Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1799: Only make money but not lose true southerners

Carl did not lead people to chase after him, but gritted his teeth and suffered the loss!

After all, he did not take back the grasp of the family and the psychic in the case of the fusion of the four domains!

Of course, it's not like that!

Sheng Xing naturally has his follow-up arrangements!

On the Jiangnan side, they returned to Kyoto City smoothly!

Although the process is a little more difficult, it is nothing compared to the harvest!

I wanted to find Xuexue and the others and share their joy, but everyone went out on a mission and was still busy moving people and killing spirit beasts!

So I found Yang Jian and reported the harvest!

Yang Jian's face is full of excitement, this can be regarded as a victory under the hands of Sheng Xing!

Jiang Nan grinned: (?ˉ??ˉ?) "Now that the communication is restored, Weixin should be laid off too, and he can also surf the Internet. Finally, he doesn't have to worry about fishing nets!"

Chiben Sakura: ? ? ?

On a fishing net? Are you thinking about some weird stuff?

Even Fa Kawei also breathed a sigh of relief!

Yang Jian shook his head: "It's not that simple, it's going to take a while, the communication cable has been damaged by the beast tide!"

"Even if it is to use satellite communication to restore the global satellite network, it will take some time to prevent the possibility of being destroyed by the holy star again!"

"In any case, the means of communication are the weakness of human beings, and there is no way to compete with alien technology!"

Fa Kawei: (??△.??) Eh~

Are you tired these days?

Jiang Nan took out the black block cube, weighed it in his hand for a while, his eyes flowed, and he couldn't help but laugh.

(?????) "Alien technology? Hey, Brother Jian, you can enclose a piece of land for me, I'll see if I can do anything!"

Yang Jian readily agreed!

Seeing Fa Kawei's frowning face, Jiang Nan rolled his eyes:

(????)? Bag "Hey~ I've been working hard this time, here's a present for you!"

Saying that, he threw the dumb sack away!

Fa Kawei, who was holding a dumb sack, was stunned, what the heck?


(づbag ど)

I still have a present? How can this sack still move?

I couldn't help but untied the bag with curiosity, and saw Broken Meiwei, like a blood gourd, roaring and rushing out!

('?Yi'?メ?) "Jiangnan! I'll spell it for you..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw the four Transcendents holding their shoulders and standing around him, and a cold air came over, and it was directly frozen into a lump of ice!

Broken Meiwei's face is full of misery

(メ???? Yi?.???) I have fallen into the den of thieves, and I am here in this life!

Fa Kawei's face is full of excitement, is it Dao Tianqi's Broken Meiwei?

If you **** it, your level will definitely increase, okay?

It's not a dream to become bigger and stronger, and to create brilliance again?

I couldn't help rushing over excitedly, holding Jiang Nan's face and wanting to kiss!


But it hit the space barrier directly!

(¬~¬) "Go, go, take a quick breath, and see if you can get any useful information, so I won't give you a kiss!"

"As long as you follow Nanshen, you will know the future!"

Fa Kawei couldn't help nodding, hummed obediently, and hugged Bing Tuo Tuo and ran to absorb it!

Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows: (??????) "Then what~ I've worked so hard, don't you reward me with 10 billion small money as a hard work fee?"

It takes 100 million skill points to complete the logic programming.

Under this situation, it's really hard to set up a stall, and everyone is busy with tasks. Who will take care of their own business?

I thought Yang Jian would refuse, but Yang Jian raised his eyebrows and said:

?(??~??) "Why do you want money? Several banks in Kyoto are no longer watching. Go to the vault and grab a few billion or so..."

Jiang Nan suddenly widened his eyes:

Σ(°Д° "Just... just take it?"

Yang Jian spread his hands: ?(?'??')? "Otherwise? The circulation of currency is based on a stable social system!"

"Nowadays the world is in a state of spiritual disaster, and the system is basically paralyzed and collapsed. To put it in a bad way is the end of the world. What else can money buy? It's just a piece of paper."

"It may still be useful at present, but it is not very useful and has no purchasing power. Why do you say gold in troubled times? That's the truth!"

Although I don't want to admit it, but in this era, it has gradually become a trading situation of barter. If you think it is valuable, that is valuable!

Lingzhu or something will gradually become something that everyone recognizes!

Maybe when the social order stabilizes, it will gradually return to its original state, but it is definitely not now!

I saw Jiang Nan's expression suddenly froze, and the screams like a groundhog echoed over the capital of Kyoto!


My little money!

There are so many knives in the black gold vault, and the piles of cash in the alien space are worthless?

If the wife has not been married yet, the wife is worthless!

Jiang Nan wiped his tears and walked out angrily:

(???)? "I'm going to rob the bank!"

Killing Jiangnan did not expect that one day, under the order from above, he would go to rob a bank in an upright manner!

After strolling around the major vaults, Jiangnan didn't know how many tons of money they had looted!

I used to be happy when I saw it, but now I can't experience the happiness of rich people at all!

After robbing the bank, Jiangnan found another abandoned factory!

Just as he was about to open the alien dimension, he turned around and saw Qianben Sakura had been following behind his buttocks, staring at him, not leaving an inch!

(¬_¬) "Why are you always following me? As an employee, you don't need to be so considerate to protect your boss, right?"

Qianben Sakura glared: (??? dish??)? "Who likes to follow you? Hey~"

As he spoke, he handed his little hand to Jiang Nan!

Jiang Nan scratched his head, took out a big white rabbit toffee from his pocket and put it in her hand!

