Opening: Stealing Superman's Stuff

Chapter 111 The Joint Campaign Begins


"Can you vouch for your words, Aragorn? You know it's no joke, and besides, Gandalf is coming, and Mordo on the frontier is just around the corner."

"Definitely, I saw it with my own eyes".

Regardless of this, let's see Sean and his party.

On the border of Gangze, a group of troops are gathering. To be precise, they are here to stop Sean's pace. With the death of the people, different voices gradually emerged within the empire.

Especially the news from Rivendell made them dare not to mess around. If they lost, or let this group of devils enter Gangze's territory, it was unimaginable.

"Commander, there seem to be a lot of humans in the city ahead, and they seem to be waiting for us."


As soon as the Kryptonian warriors arrived, the troops on the city wall beat the war drums, which made people's blood boil.

The general in front waved his hand, and the sound of the drums suddenly stopped.

"People in front, who are you? What's the matter here?"

"We are the gods who came to save you, obediently sacrifice your soul, we can spare half of the people, otherwise, the country will be destroyed."

"Damn, the gods of mankind will always be themselves. I advise you to leave here. We are not Hobbits."

There were even catapults preparing under the city, aiming at the air where Sean and his party were floating.

"Commander, it seems that you can't fool you."

Sean rolled his eyes, people are not fools, how could they believe what you said, and return to the gods of human beings, he does.

"Old rules".


Five hundred people lined up in a line, and the generals on the city wall didn't know why they did this. If he ordered archery now, wouldn't all of them die here, but he knew the next moment why Sean ordered this.


The red light danced in the sky, like rays of life-threatening rays, emerging from the eyes of this group of devils, mercilessly harvesting life in the city - "Devil's Biography", it was written in a later book.

Heat ray began to cut, the army formation that had been lined up in an instant became their life reminder, the bow and arrow were useless, the catapult had been destroyed, and people could do nothing but run.

Those damn devils can fly.

"Flaming Bears"

All around the city walls were surrounded by flames, and there was no vacancy to escape. Staying in the city could only wait to die, cry, and spread among the public.

"Mom,... woo... I want mom...",

"Quick, the right wing is on fire, go there quickly".

"Come on, I need help here, hurry up...",

The general was already sitting on the head of the city, and there was no radiance in his eyes. His eyes were just staring at Sean and the others. There was a black blood hole in his chest.

In the blink of an eye, the town has fallen.

Hiss... The soul is more abundant this time, and there is even a feeling that Ava has been absorbed, but it is only about 5%.

"To be a qualified soldier, unfortunately, his brain is not very good", Sean glanced at the corpse.

Everyone was driven to the square, with destruction and killing on one side, anger and hatred and helplessness on the other.

"You are lucky, we gave you a chance".

"Bah, you are the devil, you will not have any good results",

"That is, we will die first, and someone will definitely avenge us",

Without exception, many children survived. At this time, they were hiding behind the adults, their faces were full of tears, and they looked at Sean in horror.

"Is it all over?"

"Commander, it's over, but there may be some obstacles behind."

"Don't be afraid, I can't find them if they don't come out. It's just right, they'll be wiped out."

More towns fell, more populations slaughtered, perhaps before the Orcs of Mordor attacked, they would die at Sean's hands first.


An elf soldier ran quickly into Rivendell, and there were now a representative of dwarfs, humans, elves, half-elves, and even half-orcs.

"King, those devils have already set off from Gangze and will arrive here in a day at most."

Aragorn fell on the chair all of a sudden, that is to say, the steel is finished? Although he grew up in Rivendell, Gangze is the glory of his ancestors. As the bloodline of the last king of Gangze, how not to hate him.

The faces of everyone present were ashen, it was terrifying. As far as they knew, Gangze had recalled all the elite soldiers, at least 100,000 soldiers. In just a few days, the news of Gangze's failure came.

"Everyone, what do you think?"

dwarf Jin Li picked up the axe and slammed it on the table: "Hmph, what do you think, it's definitely going to be a war, you won't have any luck, right? If you lose this opportunity, it's likely that you will face this group of devils yourself. ".

"If you want me to say, start the fight directly, no matter how powerful they are, they will always be injured when they are hit by an arrow, right?"


Everyone looked at the half-orc who was sitting on the side and didn't speak, or rather, the representative of Saruman.

"I thought you would do anything, Gandalf, it seems that you have not chosen the best."

"Really? Maybe, but we never gave up resistance, and we never gave up hope, Saruman, this is not the time to say that, you know the power of this group of demons cannot be resisted by one person", Gandalf Say it calmly.

Elron nodded: "Then, everyone has reached a consensus, let's pull in the army, victory, naturally destroy the devil, defeat, ...".

He didn't say it. Rivendell was considered as a battlefield. Here, it is most suitable for elves to fight, and it is more conducive for them to fight and divide the enemy.

The crowd dispersed and began to dispatch the army, and the time was very tight.

"Are you OK!"

Aragorn nodded, "Why are you here? Your Majesty, shouldn't you leave?"

"No, I grew up here, my father is here, and the person I like is also here, how can I go," Arwin whispered.

"You know what? Even if so many people join forces, I can feel...they are not rivals."

Arwen's face was a little bad: "Is the devil really that strong? I saw that even half-orcs have come, which has never happened before."

The means that Sean and others used in Brie flashed in my mind, the magic that destroys the world, what to use to resist?


One word, unable to say anything, looking at Arwin slightly reproachful.

"You should leave here, the elves belong to Valinor, not Middle-earth, where there is no strife, no death, and no pain."

Alvin stood in the moonlight, looking a little thin: "But without you, right?"

He opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

Time passed, and there were at least a million warriors stationed outside Rivendell, whether they were dwarfs, humans, or orcs, all of them were waiting.


