Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1793: Infiltrating star

A sword slashed down, and the heavy armor of Star Palace Fortress was directly blown up!

A huge sword mark over 10,000 meters is drawn directly on the oblique side!

Exposing the boundless and precise mechanical structure inside, sparks and lightning all the way, billowing black smoke!

"The damage to the communication device was detected, the upload channel was disconnected, and the degree of structural damage was 3.17%!"

"Please send it to the 4S store in the northern Xinggong of Shenjixing, the city of a thousand stars for after-sales maintenance. This Xingong has exceeded the warranty period, and you need to pay... %?...;#*'!"

Immediately, there was a burst of mechanical chaos, and I heard a "bang"!

A chain explosion came from the sword mark of the Star Palace Fortress, and a raging fire was ignited, and the fire extinguishing device was activated.

But the external voice assistant was obviously destroyed in the explosion just now!

Carl's heart is bleeding!

(What benefits?) "Has the data just been synchronized out?"

Rhine suddenly emerged from the void with a difficult expression:

(?°﹏?°) "No...I don't know, you cut the black screen with one sword!"

Carl: ! !

"Mua's a der! I have a good hand of the exclusive version of the Beacon Star Palace with no accident and no fire! It has become an accident star palace!"

"Even if it's repaired, it won't be worth the price? Will it be depreciated?"

Rhine: ? ? ?

Is that the point? Shouldn't the point be to worry about whether the data has been uploaded?

Once uploaded to the terminal, it's easy to say on the Boson side that there are people in the Holy Law Society!

If you can hold it down, even if you look at the fact that you are here to create a holy beast, you will turn a blind eye!

It's just more stressful!

The most worrying thing is the silicon-based mechanical species. If they know that the holy star violates the agreement of all races, they will secretly develop the star market on the blue star!

If you guard yourself against theft, then something big will happen!

Silicon-based mechanical species, but one of the best in the family, a bunch of absolutely rational guys, everything will maximize the benefits!

If they really know about these things that the holy star is secretly doing, they will say that the Bose family is not based on this, but the Bose family can't stand!

This is a stain, the ghost knows what uproar will be caused!

Sir Karl is afraid that he will be scolded!

How could Carl not be clear about the stakes involved?

The anger in my heart is about to burn through the sky, and the big hand holding the holy sword is full of blue veins!

Ever since I came here, I haven't been through it!

Isn't there someone guarding the black barrier? Just let humans be pulled out?

Are they all rice buckets?

"You have to pay for this!"


I saw Carl rushing up with the sword in hand, attacking Mi Ye, as long as the Iron Triangle takes down one person, no one can stop him!

The battle has entered the white-hot stage for a while!

Odin: (?????) "Haha! He's in a hurry, he's in a hurry, hehe~ Want to kill us? You can't kill us? I'm mad at you!"

Carl roared: "The door of dimension!"

The fight here is hi, and Jiangnan, the initiator, took two people, carrying sacks, and ran to the polar ice field!

Looking around, where is there still ice?

There was boiling magma everywhere, and the sea was vaporized, billowing white smoke.

Even if it is so far away, I can still see the shining sun in the distance, and I feel like I will be scorched!

The extraordinary power is really terrifying, not to mention the three together!

The Beacon Star Palace stands tall in the center of the polar ice sheet!

At first sight, Jiangnan fell in love with it!

?(¥﹃¥)? "Wow! This is too handsome, isn't it? Isn't it much more handsome than Sky Island?"

"Hey~ Who the **** cut a sword on my house? It's all smoked? I don't care about it at all~"

Bai Kou: ∑(°mouth°?)

What the **** is your home? This is the base camp of the Holy Star!

Do you take it for granted?

"Are you really sure you want to steal the Star Palace in this situation?"

Qianben Sakura kept shaking:

('?﹏?`) "Suddenly...I suddenly regret the decision I just made. Is it too late to go back now?"

Jiangnan hated that iron is not steel:

(??Yi??*) "Afraid? They can't detect our spatial fluctuations, as long as they don't let the bosons see them, right?"

"Let's go! They are fighting in the front, let's go to the back of the Star Palace to steal!"

Bai Kou's eyelids twitched as he watched the sack, is it really okay for us to conspire loudly in front of others?

While speaking, he pulled the two of them and rushed towards the Star Palace, during which Bai Kou kept protecting everyone with a veil of cold air!

Otherwise, with the strength of Qianben Ying and Jiang Nan, they will be burned to ashes at the moment of approaching the shining sun!

Inside the sack, Gunstantin's throat was about to burst!

(#)⊙口⊙(#) "Master Carl! Be careful! Be careful! They are going to steal our house!"

Although he couldn't hear what the people in Jiangnan were saying, he could hear the fluctuations outside?

