Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1020: Why did I carry this pot on my back?

At this moment, the Brahma sitting around the conference table will crazily collapse!

The belly made a loud noise like thunder!

This fart! Super awesome! The pants must be broken!

Even Pepper couldn't stand it anymore, his face was pale, and the sweat on his forehead was like rain!


The whole person leaned forward on the table, trying to collect it, but couldn't hold it back, but didn't dare to let it go completely!

Behind him, white smoke billowed, and there was a faintly melodious flute sound!

At this moment Pepper's face is extremely black!

"Yes! It's the wine just now! The wine is poisonous!"

Under such a situation, if Pepper couldn't think of it, he wouldn't have to live!

When Chen Daoyi watched this scene, his heart was also aroused!

Good guys! The grandsons of the Brahma Club really suffocated their farts!

There really is a problem in this wine!

In order to poison Lao Tzu, did you hesitate to put yourself in to dispel my doubts?

This fat pig is cruel to himself!

Humph! Fortunately, the old man is witty! What a long mind!

I didn't drink this wine at all!

At this moment, everyone's eyes were on Chen Daoyi's body!

Because in the audience, Chen Daoyi didn't break his fart, and he still thought about making fun of him?

Pepper clenched his steel teeth and looked at Chen Daoyi with a look of resentment!

"Well, you old man! You actually poisoned the wine we drink? I treat you sincerely! You **** cheat me, am I?"

"Say! What method did you use to poison the wine? We didn't even notice it?"

"I just spared no effort to persuade us to drink for this purpose, right?"

Chen Daoyi:? ? ?

The expression on his face froze directly!

"You fart! Don't buckle the **** on Lao Tzu's head! The wine is your wine, and the problem is that you are right. What kind of poison do I have?"

"In order to bargain with me, have you even used bitter tricks?"

Pepper stared: "Let it go, what else do you need to say?"

"Sophistry? Then you say why we are all poisoned, but you are not poisoned!"

"Isn't it your poison?"

Chen Daoyi said anxiously: "Nonsense! I didn't drink the poison of a woolen thread?"

Xing Yaowei bites her teeth!

(✡°᷄益°᷅) "You didn't drink it? Wow! You really did the poison, otherwise why don't you drink it?"

"Say! What is your intention?"

Chen Dao got up suddenly, this special meow can't explain it clearly, right?

"It's not me! I don't! By the way! My eldest son!"

"My son also drank alcohol, he just broke his fart, he went to the bathroom and he hasn't come back yet!"

"If it's really my poison, it's impossible to even pit my son, right?"

Pepper's eyes were instantly locked in Chen An's empty seat, and his heart trembled!

Where is Chen An?

I just went to the bathroom but never came back!

A wave of poisonous wine slapped all the top of the Brahma Council? Chen An pretends to be poisoned and farts away?

Then Chen Daoyi is here to negotiate with himself? In order to delay Chen An?

Recall that before Chen Dao made a big mess in the dungeon, his real purpose was to draw himself out of the Brahma Palace!

Let Chen An take advantage of the opportunity of negotiation to go to the Vatican Palace to engage in mother vines?

In an instant, all the clues in Pepper's mind were sorted out!

Tune the tiger away from the mountain! Mingxiu plank road secretly Chencang?

Two blue veins collapsed on his forehead, and his eyes were full of anger!

The aura that belongs to the five stars of Daotian burst out!

"The old thief mistaken me! You wait for me!"

Where does Pepper, the nervous mother vine, care about other things?

The huge body that looked like a Roshan directly smashed through the wall of the conference room!

Rush out of the Gerdun Building, rush straight to the steel tower, crash through all the buildings along the way!

Raise your hand to directly grab the shaft elevator and throw it thousands of meters away!

Go straight down the elevator shaft!

It can be seen how anxious Pepper is at this moment!

Chen Dao was stunned, wouldn't he just negotiate a sentence? Why did you miss him?

What about my eldest son? Did you fall into the pit?

Why haven't you come back?

Looking at Pepper's appearance, he was obviously completely angry, and Chen Dao, who was not relieved, quickly followed him!

At this moment, Liu Mang was anxious, and quickly called Jiangnan in his mind!

"Nan Shen! Hurry up! Pepper rushed towards the Vatican Palace! There is no time!"

In the domed hall of the Vatican Palace, the mother vine was about to break through the shackles of paralysis, and was extremely angry!

At this moment, Jiangnan felt that he was about to explode under the top of the cane! Eyes are blood red!

Constantly vomiting blood, the breath is extremely irritable!


"It's done! Fourth brother get ready! Hurry up!"

Jiang Nan has even heard the loud noise of Pepper falling in the elevator shaft!

In the room, Li Si pulled out the bound spirit bullets inlaid in Chen An's chest!

Immediately take off the headgear covering his face!


Chen An's supernatural power instantly recovered, and his red eyes burst out directly, heading towards Li Sisha!

"Die to me!"

However, at this moment, Jiang Nan teleported directly to grab Zhang San's shoulder!

"Space replacement!"

What was replaced this time was exactly the mark left on Chen An's body before!

Chen Anzhi felt a flower in front of him, and the wooden thorn in his hand slammed on the main stem of the mother vine in front of him!

