Hei God was excited when he heard that he could adjust thirty lives!

"You can adjust thirty lives, why don't you tell me earlier? Teach me how to adjust!"

"Why do you have so many questions? You don't understand Jiang Fan's ability!"

Jiangnan bumped the black **** with his shoulder:

(??.??) "Oh~ just tell me!"

The black **** stared: "Don't say it, hurry up! Otherwise, I will turn you into a favorite!"

Jiang counseling was agitated, how could this be a personal threat?

Jiangnan had no choice but to teach the Black God to transfer 30 lives!

The Black God was so excited: "Don't be afraid of death now, hurry up! Hurry up and fight!"

Jiangnan: (?~?)

It's only three hundred for a game? Do you want to be so serious!

The crab boss behind him was still running, and although Dawei Tianlong stopped, his eyes were full of resentment when he looked at Jiangnan!

You Lai Lai, you human wait for me!

Momo and Aijiang next to them don't know what to do!

Can only sit on both sides and watch the battle...

At the same time, on the Blue Star side, Jiangning Zhong Yingxue and a few people gathered together, looking a little uneasy!

Zhong Yingxue had big dark circles under her eyes, obviously she didn't rest well and was restless!

(??~?) "Xiaonan's snail communication can't get through, I tried several times to no avail!"

Hart worried:

(??﹏●) "I can't get in touch with my wife either. Where are they now? Could it be..."

Jiang Ning paced back and forth worryingly: "That's a dimensional gap. If the Black God finds out and there is no way to survive, I advise Xiaonan not to go..."

Everyone is anxious like ants on a hot pot!

At this moment, I saw Xia Yao holding a sentry robot and rushing into the room in a hurry!

(??ˇ﹏ˇ?) "How about trying Ai-chan? Ai-chan can connect information!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they quickly got the sentinels to connect!

Soon, the voice of Aijiang came, but the pressure was very low!

?(?????)? "What's the matter? Why did you suddenly call?"

Everyone's eyes are bright, can you get in touch? Is Aijiang's Wushen machine all right?

Jiang Ning hurriedly asked:

(???﹏??)? "Where is Xiao Nan? Is it safe? How are you? Where have you been? Have you met the Black God?"

A lot of questions have been asked in the past, which shows how worried everyone is!

Aijiang whispered:

?(?)?°??°)? "Hmm~ everyone is all right now, but it may also become a specimen, the situation is very complicated..."

"Master... Master is playing the game now, I don't dare to disturb him, take care of yourself!"

The mechanical eye turns on synchronous projection while speaking!

Everyone was dumbfounded, what the heck? gram game?

Could it be a specimen?

Xia Yao was stunned:

(???~??)???? "Didn't you say you have to practice hard? Why are you still lazy and not playing games?"

The next moment, the projection appeared!

I saw a pure white space filled with stars!

A Xiaobawang game console is so abrupt, Jiangnan and a shadow are sitting in front of him!

It's Soul Fighting!

"Hey, hey~ You're holding on to my position, what are you jumping about? This fort has to get down and fight!"

"Oh! You wait for me, I'll take a shot!"

Jiang Nan directly bumped the shadow with his shoulder!

"Brother! Let's start playing, please don't use your feet, okay? I can jump with my feet better than you!"

"Bah! Say it again! Believe it or not, this deity will make a specimen for you?"

"Hehe~ I don't believe it! You can't make it through without me!

The figures of the two were photographed by the mechanical eye!

Everyone in the room opened their mouths and looked stunned!


Jiang Ning swallowed: "You... where are you? What is the black shadow? Who is Xiao Nan playing against?"

Aijiang said anxiously: ?(???.)? "Shh~ that's not a thing, it's the Black God! The Black God! It's been a long time, and we're still in the lost kingdom!"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Ning's eyes widened, his chin slammed on the ground, and he fell down on the stool!

So... that black shadow is the black god?

She never thought that she would see the mysterious black **** deity in this way, the master of dimensions!

The thing he was worried about didn't happen at all. Instead, Xiao Nan went to someone else's site to play the game?

this this this...

Jiang Ning's brain immediately crashed!

Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao also watched this scene in shock!

Xiao Nan, what the **** kind of communication skills is this?

right there?

I saw Aijiang turned her head and saw Momo who was in full body, and even swept to Dawei Tianlong!

Its boundless and huge body gives people an infinite sense of oppression, and even the mechanical eyes can't fully focus!

Dawei Tianlong stared and said:

(;'?? dish??`)? "What are you looking at? I'll kill you, believe it or not?"

Frightened, Ai-chan quickly turned her head and didn't dare to watch it, so she closed the video connection!

"I... I'll hang up first, for fear of disturbing the master game!"

The line was disconnected while speaking, and everyone in the room was pale!

What is the strength of the dark golden dragon just now?

Xing Cheng's brother's body shape is not comparable to it!

However, under this circumstance, Jiangnan was playing the game with the Black God, and he was so hilarious!

