Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2026: betray! The fate of the chess piece

Mook turned his head: "Don't think about it? Don't forget, this is the Holy Law Judgment, this is not to discuss with you!"

"Besides! You just said it yourself! If you make a mistake, you must make up for it!"

The emperor's eyes are red, and he is not angry, and 29.33% of his hands are shaved off?

As a result, the Bose people's operations for many years have been put into running water, and their right to speak in the Holy Law Society will plummet!

(?°?yi°?) "Mook! Don't go too far!"

Noah opened his mouth immediately, and his eyes flowed:

(¬_¬) "Excessive? I don't think it is too much. If you don't shave off your Bose people in the Holy Law Society, how can you prevent such incidents from happening again?"

"If you continue to develop, the Holy Law will really become your Bose family!"

Madam Manti said lightly: "The strength of the Bose clan is obvious to all. Just cutting the flesh is not enough to make the people angry!"

Gamma said: "Besides, this is also the result of the negotiation of the major sequences, I support Muoke's judgment!"



The voice of second opinion came, and the anger surged in the emperor's chest, and there was a feeling that he was a wounded lone wolf, and the rest of the hyenas came to bite his flesh and blood!

"That can't be 29.33%! I don't recognize this number. Don't force Lao Tzu, otherwise everyone will not think about it!"

The previous verdict is still within the range of the emperor's reward, but once the psychological tolerance limit is exceeded, then the Bose will not recognize it!

Noah sneered: (¬?¬) "Hey! Emperor reward, why are you clenching your teeth? After such a big incident, you Bose people are still in this position, you won't feel no blood. Will it be okay?"

The eyes of the rest of the sequences also fell on the emperor's reward!

Muke said with a blank face: (〃?_?) "Don't you agree? Then you say the number, and we will discuss it separately. Today, you must shave!"

"Otherwise, what's the point of this ruling!"

The emperor's reward suppressed the anger in his heart:

(︶Yi︶?) "25%..."

Mook immediately said: (°ー°〃) "Yes! 25% is 25%! The ruling will take effect immediately! The vacated positions will be replaced by the remaining nine sequencers!"

The rest of the sequences also nodded!

Emperor reward: ! ! !

Lailey's! More to say!

If I had known it earlier, I would have said less, but it would be fine if it would be so peaceful!

The layout can be recovered slowly. It is on the eve of the Sequence War, so let's cover it up first!

The Jiangnan below looked at it with a tsk tsk and smack, and the emperor's reward would not be able to bargain? Don't know how to cut it in half before talking?

However, in this situation, if the emperor wants to make peace, he can only admit that the result of this payment is smaller than the consequences of the Bose family turning their face!

This silicon base is really crazy!

Muke's words changed: "At this point, the trial of the Bose tribe is over, and the review process for the Blue Star Humans entering the starry sky sequence has begun!"

All eyes in the hall were focused on Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan's eyes narrowed, has it finally begun?

Yang Jian and Freya also took a deep breath and looked solemn!

Muke said lightly: "Although the Blue Star Humans have suffered three illegal development of the Bose Holy Star, it is a fact that they won the Star Ruins War!"

"It stands to reason that you should be eligible to join the Starry Sky Sequence!"

"However, the priority of the Ten Thousand Races Agreement is higher than the Starry Sky Law. It is a product of later revisions. In view of the special position of Blue Star human beings, as well as historical factors, etc., it cannot be judged by ordinary races!"

"So after comprehensive consideration by the Holy Law Society, it was decided to reject the Blue Star Humanity's application to join the Starry Sky Sequence and maintain the terms of the Ten Thousand Races Agreement!"

"Subsequently, my silicon base will cooperate with other sequences to jointly supervise the implementation of the Ten Thousand Race Agreement to prevent the recurrence of vicious incidents similar to Saint Star that violate the agreement!"

"Humans represent Jiangnan! Do you have any objections?"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Nan's expression suddenly became gloomy, his body and mind were cold, and his ears were buzzing!

For a moment, my brain went blank, and my whole body seemed to be drained of energy!

Even the faces of Yang Jian and Freya behind them were pale!

Reject the application? Uphold the Ten Thousand Nations Pact? how so!

It wasn't like that before!

Star Luo and Carl on the side also showed gloating expressions!

"It's hard for me, don't think about it, you want to join the Starry Sky Sequence after winning the Star Market War? You can only say that you are too naive, just dream!"

Seeing Jiang Nan's sudden change in expression, Di Fu's face was full of pride!

Hairy boy! fight me? Do you recognize your own strength?

Lao Tzu has many means! Squeeze you to death!

At this moment, even Bai Kou, Zhong Yingxue and the others who were waiting outside the venue changed their expressions and rejected the application?

Jiang Nan's expression gradually turned hideous, and his icy eyes looked directly at Muke!

"Mook! What do you mean? That's not what the previous agreement said!"

"I, the human race, also won the Star Market War! Why don't we let human beings enter the starry sky sequence? Is this what your silicon bases do?"

Jiangnan has tried his best to keep himself calm in the conversation!

