Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1865: Let language wear armor and armor! go into battle

The furious Karl stretched out his big hand and wanted to wipe it on Gabriel!

The frightened Gabriel fluttered his wings and hurriedly ducked to the side!

Jiang Nan really vomited for a while before he recovered, and looked at Carl with a teasing face!

(?????) "Are you a real bully? Carl can handle it. Do you really eat shit? The more you eat, the more bullish you are?"

The disgusting eyes of the others also shot towards Carl, like a knife stabbed into Carl's heart!

Carl is furious, and the field is in full bloom!

(?°???yi??°?) "You fart! This is durian pulp, I say it is!"

Jiangnan: (?????) "Ah, yes, yes~ Some people keep saying that they are noble, but they don't even let go of the metabolites of the big white goose in the back~"

"Oh~ I've tasted the taste! It's awesome!"

Carl was very angry: "Warp ship! Fire me, fire with all my strength, and blast the Sanafabitch!"

For a time, the large gun muzzles of the huge warp starship opened and fired with all their strength!

The energy cannons of various colors are madly attacking the ruins where the God-killing Legion is located like a violent storm!

The output is simply amazing!

Badr refused to accept it, and the spatial dislocation directly chopped towards the starship!

However, it was blocked by the quantum shield, and even Barty's helium flash, even the body without me, couldn't do anything!

07 sneered: (¬_¬??) "How about fighting? Ha~ it's really low-level, Sunwind-class warp starship, if it can be broken by you, it won't be worth the price!"

Although the God-killing Corps are all powerful, they will not be killed by the artillery fire of the starship!

But it also needs to be resisted hard, the movement is limited, and it is suppressed by the firepower of the opposite!

On the other hand, if you look at the ten bosons, you don't need to care about the artillery fire at all!

Jiangnan looked at the starship, and it was a straight-forward harassment:

?(o﹃o?) "What the **** do you really want to implement the spirit of the good person card?"

"A house and a car? No weapons, and a false nail?"

"To be honest, I'm a little in love with you, so why don't you arrange for your wife?"

Carl's face is as ugly as eating shit!

Hmm... not like, that's it!

(▼?? dish?? ▼??#) "What the **** are you talking about? What a good guy card? How could my dignified **** of stars do such a thing to help the enemy?"

"I swore a poisonous oath, if you could steal this warp starship in front of me!"

"I'll take your surname on a horse!"

Jiangnan's eyes are full of helplessness:

╮(??w??)╭ "This must be the true meaning of the so-called seal thief being a father?"

"Hey~ I really can't do anything about you, then I've decided that you are such a good human being!"

"I laughed at this warp starship in advance!"

Carl's fist was about to shatter, and his chest was burning with anger!

(??ˇmouthˇ?) "What ability do you have? Don't you know how to speak, curse people? What use is it? I'm not angry, what can you do to me?"

"It's just a mouthpiece!"

[The resentment value from Carl +1007! ]

Jiangnan looked solemn:

(?????) "Don't say it's so vulgar, what kind of shit?"

"I'm making language wear armor and go into battle. This is the art of language!"

"You Baba Xizhilang know a der, do you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Odin on the side suddenly widened his eyes with a learned expression on his face!

(*???????) Oh hoo~

God special meow let the language wear armor and armor, go into battle!

Do you want to be so refreshing and refined by swearing at people?

You have to be a good eldest brother. You have to memorize these famous sayings!

At this moment, Carl is completely crazy, and the holy sword in his hand is pointing directly at Jiangnan!

"I can't scold you, and I can't beat you on a horse? Go into battle, right? I will convince people with reason!"


However, Goose Jiangnan was not afraid, and directly reached into the alien space with a smirk!

(??????‵)っ? "Come on? Are you coming next? You don't even know how awesome my sandwich warp bubbles are!"

Carl's breath suddenly stagnates, what if he wants to bring private goods into it again?

To chop or not to chop?

At this moment, I only heard 02 anxiously say:

(??2??mouth??)??"Master Carl, this crab's skills are easy to use, **** it, it can block the warp bubble!"

As soon as Carl heard it, he was very excited at the time, and his eyes were directly locked on the crab boss!

Jiangnan: ! !

"Grandpa Xiao, bad sister, beat me to death the crab boss and bake it! I buckled the Dimension Pearl and used it as a celestial skill, don't let the ten judges re-enact it!"

Xiao Chuihuo naturally saw that the crab was difficult to deal with, and would not let it go at all!

"Okay! Leave it to me!"

"Promise blazing red? Great melting pot!"


That huge black crab was directly shrouded in the domain of Xiao Chuihuo!

Space domination, space absorption may be able to block the flow of spiritual skills, but it cannot resist the transmission of temperature!

The color of the crab boss who was in the melting pot slowly turned red under the high temperature roasting!

Exudes bursts of meat flavor!

The crab boss feels that his crab yellow is about to flow out. It seems that the fortune is a little difficult to make?

But at this moment, I saw the Creation Beast struggling even more fiercely, shaking his head and roaring incessantly!

You can even taste the emotion of pleading in the burst of mental fluctuations!

At this moment, Jiang Jing in Mira's arms tilted her head and looked at the Creation Beast in confusion!

Two eyes, one big and one small, looked at each other in the air!