Jiang Ning swallowed:

(??﹏??) "That dragon just now has at least the strength of a planetary destroyer!"

Everyone was numb, and Wu Liang smiled bitterly: "It seems that our worries are unnecessary. With Nan's ability, he can play everywhere!"

Jiang Ning covered his face, but I really didn't expect to play the game with the Black God. You don't even know what kind of supreme existence it is!

Hart was also full of joy. He just saw Momo. She seems to have become complete?

Zhong Yingxue's eyelids jumped: "Xiao... Xiao Nan is already at the level of the heavens! Let's..."

Everyone looked at each other, their faces turned black, and they rushed out to practice!

Of course, the situation is not as easy as everyone understands!

In the pure white space, it has been a long time since Jiangnan's eye circles have been blackened, but the black **** is still very energetic!

Jiang Nan said helplessly: ( ̄~ ̄) "Brother Hei! You have already played more than 100 games, are you playing it yourself?"

"Let me go, I have something to do when I come out?"

Black God said angrily: "What business can you have? Playing games with me is business, keep playing!"

Jiang Nan rubbed his eyebrows:

(??????) "No, I came out to find a backer. Blue Star is in an embarrassing situation right now?"

So while Jiangnan was playing games, he talked about the little thing about the holy star and the purpose of his trip to the city of a thousand stars!

The Black God was surprised: "Oh Huo? I didn't expect you to be such a weak chicken, but you are also the master of the times? Tsk tsk tsk~"

"Human talent is not weak, how can it be so miserable?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes:

(??~??) "Isn't that restricted by the Ten Thousand Clan Agreement? How many years has it been developed? It's not bad!"

Hei Shen glanced at Jiang Nan: "Go out to find a backer? I still advise you to give up this idea, under the stars, big fish always eat small fish!"

"The only one I can trust is myself!"

Jiang Nan shook jiojio: "I know that too? Isn't it impossible? You have to survive first!"

(????) "Hey hey~ You are so strong? How about being a supporter for us? There are a lot of interesting things on Blue Star, and I'm sure you won't be bored!"

The black gods ignored Jiangnan: "Don't count on me, I can't help you with things in the starry sky, it's not my territory, and the deity can't get out..."

Jiangnan curled his lips: (幛~幛?) "Nonsense! You just don't want to help, do you? You have so many big men under your command, and you even started a dimensional war to fight so much in the dark sky!"

"If you can't get out, how will you fight the war?"

Black God: "You know the shit! The extremely dark star dome has a special location, which is the natural intersection between the dimensional gap and the three-dimensional world! That's why it becomes a battlefield!"

"Dimensional creatures cannot come to the three-dimensional world without signing a contract. Even if they sign a contract, staying in the three-dimensional world will consume the host's energy!"

"But in the extremely dark sky, there is no such concern!"

Jiangnan was stunned. Is it the intersection of 3D and 3.5D?

That's right, Momo also told herself that summoning dimensional creatures will always consume her own spiritual power!

(??~??) "By the way, why did you start a dimensional war? Is it to slay all clans and unify the starry sky?"

The Black God said lightly: "A fool would start a war for such a boring purpose!"

"As for why I started a dimensional war? Hmm~ Because of boredom..."

Jiangnan: ('?w?)?

∑(°mouth°?) "Huh? Because of boredom? So you started a dimensional war? Hundreds of millions of years?"

"Hey hey hey! Your reason is more boring, okay?"

The Black God said angrily, "Then I have to have some fun, right? From the moment the Yuan Crack appeared, I was born!"

"I can't remember how long I have lived, more than ten billion years?"

"The starry sky in the three-dimensional world of others is slowly developing, from nothing, the starry sky is all races, civilization is born, and it is extremely gorgeous!"

"Look at Lao Tzu again? There's nothing, it's always been pitch black! Why?"

The more you talk about the Black God, the more angry you are!

"I can't get out, and there's nothing in the cracks! What's wrong with me fighting and having fun?"

"At least it's fine when you're idle. You can watch the battlefield projection and get some novel things to dismantle from the battlefield. Otherwise, what do you want me to do? Are you bored to death?"

Jiang Nan's forehead was sweating profusely, and he suddenly remembered the Eternal God-class starship that was dismantled into parts in the temple!

For some reason, Jiangnan thought of a child who was so bored at home that he dismantled toys...

Can't help covering your face, but also! Endless long life, invincible strength!

But in this endless dark and lonely dimension, how could it not be boring after living for so long!

But Jiangnan really did not expect that the real reason for the dimensional war that has been fought for hundreds of millions of years is just because the Black God is bored and wants to have some fun?

Wanzu will probably vomit blood if they know about it?

Black God looked at Jiangnan: "But I found something fun, enough to spend a boring time with me!"

"It's a pity to become a collection. Just play games with me until you die. With your current state, it shouldn't be difficult to live for hundreds of years, right?"

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

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