Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2061: Inside a black hole! i love everything i have

Since the development of Boundless Starry Sky, technology and cultivation go hand in hand!

There are few unknown secrets in the starry sky, among them there are black holes!

Even if the starry sky is extremely bright today, there is still little or no understanding of black holes!

Because it's so hard to find!

The powerful gravitational force cannot even escape light, and the event horizon that causes time dilation!

Layers of barriers make black holes full of unknowns!

No one's going to rush into a black hole to see what's going on, unless he doesn't want to live anymore!

It is not that Siji has not conducted research on black holes, but all the detectors sent in the past lost contact after crossing the event horizon!

Even if today's swallowing stars already have the powerful power to destroy galaxies, they still seem helpless in the face of black holes!

It hangs in the starry sky so quietly, silently swallowing everything!

Its powerful power is warning life all the time, even if you have the ultimate power, there are still things you don't understand!

The existence of black holes always reminds people to be in awe of the stars!

Since the birth of the starry sky, no living entity has controlled the power of the black hole!

However, just today, Jiangnan did it! The secrets of black holes may no longer be secrets!

All the swallowing stars looked at the black hole with different expressions, and none of them looked good!

Chen Mu squinted: "Have humans actually mastered the power of black holes? Just relying on this! This Jiangnan might be more troublesome than Jiang Fan!"

This still hasn't grown up, if he waits for him to grow up...

Manti and Gu Ruide also looked solemn at the moment. They never thought that Jiangnan, as a carbon-based life, would actually take one step ahead of all life forms and master the power of black holes!

The rest of the swallowing stars also have different expressions, all of which are attracted by the black hole!

I'm not even in the mood to see the ruined and disfigured city of a thousand stars!

Noah looked at Jiangnan's black hole swallowing stars and the corners of his mouth were twitching!

Hey Hey hey! What an interstellar joke!

Is something like a black hole really something that living organisms can control? It's not that Noah didn't try to explore the black hole, because he thinks that there may be a peak hidden in the black hole, and it is possible to go further!

At the previous Black Label Conference, Noah was walking around the black hole!

But don't dare to get close to the event horizon at all, even dark matter will be swallowed!

But Jiangnan did it?

Originally, Noah did not think that Jiang Nan was comparable to Jiang Fan. The abilities and talents of the two were not at the same level!

But now, Noah is not sure!

The black hole swallowing stars in Jiangnan seems to be more perverted and more incomprehensible!

The most important thing is that this product has not even broken the star!

"Is this really bringing us the Bo Wang bomb?"

The emperor gritted his teeth, the infinite Bose particles converged into a new arm, his eyes were full of gloom and coldness!

"Don't be too happy, Jiangnan is just a carbon-based, relying on the flesh to survive!"

"The inside of the black hole in the event horizon may be an incomprehensible dimension higher than the fourth dimension! Or maybe it is the fifth dimension? Can Jiangnan's body withstand it?"

"Use it! He can get it back!"

Just at the stall where Jiangnan released the black hole swallowing star, the human beings, the dimensional army, and the remaining black **** trumpets all completed the evacuation!

Also thanks to Gangnam for attracting attention!

At this moment, Freya looked at the black hole with shock: "Nan... Nanshen is not a space system? Why is gravity involved in his domain, and there is even time?"

This is completely incomprehensible!

Wang Youzhi suppressed excitement in his eyes: "Why can't you? Don't look at anything one-sidedly! Everything is related, let alone exists alone!"

"The existence of space is originally the foundation of the three-dimensional world. It carries everything. Without space to carry it, time will naturally have no meaning!"

"It's not impossible to influence the flow of time through space! Didn't Jiangnan do it?"

"Any kind of ability, as long as it is used to the extreme, has a wide range of influences, not just one!"

Zhong Yingxue suddenly realized that now she may have some understanding of the truth that Dao gives birth to one, one life to two, two to three, and three to all things!

But Wang Youzhi was inevitably a little worried. After all, Jiangnan was a mortal body, and no one knew what it was like in the black hole!

Can he handle it? come back again?


Inside the black hole, it is completely dark!

The moment Jiangnan released his domain, he could no longer perceive everything in the outside world, not even his own body!

He can only confirm from the fact that he can still think through himself, that he has not hung up and is still alive!

But where is this? Or a 3D world?

Jiangnan's consciousness gradually became clear, and he suddenly found that there was no "nothing" around him!

It is a turbulent sea of ​​energy, and extremely terrifying space inflation is happening all the time!

My own consciousness is like a lonely boat, it seems that it will be crushed and crushed by the sea of ​​energy at any time!

Jiang Nanji tried to figure out where he was and what was next to him!

Gradually, light spots began to light up in the sea of ​​energy, and the light spots became dazzling!

These light spots are flying and flowing, like a kaleidoscope that is constantly spinning!

Jiangnan looked at the kaleidoscope curiously, but found that pictures were constantly flashing on the kaleidoscope!

He even saw the picture of himself detonating more than 30,000 planets, as if watching the development of events from the perspective of God!

The screen flashed quickly, and Jiang Nan saw that the emperor's reward was one step ahead of him, and he didn't wait for his domain to open!

In the situation where they killed themselves, Yang Jianmila and the others roared and cried bitterly, but they were helpless, and they couldn't get close to the time retracement at all!

Jiang Nan even saw that the human beings did not resist, chose to accept their fate, and cooperated with the execution of the ruling. The blue moon star Cheng Jiang Jing was robbed, pulling his sleeves and crying, unwilling to leave!

Jiang Nan was stunned. He also saw the scene where the Tianchen Clan placed the Vientiane Star in the center when the City of Thousand Stars was just built!

With the continuous rotation of the kaleidoscope, countless pictures flashed by!

