Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2033: An in-depth conversation with a wonderful style

So he hurriedly urged: "Take it out and give it to me Kangkang? If it's quite interesting, it's not impossible to let you guys go!"

Jiang Nan grinned, and immediately opened the Alien Space. With a big wave of his hand, there were two more children's coin-operated rocking cars on the spot!

(︶.?︶〃)? "How is it? Awesome?"

At this moment, the entire Lost Temple fell into absolute silence!

Momo Jiangning's mouth twitched, Olivia covered her face!

Dawei Tianlong almost choked to death, what **** did you pay tribute to the Black God on horseback?

Three-year-olds don't play with this stuff, right?

Black God? More than a dozen of them erupted, billowing black mist surging!

"You're making fun of me, aren't you? This broken thing can also be called a baby? It's not as perfunctory as you!"

Thankfully, I'm still looking forward to seeing you!

Isn't this a shabby rocking cart used to slander Xingluo's idiots?

What's the fun in this?

Jiang Nan said in a bad mood: (?ˇ~ˇ?) "Humph! The Black God doesn't know how expensive this car is! I shed tears to Dimension Kong alone!"

As he spoke, he stepped forward and rode on the rocking cart, took out a coin and threw it in!

The next moment, colorful lights sounded, accompanied by inferior sound effects echoing throughout the Lost Temple!

"Dad's father is called Grandpa~"

"Call it grandpa~ call it grandpa!"

And the body of the rocking car also swayed back and forth with the rhythm of the singing!

At this moment, Jiangnan showed a smile of enjoyment and a face of redemption!


The Black God was stunned, then turned his head angrily and said:

"It's so naive! Who would like something like this?"

Jiang Nan smiled and said: (??????) "Don't try it? How do you know it's not fun if you don't try it?"

Hei Shen looked at Jiang Nan, and he really enjoyed seeing his expression, didn't he?

(︶~︶●) "Look... Judging from your wall cracking requirements and careful preparation, it's not bad for the deity to try it out!"

So he stepped and rode on the rocking cart, grabbed it casually, created something out of thin air, and directly grabbed a coin and threw it into the coin slot!

This is good, the two rockers are rocking back and forth in the same rhythm!

The black mist all over the Black God is surging, and it seems to be extremely relaxed!

Jiangnan enjoys the road:

?*??(???????)??*? "How is it? Do you feel like lying on the cloud, as if you were back in the arms of your mother when you were a child? It's reassuring!"

Jiang Nan has never experienced what it feels like to be in his mother's arms, but it's probably the same as rocking a car, right?

This is also the reason why I was obsessed with it when I was young!

Black God: ?*??(??????)??*? "Also... that's it, I've never experienced the embrace of my mother, but there is indeed a kind of return to the time of birth, and the rhythm of the universe is formed. , the feeling of dimensional expansion and expansion, tender and green, goose box~"

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

God special meow universe is born, how can you experience such a profound thing in a rocking car?

Jiang Ning covered his face!

A lord of the era, a dimensional overlord, the two of them got on a rocking cart in the incomparably mysterious Lost Temple?

And also discussed the feeling after riding?

What kind of weird style is this!

Momo's pretty face turned red, she couldn't help but took out her phone and turned on the video button!


Is Nanshen sitting in a rocking cart, or is he sitting with the Black God?

If this is seen by everyone, I don't know what the expression will be!

Xing Cheng looked eager, and Cheng Baoer wanted to sit too, it looked like it was fun!

The two shook while talking!

The black **** tilted his head: "It's quite a novel experience, let's count you through! By the way, why did you come to me? I thought you would never come back in your life!"

"According to your unprofitable temperament, if nothing happens, you won't come here, right?"

Jiang Nan smiled shyly: ?(??????) "How can I be so ruthless as you said? But I really have something to look for!"

"I have a copy of the City of Thousand Stars that I would like to team up with you to play, will you come?"

Jiang Ning: (|||??3??) Pfft~

God special meow brushed the copy of the city of a thousand stars, these two people sat in Yaoyao's car and began to discuss the starry sky event!

It's completely different from the tense and serious atmosphere I imagined before I came here!

The Black God was stunned: "Brush the copy of the City of Thousand Stars? What do you mean?"

Jiangnan shrugged: ?(?'~?')? "You should be paying attention to the recent events, right? I was sold by Siji, and I won't be allowed to enter the sequence after winning the Star Ruins War. To restore the Ten Thousand Clan Agreement, right? Blue Star launches a verdict!"

The black **** shook his head and played with the taste:

(?–?–) "Huh? I didn't pay attention at all. As the overlord of the dimension, I am busy with my daily affairs, busy with official business, and rule the cracks of this dimension!"

"Why do you pay attention to these trivial things?"

Jiangnan is speechless: (¬_¬) "So what you say is to be busy with business is to drive excavators and play games? Stop pretending, you explained it to Dawei Tianlong before, right?"

The Black God took a sip, Lai Lai's, was it seen again?

