Ping Chacha vomited on the spot, this is the holy river of our Nether Race!

It represents the sacred and solemn, and it is the mother river of our ghost family!

Did you end up making jets on our mothers?

(???? dish??)? "Shut up! You all shut up Lao Tzu! Don't spray anymore, you guys are too dung!"

The roaring Ping Chacha went up and caught a scurrying prisoner, his eyes full of hideous eyes!

"Hold me back! I order you to close the valve for me right now!"

The prisoner's facial features were twisted:

(|||?????ж???) "Forgive me, I really can't do it!"

Ping Chacha was so angry that he shook the prisoner wildly!

"Why can't it be possible? Give me stability! Give me..."

Before the words were finished, the prisoner was shaken even more violently. Under the strong blessing, one of Pangchacha's sisters caught him, and the prisoner ran out!

shrouded it in a wake...

Ping Chacha: Σ_(???|||) "Ugh~ Ugh! You bastards, it's just the opposite!"

He was surprised to find that not only the prisoners were running, but even the body was strong for three laps, and it was even able to withstand the scouring of the river Styx for a long time!

What exactly is going on?

Has it all changed?

Remember when Jiangnan was in the so-called confinement room and got stronger for several laps?

How come all the prisoners are now muscular? Some head melon seeds still glow?


Ping Chacha broke out in a cold sweat when he suddenly remembered something, Xing Luo and Carl haven't been rescued yet, damn!

At this moment, Ping Chacha couldn't care about the polluted Styx River, and hurriedly went to catch those two big grievances!

By the time they were fished, the two glasses were full, and half of their lives were lost!

Lying on the other side of the bridge with a weak face and a crazy cough!

_(???"∠) "Why did you save me now, do you want to die? What the **** is going on with that stupid guy? Cough cough cough~"

"Your Styx smell is too strong, shouldn't all the domestic sewage be discharged into it?"

However, at the moment, Ping Chacha's face was gloomy, and he didn't take the blame between the two!

Instead, he stood on the bridge on the other side and looked down at the Styx, his blue veins jumping!

Tarot hasn't cleaned up yet, and Jiangnan has never shown up!

A bunch of muscle prisoners running around in the river, what the hell!

Even though Ping Chacha's physical fitness is extremely strong, he doesn't have the courage to go to the river for rectification at this moment?

Even if I didn't stay in the river for a long time just now, when I think about it, it's a burst of dismay!

[The resentment value from Ping Chacha +1009! ]

It must be the ghost of Jiangnan again. Can the Tarot bully gang completely take Jiangnan?

My patience has been completely exhausted, and I am not in the mood to continue playing with you!

If you don't know the current affairs, then you can only do it hard!

Thinking of this, Ping Chacha's eyes were full of tyranny!


The time is approaching evening, and the day's salvage work is over. Although voluntary labor is carried out, it is not always fishing, so no one can bear it!

I will still go back to the cell to sleep at night, and continue the next day until I complete the mission goal!

And now, the Styx water in this section of the river is a little clearer!

There was a piercing long beep on the bridge on the other side, the windlass began to recover, and all the prisoners who went down the river were called back to the bridge to gather!

I saw the prisoners climbed the bridge exhausted, queuing up to hand in the Styx crystal!

And Ping Chacha was standing at the bridgehead checkpoint of the other side of the bridge to monitor!

Jiangnan didn't do anything special, he got out of the whirlpool when he heard the assembly number, and obediently returned to the bridge to meet!

After a day of training, the physical quality has improved again, and all the Styx crystals turned in have been absorbed by Jiangnan!

I don't know how many times the mental power has increased from before, it is called a red face, full of vitality!

At this moment, Wang Youzhi, the big dungeon, and the four of Jiangnan Heigang are standing together, but they are very particular about their positions!

The three of Jiangnan are far away from Heigang, for fear of being implicated!

After all, the Aragami mecha is completely continued through various props after a day!

Now the side effects of Tarot have fully erupted!

At this moment, he has shrunk by a hundred times because of eating too many mouse biscuits!

From the original 10-meter body shape, it has become a 10-centimeter size, just like a real person!

It's easy to step on it if you're not careful, okay?

The domineering appearance is completely gone, and it looks extremely pocket-sized!

And the side effects of the twin lollipops also broke out!

Today's Black Steel is completely counter-controlled by Tarot, and his actions are not under his control at all!

[The resentment value from Black Steel +666! ]

No wonder Brother Dazhi doesn't eat it, is he going to be charged for co-authoring it?

It's always good to turn on the armor all the time, but it's not good to be turned on?

Today's Tarot can be said to be full of anger, but fortunately, it does not need to be controlled!

But this petite body is really not majestic!

When I recover, I want you to look good again!

?: "Hey~ Look at the horse, you almost stepped on me!" ×2

The furious Tarot instantly punched and slammed a prisoner who almost stepped on him into the river!

Satsuma: ('?ж?)σ"Pfft~"

Tarot stared: "What are you laughing at? Do you want to go on too?" ×2

Tarot said here, and Black Steel is acting synchronously in the back!

Tarot couldn't help but startled, what do you mean?

Is this the other way around? Its eyes can't help but chug!


