Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 222: Unparalleled influence

In the abbot's monastery, Xuan Xin learned about the recent progress and breakthroughs made by two seniors and four other disciples in martial arts.

In addition, there are three generations of disciples Wu Neng and Wu Yun.

Shaolin's high-end combat power is broad and intelligent.

Shaolin guardian, four generations of disciples Jueyuan, the backbone of Shaolin.

As far as the current Shaolin martial arts inheritance, and the martial arts strength can be regarded as a basic understanding.

I knew it well.

Today is Shaolin, the first time to hold a puja after becoming the supreme martial arts leader of the Beiyuan Mansion and the sect leader in charge of the right to speak.

It is extremely lively.

The days that caused a sensation in the entire Beiyuan Mansion.

At the foot of Shaoshi Mountain, a group of gentry rangers and casual repairers from Beiyuan Mansion gathered together.

He wanted to go up the mountain, but was stopped by a group of core elite disciples from the four thousand-year-old family.

Can't go up the mountain, the games that once drew their swords when they didn't agree with each other, but at this moment they had to endure it and didn't dare to complain.

Even these martial artists can't climb the mountain.

Let alone those ordinary pilgrims.

"Have you heard? In one month, Shaolin will recruit five hundred four-generation disciples?"

"Hehe, who doesn't know the entire Beiyuan Mansion now?"

"This is definitely an opportunity for you and me..."

"Let's pull it down, five hundred places, four thousand-year-old inheritance families, and large sect families in various cities and towns. How many Tianjiao disciples can't crush their heads?"

"Yes, how can we have our share?"

"There are only five hundred places, we casual cultivators have no chance at all."

"Hehe, you are mistaken. I remember that last time, Shaolin recruited four generations of disciples. Most of the Tianjiao from the first-class family of Beiyuan Mansion were unsuccessful. Instead, many mediocre civilians in Tianbei City became the fourth generation disciple."

"Yes, it seems that Shaolin's selection of four generations of disciples is not only based on martial arts qualifications and identity background."

"I have a friend who was the lucky one in the selection of four generations of disciples last time. He told me that the most important thing in the selection of Shaolin disciples is xinxing. The key is to have a heart of kindness and devotion to the Buddha."

"In this way, even if I am waiting for martial arts talents, and the identity background is not comparable to those of the big sects and big families, as long as we are sincere enough to have a Buddha in our hearts, there will be a chance?"

At the foot of Shaoshi Mountain, a group of blocked Sanxiu martial arts, as well as civilian warriors and rangers.

We are discussing the selection of the four generations of Shaolin disciples a month later.

Now in the entire Beiyuan Mansion, among the younger generation of warriors, the most concerned event is the selection of the four generations of Shaolin disciples.

Everyone is gearing up.

People's hearts are just around the corner.

Because the selection of Shaolin's four generations of disciples is not because of your martial arts talent and background.

Can be selected.

The previous time, the selection of the four generations of Shaolin disciples has already explained this problem.

In the selection of the four generations of Shaolin disciples, the most important thing is xinxing, which is a test of whether you have a heart to Buddha.

The martial arts aptitude is second.

As for the identity and background, Shaolin doesn't care at all.

Shaolin is a place where Buddhism is pure, and there is no way of exchanging benefits at all.

This time Shaolin held a Fa conference, and it was also an opportunity to establish absolute prestige.

It was a landmark event that Shaolin became the leader of Beiyuan Mansion.

In the four thousand-year-old inheritance family, four patriarchs led a kind of elders and elite disciples to the Shaoshi Mountain.

Among them, the Lin family was the head of the four thousand-year-old inheritance family.

Because the former Patriarch worshipped Shaolin.

So I chose a new Patriarch, and the Lin family is still the Lin Family. There was no loss because the former Patriarch came to Shaolin.

In addition to the four thousand-year-old inheritance families, there are other towns and cities in Beiyuan Mansion that can be awarded the title.

Various famous and influential sects and martial arts families.

Also rushed over one after another.

For example, among them are Wenshu Monastery from Tianbei City, Nangong Family, Heng Daozong...

"That's the help of the Giant Shark Gang."

"The Patriarch of Beiquan Liu's family, and Gongzi Liu are also here..."

"We arrived late and did not witness the Patriarch of the four thousand-year heritage family."

"The Sect Master of the Giant Blade Sect, leading a group of direct disciples has also come..."

"It's not just the martial arts family and the martial arts sect, you see that is Dingxi General Wu Anjun..."

"That is the city lord of Tianbei City, the city lord of Yuan'an City, and that is the retired third-tier attendant..."

"How could Shaolin have such a big influence in the court?"

"Is Shaolin's official network so strong?"

"God, our Beiyuan Mansion, all the military attachés and generals stationed there, and all the city lords of the towns are here."

"The influence of the Shaolin Fa conference this time is far beyond the Beiyuan Mansion Martial Arts Alliance."

"That's Xiao Zhan, the Patriarch of the Xiao Family in Luoxian Town..."

"Luoxian Town? The Xiao Family? A martial arts family in a small town is also eligible to participate in the Shaolin Fa conference?"

"Um... that Xiao Zhan, but in the later stage of the congenital Dzogchen, the four thousand-year-old inheritance family invited to go up the mountain?"

"No, what is the strength of this Xiao family?"

"The Xiao family has no strength, it's just a martial arts family from a poor town."

"Hehe, this Xiao family is not qualified to participate in the Fa conference, but you do not know Xiao Huohuo, the son of Xiao Zhan, the head of the Xiao family, but the abbot’s direct disciple will have no limit in the future..."

"So, UU reading is no wonder that the Xiao family can be invited to the mountain by a four-thousand-year-old family."

One by one gathered from Beiyuan Mansion, from all directions, the masters of the martial arts sects in various towns and the patriarchs of the martial arts family.

Leading the core disciples, under the gaze of a group of civilian warriors and samurai rangers.

Going up the mountain like walking the red carpet.

The atmosphere can be said to be very warm. Every qualified suzerain or patriarch will be next to the mountain gate stone stele by the elders of the four thousand-year-old family.

After checking one by one and verifying their identities, they will be allowed to go to Shaoshishan.

In addition to the martial arts sect and the martial arts family, many of those from the official court, the city lord, and the military attaché generals stationed there also came.

All are here to participate in this Shaolin Fa conference.

It can be said that the influence of the Shaolin Fa Conference this time is unprecedentedly strong.

On Shaoshi Mountain, in the Shaolin Temple, the majestic and majestic temple building.

Except for Shaolin disciples.

There was also a group of core disciples of Tianjiao from various martial arts sects of the Beiyuan Mansion.

These Tianjiao cores can be said to be very good.

The martial arts qualifications, martial arts strength, and the outstanding group of people, followed their own suzerain or paternal master to participate in the Fa conference.

Skills to increase knowledge is also a rare opportunity.

Outside the Abbot’s Monastery, four thousand-year-old inheritance families, four patriarchs led a group of suzerains or patriarchs.

Standing quietly waiting outside the gate.

It can be said that this group of people are the strongest group of martial arts in Beiyuan Mansion.

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