Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 240: The Secrets of Simon's House

At that critical moment, Ximenwang did not display it. The legendary Ximen family's blood inherited the martial arts Fengshen Wrath.

Let the crowd prepare to watch the epic-level technique Tathagata Palm.

Fight against the people who have epic-level exercises to seal the gods and anger.


But at the last critical moment, the palm of the Tathagata that carries the power of the heavens and the earth and triggers the visions of the heavens and the earth.

When it fell from the sky.

Among the core disciples of the Simon family, there was a humble young tribe.

Suddenly flew out.

A violent scream stimulated blood energy, holding two hurricanes in his hand, it exhibited the epic power of Fengshen Wrath, which also triggered heaven and earth visions and carried the power of heaven and earth.

Hardly resisted the horror that fell from the sky.

The violent violent wind directly knocked back the crowd who hadn't reacted yet.

Many people even stand unstable.

For a while, everyone's eyes focused on this young man.

With a stunned, unbelievable, horrified expression on his face, the scene was silent.

"Ximenwang, why didn't you practice Fengshen anger?"

"Because you are a smasher."

With the boy's roar and words of self-questioning and answering, a big storm suddenly set off.

Taiyi Gate, He Twelve Profound Gate, Yongling Temple, and three direct disciples of Shaolin Temple.

Turn his gaze to Ximenwang.

The scene exploded for a while!

"Who is this person?"

"It seems to be from the Ximen family, an inconspicuous family child."

"That's not right, how can an inconspicuous family child be angry with the epic cultivation technique Fengshen?"

"Yeah, this epic-level exercise Fengshenrage is the life-blood inheritance exercise of the Ximen family. Only the direct descendants of the Ximen family can practice it."

"This boy is from the Ximen family. It seems to be called Ximen Wuhen, a disciple of the Ximen family."

"Is this the duel between the epic-level practice Tathagata Palm and the epic-level practice Fengshen's Fury?"

"Oh my god, it's so shocking, this is simply a duel of gods."

"The power of epic engineering is too terrifying."

"It can trigger a vision of the heavens and the earth, and carry a trace of the power of the heavens and the earth, this epic-level construction method is really invincible."

"This Ximen Wuhen, an inconspicuous member of the Ximen family branch, turned out to be a martial arts practice of the congenital Dzogchen, and the most incredible thing is that he has actually practiced the Ximen family's own blood and inherited martial arts to conquer the gods."

"This Simon Wuhen, why didn't everyone notice him before?"

"This person had hidden his strength before, and he was so terrifying without his martial arts talent..."

"Compared this way, this Ximenwang is simply mediocre. This Ximen Wuhen has turned into Fengshen's anger. This Ximen family is going to rise."

"Hehe, have you overlooked the most critical issue?"

"Yeah, this Ximen Wuhen just now, he pointed at Ximen Wang and shouted what?"

"Um... Ximenwang didn't practice Fengshen anger, because he was just a kind of..."

"This Ximen family's natural blood line inherits martial arts, and it must be from the Ximen family's direct blood line to be able to train it. Could it be that..."

"Hey, can it be said that this Ximen Wuhen is the real bloodline, and this Ximenwang is a..."

"This... something big happened, is there really something in it..."


For a time, everyone fryed the pot, as everyone continued to discuss and analyze various news.

There seems to be something big in it.

The Ximen family, these two generations of inheritance are too mediocre.

why is that?

You know, the blood of the Ximen family is noble, and it is born with a noble aura.

Relying on the energy of the bloodline to excite, it is unstoppable to practice Fengshen Wrath.

But why, the son of Ximen's Qing son is mediocre, and this Ximenwang is equally mediocre?

And I have never seen that the two generations of the Ximen family used Fengshen anger.

There must be something here!

Simon Wang at this time had just been relieved from the panic.

At this time, his heart was ups and downs.

Since childhood, he has been arrogant and can't accept such a result at all.

It's not that Wuyanhui's epic-level exercise technique Tathagata Palm cannot accept.

It's not that he can't accept failure.

What he couldn't accept was that a disciple of the Ximen family, who was an unknown and unremarkable branch family, turned into Fengshenrage.

The magical skills that Ximenwang hadn't practiced, let other family disciples practice it.

And finally called him hit in front of everyone.

How could such a proud Simone accept such a result?

From fear, to shock, to jealousy, finally the emotion of resentment emerges in my heart...

"What did you say?"

"Ximen Wuhen, can you say it again?"

Ximen Wang stood up from the ring, gritted his teeth and stared at Ximen Wuhen with anger.

There is a huge sense of humiliation and fear spreading in my heart.


Ximen Wuhen sneered and looked at Ximen with disdain.

Simon Wang at this time was exuding awe-inspiring murderous aura.

The look in his eyes is even more horrible.

I can’t wait to strip Ximen Wuhen alive...

There was no sound at the scene, and everyone's attention was focused on Ximenwang and Ximen Wuhen. No one thought of the communication between the disciples of the Wufu sect in North Lingnan Road. UU reading

In the end, it became a big part of the internal disputes in Simon's house.

"Ximenwang, don't you understand?"

"You obviously have outstanding martial arts talents, but why do you seem so mediocre when you were born in my Ximen's house?"

"Your Haifengzhan practice is plausible, and you can't show the true meaning of kendo at all. You tried your best to practice Fengshen's rage, but in the end, nothing was accomplished..."

"You haven't counted it in your heart yet? Whether it's Fengshen or Fengshen's fury, only the blood energy of the Ximen family can be stimulated to show its true power."

"You can't do it because the blood in you is not the blood of my Simon's house..."

When Ximen Wuhen said this, everyone was agitated again in shock, and even the elite disciples of the Ximen family were not calm.

Ximen Wuhen means that Ximenwang did not practice Fengshen anger, not because Ximenwang is not as simple as a direct bloodline.

There is no Simon family blood in him...

The noble blood of the Ximen family has nothing to do with him...

This is easy to understand. If you fail to practice Fengshen Wrath, it means that you are not a direct line or your blood is impure.

But you still have the blood of the Ximen family in your body. You are still from the Ximen family.

It's just a collateral branch...

In Ximen's family, such a big family that has been passed down for hundreds of years, there are so many disciples in the collateral family...

But if you say that you don't have the blood of the Ximen family in your body, and you can't even count as a collateral branch, it can only show that Ximenwang is an outsider.

It's just a kind of...

And such an outsider turned out to be the son of the Ximen family.

This is ironic...

There is a big deal here...

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