Chiben Sakura: ! !

Angrily, she ate the candy and said angrily:

(??ˇmouthˇ?) "Are you coaxing children to play? Who wants candy? Dimensional beads! I want dimensional beads?"

"Agreed reward!"

Jiang Nan was stunned: (·?????) "What dimensional pearl? When did I say that I would give you the dimensional pearl as a reward?"

Thousands of Sakura's eyes are already spitting fire:

o(? dish?) o "Why not? Don't think about reneging on your debt, you showed it to me before!"

Jiangnan: (?????) "Well, I just show you what I have, show off and show off, but I didn't say I want to give it to you!"

"Did you misunderstand yourself?"

Qianben Sakura's expression froze directly. Thinking about it carefully, he really didn't say a word, just raised his eyebrows, which was all made up by his own brain!

Did this girl do it to him for nothing?

[The resentment value from Qianben Sakura +1003! ]

(?`mouth'?) "Jiang! Nan! You lied to me again! I'll fight for you!"

While speaking, he rushed up and grabbed Jiang Nan's neck, shaking wildly, his eyes were red, and he was about to cry.

Jiangnan hurriedly said:

(????)? "Don't cry, don't cry, I'm teasing you, why won't I give it to you, how can I be like a child, crying when I disagree?"

Qianben Sakura slapped Jiang Nan's stomach angrily:

(???????~???????) "You know how to bully me! Humph! Hurry up and give it to me!"

I saw Jiangnan spread the floor cloth on the ground with a holy face, and took out a small horse to sit aside!

Then put that dimensional pearl on it solemnly!

(?????) "I want to give it to you, but you have to spend money to buy it from me!"

Qianben Sakura gritted her teeth: "That's not the same, I really have to strangle you to death!"

As soon as he spoke, he was about to pounce, and Jiangnan opened the alien space and took out dozens of tons of money!

"Buy the head office with my money?"

Qianben Ying was stunned: "Are you afraid of some serious illness? Do you have to take a form?"

Jiang Nan stared: (?°???°) "What do you know? Otherwise, I will always feel at a loss if I give you the Dimension Pearl directly!"

"In this way, I exchanged so much money with dimensional beads, then I made a profit! I have always made a profit in Jiangnan!"

Thousand Sakura: (?_?)

He must be laundering money, right?

Turn the money robbed from the bank into a legitimate transaction?

How deep is your obsession with setting up a street stall?

In the end, Jiangnan's wish was fulfilled, and he got the Dimension Pearl!

He took two breaths, rubbed it on the skirt to shine, and then stuffed it into his chest!

Jiangnan: (?????) "Yoyoyo~ now you can use a special treasure bag for girls? You are very grown up!"

Qianben Ying blushed and glared at Jiang Nan:

(?︶?︶) "Want to... want you to take care of it?"

Jiangnan's conversation changed: "I will go to the Void Sea to kill loach in the future, and come with me?"

Qianbenying was stunned: "You're addicted to hiring me? You want me to work for you? The Void Sea is so dangerous, I won't go!"

"Besides, I have this time Yuanzhu to do the celestial skills, if I don't go, I won't go!"

Jiangnan stroked his forehead with his hand:

(?)???) "Look at your ambition, right? What's so good about Yuanzhu this time? Space is folded, space is swallowed, space is imprisoned, a batch of garbage!"

"I can't even close my eyes!"

But Qianben Sakura looked like a baby:

(?`~'?) "Fart! Space folding or something, isn't it amazing? It exploded a lot, okay?"

I have all the **** spiritual skills, and I only get it by piecing things together. Where can I choose?

Jiang Nan looked straight: "I'm not kidding you, the void sea is full of space spirit beasts, maybe there are better ones!"

"And where is the power of space, for the space system, maybe it can be upgraded!"

"You'd better do it as soon as possible, otherwise, in the next battle, the space system of the star level will have no way to survive!"

Qianben Sakura's mouth twitched, how dare you talk about me?

You are the peak of the second star, are you?

However, he hesitated, and saw Jiang Nan took out a silver bracelet from his pocket and threw it to Qianben Ying!

"Hey~ this is a deposit!"

Qianben Sakura stared blankly at the silver bracelet in her hand. This thing is from the Origin Quality Battle Armor, an extremely precious alien technology!

Jiangnan gave me one? Is he crazy?

Is your combat power so important to Void Sea and his party?

After careful evaluation, Qianben Sakura's face turned black, I'm so important to me!

Jiangnan himself can beat me ten times!

The stunned Qianben Sakura couldn't help but have a sweet smile on her face.


Jiangnan didn't need my dispensable combat power, but wanted to pull him and improve his strength as soon as possible.

Do you want to give yourself more money to survive in the uncertain future when you give this Origin Battle Armor?

Humph~ You arrogant Nan, just think carefully!

Jiangnan has always been like this. He is embarrassed to say that he is always taking care of you in his own way!

(︶.?︶〃) "Okay, okay~ I'll go, who made Boss Jiang not work without Ben Yingjiang?"

Immediately approached Jiangnan:

(?????) "Na Na Na ~ do you like me? Also gave me a bracelet? Can this be considered a token of love?"

Jiang Nan stared: (▼ヘ▼?) "Fuck you, I like your ass? You slut! Don't pay me back!"

While talking, he was about to grab it, but Qianben Sakura just smiled and put it on his wrist!

Jiang Nan said impatiently: "Go, go, go, I have to study the black barrier!"

If you upgrade your skills to the master level, you may be able to use that black barrier!

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