This is obviously going to the Beacon Star Palace, okay?

It's a pity that he can't contact Carl at all!

Several people from Jiangnan came directly to the protective cover behind the Star Palace!

The dark blue energy shield is extremely thick, blocking all life forms that are not certified by the Star Palace from entering!

Bai Kou frowned: (???~??) "That's it, the three supernatural beings can't be broken together, what should we do..."

Before the words were finished, Jiang Nan took out his pony and smashed it hard at the energy shield!

As soon as I heard a "click", the light of the entire shield flashed, and a hole as tall as a person was smashed by the pony!

It's like a hole in the egg shell!

(??~??)? "Let's go! Hurry in, don't be discovered by them!"

Bai Kou widened her eyes in horror:

=????(?mouth??????) "Fuck? is this possible! The extraordinary team can't break it!"

"Didn't you say that you can't break through without the strength of the planet destroyer? Why are you..."

Even Grandma Bai Kou, who has always been a lady, couldn't help but swear!

Jiangnan Hehe Zhile: (?ˉ??ˉ?) "What kind of protective cover it is, there is no defense that can't be broken by a pony. Is my title of Blue Star Kaiping King for nothing?"

As soon as a few thieves broke into the protective cover, they couldn't help but froze when they heard the voice of a collapsed mechanical girl!

"Detected that the protective cover is broken~%?...;#*, suspected of unidentified biological invasion, open ~%?..."

The external voice assistant was cut down by Carl's sword, and the words are incomplete, but most of the functions of the star palace are still running normally!

I saw that the Xinggong fortress armor was removed, hundreds of electromagnetic rail guns protruded, and the red fan-shaped laser scanned over at an amazing speed!

Jiangnan: ! !

Quickly took the two of them and rushed into the central circular star palace main body with a teleport!

Scanned by laser, no abnormality was found!

"Alarm, please confirm the star palace ah ah ah... *'☆&℃$︿★,"


A fire burst out from the sword mark again, and this time the external voice assistant is completely silent!

How can Carl, who is doing a good job with Xiao, have random broadcasts from the voice assistant of the air traffic control?

(¬Yi¬?) "Where did the external intrusion come from? Isn't the protective cover still there? Isn't it broken? I think you are broken, right? This is a broken machine!"

"Don't step on the horse to disturb Lao Tzu's fight! Lao Tzu has eyes all over his body. Is there any invasion that you don't know better than you?"

Carl didn't notice any special fluctuations at all, and besides, this shield has no planetary destroyer level and can't be broken at all!

How could there be an intrusion?

And the Jiangnan three who had invaded the Beacon Star Palace were completely stunned by the scene in front of them!

Looking like a douchebag!


At this moment, the three of them are in a white hall full of technology!

There are rows of lounge chairs on both sides of the hall. I don't know what material they are made of, but they are soft to the touch!

In the middle of the hall is also a white round table full of incantations!

There is also a white reclining chair above, and mechanical arms of unknown function stand around the round platform.

?(o﹃o?) "My mom, isn't the decoration of my house too luxurious? Is this a place to watch movies? Or a pedicure hall? Bath and rest area?"

Bai Kou covered her face, bah!

Where would aliens put a special pedicure place in the war fortress!

Everything in front of me has long been beyond Jiangnan's cognition, and I don't know what it is used for.

After all, Jiangnan didn't understand civilizations other than Blue Star at all.

Other Jiangnan do not understand, but the stool must be used to sit, right?

I couldn't help but teleport, went directly to the stool in the center of the hall, and sat on it!

It's so soft, it feels like being hugged by a girl from behind!

sky! Are bosons too much to enjoy? Are the stools so comfortable to sit on?

At this moment, the ceiling on the white hall was opened, and a white square metal head stuck out!

There is a red lens eye on it, and there is a sound coming from it!

"Alarm, the medical room is in an abnormal state, and unauthenticated creatures try to use it, and the mechanical guard will be activated to confirm!"

Qianben Sakura said anxiously: "Get up! Get up! They've all been discovered!"

Jiang Nan didn't care at all, looking at the square head protruding with interest, thinking about how to take away such a big star palace and make it his own home!

At this moment, the floor suddenly opened!

A fully armed mechanical guard rises from the ground!

This is much more advanced than the mecha that Jiangnan has driven!

The machine's eyes shot out red light scans, and Jiangnan Harazi was about to flow out, and suddenly stood up from the chair!

Fog grass! Are there really robots?

A cold mechanical sound came out of his mouth!

"No unidentified biological invasion was detected!"

The three of Jiangnan are in a state of total concealment. Under the combined effect of the low-key sugar orange and the Teletubbies clothes, they are not so easy to be discovered!

Xinggong Zhinao only started the defense program when it detected the abnormality in the medical room!

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