Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1878: Dimensional wind

The space hole is closed, and there is no more Jiangnan breath on Blue Star!

Yang Jian's eyes sighed with emotion: "After all, I'm still on a journey, but I'm carrying too many burdens on such a young shoulder! Is it Starry Sky?"

Perhaps this is what the Lord of every age must do?

Although no one has mentioned this, the name of this era has undoubtedly been branded as Jiangnan!

It can never be erased!

Jiang Ning looked at the starry sky and murmured:

(??????) "When the eagle grows up, it always leaves the nest and soars under the vast sky!"

"I knew Xiaonan would have such a day. Blue Star is not his end, but his starting point!"

Perhaps the moment Jiang Ning told Jiang Nan that the world was huge and wonderful, the seeds had already been planted in his heart, right?

Yang Jian's eyelids jumped:

(??w???) "So Jiangnan is considered a newbie village?"

Jiang Ning burst into a smile: "Maybe?"

In the dark dimensional cracks, the boss of the red-shell crab is madly teleporting towards the lost country!

Jiangnan took out the silver number and anchored it on the back of Boss Crab as a living room!

And they all ate rabbit spit pills to resist the harsh environment in the dimensional cracks!

At this moment, the crab boss feels like a waterfall with saliva, and he can't stop washing his face!

Xingcheng licked the crab shell obsessively!

(???﹃???)~? "When did you die?"

Crab boss spit bubbles in anger, not as chatty as you!

This saliva is too arrogant, right?

When Lao Tzu arrives in the lost country, who will be the master then?

Jiangnan couldn't hold back his excitement, just like a little friend who took a bus on a spring tour!

(?????) "Nah ah~ how long will it take to get to the lost kingdom? What's it like over there?"

Boss Crab rolled his eyes: "Isn't this just the beginning of the journey? What are you anxious about? There is no distance between the dimensions, and the concept of time!"

"It's going to be a long time anyway!"

Jiang Nan stared: (?°?д°?) "Yo he? Are you impatient? Why are you talking to your big brother? Believe it or not, I killed you?"

Xing Cheng, who was on the side, heard the word "death" and was immediately excited!

(??????)? "Mmmm! Create death creates death!"

Obviously still thinking about their own seafood dinner!

Boss Crab is agitated. In this wild country, he can't find the Creation Beast to help him say good things!

If this devil is determined to kill himself, I really can't do it!

So he immediately persuaded: "Cough~ calm down, the impulse is the devil's, I'm a contract beast, I have a master, you can't shark me!"

Momo on the side nodded earnestly!

Jiangnan looked at the deep space in amazement:

(*???) "Hi~"

Momo was startled, turned his head to look into the deep space, and suddenly felt an evil wind coming from behind!

With a "bang", Xiao Mazha slammed Momo's forehead, sipping blood from the hammer!

Momo covered his forehead with a stunned face, and saw Jiang Nan grabbing the pony and laughing!

"I forgot to open your scoop. Daotian just entered, you can't let it go, otherwise wouldn't it damage the reputation of my Blue Star King Kai?"

Momo's face darkened: (???~???)? "Ah Baba~ Bah!"

[The resentment value from Momo +555! ]

Do you want to be so persistent? kid? Are you still playing the UFO set?

I still believe the key...

Then Jiang Nan looked at Boss Crab with a gloomy smile on his face!

I even dare to open a scoop to your master, but you can't threaten me!

Boss Crab was agitated, and quickly said: "If you have any questions, please ask, Brother Crab, you will know everything and say everything!"

Jiang Nan's expression looks better now: "Then tell me, what is the lost kingdom like? Is it dangerous?"

Boss Crab shook his head and said, "I haven't been to Lost Country, but I just heard about it from my friends!"

"There is the paradise of dimensional creatures, the comfort zone, but anyone who sacrifices organs is qualified to set up a clan to settle in the lost country, and get the reward of the black **** to become stronger!"

"Among them, human organs are the most loved by the black gods, and several races have made their fortunes by sacrificing human organs!"

