Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1772: Killed out of the restricted area of ​​life

In seven days, Xingcheng gained weight again!

The diameter of the huge insect body has reached the level of 18 kilometers!

When Xingcheng passes by, all beasts retreat!

Zhong Yingxue and the others sat in Xingcheng and headed straight for Jiangcheng, with a deep exhaustion in their eyes!

During this period of time, Zhong Yingxue took Xingcheng and the others to support the city everywhere, and they have seen too many partings!

It's even a little numb!

Fortunately, Xia Yao can adjust herself and is always making fun of the atmosphere, otherwise the mountain-like mental pressure will not make everyone collapse!

I saw Xia Yao wagging the wolf's tail, looking a little excited!

(???╰╯??)? "I'm finally going to see Xiao Nan, I don't know how he's doing."

Platelet snickered: (??.???) "Do you want to show him the level of the third peak of the star, right?"

Xia Yao laughed, full of anticipation!

That howling moon wolf king's spirit bead was still successfully sucked by Xia Yao, he vomited blood, and he was able to survive by relying on the spirit skills of the recovery system!

The level was staggeringly rushed to Xingyao three, and almost rushed to four stars, but did not go up!

The spiritual skills are also quite competitive, and they have absorbed the spiritual skills of the wolf king Xiaoyue!

I can't wait to show it off to Xiao Nan, and I want to see if my parents are okay.

Zhong Yingxue also petted Xia Yao's white hair, and Yao Yao was happier than anyone else!

At this moment, I saw Platelet shrugging his nose and frowning:

(??~??) "What a strong **** smell!"

Not only she smelled it, everyone smelled an iron smell!

Xing Xingyu pointed in the direction of Jiangcheng with horror in his eyes!

?(°Д°;) "Then... what is riding a horse?"

Everyone looked in the direction he was pointing at!

Pupils shrink!

I saw a thick blood-colored mist permeating around Jiangcheng.

Qin Shu looked drained:

(?'﹏`?) "Jiang... Could something have happened to Jiangcheng?"

Mo Tian slapped the back of Qin Shu's head with a big neck: "Bah! Crow's mouth! Stop talking!"

Zhong Yingxue's expression was solemn: "Go! Go and have a look!"

Everyone couldn't help but get off Xingcheng and broke into the blood fog!

The surroundings were silent, the ground was dyed the color of blood, and you could grab a handful of blood and water!

Chen Hengzhu's huge beast corpses were everywhere on the ground, and the wounds were ferocious, all of them were one-hit kills!

Going deeper, the beast corpses became more and more dense, and even formed a corpse blanket!

Everyone's scalp was numb, because in this blood mist, they couldn't hear the slightest roar of the beast, it was terrifyingly quiet!

As he walked, Mo Tian's expression froze:

=????(?﹏?????) " this the corpse of a Daotian beast?"

In the sea of ​​​​corpses, a Pishan crocodile with a body size of over 100 meters was chopped up, and its head was chopped into four pieces!

Zhong Yingxue's eyelids jumped when she saw the hideous wounds above!

"It's the wound caused by Xiaonan's sky-splitting saw blade!"

Everyone's goosebumps went straight to the sky from the tail vertebra!

Daotian beast hacked to death by Jiangnan? And the Lingzhu is not buckled?

Xia Yao's pretty face was pale: (?﹏?.) "Hey hey hey, this... These shouldn't be all made by Xiao Nan?"

Suddenly, a life restricted area surrounding Jiangcheng was smashed out here?

Going forward, everyone was completely shocked!

Everyone's sight was blocked by a kilometer-high wall of animal corpses, which was covered with layers of snow!

You can't even see the Jiangcheng buildings anymore!

Everyone's scalp was numb in shock, and they climbed the mountain of corpses in one breath, and climbed high and looked into the distance, everyone's faces were full of horror!

I saw that the entire Jiangcheng was blocked by a circle of corpse mountains with a height of one kilometer!

Millions of citizens in the city who were unable to transfer in time gathered in the city center, safe and sound!

The river that crossed Jiangcheng was dyed bright red with blood!