After countless humane words, a group of black shadows appeared in the sky, and in the blink of an eye they reached the sky in front of him. Gandalf saw the Kryptonian warrior for the first time, and he was afraid.

"Gandalf? ... Gandalf? Are you all right?"

"Ah, oh, I'm fine Aragorn," his hand hidden in the robe couldn't help shaking.

Elron rode a deer and stepped forward: "Unknown enemy, why did you kill so many lives? Now, you have come to the peaceful place of Rivendell."

No one paid him any attention.

Jin Li: "Hey... are you calling you? Are you dumb?"

Still no response.

"This group of people can't be dumb, right? Or plan it directly, anyway, what are we afraid of with so many people?" Jin Li shouted loudly.


Saruman stood aside and said something, and Jin Li instantly bristled: "What the hell are you talking about? Do you want to fight one-on-one?"

"Enough, look on," Aragorn stopped.

The Kryptonian warriors stared blankly at the army formation below. It was obvious that most of them were archers. It seemed that they were going to shoot them like this?


Sean flew forward from behind: "Interesting, if I can absorb all the souls here, maybe it can speed up half the speed. Are those deer-riding camps the elves?"

"Yes Commander, but most of these are half-elves."

It doesn't matter, it's the first time I've seen such a race, and it's really unique, handsome appearance, charming temperament, powerful ability, and long lifespan.

Fingers to mouth, 'loud mantra'.

"Excuse me, who is Mr. Gandalf?"

Um? Countless people in the crowd looked at Gandalf. Could it be that they knew him? Gandalf was so confused at this time, why did this man call his name?

Gritting his teeth, he rode forward: "I am Gandalf. I don't know how this gentleman knew me? Also, what is the purpose of this gentleman coming here?"

Sean saluted and said politely: "Hello Mr. Gandalf, I came here for only one purpose, but suddenly I am interested in other things, so it is two",

"I don't know if I can say it? Maybe we don't have to have a war between us" 0 ..

Sean nodded: "Well! It makes sense. Actually, I don't want to have a war. You can see that, I'm very polite."

"The first thing is to come here to harvest your souls, can you give it to me yourself?" After speaking, he looked over faintly,

So angry that one Buddha ascends to heaven, and two Buddhas come out of one's body!

Cursing, wishing to tear Sean directly, they had never seen such an arrogant person.

"Mr. Sean kidding? What about the second thing?"

With a tilt of his head, he turned to the place where the elves were staying: "I want to collect some female elves, go back and sweep the floor, warm the bed or something, okay?"

Bass, several arrows flew towards Sean.

Looking at the arrow parked in front of him interestingly, didn't he remember that the elves used magic? Even this world is under the control of the elves, and those gods are all elves.

Really naughty.

Looking at Aragorn: "Oh, I remember you, when you were in Brie last time, why, you have a woman who is an elf? Are you not human?"

Elron clenched the reins in his hand, and it seemed that there was no way out, he could only start a war, and exchanged glances with a few vaguely.

The sound of squeaking in the forest appeared, and one thick spear flew over.

Black face: "Don't they know that this thing is useless to us?"

"Commander, the minds of the natives are generally rigid," the Kryptonian warrior said, shrugging his shoulders with a look of helplessness.

The densely packed spears were suspended in the air, shouts of killing came out, the army spread out, and various things were fired in the direction of Sean.

Especially the people of the elves, this devil actually wants them to sweep the floor and warm the bed, which is unforgivable.

"Mr. Gandalf, oh... and Mr. Saruman too? I heard that you are the necromancer of this world? It happens that I will also have two hands, let you see, I don't know if it is authentic or not."

Saruman and Gandalf didn't care about the rest of the words, but Sean's sentence "you are in this world", could it be that these people are not from this world, but from outside?

Fear, deep fear, I heard about the world when I was studying art in my early years. It seems that if you want to defeat this group of people, you need to invite those people.

Under the effect of the loud mantra, every word of Sean spread to no one's ears.

"Imperio Imperio Spell"

Zizizi, the fighters in the front, or the people who were touched by the Soul Seizure Curse, probably slashed at their teammates with the knife in their hands, and the chaos started at this moment.

"What is this? How is this possible?" Gandalf looked at Sean in disbelief.

"Oh, Mr. Gandalf don't care, it's just a little magic, don't care, this spell is called the Soul Seizure, you can understand that I can control them now, like this."

With a wave of his hand, the soldiers turned their backs one after another, and the comrades who were standing beside him just now became the ones who killed him. How many people died without being able to figure out why.

"And so...".

More and more people began to be controlled by Sean. The horror is that not only Sean, Kryptonian warriors are also using Soul Imperium to control the soldiers on the battlefield, chaotic killing.

Elron shouted: "All elven soldiers, shoot me at them, whether it works or not, shoot...!"

Slap, Sean patted the Kryptonian warrior next to him.

"Don't think I didn't see that you just killed a female elf".

"Ahaha, hand error... It's purely a hand error Commander".

"Damn it, where are Gandalf and Saruman? Where did the two necromancers go?" Jin Li shouted while swinging his axe.

"Prince, I seem to see them disappear, not seen in the whole battlefield".

Damn, run, the two most powerful of them ran like that.

"How could it be? I can't get out here." The smart soldier had already fled in the forest, but it seemed to be blocked by an energy wall and could not get out at all.

"Get out of the way bastard, how can this not get out".

Papapapa, the hammer slammed on it, not moving at all.


Falling to the ground, I said how could this group of devils be so simple.


ps: Writing a book is not easy, asking for flowers, asking for collections, asking for a monthly pass, asking for a reward... Shameless selling all kinds of requests! ! !

It's a new month, brothers with monthly tickets can vote, kill me! what....

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