"It's like a three-eyed mink, a silver dragon fish? And the star whale family..."

Momo's mouth twitched, so it seems that his contribution is really not small, it's all from me, right?

Jiang Nan leaned on his chin:

(??ˇ?ˇ??:) "So, the organs that are sacrificed are not only human?"

The crab boss nodded: "Of course, there are all races in the starry sky, but not every dimensional creature is lucky enough to encounter the sacrifice scene and sign a contract with the master!"

Jiang Nan was stunned. Are the abilities of the Summoning System distributed among all races in the starry sky?

By the way, what is the strange hobby of the Black God? Why are you so keen on organ harvesting?

Could it be that he is also a maniac?

(???~??)???? "What about the black god? What does the black **** look like? Is he black? Is his personality good? Is he smart? Is he unreasonable?"

Boss Crab looked solemn: "I've never seen it before, but the Black God is the **** in the gap this time, the only will!"

"His will is destiny, rules, if he gets angry, the entire dimension will be turned upside down!"

"It's an extremely terrifying existence, just like you, a look can kill you, okay?"

"Do you still want to go to the Lost Kingdom to make a deal with the Black God? You guys are afraid of longevity~"

Jiang Nan stared, the air-splitting saw blade was formed, and it was directly placed on the neck of the crab boss!


Boss Crab was sweating profusely on his forehead: "I... I didn't remind the boss to be careful!"

Boss Crab babbled all the way, talking about information about the Lost Kingdom and the Black God!

Hearing Jiangnan's scalp is also numb, what kind of existence is the Black God, and he has such a great prestige in the dimensional cracks!

Even single-handedly launched a dimensional war that has been fought for hundreds of millions of years!

If it is feasible, can I find him as a human backing?

Sounds tougher than silicon-based?

"Oh? Found it!"

I saw Boss Crab's eyes were bright, and he went straight to a howling space gale!

Jiang Nan was stunned: "What's up?"

Boss Crab said excitedly: "Dimensional wind road? Borrowing a way, this is much faster than hurrying on your own!"

Immediately, he slammed into the blowing space gale!

Engulfed by the strong wind, it moves forward at an extremely terrifying speed, and even passes through the cracks with violent spatial fluctuations!

Once you go through it, you don't know where the teleportation is going!

Jiangnan can be sure that he is now in a dimensional gap, and is definitely not in Blue Star or the Milky Way!

Only after understanding Jiangnan can we know!

This Yuanfeng Dao is similar to the ocean currents in the ocean!

There will be creatures in the ocean that will migrate with the help of ocean currents, saving time and effort!

And the strong wind in this space is not blowing randomly, there are fixed routes, just like a highway in the cracks of the dimension!

The so-called all roads lead to Rome, as long as you take the dimensional wind road, you will reach the lost country sooner or later!

Not long after entering the air duct, Jiangnan saw a group of four-horned beasts in the distance ahead using the air duct!

As soon as I saw Jiang Nan and others, I rushed towards this side like crazy!

Jiang Nan took out the God-killing sword and grinned:

(???) "Cheng Baoer~ You haven't had supper yet, have you?"

"Momo? Do you want to change to a moose ride?"

The crab boss raised the huge crab claws: "It's a deer, dare to take credit from Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu has cut you to pieces~"

So, under Momo's terrified eyes, the preparation of a late-night snack began!

In this way, the journey is boring and boring. If you come across to find fault, add a meal to Xingcheng and collect some dimensional beads!

If there is nothing, Jiangnan will go to the training room of Liuyinhao to practice, trying to improve the level and ascend to Daotian as soon as possible!

And Jiangnan has completely lost the concept of time, and only knows that he is moving towards the lost country all the time!

On the Blue Star, about a week has passed, and the endless tower plan is being implemented!

Drive the spirit beasts into the market, build the pillar of absolute spirit, build the endless tower, and all the top Blue Star experts are dispatched!

As the president of the International Lingwu Alliance, Quinn took the lead!

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner!

On this day, just after Xiao Chuhuihuo and the others returned to the capital, Zhong Yingxue went to look for them!

