Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1779: Have fun! Looking forward to the dawn in the dark! (add more)

The night was dark, and the lights in Kyoto were still bright, and everyone was busy at their posts with due diligence.

Wu Liang's wailing could be heard from time to time in the laboratory. Facts have proved that people's joys and sorrows are not the same!

In the temporary camp, Zhong Yingxue **** her hair and was cooking vegetables with a big horse spoon.

There was a rare trace of smoke in the air.

The lynx looked at Zhong Yingxue's delicious pork ribs in the pot, and looked down at the black lump in his pot, which was billowing black smoke...

The face is also darkened!


Zhong Yingxue smiled warmly: (??????) "Sister Shan Miao just wait and eat, I'll do it!"

Lynx blushed and nodded incessantly:

(?????) "Oh~ good!"

Platelet snickered: (??.???) "Meow team also has something they are not good at?"

The lynx blushed even more. He was on assignments on weekdays. He always ate compressed biscuits and fast food. Where would he cook?

Abundant delicacies have been placed on the table. Although the current situation is difficult, but on New Year's Eve, no matter what you want to have a good meal!

After all, everyone has worked hard all the way, and it is rare to relax this night!

Zhong Yingxue wiped her nose with the back of her hand: "Where's Xiao Nan? This dish is almost finished. Where did he go?"

Xia Yao showed half of her head from outside the tent with a bewildered face, looked at the dishes on the table, drooling, and frowned:

|??~??)? "I don't know where to go, but I couldn't find him after a round trip!"

Just when everyone was confused, they saw Jiang Nan suddenly appear next to the camp, pulling Liu Mang!

Eyes full of excitement!

(??????) "Wow! How about cooking? Hehe~ Xuexue? Borrow a firepower?"

With a snap of his fingers while speaking, more than a dozen spiritual cauldrons with a diameter of more than ten meters were formed, all of which were deformed by spiritual power pillars!

Seeing Jiangnan prop up such a big pot, Zhong Yingxue was stunned!

oДo* What's the situation? What are you going to cook? The angel's egg? "

Liu Mang grinned straightly: ● "I went to the ruins of the northern city with Nanshen, scavenged a wave of supplies, and raided several food factories!"

"I came back from dozens of tons of quick-frozen dumplings. The weather in the north is cold, and the dumplings in some factories are well preserved! You can still eat them if they are not damaged!"

"Should I say it or not, the space system is really showy!"

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard it, didn't they?

Jiangnan's small waist is forked, the different dimension opens, and a huge amount of dumplings are dumped into the pot!

(?︶?︶) "Hehe~ You really still have to eat dumplings during Chinese New Year?"

Xia Yao excitedly hugged Jiang Nan's shoulders!

Xiao Nan, this is too romantic, isn't it?

Someone added water to the pot, and Zhong Yingxue unceremoniously threw out the roaring flames, acting as a gas tank!

The flames jumped, the boiling water boiled, the dumplings in the pot swelled up and down, and bursts of white gas emanated, and the fragrance wafted far away!

Such a big momentum, naturally, many people in the city noticed it!

Yang Jian's eyes widened:

∑(°mouth°?) "What the hell? Where did you get so many dumplings?"

Jiangnan's face was full of pride: "The north is a natural cold storage, all of which are in ruins, so don't you just take the supplies?"

"If you don't eat it until the spring starts, it will all be broken, and you will be blind. Tell the brothers to come out and eat dumplings! Later, I will send some to the brothers on duty and the people in the two Lingxu!"

"I have so much more!"

Yang Jian swallowed his saliva, darling, have you made a trip to the north all this time?

You are enough animals!

Yang Jian's eyes are also full of anticipation: "I will arrange it!"

In a short time, trays of cooked dumplings were delivered to the soldiers on duty!

The soldiers were eating steaming dumplings, and before they knew it, the world in front of them was a little blurry!

Their hearts are warmer than the bonfire, so they must be thinking about family and friends at the moment!

It is undoubtedly a luxury to be able to eat dumplings in a time when there are wastes everywhere and spiritual disasters are raging!

Looking at Jiangnan, who was busy in front of the cauldron and turned into a food deliveryman, everyone's nose was a little sore.

This is the Nanshen that everyone fears in their hearts...

There was a sound like a waterfall from outside the city, and I saw the huge Xingcheng Harazi flowing into a river.

The eyes of the whole body are fixed on the cauldron, and the eyes are full of desire!

"Cheng Baoer wants to eat too!"

Jiang Nan's mouth twitched, but he still made ten plates to send to Xingcheng, and threw them into her mouth in one go!

"Just eat these first, if you eat with open arms, no one else will have to eat!"

Xing Cheng pouted, just this, it's not enough to put Cheng Baoer between his teeth...

The key point is that her teeth are really too big!

In front of the bonfire, everyone sat on the ground, the firewood crackling!

The firelight reflected on everyone's face, Jiang Nan grabbed the spare ribs in one hand and gnawed on the dumplings in the other, and his mouth was full of oil!

Or Xuexue's braised pork ribs is delicious!

Uncle Wang Zong was holding a plate of dumplings with emotion on his face!

(????) "You can still eat dumplings at this time, Jiangnan boy has a heart~"

While talking, grab a dumpling and put it in your mouth!

