Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1972: Pink-haired humans! Can't cook?

As soon as he heard the news that there was going to be a war, Yang Jian immediately became invigorated!

"What's the specific situation? The chess player has it done?"

Jiang Nan did not confirm or deny, but told Yang Jian about the current situation!

Yang Jian was shocked when he heard it, but he was really in contact with Siji, and he was still a star of swallowing?

How long has it been since then, and things have been done to such an extent?

But if it is a different person, it is a question whether they can survive in the city of a thousand stars and ten thousand races!

Going to Jiangnan here, is it really opening the way for mankind?

Yang Jian swallowed his saliva: "Not only to fight! But also to call all clans to see, is the starry sky everyone knows about?"

Jiang Nan nodded: "This is something that can't be helped. Only in this way can it meet the interests of silicon-based species!"

"If it weren't for this, I might not have been able to get off the patrol starship before!"

"And this battle is also for all races to see clearly that human beings have won legally and compliantly, and everyone is a witness. According to the Starry Sky Law and the Star Market Development Management Regulations, the civilization that has won this game is eligible to enter. Starry Sky Sequence!"

Yang Jian's expression was solemn: "Will Siji do it according to the promised conditions? Or..."

As an old fritter, Yang Jian of course knows that what matters is not this battle, but what happens after this battle!

Jiangnan smiled bitterly: "To be honest, I don't know whether Silicon Foundation will fulfill its promise, but from the perspective of interests, it is in the interests of Silicon Foundation to protect human beings and let the event continue to ferment and expand!"

"But I don't want to put the fate of the race entirely in the hands of others!"

"So I left behind, and now the son of the Lord of the Stars is in my hand, and we still have the Creation Beast!"

"Once there is an accident, or the silicon base is not guaranteed, the Bose clan insists on destroying the Blue Star, then I will use his son's life and the Creation Beast as a bargaining chip!"

"No matter what Siji does, at least it can guarantee that after this war, the holy star will not dare to act recklessly, and there is a high probability that the blue star will not be destroyed! It is also an extra insurance!"

Everyone's scalp is numb, how comprehensive is Xiaonan?

Have you thought about the situation that Silicon Base will not fulfill its promise?

That's why I took the risk to grab Norman as a bargaining chip, and did my best to grab the Creation Beast before leaving!

Two great bargaining chips to preserve the foundation of mankind!

It is about the fate of the race, and Jiangnan doesn't want to place his hopes entirely on others!

Be sure to prepare more!

Yang Jian looked at the dark shadow, with mixed feelings in his heart: "It's also embarrassing you boy, it's not very smooth in the city of a thousand stars, right?"

Jiangnan waved his hand, laughing straight:

?(??????) "No, no, it's still very comfortable. I live in Noah's Manor for one billion a night. I can still play mahjong when I have nothing to do, and go shopping and buy!"

"By the way! I also made a lot of souvenirs from the City of Thousand Stars, and I will send you back!"

Everyone was stunned, why did it sound like they were traveling?

Only Jiang Ning's eyes were full of worry. Others didn't know where Noah Manor was, but she knew it!

Have you been forced to live in Noah's Manor to escape disaster?

One can imagine how dangerous Jiangnan's situation is. Xiaonan didn't mention it at all?

Yang Jian smiled bitterly: "It's fine if you don't need money for the accompaniment. Are there any special arrangements for this battle?"

Jiang Nan's expression was condensed: "To be honest, there is not much that can be done, I can only inform everyone that you can go to the extraordinary as soon as possible, and prepare for the battle at any time!"

"Call Grandpa Xiao and little brother back, it's probably only two days away!"

"Always pay attention to the star map. Once the star road of the Laniakea supercluster is unblocked on the star map, it will be the moment for the Holy Star to launch a general attack!"

"At that time, the Star Road will be unblocked, and I will most likely borrow the road to go back. It should be a little later than the people from Saint Star!"

Yang Jian nodded his head: "I'll make arrangements now, and make a plan that can be assembled at any time!"

Jiang Nan nodded: "By the way, hasn't the nail that was inserted on our side been pulled out yet? Is there any news from Cooper's side?"

Yang Jian shook his head: "I've been looking for it all this time, but I haven't found anything. Cooper doesn't believe it! But he's also extraordinary!"

Jiangnan was shocked: ∑(°mouth°?) "He's extraordinary? That slave mark..."

Yang Jian grinned: "Don't worry, it wasn't planted. After all, its identity is the mirage's divine body, and it doesn't have to be controlled by the slave seal, or he won't dare to mess up!"

"The nail hasn't been pulled yet, so do you want this news..."

Jiangnan breathed a sigh of relief, that's good!

"It's okay, I will notify you normally, because the news about me in the City of Thousand Stars will be exposed immediately. It is normal for Blue Star to have a reaction!"

"Maybe it can be fished out!"

And Jiang Ning is scalp numb:

(??﹏??) "You want to reveal your identity in the city of a thousand stars? And you also tied the son of the star master?"

"Then what are you going to do? Can you come back?"

This is almost a hopeless situation, right? In the City of Thousand Stars, there is not so much attention!

Shengxing can use all his strength to deal with Jiangnan!

Jiangnan grinned:

(?????) "Don't worry! There will always be a way! Run back!"

"Ah, by the way, the good man card should come to test Qian Bennan's true body and launch a wave of attacks!"

"Don't hide when Jie Shi, just pretend to reveal your true identity inadvertently, and then look annoyed and so on, make him a little sense of accomplishment, lost in the sense of accomplishment and can't extricate himself!"