Jiang Jing suddenly widened his eyes:

(????? Mouth????) "Brother Jiangnan! Big Fat Jelly said that the crab boss is his good friend and playmate!"

"It's just a pot friend, please don't shark~"

Jiang Nan was stunned, his eyes met with the Creation Beast, and he saw its pleading!

(??yi???) "Huh? Is it a good friend? It's not a pity!"

The crab boss's skills are quite similar to himself, thinking about the use of heavenly skills!

But considering that you want to get the Creation Beast and roast other people's pot friends, it seems a bit inauthentic?

"Grandpa Xiao? Is it cooked? Forget it if it's not cooked!"

Xiao Chuihuo stroked his forehead with his hand:

(?)′-﹏-`) "It's half cooked, you can eat it later if you say it later..."

At this moment, the crab boss has been roasted by the melting pot and rolled his eyes!

Jiangnan's eyes are bright, and Jingjing can communicate with the creation beast? Can you still understand what it says?

So I quickly gave Mira a look!

Mira naturally knows what Jiangnan means. Don't care about anything else. Complete the spiritual deed first, and then let's talk about the creation of the beast!

(??????) "Quietly~ Do you like that big fat jelly? Let's complete a spiritual contract with it and let it be your good friend, isn't it?"

Jiang Jing tilted her head and looked confused:

(??~??) "I like it, but I really like it, it must be very comfortable to hold!"

"It's just... what is a Lingqi?"

Mira's head was covered in black lines. Obviously, Jiang Jing had no idea that she was a psychic medium!

But since it is a psychic medium, it must have a wonderful connection with the creation beast, right?

Otherwise, why can you communicate with the Creation Beast?

No matter, it's always good to try it first!

"Don't be afraid! My sister will take you to make friends with it!"

Then he hugged Jiang Jing and flew straight towards the Creation Beast!

And all the wicked members of the God-killing Corps, guarded by Jiang Jing, went straight to 01 who was holding the virtual nails to kill!

01 has begun to shake...

On the other side, at the same time when Xiao Chuhuahuo ceased fire, Karl seized the opportunity!

Compressed his own dark blue negative zero field, and went straight into the melting pot!

The crab boss was enveloped in it, and the crab boss who was half-cooked was frozen hard at that time!

In a very short period of time, it has experienced the double world of ice and fire!

No one can stop Carl's intrusion!

I plunged into the body of the crab boss, and then the door of dimension opened!

070910, even Igor's several bosons lined up and rushed into the body of the crab boss, and sucked!

The crab boss has been sucked and deflated, and he can't hold the bosons in line to take turns to suck?

It's not my fault that the skills are useful? Didn't you bully crabs like that?

Crab special!

I just came here to play rock-paper-scissors, and forget that the wealth of mankind has not been made!

Also special meow was burned and frozen, but also to be sucked dry?

This is really a blood mold for eight lifetimes, right?

As Boss Crab's body trembled for a while, after all, it was cable... um~ I lay on the ground and didn't move!

Immortality is almost the same as death!

If you don't kill the crab boss, you can't stop Carl and the others from recreating its ability!

Gabriel on the side is so happy, someone has finally experienced his feelings!

I saw Carl rushing out in an instant, eyes full of hideousness!

Seeing the Creation Beast, 01 was besieged by the God-killing Legion!

One after another, the god-killing martial arts smashed on the body, the jelly splashed all over the place, and he was about to be beaten to death!

Jiangning warp gun aimed at 01 fierce creation!

And Jiangnan came to the place of the virtual nail, and he took out the pony and smashed it down!

Try to free the Creation Beast from the shackles of the virtual nails, and help it complete the spiritual contract with Jiang Jing as soon as possible!

"Fatty Triangle, do you still remember me? Wait, big brother is here to save you!"

The Creation Beast looked at Jiangnan with its giant eyes like a sky lake, full of emotion and trust!

This is from the savior, how could he not remember?

In contrast, those who put nails in themselves are bad!

Carl stared: "You dare!"

As he spoke, his body suddenly appeared on top of the Creation Beast!

The dark blue negative zero field cooperates with space control to unfold together!

Forcibly smooth out the compressed and expanded space!

Jiang Ning, who was in the warp bubble, suddenly fell out, and what greeted her was Carl's warp slash!

"Traitor! Die for me!"

Jiang Ning clenched his teeth tightly, and used Hansha Guying and Absolute Zero at that time!

Under the extreme cold, Carl's warp speed slashes slowed down, giving Jiang Ning time to resist with the holy cutting knife!

The space above it blooms, and Karl's warp speed slash is also smoothed out, and the slash speed returns to normal!

But the power that comes with it is enough to destroy everything!


Jiang Ning was slashed by a sword, but he still managed to escape and was killed on the spot!

But the people above the heads of the other creation beasts are all dominated by space and fixed in place!

Moreover, in the flat and solid space, all are dominated by Carl, Jiangnan can't compress the expansion space, and even the warp bubble can't be used!

This is bad, Karl will not miss this great opportunity!

Holding the sword of the Holy Trial and looking at Jiangnan, the murderous intent in his eyes is vigorous!

"Let you go crazy? Just eat the full blow of Karl, the **** of the stars!"

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