Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1983: fierce confrontation

Jiang Nan smiled: (??°??°) "Isn't there 12.88 seconds left? What's the hurry? Hmm~ Who should I choose~"

I saw Jiang Nan leaning on his chin, his eyes wandering freely in the field!

In the end, his eyes fell on Huan Lou, and he smiled brightly!

(??°???°)? "It's decided! Just choose you!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and threw out the Void Chain to wrap around everyone in the box!

Ye Yuan, Momo and the others haven't reacted yet what's going on!

And Huanlou looked at Jiangnan, and for some reason, a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart!

Just about to do something!

The next moment, Jiang Nan grinned:

? "Space permutation!"

The moment the replacement happens!

A bizarre attack in the shape of a crescent moon swept straight to Jiangnan!

The shot is a high-dimensional strike, and the speed is so fast that almost no creature can react!

There is no sign!

But Jiangnan has already replaced everyone in the box ahead of time!

The Jiangnan in the box suddenly disappeared, replaced by the phantom building full of stunned critics!


In this case, there is no way to react at all, let alone escape!


Huanlou's body exploded violently and decomposed into the purest energy!

Even the entire box was decomposed into nothingness!

The attack even killed all the tens of thousands of people in the audience below!

Including the starlight booth in the center of the auction site, it was divided into two!

Suzune looked pale at the booth that had been opened, and the attack could be said to have wiped her body over!


Any more and you'll die!

The sudden and powerful attack stunned everyone!

There was an uproar!

I saw Xing Luo stepped out of the void holding the holy sword, his face was extremely gloomy!

Huanlou's body of the imperial **** was blasted on the spot!

I saw a mass of human-shaped chaotic energy suddenly emerge, and the complexion was extremely ugly!

"Jiangnan! Damn it! Xingluo? What are you doing?"

Xing Luo's eyes are full of coldness:

(? ̄?_ ̄?) "Nothing! I made a mistake! Do you have any comments?"

The phantom building was suffocated at once, and half a word could not be collapsed!

yes? Any other opinion? It's just a white blindness of a royal body!

God-killed Jiangnan, pull Lao Tzu to block the sword?

Is it the hand you held when you entered the venue? So just...

This kid is just riding a horse with a bad stomach!

Killing intent bloomed in Xing Luo's eyes, but he escaped from Lao Tzu's high-dimensional blow?

Is it because of the stinky girl of the Apocalypse clan?

Otherwise, just after that, you can directly send Jiangnan to death!

At this moment, the entire Tianyu hypermarket was in an uproar!

Did someone really do it on the end of the war? And it comes up with a heavy hand!

Cut down the Starlight booth!

Box 666 has completely disappeared, Jiangnan... dead?

When everyone saw clearly who was coming, their hearts trembled even more!

It was the Lord of the Bose Saint Stars! Star Luo?

But at this moment, Xing Luo doesn't care about anything else, he just wants Jiangnan to die!

Kill him as fast as possible!

Xingluo's sword was about to be cut, but at this moment, the top of the box where Jiangnan was located was directly cut off by the space barrier!

I saw Jiang Nan holding a dumb sack in one hand and a God-killing sword in the other!

The blade has been aimed at the pocket!

10 small leather whips stretched out behind them, each with 10 dark matter star bombs!

It's ready to explode!

As long as Jiangnan confirms the detonation, it will explode directly!

At this moment, Jiangnan's eyes are full of fierceness!

"Come on! Don't you want to kill me? Can you try it?"

"You dare to touch me, I'll just let your son go and put 10 star bombs on it! With the superposition of power, the entire black street is not enough to explode!"

"Don't say I'm not as fast as you! I have the whispers of the gods and the warp speed! You know how capable I am! Although you can beat me!"

"But if I die! All the people present are going to pad their backs for Lao Tzu! Including your son!"

At this moment, everyone's face turned white!


FUCK FUCK! What is the situation?

Jiangnan is going to release star bombs on the black street, and there will be ten bombs at once?

How could someone of Xing Luo's identity come here to kill Jiangnan himself?

son? what the hell?

Is that Norman in the sack? Jiangnan captured Norman?


A piece of the best news, everyone's head was blown to the ground!

I saw You Lulu and Roentgen still standing in the box at the moment!

Now looking at Jiang Nan with a terrified face, he squatted in the corner with his head directly shivering!


Is this stuff crazy? Really fried ah he?

If ten bombs are bombed together, they can't escape even if they can run away?

Is it life-threatening to come to an auction?

Even the prisoner's face turned white, did I really not praise you for nothing?

The star bomb was just bought by Temeow, are you going to release it?

And are you still going to put it in the Tianyu hypermarket with millions of people?

The veins on Xing Luo's forehead jumped violently!

(?◣yi◢?) "You dare!"

Take your sword and step forward while you speak!

Jiang Nan stared, and the ten star bombs were put in front of the front, and the God-killing knife in his hand was directly inserted into the dumb sack!

At this moment, although the dumb sack didn't make any sound, it squirmed violently!

(?°?yi°?) "It's so far! What else can I dare not to do? I'm going to lose my life! It's not as precious as the life of your son of Xing Luo!"

"Norman! Do you hear? Your father doesn't care about your life or death, I'm sorry! If that's the case, then I can only send you to death first!"

"Then detonate the bomb and take everyone to see me Lai Lai!"

At this moment, Norman has already changed the sack several times, but it has long been marinated!

The screams of being cut off by the God-killing sword kept coming!