Ye Xinghe said in shock: (°△°|||) "Has the Southern God been killed for seven days? Killed this mountain of corpses and blood, and killed a forbidden area of ​​life?"

"One person, one city, has been guarding it for seven days, and not a single spiritual beast can break through the defense line of Nanshen? What the hell!"

He can only describe it as a trough, how powerful can a person's energy be?

Xia Yao finally understood what Yang Jian meant when he said that Xiao Nan went crazy!

The people in the city were self-sufficient and survived these seven days. There were sporadic Long Yuan nights in the city to preside over the order!

Zhong Yingxue was full of anxiety, because she searched every corner, but there was no trace of Jiangnan!

Suddenly aware of the fluctuation of the battle on the north side, I quickly took everyone to find it!

I found out that the lynx Liu Mang, Chen Chen Anning and the others were fighting against a small beast horde, and there were more than a dozen pupils!

Everyone looks so embarrassed that they can't be embarrassed any more!

With the arrival of Xingcheng, those beast tides will be resolved naturally!

Liu Mang collapsed to the ground with exhaustion, feeling that his hands and feet were not his own!

● "Have the reinforcements finally arrived? Exhausted!"

Chen Chen Anning was shocked by Xing Cheng's huge size, and he couldn't close his mouth in shock!

The lynx was also panting for breath, his arms resting on his knees were shaking, and he wiped the blood on his face with tired eyes!

"Go find... find Xiao Nan!"

Xia Yao's heart was in her throat!

(??﹏?) "Where's Xiao Nan? What happened to Xiao Nan?"

Liu Mang smiled bitterly: "The Nanshen has lost the killing. He doesn't know how many waves of beast hordes he has retreated. He turns around and kills them! On the third day, people were still there, and those hordes of beasts no longer dared to come!"

"But Nanshen is still killing! He moved too fast and rushed so far, we couldn't catch his shadow at all, and now even my sensing range can't sense him!"

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, is it okay to kill someone?

Lan closed her eyes and sensed, her face full of anxiety, and after a while, she pointed to the north:

(#?﹏?)? "Over there! There are spatial fluctuations over there!"

Zhong Yingxue was worried that it would not work, and quickly asked Lan to lead the way and take everyone there!

All the way is full of animal carcasses, not a single living thing!

At this moment, Liu Mang's eyes widened fiercely!

"Be careful! It's..."

Before the words were finished, I saw a **** figure breaking through the blood fog, and a dash appeared in front of everyone!

The eyes are scarlet like a blood moon, and the rolling killing intent is like a collapse in the sky.

The blood-drinking halberd in his hand was raised high and slashed down at Zhong Yingxue!


A word of death seemed to come from Jiuyou Hell!

At this moment, everyone present froze, unable to move, their faces were as white as paper!

The killing intent was almost substantiated, and everyone who was overwhelmed by the powerful killing intent was out of breath!

There seems to be a bright red stencil of death out of thin air in the sky!

Qin Shu's three brothers' legs softened and knelt directly on the ground!

Xia Yao Mo Tian and the others had tears in their eyes. She sat on the ground with a frightened buttock, and subconsciously clamped her legs!

Lynx's eyes are splitting: "Xiao Nan is stunned by killing the demon, hide! Hurry up and hide!"

Continuing high-intensity combat, mental fatigue has sunk into Jiangnan's will, and there is only one thought left to support him to continue his actions!

That is to slaughter all life in front of him until he can't move, and even turned into instinct!

Zhong Yingxue did not hide, but looked at this figure like a blood-colored monster with distress!

Even if she was overwhelmed by this killing intent, her body was shaking non-stop, her body's instinct was screaming frantically!

tell her to hide! Otherwise you will die!

But Zhong Yingxue didn't, because she didn't believe that Xiao Nan would hurt herself, even in the slightest!

Because he is his own treasure! The reverse will also be true!

Mo Tian even closed her eyes in fear!


The strong wind howled, blowing the broken hair in front of Zhong Yingxue's forehead!