Here, time becomes meaningless, like a page that can be turned at will, a central axis that can be toggled back and forth!

Every choice is a fork, and a completely different future is derived!

And this kaleidoscope is showing countless possible past, present, and future!

Or that there is nothing right now! The past, present and future exist at the same time!

Jiangnan doesn't understand what's going on right now!

4D here? Or five-dimensional? don't understand...

But he wants to see what Jiang Fan looks like and what are his abilities? How the city was demolished back then! I want to be more curious to see my future!

So I searched and searched in the kaleidoscope...

But as Jiangnan probed deeper, his consciousness became more blurred, and he was being swallowed up and assimilated by the sea of ​​energy little by little!

It seems to be fully integrated into it!

At this moment, the system prompt sound suddenly sounded in my mind!

[Danger! Danger! Danger! ]

[You don't belong here! There is only one now! Come back, you! ]

Jiang Nan suddenly woke up from the dizzy state, and if he continued to stare, he was afraid that he would never be able to go back!

This is happening now, which is what I strive for, and it is the best time!

No regrets now!

Maybe a choice will make the future better, but it doesn't matter, the choice made now! is the best choice!

I love what I have now!

If you can't go back, Xuexuelang will be left as a widow, how can this be done?

I definitely don't want to die, I'm still a boy!

Jiangnan, whose consciousness is about to dissipate, can be regarded as finding a picture!

In the picture, the black hole swallows the stars, which attracts everyone's attention!

That is your present!

At this moment, Jiangnan tried his best to get into the picture!



Under the gaze of all eyes, the event horizon of the black hole collapsed suddenly!

The endless pitch black crumpled crazily, and finally turned into a pitch-black spot, disappearing completely!

The planet in the starry sky that was torn apart by Jiangnan has completely disappeared, not even a scum is left!

The number of the Huanlou is gone, this wave of black holes swallowing stars, stunned to clear a clean circle on the huge battlefield!

There is nothing in it, including Jiangnan himself...

The starry sky is silent like never before!

Xia Yao's expectant eyes suddenly panicked: "Xiao Nanren? Where did he go? Why is there nothing!"

The black hole disappeared, and Jiangnan also disappeared?

Wang Youzhi frowned, his face gloomy as water!

"Didn't you come back... eh..."

No one knows what's going on in the black hole, this kind of power beyond cognition, if one fails, he will be gone!

What's more, Jiangnan is still a carbon-based flesh and blood body, if it is an energy body, it will be better!

Moreover, Jiangnan is still Daotian Qi, so he uses this kind of power forcibly, but even if he is extraordinary... it is probably useless!

After all, black holes are too fierce!

The emperor sneered: "Oh~ I'll just say it! It's just carbon-based, but also trying to control the power of the black hole?

"Did you kill yourself? It's the provincial old man who did it!"

For some unknown reason, Zhong Tun Xing felt a sense of relief in his heart!

dead...dead wow!

Noah smacked his lips, with pity in his eyes, if he hadn't died, he really wanted to ask what the secret in the black hole came from!

But at this moment, Zhong Yingxue, whose world was blurred by tears, suddenly widened her eyes, and her tears were instantly evaporated by the high temperature!

"No! No! Look! It's Xiao Nan!"

In the empty starry sky, a very pale figure emerged!

It is Jiangnan, but transparent like a ghost!

With an ignorant look on his face, he couldn't stop shoving something forward with his hands!

And as time goes by, the phantom of Jiangnan gradually solidifies!

Wang Youzhi was stunned: ∑(°mouth°?) "Fuck? What's the situation?"

The emperor's reward stared, and he was slapped in the face as soon as he finished speaking? still alive?

I ride a horse to let you live?

Immediately with a big hand, a high-dimensional blow hit Jiangnan's body instantly!

A surprising scene happened, Gaowei's blow actually passed through Jiangnan's body!

No damage was done to him!

Emperor reward: ? ? ?

what the hell? The blow from the four-dimensional space could not affect Jiangnan?

how can that be! Is it really higher than the fourth dimension?

The emperor who does not believe in evil pays a high-dimensional leap to Jiangnan, and he will kill again!

However, this move by the emperor made Wang Youzhi angry!

I saw that the million miles of space behind Jiangnan Xuying collapsed in an instant, revealing the incomparably dark dimensional cracks!

Zhong Yingxue was the first to rush out, and he was about to pull Jiangnan into the dimensional gap!

But it was no surprise that I caught it!

Wang Youzhi: ! ! !

"He's not on the three-dimensional side now, and I don't know what state he is in! Badr! Pull in together with that space!"

Where does Balder dare to delay? The boundless restricted area is opened, and then it is aimed at Jiangnan's position and pulls fiercely!

It really works!

The transparent and ghost-like Jiangnan was pulled into the dimensional gap!

The emperor narrowed his eyes, unwilling to let Jiangnan go. He didn't even pay attention to the millions of dimensional creatures in the dimensional cracks!

However, at this moment, an endless black figure suddenly appeared among the beasts!

He stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes looking coldly at the Emperor's reward!

The two of them are in the dimensional gap, and the two are in the boundless starry sky!

There is endless darkness on one side and bright stars on the other, forming a strong and sharp contrast!

The black **** squinted, an endless terrifying aura rose from his body, and the cold words echoed!

"Would you try another step forward?"

The emperor's pupils shrank, and his body froze instantly!

Dimensional Lord!

Black God!

On the Jiangnan side, with the passage of time, his almost transparent body continued to solidify!

But the two hands were still pulling something, and he didn't know what to say when he opened his mouth. He looked very eager, but no sound came out!

As if you are not on the same dimension as everyone!

And at this moment, I saw Jiang Nan's arm turning into particles and fluttering in all directions, as if the whole body would disintegrate at any time...

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