Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 209: Xuan Xin's 7th sign-in

Xuan Xin carefully planned it out, and the three generations of disciples Wuzi generation are still full of talents.

Those who are over sixty years old have come to realize the truth.

Wu Tian is a five-year-old child.

The two direct disciples are both key figures at the core of Shaolin's future development of Qiyun.

Plus, Wu Yan, Wu Neng, Wu Yun, Wu Ming...

The Wuzi generation is definitely the mainstay of Shaolin.

Shaolin now has four generations of disciples from the Juezi generation, and it is estimated that the scale of the four generations of disciples will be fully expanded in the future.

The four generations of disciples are the foundation, and the so-called high-rise buildings rise on the ground.

A true super sect, the real foundation is composed of these low-level disciples, ordinary and mediocre disciples.

For these low-level disciples, there is actually no need to have high demands.

In fact, there is no need to set too high requirements for talent, understanding, luck, even if it is xinxing.

These low-level disciples only need to have cohesion, and they only need to be loyal to the sect.

Shaolin's future development will become a super-large sect. Expansion will definitely be in all aspects. At that time, these four generations of disciples at the bottom will be able to play a vital role.

The leader or representative among the four generations of disciples of the Juezi generation.

It is Jue Yuan.

The foundation of the Great Consummation will definitely break through to the Golden Elixir period in the future, and Jueyuan can borrow the power of the mountain protection formation as a Shaolin protector.

Combat power is no small thing, leapfrog challenge with one battle and three is not a problem.

You Jueyuan has become the benchmark for the four generations of disciples, and you can imagine the cohesion of the disciples at the bottom.

"Strength is always not enough."

In this retreat, Xuan Xin opened the mountain protection formation by a coincidence because of Jue Yuan's chance.

Rely on the power of the mountain guard to break through to achieve the foundation of the Great Perfection.

It can be said that in the realm of martial arts, Xuanxin is advancing by leaps and bounds as if it has been opened...

Think about it carefully, the Xuanxin a few months ago is still the triple layer of the acquired, and now in less than half a year, the foundation has been built to complete the Great Perfection...

Isn’t this horrible increase in martial arts strength?

If you say it, you have to scare people to death.

However, it shouldn't be said, even though Xuanxin's martial arts strength has improved very much.

It's already very open.

But the martial arts strength is still not enough, the reason is that Shaolin has risen too fast.

"We must break through the Golden Core period as soon as possible."

As Shaolin abbot, Xuan Xin's martial arts strength must at least have a golden core stage to see.

Today, Shaolin is regarded as the supreme martial artist of Beiyuan Mansion.

The martial arts leader of Beiyuan Mansion.

In the four thousand-year-old inheritance family, several patriarchs are all strong in the Jin Dan stage. As the supreme martial artist, Shaolin wants to stabilize the four thousand-year inheritance family.

The martial arts strength of the abbot Xuan Xin is of utmost importance.

At least you have the realm of Jindanqi, and people have nothing to say in martial arts...

The key Shaolin has now reached this height. As the chief abbot's martial arts ability to pull the hips, to be honest, it has a little impact on the reputation and incense of the entire Shaolin...

"No way, you have to retreat again."

Xuan Xin didn't know whether Shaolin's development would go to a higher level after breaking through the Golden Core Period.

If Shaolin's development is to a higher level, then he might have to retreat...

It's not on the way to improve the strength of martial arts, or on the way to improve the strength of martial arts.

【Abbot sign-in system】

value: 18006400

Merit value: 21300

[Congratulations to the host for getting a sign-in reward]

Opening the attribute panel, Xuan Xin found that the sign-in value had been greatly improved.

Have gained an advanced level.

This time, after four thousand years of inheritance, the martial arts power of the entire Beiyuan Mansion gathered to besiege Shaolin.

A series of events are triggered.

In the end, Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian, the two top masters of the Golden Elixir, paid their respects to Shaolin.

It can be said that Shaolin's incense and luck, fame and influence have been greatly improved, and Shaolin's development has reached a higher level.

Shaolin nowadays is the well-deserved martial arts supreme of Beiyuan Mansion.

The true martial arts leader.

The sign-in value was greatly increased, and Xuan Xin received a sign-in reward for this.

Sign-in rewards are hard to get until now, unlike in the beginning, you can get a sign-in reward once you just talk about the scriptures.

Now it must be Shaolin's strength or incense belief.

Quality improvement and changes occur.

In order to accumulate enough sign-in value to get a sign-in reward.

"Now you can sign in again."

With full of anticipation and excitement, Xuan Xin couldn't wait to take a look.

What can I gain from signing in this time?

Cultivation cheats, Buddhist texts, supernatural power skills, and sect construction, these profound minds have all been obtained through sign-in.

Xuan Xin has signed in six times so far.

For the first sign-in, he received the epic-level Tathagata palm, the Mahayana Buddhist Sutra, the Nine-Rank Cultivation Boy Buddhism Kungfu, and the magical golden light.

Sign in for the second time, get the golden pupil of luck, the rosy robe, the nine-ring tin rod, and the purple golden bowl.

For the third sign-in, it was basically Zongmen construction, Daxiong Hall, Shanmen Stone Tablet, a gift package of basic exercises, and a Buddhist artifact Muyu

For the fourth sign-in, all were Zongmen Construction, Bell and Drum Tower, Abbot Monastery, Monk Monastery, and Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Signed in for the fifth time, and obtained the Mahayana Buddhism of the Ksitigarbha Mantra Sutra, supernatural powers: Sanskrit, Xiandao Hybrid No. 1, Spirit Seed Experiment

On the sixth sign-in, Xuan Xin won the mountain protection formation, the gathering spirit formation, the trial ladder, and the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures Lianhua Miao Dharma Sutra. UU reading

It can be said that although Xuan Xin did not check in many times, the rewards obtained from each check in were extremely huge.

It's also because, after signing in again and again, the tremendous gains he has gained have made the Xuanxin of today and Shaolin today. Without this sign-in system, Xuanxin is nothing.

Shaolin is nothing but a small mountain temple.

Xuan Gang, Xuan Yuan, Xuan Xin, and the three brothers nestled on this Shaoshi Mountain and even had a problem with food and clothing.

"What can I get when I sign in for the seventh time?"

With anticipation, Xuan Xin couldn't help rubbing her hands, very eager to try.

This is the seventh time to sign in. Can the gains help Shaolin?

To the next level?

"Sign in."

With full of anticipation and excitement, Xuan Xin couldn't wait to see, what can I gain from signing in this time?

Today's Shaolin is really thriving.

Reached the highlight moment.

Through the sign-in time and time again, the achievements and situation of today are achieved.

The old monk Huineng, if there is spirit in the sky, he saw Shaolin, under the leadership of Xuanxin, develop from a small temple in the wild to the supreme martial arts of Beiyuan Mansion today.

The true martial arts leader.

I don’t know if I’m so relieved...

But to be honest, when the monk was dying, he suddenly passed the position of abbot to Xuanxin.

It's really a stroke of magic...

Of the three disciples, the young disciple Xuan Xin was the most crotch. How the old monk Huineng suddenly opened his body with a flash of inspiration.

Did you choose to hand over the burden of the sect to Xuan Xin?

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