On the Kyoto side, because Jiangnan disappeared mysteriously, everyone didn't wait!

Xiao Chuihuo and the others went to clean up the spirit beasts from the ceiling of the beast group, and the rest of them set off separately.

After all, there are still a large number of people hiding in the Spark Refuge who need to be transferred!

There is so much to do!

And Zhong Yingxue and the others are going to set off, but because they are worried about going to Jiangnan, they can't be contacted through the Internet now!

They didn't plan to go far, but set out missions around Kyoto!

Just as I was about to set off in the morning, I heard someone reporting that Qian Ben Ying and the others were visiting and wanted to go to Jiangnan for something important!

Zhong Yingxue and the others were startled and ran straight out of the capital city!

When this period comes, it must be a big event!

At this moment, outside the city of Kyoto, Qianben Sakura and the three of them watched in horror as Xingcheng, who was over 100 kilometers in size, stopped peacefully among the mountains!

The eyeballs almost didn't pop out!


Depend on! Star eater?

Huaxia has pulled the star-devouring giant insect to fight the beast tide? No wonder he was able to defend the city of Kyoto!

How many trump cards do they have in Jiangnan?

Liu Hua's eyes were full of excitement, and she pulled Qianben Sakura's cuff:

(????)? "Hey~ Sakura-chan, if we can borrow the star-devouring giant bug! Pull it to Hongguo and eat it!"

"The beast horde or something was immediately eaten up? After all, we don't have much space in total!"

Qianben Sakura couldn't help nodding her head, with a face of approval, this star-devouring giant insect is simply a divine weapon to deal with the beast tide or something?

So I immediately thought about it!

It just so happened that Zhong Yingxue and the others came over:

(??~??) "Why did you come here? How is the situation in Hongguo? Has it stabilized?"

Qianben Sakura rushed over immediately, her eyes full of excitement:

(??????)? "What the hell, can you lend us the star-devouring giant insect and take it to the Rainbow Country to eat for a few days?"

"Our place is small, and it won't take long to eat up!"

Zhong Yingxue was stunned: "You guys have traveled all the way, shouldn't you just come to borrow Xingcheng?"

"That may disappoint you. The current situation in Huaxia is unstable. There are too many places that need Xingcheng's power, and there is no way to pass..."

It's not that the friendship is not deep, it's just that in this case, no matter what, you have to take care of yourself first, and then consider how to help others.

Hei-pao Musashi angrily slapped Qianben Sakura with his elbow, saying that he was here to find Jiangnan, so why did he borrow a bug?

Qianben Sakura scratched her head: ?(???~??) "Not really, I...I have something very important to find Jiangnan! Is he there?"

"With Jiangnan's ability, nothing will happen, right?"

Xia Yao's eyes were full of helplessness: "Xiao Nan ran out yesterday and lost it, and he hasn't come back yet. I don't know where he went!"

"If you have anything, you can tell us!"

Qianben Sakura was stunned, and then she was a little embarrassed:

(??ˇ~ˇ?) "It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that the fewer people who know about it, the better, otherwise I wouldn't have traveled all the way in person."

"I'd better wait for Jiangnan to come back and tell him!"

Anyway, it's been delayed for so long, and it's not too short of time.

(??~???) "Isn't the star-devouring giant worm really not thinking about it? We can rent it for a few days!"

Xia Yao's big eyes murmured and kept on laughing:

(??.???) "So, we happen to be going on a mission, so you can follow us to help!"

"If you perform well, after the situation on China's side stabilizes, priority will be given to renting Xingcheng to you for a few days!"

"When Xiao Nan comes back, you can see him as soon as possible! Do you want to do it?"

Qianben Sakura's eyes are full of anticipation: (????????)? "I will do it! I will definitely perform well!"

Ok? Qianben Sakura, who had just agreed, suddenly realized that something was wrong!

I'm here to tip off the letter? Why did you just come here to work for someone?

Do you have such a strong worker attribute on yourself? It's all etched into the DNA?

So Qianben Sakura was confused and pulled into the worm, and started a part-time job trip to madly transfer the Chinese people with space abilities...

As night fell, Zhong Yingxue and the others returned to the temporary camp in Kyoto after a busy day!

In the bathroom, Qianbon Sakura and Liu Hua were soaking in the steaming hot tub, with happy expressions on their faces.


I don't know how long it has been since I took a hot bath. Wow, I still have a hot bath after a busy day? It's too extravagant, isn't it?

Qianben Ying Dudu said: (?????) "Go north tomorrow, strive to transfer more than 30 Spark Refugees, and help Huaxia complete the transfer as soon as possible!"

"In this way, you can borrow the star-devouring giant insect, Sakura-chan, you have to work harder!"

Six Flowers: (?_??)

This part-time worker, Sakura, have you gradually forgotten what your purpose is?

Immersed in part-time work and unable to extricate yourself?

I heard Zhong Yingxue call outside: "The food is all hot, it's the leftover dumplings from yesterday, come and eat!"

Qianben Sakura: (??????????)?

"Still serving rice? Still having dumplings to eat? Sizzling pot huh~"

Quickly climbed out of the bathtub, packed up and prepared to go out to eat!

Six Flowers: (????)