(?–?–) "Although... I didn't pay attention, but I heard a little bit about it. At the beginning, I felt that what you did was unreliable. The cake was so big. Are you at the table?"

"Besides, coupled with the perversion of human talent, this result is not unexpected!"

Jiang Nan sighed: "So I was lucky, and now I really have no choice. If you don't let me eat the cake, then I can only lift the table and smash the cake!"

Black God: ? ? ?

"The copy of the City of Thousand Stars you just mentioned, shouldn't it be like Jiang Fan, to demolish the City of Thousand Stars?"

Jiangnan spread his hands: ?(?'??')? "Otherwise? Otherwise, what do you think I'm talking to you about?"

Hei God smacked his lips when he heard it: "I have to say, your brat is much more courageous than Jiang Fan back then! You want to demolish the City of Thousand Stars before reaching Poxing?"

"I advise you, it's best not to do things beyond your ability, otherwise the consequences will be very difficult to end!"

Jiangnan Hehe Zhile: "So why didn't this come to you? How is it? Are you interested in voting with me?"

Black God is speechless: "Want to pull me into the water? Although I'm not afraid of all races in the starry sky, but it's only limited to the dimensional gap! My body cannot come to the three-dimensional world!"

"Besides, don't underestimate the starry sky. Those swallowing stars are not given for nothing. How could you easily demolish the city of a thousand stars?"

"Let's talk about it! Why should I help you? You want to bribe me with a rocking car? Do you want to eat your shit?"

Jiangnan: "I know you can't get out, but how can I let you do it for nothing?"

As he spoke, he directly took out the man's grass and threw it towards the Black God, and he grabbed it in his hand!

"What is this? What a special power!"

Jiangnan smiled: "Be a human being! If you eat it, almost any living body can have the morphological characteristics of humans, etc.!"

"You also know that Xing Cheng is from the star-devouring giant insect? Cheng Bao'er? Show him!"

I saw Xing Cheng immediately recovered from the human form and turned into a human from the original body!

(o???mouth???)?"Briquettes~Cheng Baoer is hungry~"

The Black God looked at Xing Cheng in amazement, my good fellow, it really came from the star-devouring giant insect. On the basis of the original race, a human form was added!

Is there such a magical thing in this starry sky?

"Eat, eat, eat! Let's eat~"

With a big wave of his hand, the space changed, and a lot of starship wreckage suddenly appeared in the Lost Temple!

Xingcheng's saliva was drooling, and he rushed over with cheers!

The Black God said in surprise: "This thing is really a good treasure, but unfortunately, it can't play a role in my existence!"

"I am in the cracks of the dimension, the power of being a human being can't affect me!"

Jiang Nan frowned slightly: "Sure enough? I originally wanted to take you out for waves, but now it's over!"

"But does it work on your trumpet? You can use it to transform into human form, and even dimensional creatures can use it!"

"It's still useful to you, isn't it?"

The black god's eyes flashed, and he sneered: "Oh~ now if I want a human body, why bother? Are you all ready-made toys?"

"Once you grab a lot, where can you use it as human grass?"

"This thing is just a tasteless thing to eat and a pity to abandon!"

Jiang Nan waved his hand: (?ヮ?o)? "Come on~ Don't scare people here, old friend, can you do it too?"

"Besides, it's more interesting to keep me than to become your toy, isn't it? It's just that it's useless to say why it's not good, and if you want to lower the price, I understand!"

"One is not enough, isn't it? After I have it, can I arrange another one for you?"

The black **** froze directly, can you, Lai Lai, not dismantle my stage? Give me some face, won't you?

Just debunk my intentions?

In fact, how could it be tasteless to be a human being? I have countless collections, and there are all kinds of strange shapes. If you are a human being, it is equivalent to a job transfer card, right?

On the basis of the ability of the original race of the trumpet, add the ability of human beings?

How interesting is this? As soon as the human grass was in hand, the Black God was already planning which trumpet to use to become interesting!

"One won't work! Give me another 10,000 and I'll make a copy with you!"

Jiangnan's mouth of old blood almost spit out!

(???yi???)? "Bah! You are worthy of being a black god? You are really black to start with? You think this thing is Chinese cabbage, and you open it with 10,000 roots?"

"I didn't get a few of them in total. This is the only one in my hands. The rest can only be given to you when I get them!"

Hei Shen tilted his head and said, "Tsk~ OK! Two sticks are two sticks, it's better than nothing!"

"But how do you plan to demolish the city of a thousand stars? Let me support your dimensional creatures? Even if I give you my dimensional army!"

"You humans don't have enough spiritual power to support the summoning, right? Just a mighty Tianlong has already made all humans do their best!"

Jiang Nan spread his hands as a matter of course:

╮(??~??)╭ "Don't you still have a museum's trumpet?"

"Hundreds of thousands are just there, right? What do you keep them for? A copy of the first number and the next?"

The black **** widened his eyes sharply:

?●? "What? What did you say? Want me to download a copy of my own trumpet?"

"Bah! You are the Black God, aren't you?"

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