The halberd blade of the blood-drinking halberd abruptly stopped in front of Zhong Yingxue's forehead! From extreme movement to extreme silence, Jiang Nan's body also froze!

I saw Zhong Yingxue stepped forward and hugged Jiang Nan into his arms, ignoring the blood stains all over his body, and hugged him tightly!

His chin rested on Jiang Nan's shoulder, he closed his eyes, and whispered softly in his ear!

"Okay, okay~ Good Xiaonan, stop fighting, you can stop!"

Zhong Yingxue could feel the still tense muscles on Jiang Nan's body!

"Jiangcheng defended, no one died, you did a good job, really good, you can rest, darling, darling~"

The gentle murmur echoed, with doting and distressing, as if coaxing a child, the little hand gently patted Jiang Nan's back, giving him the warmest comfort!

At this moment, the blood in Jiangnan's eyes finally dissipated, and he was pulled out from the terrifying killing realm!

The goal of supporting Jiangnan to continue fighting is gone, just a moment of effort, it seems that all the strength has been drained!

Weakly leaned into Zhong Yingxue's arms, and the blood-drinking halberd fell to the ground!

The halberd blades have all been chopped and broken, like serrated teeth!

Just looking at it, I feel a sense of cold coming. This halberd does not know how many spirit beasts it has killed!

I saw Jiang Nan murmured while holding on to his consciousness:

"The Lingzhu hasn't been deducted yet. Help me deduct it. It's all small money... money~"

After speaking, he fell into a deep sleep, his hair was full of congealed blood scabs, all tangled, and his body was full of blood!

Liu Mang almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood. He was so tired, and he was still thinking about the Lingzhu hadn't been dug out?

Xia Yao breathed a sigh of relief: (︶ε︶?) "Phew~ it's normal, this is normal Xiaonan, there is no problem mentally!"

I saw Lan pulling out a red cloth strip and tying it on top of his head at that time, his eyes full of energy!


He saluted directly to Jiang Nan, who had fallen asleep, with a solemn look on his face!

∠(`~′*) "Don't worry, Brother Jiangnan! I'll leave the task of cleaning the battlefield to me, and make sure to complete the task!"

Then it's gone in a flash!

I saw Zhong Yingxue carrying Jiang Nan on his back. It was this body that was exhausted to the limit. It was thin and thin, but it carried the lifeline of the people of Jiangcheng!

"Let's go! Go back to Jiangcheng!"

Just took two steps, but found that everyone was paralyzed in place and did not move!

Zhong Yingxue couldn't help but turn around and bewildered:

(??~??) "Why don't you go?"

I saw Xia Yao Mo Tian looked at each other, her pretty face blushed, and they all took off their tops and tied them around their waists as skirts!

(⌒?⌒;) "Oops~ pants...the pants are dirty, you have to stop them!"

(??﹏?) "That's right, even though it's at war, as a little fairy, you still have to pay attention to cleanliness!"

Zhong Yingxue: (????)…

Qin Shu wiped his nose:

(?????°??°) "This is riding a horse! It's really hot! Warm up my pants and sweat! Do you think this is nonsense?"

Qi Yu sighed: (???) "Everyone is sweating, I can't do it if I'm sweating, this is true!"

Ye Xinghe is speechless: (¬_¬) "Aren't you sweating a lot? And it's so yellow, you've been very angry recently?"

Qin Shu stared: (??へ???) "Aren't you sweating on your trousers pocket? You still have the face to talk about us?"

Ye Xinghe sweated profusely on his forehead, and then sneered:

(?︶?︶) "At least I don't get angry, I'm healthy!"

Liu Mang smiled disdainfully, then got up and strode away!

?●? "Isn't it just diapers? What's there to be ashamed of? A manly man, urinate without tears!"

Shame? Lao Tzu's face has long been black and there is no face to lose, okay?

But Nanshen's murder just now was too perverted, right?

I have never been so afraid in the face of transcendence. It is the feeling that I really feel that I am dead. I am exposed to the killing force, and I can't even control my body!

That kind of feeling Liu Mang never wants to experience a second time in his life!

How many spirit beasts did Nanshen hack to death?

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