As for the other sequences, it seems that I am not surprised by this result, just watching this scene with great interest!

Muke was expressionless: "What agreement? I'm just reading the verdict of the Holy Law! Do you have any objections?"

Jiangnan's forehead blushed violently: "You don't recognize it? That day..."

Before the words were finished, Jiang Nan was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes became even colder!

It is useless to shake out the conversation between Siji and Human that night, the Bose know well about the cooperation!

And the rest of the sequence has also been fed by the meat that Muuk cut from the Bose!

Silicone! What a silicon base! Maximize self-interest?

Not only to cut the flesh and blood of the Bose tribe, but also to crush human beings to death, strangling the danger in the cradle?

No chance at all?

Judging from the expression on the emperor's reward, you should have known about this a long time ago. The two clans don't know what else is going on behind their backs!

Humans are sold out!

Chess pieces in hand, can you discard them as you like? Throwing the gun away when it's out of use?

At this moment, the anger in Jiang Nan's heart is surging. He doesn't know what expression he should have now, but it must be ugly!

This result is unacceptable to Jiangnan, and it must not be accepted as such!

"There is an objection! The objection is too big! What is a comprehensive consideration? You say rejection is rejection, right?"

"Will other races join the sequence in the future? That's the case! The Star Market Management Regulations are still useless!"

"Do this! How can you convince the public?"

Mook: "I have already said that this is the result of the collective deliberation of the Holy Law Society! The nature of Blue Star humans is special and cannot be generalized!"

"If you are not satisfied with the verdict, you can initiate a vote on the spot! Anyway, people from all ethnic groups are present!"

"If you agree with the verdict, reject the application of human beings to join the Starry Sky Sequence, and maintain the Ten Thousand Race Agreement, please raise your hand!"

As Muke's voice fell, the emperor raised his hand first, followed by the Angels, Stardust, Chaos...

And the figures on the seats of the ten thousand races sequence surrounding the judgment platform raised their hands one after another, with sneer and playful smiles on their faces!

Immediately, many people spoke up!

"Compared to letting humans join the Starry Sky Sequence, it is better to maintain the Ten Thousand Race Agreement. After all, human beings are born with dangerous factors, which is not conducive to the peaceful development of the Starry Sky!"

"That's right, as you can see from the most wanted list, the first and second people above are all human beings. This shows that human beings are inherently inferior, and they love to destroy and break the law!"

"If you don't respect the laws of the starry sky, how can you let them join the starry sky sequence? If there is another existence, who knows what will happen when you grow up? There has already been a chaos of thousands of stars. , Chang Yizhi?"

"That's right! Go back to your hometown and stay there. The City of a Thousand Stars is not a place where you wild monkeys can come. You are not welcome here!"

One after another harsh voices came from the surrounding area!

At this moment, all the seats in the Sequence of Ten Thousand Races raised their hands, expressing their agreement to the judgment!

Even those who are uncertain and do not really want to agree, in this situation, they can only raise their hands to express their agreement!

Otherwise, wouldn't it appear that he is very different, and it is easy to be targeted by the other family!

The top ten in the sequence also raised their hands one after another, including Madam Manti!

The emperor tilted his head: "Noah? What's your attitude?"

Noah smiled, and finally raised his hand: "It's nothing, I just thought of some fun things, just distracted!"

I saw that at the end, Muke also raised his hand!

So far 10987 starry sky sequences, all hands up!

Muke said lightly: "So... do you know the reason now? The objections of the Blue Star humans are not important! The starry sky sequence of all races passed the ruling by unanimous vote!"

"Now! Can I continue reading the verdict?"

The blue veins on Jiangnan's forehead violently burst: "You farts! Human beings are born with dangerous factors? Who forced them? Didn't you force you to step on a horse?"

"A slap in the face, I can only take it, right?"

"What's the reason? The reason? In the end, it's not the fear of the human king-level potential? I'm afraid that the grown-up human beings will crush you and trample you under your feet!"

"It's you who came to develop it! It's you who made the agreement of all races, and it's you who won the game! It's all up to you, right?"

"A bunch of cowards who only know how to abide by the rules, pursue fame and fortune, and bully the weak! I believe in your evil and come here to participate in this **** divine law trial!"

At this moment, Jiang Nan was completely angry, and the momentum on his body was manic and pressing!

The expressions of the people of all ethnic groups whose figurines were torn off became extremely ugly!

Tiffany squinted: "This representative! Please pay attention to your words, the Holy Law Great Hall represents the highest power center in the starry sky! It's not the place where you wild monkeys come to spread wildness!"

"If you make another rude remark, and insult the majesty of the Holy Law Society, I will kill you on the spot! Defend the sanctity of the Holy Law Great Hall!"

"Where is the law enforcement force?"

Following Tiffany's order, the legal order troop composed of the top ten sequences rushed to the trial platform, and the weapons in their hands were aimed directly at Jiangnan in the center of the trial platform!

The atmosphere in the Holy Law Great Hall was stagnant for a while!

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