(#)??Д??(#) "Father! Help me! Help me! I don't want to die!"

[The resentment value from Norman +1009! ]

[From Norman…]

[The resentment value from Xingluo +1009! ]

I saw Xing Luo's expression grim, and everything around him was being annihilated by ice!

He didn't doubt at all whether it was Norman in the sack, because Carl said that Jiangnan used the sack to catch bosons!

The blow just now didn't kill it, and if you want to do it again, it won't be easy!

(?? Yi?) "You stop me! My son is dead! You are going to die too!"

Jiang Nan squinted his eyes: "I'm dead! Not only are you going to die, but everyone will die too! Besides, I'll put your **** on!"

"Come on! Are you doing it?"

"I've wanted to see you for a long time. After all these years, I finally saw you!"

"I'm not prepared to dare to show up under your nose?"

Xing Luo's expression froze directly, and his breath was uncertain!

Behind him, a series of boson figures emerged, hundreds, thousands, all of the superior clan, with terrifying aura!

To be honest, Jiangnan has never seen so many bosons in his life!

He may be killed at any time, but Jiang Nan has no fear in his heart!

Instead, I felt my blood was burning and boiling!

After more than 3,000 years, human beings have finally reached this point!

And what he is doing is exactly this, and Jiangnan has already given up his life and death!

The atmosphere in the field became extremely stagnant!

At this moment in Jiangnan, one person is confronted with thousands of bosons, and he is not afraid!

I don't know how many years this scene has not appeared!

Jiangnan didn't panic, but the millions of buyers at the venue panicked?

If Jiangnan dies, he will definitely order a star bomb before he dies. How many will survive?

Make it clear that you want to pull everyone into the water!

Sister Zerg swallowed her saliva:

(??????????) "Crush... impulse is the devil, we can sit down and talk about anything! Why fight and fight?"

Looking at the 10 star bombs, Odius' face is also not good-looking!

Although he didn't want to speak for Jiangnan, he definitely didn't want to be bombed!

??(′-﹏-`?)?? "Is there something to solve in private, it's not good to do it here?"

The moon raccoon also had a white face at the moment:

?(?っ????﹏????c)? "If it really blows up today, millions of people will die! The black street will be destroyed!"

"Once an accident happens, it's a big event. It's not very good for your Bosor's reputation, right?"

In fact, the moon raccoon has almost gone crazy!

sky! How courageous is Jiangnan, and he is still curious about how the Norman matter was resolved!

Who knew that Jiangnan had captured Norman?

Directly with the high-level Bose?

This matter can't be solved by himself anymore, the moon raccoon has long been crazy to send a message to Lord Noah with his tail!

Not only a few people are persuading, but others also agree!

Not because I wanted to help Jiangnan, but because I didn't want to be bombed and killed!

It is said that people who are about to die are also good at their words!

But when Jiangnan people are about to die, their actions are also evil!

He absolutely can do it!

Xing Luo squinted his eyes: "I, the Holy Star of the Bose clan, do business, when do I need to see the faces of the ten thousand clans?"

"If it really blew up, it was also killed by Jiangnan. What does it have to do with my holy star?"

At this moment, everyone in the store looked ugly, he really didn't care whether everyone lived or died!

But how? In the face of Xing Luo, he could only be angry and dare not speak, there is no way!

Wenger's face turned pale when he saw this scene, he knew that Jiangnan had caught Norman, and sooner or later something would happen!

Something happened before noon!

He wondered why Jiangnan did this?

Isn't this looking for death? You have to live, if you die, Lao Tzu Xiangzhu will be out of action!

Yueli's pretty face squeezed out a dry smile:

?(?っ⌒?⌒c)? "But the Black Label Conference is my black street tradition, stop the war today!"

"You hacked to death tens of thousands of people when you came up. This is against the rules. I know you are angry. You can not give me a bad face!"

"But the black street is Lord Noah's property, are you doing this..."

Xing Luo snorted coldly:

(What benefits?) "Don't use Noah to press me! Just two words! It's not enough!"

"Is he Noah! Or is my Holy Law? The star law is big? How big is he?"

"I have to kill Jiangnan today! If Noah is dissatisfied, let him come and talk to me in person!"

The moon raccoon's face was pale, and his back was already soaked in cold sweat!

I really can't do it myself!

Xing Luo's identity is so overwhelming that he can't breathe!

But just as Xing Luo finished speaking, the hypermarket was over!

Infinite dark matter gathers crazily, and in a blink of an eye, it condenses into a human form!

The breath is extremely terrifying, just the surging dark matter energy fluctuations, everyone who has been suppressed can't breathe!

A pair of eyes staring at Xing Luo!

"Isn't it enough? You want me to come! I'll come!"

"I made trouble on the day of my black street black label conference and ruined my business? Don't you take me Noah in your eyes?"

Xing Luo's complexion suddenly turned ugly!

"Noah? You..."

Noah stared, dark matter surging around him: "What do you call me? Is the emperor rewarding his family's juniors so uneducated?"

"Although you have some skills, you haven't reached the Tun Star yet! You just stepped over with half a foot. Are you putting your identity too high?"

"Before you don't have the strength to destroy a galaxy, face swallowing stars! Use honorific titles! Bose is no exception!"

"The emperor can call me by my name! You are not qualified! Even if I am just a mind clone! It is also a swallowing star!"

"Now! Say my name again!"

Xing Luo's fists creaked:

(?◣Yi◢) "Noah...sir!"

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