xin looked at it, and the Buddhist artifact he was wearing on Fuhu's head was novel in style and very domineering.

If you want to know what kind of magical artifact this is.

What is the specific use.

It takes a certain amount of Dharma accumulation of high priests to carry out sacrifices, and after refining, this Buddhist artifact can be reactivated.

At present, only the martial arts realm is the foundation of Dzogchen.

The Dharma has accumulated enough, but the strength in the martial arts is not enough to sacrifice such a magic weapon.

At least it has to wait until the golden core period to completely refine this magical artifact. Maybe you can really find a treasure at that time.


Put on the robes, put on the monk's clothes, the little wine wearing the monk's hat was very excited.

Sao Pao ran to light three sticks of incense.

Then, holding the joss stick, ran to Xuan Xin and made gestures...

"Okay, you don't have to do the shaved ceremony..."

Seeing Xiaojiu's gestures, Xuan Xin couldn't help feeling a little speechless. You don't need to hold any shaved ceremonies for the strangers like you.

There is no need to poke ring scars on both of you...

The head is covered with hairs, so it might be burnt up directly.

"Go out and do errands, let Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian kneel outside the monastery."

Let Xiaojiu and Fuhu bother these two weird flowers in such a way, but it has delayed Xuanxin's business affairs.

Xuan Xin is ready to use the power of the Dharma and the ten thousand-character Buddha language.

See if it can be resolved, the bone poison and evil spirits in Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian, if they succeed, Shaolin will add two super masters.

Influence and reputation will also be greatly enhanced.

Shaolin will become the supreme of Beiyuan Mansion and the super sect of Beiyuan Mansion...

At this time, outside the Buddhist scripture pavilion, the old monk Wu Ming knelt down and bowed in the direction of the abbot's monastery.

Li Wentian and Patriarch Lin kowtowed one after another in the direction of the abbot's monastery.

Everyone looked at the Abbot's Monastery.

"Um, is this Abbot Xuanxin unwilling to make a move?"

"It's been so long, UU reading should be unwilling to save people."

"It's not unwilling, but the Abbot Shaolin is also incapable..."

"I think so, the strength of this monk is unfathomable, even he can't save Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian..."

"Although Abbot Xuanxin is a living Buddha, after all, his cultivation is still shallow and too young..."

"Although Shaolin is a Buddhist holy land, it has risen too fast..."

"The gods and monks have said that Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian have reached the point where it is difficult for gods to save them. Abbot Xuanxin is probably not sure."

"Oh, that's over, I'm afraid my Beiyuan Mansion will be in turmoil..."

"With the Shaolin monk present, the chaos will definitely be chaotic, but it will not be a big chaos. Shaolin can still shake the place."

Everyone's eyes focused on the direction of the abbot's monastery.

After finding that there was no post-mortem movement after waiting for a long time.

The atmosphere then became restless.

The four thousand-year-old inheritance family, the four ancestors are no longer there, if the Lin family leader also falls, then the martial arts power of the entire Beiyuan Palace will be surging.

Usher in the change of reshuffle.

Just when everyone thought that Shaolin Abbot would not make a move.

Wearing a red robes, a monk's clothes and a cap, watching the funny and ridiculous little ferret riding a gorgeous tiger appear in front of everyone.


With a low roar, the tiger roared, everyone's faces instantly paled, and a group of elders and elite disciples from various families in the Northern Yuan Palace.

Gu Ye showed a look of horror.

There are even people who tremble and wet their pants in public...

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