"Then you don't have to be me, just wait until I get home!"

Everyone was stunned, Shen Te Meow pretended to be exposed inadvertently!

The good man card knows the truth and still can't be mad?

When Qianben Sakura heard the news, she was also agitated. Is this knife still unable to escape?

The good man card is coming to beat me?

Jiang Ning is still very worried:

(???~??) "Can't you not reveal your identity?"

Jiangnan spread his hands: "No way, my exposure is the fuse! Prerequisites! It's okay, don't worry about me, so many strong winds and waves have come over, small scene!"

At this moment, I heard Ai-chan's anxious announcement from the starship!

"Detected an energy-type life attack, turn on the quantum force field shield, please..."


With a loud explosion, the entire starship was shaking violently, and the alarm suddenly lit up!

I heard the arrogant shouts from the outside world!

(?°?д°?) "Jiangnan! Come out for Lao Tzu, do you really think I'm afraid of Karl?"

"Today, you have to take your head sacrificial knife, how dare you fight me? My **** of stars is not given for nothing!"

Jiangnan grinned:

(?ˉ??ˉ?) "Hey~ isn't this coming? La Dou Ying, remember to act like a little Oo, and I'll reward you later!"

"I'll hang up first, contact me anytime!"

Everyone looked at each other!

Is it really coming? Do you want to be so accurate? Hey!

Is Xiaonan predictable or what?

Did you even know that Karl would come to attack?

Outside the starship, Carl is holding a holy sword, and the two glazed horns on his head are scarlet, looking a little nervous!

Next to him were Igor and 07, who were standing very close to Carl at the moment, looking around from time to time with a suspicious look on his face!

The Quantum Field Shield is fluctuating due to Karl's attack!

Even a starship slashed with a sword drifts!

Seeing that his new ship became someone else's, Carl couldn't be more angry!

With Carl's attack, the starship's various weapons are fully opened, and the plasma cannons begin to charge!

Qian Bennan took everyone to the deck of the starship with a teleport!

?(ˉ?εˉ??) "Yo~ isn't this Jiang Er? Why did you pull it like this after a long time?"

Carl's forehead blue veins violently!

(?°?yi°?) "Fart! What's the point of having too many people? It's easier and more enjoyable to kill you!"

"Don't you know how to soak in warp speed? You can try to soak me again? If I can make another move, I will give you your surname!"

07 A look of hesitating to speak, want to say that you already have his surname?

Would you like to change your oath?

But remembering the tragic situation of Gabriel, 07 shut up decisively!

I saw Qian Bennan's eyes dodging:

(??????) "Bubble... soak you? Forget it! Bennan is fascinated by beautiful girls, and has no interest in you, Xizhilang!"

Igor's eyes narrowed and he looked at Carl!

Carl nodded slightly, his eyes flickered, and in normal times, this fellow has already used warp speed bubbles to throw Baba at himself!

Not now? To use or not?

Is this Jiangnan real or fake?

I saw Carl sneer: "I can't come out, right? Then don't blame me for being rude!"

"After all, in the eyes of Lao Tzu, you are full of flaws!"

"This city! Today I will show you the slaughter!"

Carl opened his arms directly as he spoke!

"The realm is unfolding? Dark blue minus zero! The kingdom of the dead! Purple clouds fall to the sky!"

In an instant, while Carl's own domain was unfolding, the two blood horns above his head also burst into light!

Death is the wind, and the purple poisonous smoke turns into clouds, poisoning everything!

This is the domain of Cooper and Kaori respectively!

With the combined help of a few bosons and the creation of the crystal source, the smelly weaving was lying flat and became extraordinary!

Having his own domain is also a last resort for Saint Star to increase his own strength, because it is true that he has nothing to do!

The metamorphosis of the boson is that not only can the ability be reproduced, but even the domain can be used together!

But with Carl's understanding of the domain of others, fusion is completely impossible, this is just a simple superposition!

But the power is already considerable enough!

I saw Carl grinned, waved his hand, and the boundless death energy wrapped in a poisonous cloud, swept away towards the capital city!

"Give me all to die, you guys!"

Aijiang said anxiously: "The high beam energy plasma cannon is fired!"


The huge white beam of light blasted towards Carl!

Qianben Nanbei clenched her teeth, and she came to the sky over Kyoto in a teleport!

(??ˇyiˇ?) "Damn it! I'm here! You can't even think about it!"

Seeing the poisonous cloud of death gas mixed with the impact of extreme cold!

Qian Bennan stretched out his small hand: "The space is broken!"

The large space is shattered like a mirror, and the gap between the dimensions is connected, and infinite suction bursts out!

A large number of dead air poison clouds have been sucked into the dimensional gaps!

Carl's eyes brightened:

(????) "The space is broken? Jiangnan doesn't have this skill! Are you not Jiangnan?"

Qian Bennan sweated profusely on his forehead, his eyes dodged:

(What? What?) "Who... Who said I don't have it? Can you manage my new spiritual skills?"

Carl stared: "Do you argue again? Do you want to lie to me twice with the same routine?"

"Are you that pink-haired human named Qianben Sakura? This skill belongs to her, she is a group of vegetables, and there are few skills that can be used, and they always use this space to shatter!"

Qian Bennan: ? ? ?

(??? dish??)? "You're a talented bunch, I bah! Don't talk nonsense, you? It's just that this skill is suitable for this scene!"

"I'm Jiangnan Bennan! If it's fake!"

The corner of Carl's mouth evoked a smug arc:

(What? What?) "You lied to the world, but you can't lie to me! Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Since it's not Jiangnan! Then you will die!"

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