Can't help looking at the surroundings with stunned eyes!

A giant blood vine with dazzling red light? Where is this?

Hiss~ What a strong aura!

And Pepper, like crazy, just broke into the spirit-binding zone, and with his terrifying physical strength, he savagely crashed into the long and narrow corridor!

Along the way, the spirit machine cannons are bound, and all kinds of sophisticated weapons can't cause any damage to them!

Go straight ahead, hit the steel door with a punch!


The steel door weighing dozens of tons was smashed into the air and fell heavily to the ground!

In an instant, Pepper's eyes were red!

The vault is empty, and there are no more hairs left!

The most important thing is the mother vine, there is a hole in the vine body, and there are spiritual mists escaping everywhere!

The level has also fallen from the pinnacle of the stars to the eight stars!

Without even thinking about it, there is no drop of the vine pulp in the mother vine!

At the moment, Chen An is standing next to the holes of the mother vine, the wooden thorns on his hands are still stuck in the mother vine...

Pepper's brain buzzed, and his heart was completely swallowed by anger!

"Chen! Ann! Do you dare to move things about Laozi? The two men came to cheat me, right?"

"Die to me! My body collapsed!"

Pepper's eyes burst out with an astonishing killing intent, and a dim gray light appeared on his fist, and he went straight to Chen An's head!

Chen An:? ? ?

Why did I cheat you?

Hey Hey hey! I didn't do anything!

Suddenly, Chen An saw Chen Daoyi who came down right behind Pepper!

"Daddy save me wow!"

At this moment, Chen Daoyi was also anxious, although he didn't understand what happened!

But my eldest son, how can I watch him die in front of my eyes!

One fiercely surpassed Pepper and stood in front of Chen An!

"Spiritual Shayi!"


Pepper slammed Chen Daoyi's gauze with a strong punch! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The powerful collapsing force burst out in an instant, and he smashed Chen Daoyi's spiritual veil, and both arms were deformed by the smash!

The body fell backward like a cannonball!

Chen Daoyi was shocked and spit out a mouthful of old blood, his face was extremely ugly!

"Everything resurrects!"

I saw a green light suddenly appeared on his body, and his broken arm recovered in an instant! ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Eyes couldn't help falling on Chen An!

"What's the matter with you? Didn't you go to the toilet? Why did you run here?"

Chen An was anxious: "I don't have one, I..."

"Puff Lulu~"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a sound of tangy farts!

I saw Pepper still holding the posture of punching, his body froze in place! ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Sweat on the forehead!


With the punch just now, I used my full strength, the core tightened, who knows that one used too much force!

Completely lost, Pepper exuded an intoxicating fragrance at this moment, and he couldn't help but recall the warmth of his childhood...

At this moment, the Vatican Palace garrison rushed into the dome space in a hurry!

Entering the eye is the handsome back of Pepper's punching, and he just happened to ran into Pepper's "pululu" scene!

All of them showed disgusting expressions, and quickly looked away and started talking in a low voice!

(¬益¬٥) "噫~ We... Did we just pull in the first meeting? Oh mom!"

(๑˃᷄ก˂᷅) "This punch is too hard, right? It's all hard...why is it so angry?"

"Hush! Hush ah! Bie said, it will be the first not to face ah?"

Chen Daoyi also twitched the corners of his mouth: "Brother, do you want to solve your personal problems first? Take a bath and change your pants? Let's..."

Pepper:! ! !

At this moment, Pepper even had tears in his eyes, and blue veins on his forehead violently!

"Robbery my vault! Cut my way! Without my cane, let me pull my pants?"

"The Huaxia Lingwu troops over there also robbed my blood bank? Everything was negotiated, right?"

"Chen Daoyi! You really have a good calculation! I, Pepper, will never die with you today!"

At the moment, where is Pepper, who is furious in his heart, cares about pulling pants?

The mentality was directly destroyed, and he went to Chen Dao as if going crazy!

But Chen Daoyi was full of horror!

"You... don't come here! Are you playing with us?"

"There must be some misunderstanding, I'm really here to discuss cooperation with you!"

Chen Daoyi didn't dare to line up with Pepper at all and ran away!

Not afraid of Pepper, but afraid of being **** up!

"Chen An! What is going on?"

Chen An was also dumbfounded: "I... I didn't do anything. When I wake up, I will already be here!"

"Ah yes! Someone kidnapped me!"

Chen Dao's eyes widened suddenly, is this someone doing the game?

Engaged in Pepper, and then let yourself be back?

However, even now, Chen Daoyi still didn't want to understand how he put this pot on the back!

This is really yellow mud off the crotch!

But it must not be yellow mud in Pepper's crotch!

And the mother vine at this moment was also completely plunged into rage!

The wound healed quickly, and the escaped aura was re-absorbed into the body!

What's more terrifying is that even the remaining half of the spirit orbs have been completed!


In the next moment, the mother vine broke out completely, and the main vine, which was originally as large as 500 meters, grew wildly!

The seventy or eighty-meter thick rhizome shook like a magic snake!

Not just Brahma City, but all the female vine roots entrenched in the entire Wusong restricted area!

It even caused a very strong earthquake in the restricted area!

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