Xiao Chuihuo was a little surprised by Zhong Yingxue's arrival:

(??~??) "Girl Xue? Are you..."

Zhong Yingxue said with a smile: (??????????) "Grandpa Xiao, are you still teaching students? I have encountered a little problem recently, and I don't understand..."

Xiao Chuihuo was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Teach me! Why don't you teach me? I wish you could learn all my skills!"

On the other side, at the door of Mi Ye's room, Qian Bennan grabbed the phone and looked confused!

(???~??)???? "It's all this time, why is Mi Ye looking for Jiangnan? Also said that there is something important to discuss in depth?"

As soon as the door was opened, a cobweb shot at it like lightning, directly tying Qian Bennan's hands and feet!

Pulled into the room, and the wall banged on the spot!

I saw Mi Ye's wet hair and the scent of shower gel on her body!

The little hand raised Qian Bennan's chin with a fascinated face!

(??????) "Giggle~Little cute, fell into my sister's cobweb, but there is nowhere to escape~"

"I'm so greedy for just being busy with tasks during this period of time, babbling~"

While speaking, he licked Qian Bennan's cheek!

Qian Bennan: ? ? ?

Dah! Is this the important thing in the legend? Did you communicate like that?

I knew wow!

As a Southerner, do you even want me to help with this kind of thing? I didn't say anything at first!

(?﹏?not me…"

But how could she resist all night? Immediately, he was bitten on the neck and sucked blood!

Poisoned and rolled his eyes!

But after taking a bite, Mi Ye's brows were wrinkled, killing intent emerged in his eyes, and he grabbed Qianben Ying's neck!

(? ̄?~ ̄?) "You are not my little Lanlan? Who are you? Dare to pretend to be Jiangnan? You are courting death!"

Qianben Sakura was pinched and kicked:

(?????|||) "I...I'm Sakura-chan, and I'm pretending to be an order. Hey! Nan... Nanshen is far away!"

Can I get it myself? Do you want to be so exaggerated?

Mi Ye was stunned, went out?

So I threw Senbon Sakura out of the room!

( ?? ̄) "Hmph, you've gone far? You're hiding it from me? You're a big pig's hoof!"

As soon as Qian Bennan was thrown out, he teleported and ran away!

But Xia Yao, who was just looking for it, looked at this scene in a daze!

what's the situation?

Can not help but probe into the room:

door?~??) "Is Sister Mi Ye there?"

Mi Ye was stunned: "Yaoyao? Why did you come here? Xiaonan went away?"

Xia Yao was stunned, then smiled bitterly: "Yes... it's quite far, I'm here... I want to ask you to teach me some skills, can you?"

"Sister Mi Ye is the strongest in the entire Blue Star's beast transformation. I want to become stronger, and I don't want to be taken too far by Xiao Nan!"

Xia Yao, who has always been generous and generous, has a rare twist!

The corner of Mi Ye's mouth curled up, and he pulled Xia Yao into the room, slammed the wall, and took a few sips!

(??°.??°) "Giggle~ It's not impossible to teach you! It's just a tuition fee!"

"I wonder what Yaoyao will taste like?"

Xia Yao: ? ? ?

I... I was slapped by Mi Ye sister? Is this not right?

Goose box ~ there is such a good thing?

I saw Xia Yao hugged Mi Ye's slender waist, turned her body 360 degrees, and slapped Mi Ye against the wall!

With a smirk on his face: (????) "Sister's waist, the knife that kills ~ of course you can pay the tuition fee? Is it a one-time payment?"

Mi Ye: ? ? ?

No, no, I'm the queen, right? Why is Yaoyao still...

So he turned around and slammed Xia Yao into the wall again!

(?????) "Oh, what do you want to pay?"

Xia Yao: ? ? ?

No, no, I'm the big wolf, and it's only me who beat others!

So again an anti-wall bang!

Hmm~ A brand new perpetual motion machine was born!

Xia Yao + Mi Ye = Yong Dong Ji!

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