But his expression froze for a moment, and his forehead was sweating profusely:

(???????) "You didn't put diamonds in the dumplings, did you? I don't have a few teeth left!"

Jiangnan used to pack diamonds into dumplings before! How many teeth of Uncle Wang were killed at that time!

Jiangnan laughed twice: (What?????) "Relax...don't worry, the dumpling stuffing this time is not hard. If you always like it, I can put a few for you!"

Wang Zong shuddered fiercely, you can **** yourself up, I still want teeth!

Mi Ye has a melting expression on his face at this moment, and Huaxia's delicacies are really addicting!

In the blink of an eye, all the dishes were done, and Jiang Nan thoughtfully scooped up another plate for Mi Ye!

(?????) "You can eat it hard, and there's more!"

Mi Ye is a little embarrassed, her cheeks are red and a little hot, I don't know if it was roasted by a campfire or for some other reason!

And Odin on the side also eats deliciously:

(?°???°) "As the saying goes, dumplings are not as delicious as dumplings, and fun is not as good..."

Before he could finish speaking, Odin's expression froze, only to see that Jiang Nan had appeared behind him at an unknown time!

A big choke directly restrained Odin's neck, and the other pony was raised high, with a kind smile on his face!


"What did you say?"

The moment he saw the little maza, Odin was shocked, he couldn't hold back the "pop" and sprayed it out, and the dumplings that were half chewed were sprayed out!

*?~(??ε??*) "No... I didn't say anything... I..."

Before he could finish speaking, I saw Odin opposite, Xiao Chuihuo had blue veins on his forehead, and a lot of broken dumplings on his face!

(??°?? Yi°????) "You're pretty cool? How about we go out and play?"

Odin was shocked and shook his head quickly: "No no no ~ let's stop!"

At this moment, the whistle of "咻" came, and everyone's eyes were focused on Xiong Er!

I saw Xiong Er pointed to the sky, and An Xiaoqi, who was beside him, was attracted by him, looking up at the sky!


But Xiong Er pouted and slapped An Xiaoqi's face!


An Xiaoqi: ! !

(?)?(ヾ) "Yeah~ you hate it!"

Xiong Erbox smirked, and suddenly there were bursts of contemptuous voices from the crowd!

(¬Yi¬?) "Look at that bear of yours! Don't you have a shame?"

(?_?) "Although Xiong Er is not human, he is a real bear! Little routines are quite slippery?"

Xia Yao pouted: (?????) "Look at others? You don't know how to learn?"

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

Liu Mang got up and waved his hand: ● "What are you? Are you putting on flowers? Brother, let me tell you a truth. Since it's Chinese New Year, there must be an atmosphere!"

I saw Liu Mang raised his head and drank a bottle of green sticks, and endless colorful rays of light rushed out of his mind!

Everyone looked up at the sky, only to see the blue moon hanging in the sky under the dark night, accompanied by the roaring sound, one after another gorgeous fireworks bloomed, colorful!

One after another, until the night sky is full of gorgeous fireworks, decorating the night sky, this scene is absolutely beautiful!

Everyone's eyes were almost blinded!


Does this work?

Can Liu Mang's abilities still be used like this? Wouldn't it be so convenient?

The fireworks took off, and the splendid rays of light reflected on the faces of everyone, and everyone had a smile on their faces more or less!

Eyes or memories, or with good expectations for the future!

This meal of dumplings does not have to be eaten, it is dumplings, but the seeds of hope are buried!

It is also the stubbornness of human civilization. Even if the times are like this, the customs will continue and will not be cut off!

Jiang Ning hugged Jiang Jing, admiring the gorgeous fireworks in the night sky, full of relief!

She likes humans more and more!

No matter what the environment is, we never give up hope and strive to pursue a better future!

Have fun! Looking forward to the dawn in the dark!

Perhaps this is the unique charm of human beings!

The light of the fireworks is extremely eye-catching, and a violent beast roar is faintly heard in the distance!

Under the night, it is also the most active time period for the spirit beasts!

Obviously the fireworks attracted the attention of a large number of beasts!

Liu Mang sweated profusely on his forehead: "I... I seem to be in trouble!"

The soldiers on duty immediately put down their affairs and prepared to go to defend the enemy. Even Jiangnan hurriedly stuffed a dumpling into his mouth and wanted to draw out the blood-drinking halberd!

But Odin laughed: "No need, let it go! Let the brothers stay honest!"

"Since it's Chinese New Year! Let's make this night sky more gorgeous!"

"Aurora Sky!"

In an instant, colorful aurora rushed out of Odin's body and covered the entire night sky!

Washed by the aurora, I don’t know how many spirit beasts melted away in silence, unable to get close to Kyoto at all!

This also makes the night sky extremely gorgeous!

The aurora is falling, the gorgeous fireworks are blooming, and people are eating dumplings in front of the bonfire, and the laughter echoes!

This... is the first New Year for mankind in the era of global calamity, and it will never be the last!

I saw Jiangnan packed a box of dumplings, got up and stretched a lazy waist!

"You eat first, I'll go out!"

Zhong Yingxue wondered: (???.??)???? "It's so late, what are you going to do?"

Jiang Nan grinned, and the figure disappeared under the night sky, leaving only the voice echoing in the air!

"To meet someone..."

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