Shame, but dumplings? babble~

A large group of people were gathering outside to eat, watching Qianben Sakura and Liu Hua who were frantically stuffing dumplings into their mouths on the table.

Liu Mang and the others were dumbfounded. These two were not busy in their own country, so why did they go to Huaxia to help?

Just as the two were enjoying the fragrance, spatial fluctuations hit, Qianben Ying suddenly noticed, and her eyes brightened.

I saw Jiangnan suddenly appear in the field.

With a bulging sack on his back, his expression was a little unnatural.

(Woww????) "Yo...Yo~ Are you all eating? Look what good things I brought back!"

While talking, he put the dumb sack on the table, opened the bag, revealing a bag full of low-key sugar oranges in the sack!

Golden and lovable!

Jiangnan discovered that this dumb sack can not only be used to hold people, but also other things!

The built-in sack space expands with the number of items loaded!

Jiangnan has done an experiment and put a big rock in it, and it can be stuffed!

If this special cat doesn't pretend to be a human, it can be used as a space pocket, right?

It's an artifact, but the effect only lasts for 24 hours, and the timer starts when something is put in the dumb sack!

After this time, it doesn't work, after all, Jiangnan has already experimented with it himself.

Just finished eating, as a dessert after a meal, an artifact to relieve tiredness, no one can resist the temptation of sugar orange!

I saw Qianben Sakura exclaimed:

(????? Mouth?????) "God! Is it sugar orange?"

"Do you still have dessert after dinner during this period? Isn't this too happy?"

As he spoke, he began to frantically peel sugar oranges and eat them, stuffing them into his mouth, like a little hamster peeling melon seeds!

Eating it alone is not enough, and even secretly stuffing it into the pocket and putting it in the alien space!

Jiang Nan was stunned: (???.??)???? "Working Sakura? Why are you here?"

However, Qianbon Sakura, who was busy stuffing sugar oranges in her mouth, couldn't make her mouth come out to speak!

Everyone began to take sugar oranges from the bags and stuff them into their mouths, and a bag of sugar oranges dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Xia Yao's mouth twitched: "You've been missing for a day, shouldn't you just come back for these sugar oranges?"

Liu Mang said with a dark face: ● "Yinan Shen's ability, these sugar oranges are very likely picked from Mars, or they may have been planted on Mars!"

Jiangnan is sweating profusely, will I tell you that I was kidnapped by myself, put in a sack, and danced outside for a day and a night?

Nanshen doesn't want to be ashamed?

Liu Hua was about to eat sugar orange, but she looked confused when she looked at the bag on the table!

?(???~??)???? "Hey~ this sack looks familiar to me?"

Jiang Nan waved his hand: (︶.?︶*)? "Oh~ how could it be familiar? If you like it, I'll pack another bag of sugar oranges for you!"

"Eat quickly, don't be polite!"

But Liu Hua took out her phone and said seriously:


"No! I really saw it, I don't believe you Kang~"

While talking, I turned on my phone, and pulled out the photo album. There were some good photos in it, and it was still 30 consecutive shots!

It was a picture of a sack monster jumping wildly with kangaroos and all the beasts chasing it. It was just taken out and shown to everyone!

Before everyone could see it clearly, Jiang Nan climbed onto the table like crazy, and crushed the phone that had grabbed Liu Hua!

Xiaoyi smoked on the spot to show her respect!

Six Flowers: ! !

()? "Ah! My animal skills!"

Before she could finish speaking, she saw Jiang Nan grabbed her dumb hair, and the other hand had already put on a small warm glove.

A set of actions is like flowing water, and even the sugar and orange in Qianben Sakura's pocket are scared away!

I saw Jiangnan grab a sugar orange and stuff it directly into Liuhua's mouth!

"Just eat your sugar orange!"

To be so unlucky? Was the picture of the kangaroo jumping and running away yesterday that it was photographed?

Everyone was terrified, what happened? Why was this southerner suddenly so angry?

Qianben Sakura suddenly realized something, and then she was full of teasing!


Yesterday's sack monster, I'm afraid it's not Jiangnan, right?

He is in a hurry, he is in a hurry!

You also have the handle in the hands of this girl?

Just as he was about to speak, Jiang Nan quickly changed the subject!

(?ˇ?ˇ?:) "Cough~ serious, what are you doing here looking for me? Hongguo shouldn't be so relaxed that you can leave at will, right?"

Speaking of this, Qian Ben Ying's expression became positive, and she quickly said, "I have extremely important news to tell you!"

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

(???????) "What are you talking about? Are you kidding me? Don't keep your mouth shut?"

Chiben Sakura rolled her eyes:

(??~??*) "I'm not kidding you, seriously, it's a big deal! We're still..."

But before the words were finished, Jiangnan slashed the top of Qianben Sakura's head with a knife:

(?~?) "How old are you, you still play games like this only for children!"

"Say it now!"

Chiben Sakura: ? ? ?

(????mouth??)?"Are you deaf?"

Jiang Nan froze suddenly, and suddenly realized that the whole room was extremely quiet, and the expressions on everyone's faces were different!

They are all opening their mouths to say something, and some are slapping their thighs and laughing!

But he was stunned that he could not hear the slightest sound!

?(??mouth??????) "I... I'm deaf?"

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