Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 216: Smooth transition period

Xuanxin's whispered French made the two of Zhiguang Zhiwen very excited.

I just feel that I have a bright future.

The future can be expected.

Now they are no longer obsessed with further advancement in martial arts.

I am more obsessed with the understanding of Buddhism, and I am more obsessed with improving martial arts wisdom to become an existence like an old monk's enlightenment.

"This original Tathagata palm is my Shaolin Town Temple magical skill."

"You take it and read it, carefully comprehend the practice."

After placing the legendary technique [Fudo Mingwang Seal], Xuan Xin picked up the epic technique [Tathagata Palm].

Passed it to Zhiguang Zhiwen.

Now that Xuan Xin has this legendary-level exercise, he naturally loses sight of the epic-level exercise method Tathagata Palm.

If it should be passed on, it has to be passed on.

I can't keep holding it in my own hands.

This epic-level exercise technique Tathagata palm requires at least innate martial arts strength to practice Dzogchen.

Xuan Xin estimated that Xuan Gang, Xuan Yuan, and Wu Tian Wu Yan, a few direct disciples should be able to achieve congenital perfection after this retreat.

This epic-level exercise [Tathagata Palm] can be passed down.

"The disciple thanked the abbot."

After taking the exercise, Zhiguang Zhiwen couldn't help but worshipped again and again with excitement.

Although they still don't know what level of practice the Tathagata Palm is, they can imagine that it can be placed on the tenth floor of this Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

It must be very good.

You must know that even the Heavenly Grade cultivation technique is not qualified to be placed on the tenth level with the prohibition and protection of Buddhism.


Nodded in satisfaction, Xuan Xin announced the Buddha's name and stepped downstairs.

The old monk Wu Ming is closely behind him.

Zhiguang Zhiwen also got up immediately and went downstairs with the treasure of Tathagata.

When Xuan Xin came downstairs, the tenth level of Dharma power restraining energy appeared again. After Xuan Xin left the Buddhist scripture pavilion, the old monk Wu Ming went up to the tenth level again...

I went to look at it, and the legendary level exercise that Xuan Xin had let go.

And Zhiguang and Zhiwen opened the [Tathagata Palm] together and discovered that it was an epic-level pure Buddhist technique.

Feeling excited inexplicably.


In a blink of an eye, another few days passed.

Shaolin is already in a stable period of rapid development.

Xuan Xin's current martial arts strength is in the foundation of the Great Perfection, and he is not in a hurry to break through the closed doors.

Sometimes retreat requires a time and opportunity.

Rather than shutting down.

In Xuanxin's current situation, even with the added body of Qi Luck, he still has the blessing of a hundred times the speed of cultivation at the Abbot's Monastery.

Every one and a half years, it is impossible to successfully break through the golden core period.

On the contrary, he calmed down. Maybe when he felt the time and opportunity, it would take two or three days to retreat and break through the pill formation.

The main Xuanxin is waiting, waiting for Xuangang and Xuanyuan, as well as Wuzhen, Wutian, and Wuyan to leave the gate.

I want to see what breakthrough they have made in their martial arts advancement.

Since the four thousand-year-old inheritance family announced to the outside world that Shaolin is the supreme martial arts leader.

In these days, Shaolin's reputation and influence have rapidly expanded to the entire Beiyuan Mansion, and stories and legends about Shaolin have spread throughout the Beiyuan Mansion.

Shaolin's prestige gradually reached its peak during these peaceful years.

These days, there are countless pilgrims who come here admiringly.

Come to Shaolin to visit or worship Buddha.

The incense of Shaolin also reached its peak at this time. Every day, there are endless pilgrims and believers going up the mountain to burn incense and worship Buddha.

Contribute to incense faith...

These days...

Xuan Xin basically had nothing to do. He was in the abbot’s monastery every day, attending Zen rituals to the Buddha while drinking tea leisurely...

Take care of the spirit seed test field with the steward Xiaojiu.

At present, the Spirit Seed Test Field has cultivated Six-Rank Spirit Seeds, which are all high-quality spiritual materials that can be planted.

Xuan Xin had an idea to try out spiritual seeds that had reached the sixth rank.

Promote planting throughout Beiyuan Prefecture.

Shaolin is now the supreme martial arts leader of Beiyuan Mansion and his unshakable position.

Unite a group of core families and sects, and distribute Six-Rank Spirit Seeds to them for planting and management.

In the future, after planting is successful and all harvests are harvested.

Shaolin can directly collect 30 to 40% of the rent.

The Shaolin Spiritual Seed Experimental Field can cultivate a large number of high-quality spirit seeds every year...

These spirit seeds are distributed, and they can only be planted once.

The seed is monopolized by Shaolin.

In the future, we can bring a steady stream of resources to Shaolin. With resources, we can fill up Shaolin's shortcomings in cultivation.

At the same time, Shaolin can firmly condense the hearts and minds of the families and sects of the entire Beiyuan Mansion.

Spirit seeds are only available in Shaolin.

And after they took the spirit seeds from Shaolin, and then carefully planted and cultivated a good harvest, they could also obtain extremely rich returns.

In this steady development, one month passed quietly.

With the cohesion of incense faith.

As fame and influence continue to rise...

Shaolin In the entire Beiyuan Mansion, the foundation of the supreme sect leader of martial arts was thoroughly consolidated.

This month, Xuan Xin was basically in the Shaolin Temple.

They would never leave the gate of the abbot's monastery.

Xuanxin is no longer what it used to be, preaching the scriptures every day...

They rarely even show up in front of the disciples.

His image is becoming more and more mysterious in the eyes of the disciples...

Mystery made Xuanxin tall. U U Reading

The disciples are becoming more and more devout...

What Xuan Xin was worried about right now was when Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan still had three direct disciples leaving the customs.

"Disciple Jueyuan, meet the abbot."

The Xuanxin person was in the temple, but the four generations of disciples, Shaolin Fa-guard disciple Jueyuan's voice rang in his ears.

"come in."

Xuan Xin took a sip of tea, put down the tea bowl, and said lightly.

Shaolin now has four generations of disciples, plus Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan and several direct disciples who are in retreat.

As a Shaolin guardian and representative of the four generations of disciples, Jue Yuan has become the only monk in charge of affairs in Shaolin.

Since the last time I feel that Yuan has played against the sky.

The intrepid strength and the enchanting talents are shown in front of everyone, whether it is in Shaolin or the entire Beiyuan Mansion.

They have all become legendary existences.

Particularly admired by the four generations of Shaolin disciples.

Jueyuan is in charge of Shaolin affairs, and it can be said that he has no dissatisfaction internally or externally.

Xuan Xin was very satisfied with Jue Yuan, even though Jue Yuan had his current status in Shaolin, he still didn't rush and sink his heart to worship the Buddha in Zen.

Also doing the work of his own handyman disciple sweeping monk.

This energy is enough to show that the far-sightedness and potential are immeasurable.

Soon, Jue Yuan entered the abbot's monastery and showed respect and respect to Xuanxin.

"Sit down and talk."

Jue Yuan must be here to report something, and it is generally a major event related to the development of Shaolin.

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