In front of the team, Ping Chacha couldn't help collecting the Styx Crystal!

The more you collect, the more angry you become: (?°? dish °?) "Only 7? Did you make a mistake? Did you go to work or take a bath? How did you get so much?"

The prisoner's eyes dodged:

(??????) "Just...that's all!"

The rest are all taken away by Jiangnan!

Ping Chacha gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't hide it? You should know! The number handed in by a single person is not three hundred! Voluntary work can't end, right?"

"Do you want to stay in the Styx all the time?"

The prisoner swallowed, not to mention he really thought about it!

After drinking vigorously, you can use the energy of the Styx to improve your physical fitness. To a certain extent, going to the river is not suffering, but practicing?

"That's all, there's nothing else!"

Shanchacha said impatiently:

(︶Yi︶〃)? "It's alright, alright! The next one! Wait a minute! What's the matter with you guys getting stronger after going down the river?"

"Isn't the improvement in physical fitness generally big?"

The prisoner wiped his nose:

(???????) "But... Maybe it's because you stayed in the Styx for too long, so the bubble floats?"

Handle Chacha: ! ! !

The **** special meow is buoyant, and the Styx is not a real river! It's a river of energy, can it still give people a buoyant sac?

You have to find a credible reason to lie, right?

"Really? You'd better not let me know that you are lying to me! I hate others to lie to me the most!"

The prisoner glanced at Jiang Nan subconsciously, only to see Jiang Nan smiling kindly...

"Really...really buoyant!"

Ping Chacha sneered, is it really Jiangnan's ghost?

"Go away! Next!"

The prisoners came forward to hand in the crystals one by one, and not everyone paid much!

Even if I really get a lot of it, I want to keep it privately, and I will follow Jiangnan to buy vigorously!

Soon it's Tarot's turn!

Looking at the ten-centimeter-sized figure Tarot in front of him, the corner of Ding Chacha's mouth twitched!

(▼ヘ▼?) "What's the matter? You're quite good at it? It's getting bigger and smaller at a time. How about you and I change in size here and there?"

Tarot's face darkened: "Yes!"

In a way, he really did...

Ping Chacha stared: "How dare you tell me yes? You are brave, aren't you? You were scolding me before? You even kicked the two boson adults into the river!"

"Do you really want to go against the sky?"

Tarot said anxiously: "Although I kicked it, I didn't kick it! It's..."

Ping Chacha said angrily: "What do you mean by abolishing the horse? Where is the Styx Crystal?"

"Heigang! I didn't ask you! What did you learn from him?"

Heigang's forehead is sweating profusely, and I don't want to say it! But I can't control myself?

Tarot's neck twitched: "Sister has it!"

This day, the light was turned on by someone as a mecha. Where can I find the Styx crystal?

Ping Chacha shivered in anger: "Okay! You can really do it, look back and see how I dealt with you! Next!"

The team moved forward one by one, and soon it was Jiangnan's turn!

"Yours! Styx Crystal!"

Jiang Nan snorted, stepped forward and hugged the treasure chest containing Minghe crystals, and walked forward without anyone else!

Ping Chacha froze, and all the prisoners' eyes widened!


Jiang Nan grinned: (?ˉ??ˉ?) "Thank you!"

[The resentment value from Ping Chacha +1008! ]

(Fuck?) "Thank you! I asked you to pay! I didn't let you take it!"

Even if you don't hand in a single Styx crystal, you still want to take away all the other prisoners handed in?

No criminal did that to you!

Ping Chacha, who was mad, snatched back the treasure box that Jiang Nan was holding in his arms!

Jiangnan pouted: (?ˉ?~ˉ?) "Cut~ didn't you say it's all mine? Koukou Soso is not lavish at all!"

Ping Chacha gritted his teeth and said, "Who said it was yours? Hand it! I'll let you hand it in!"

What the **** kind of comprehension is this!

Jiang Nan's face is righteous and he spreads his hands:

?(?'~?')? "I don't have a single one. I have absorbed all the Styx crystals on my body! How could it be handed to you at the meeting? Are you dreaming?"

Ping Chacha was very angry, he didn't even bother to talk to Lao Tzu, didn't he?

I saw that he stepped forward and grabbed Jiangnan's shirt!

"Those prisoners have grown stronger and their fitness has skyrocketed. Did you do it? What method did you use? Say it!"

Jiangnan tilted his head: (? ̄~ ̄) "Didn't they say it all? Did they float in the river? What does it have to do with me?"

The killing intent appeared in Ping Chacha's eyes: "Don't tell me, right? Have you made up your mind to make hob meat?"

"You'll tell me, I'll find out soon, when you want to beg..."

Jiang Nan looked impatient:

( ̄yi ̄?)ゞ "Ah ah ah ~ I know, chattering is annoying, if you have nothing to do, let go, there are so many people lining up behind!"

Ping Chacha's chest was full of anger, and he threw away Jiangnan's clothes!

OK! You can do it! Don't regret it!

Immediately, he swept away Jiangnan and turned his head to look at Wang Youzhi and the others!

I saw Wang Youzhi and several people spread their hands one after another, and their movements were uniform!


"Sister has it! Do you want to check it yourself?"

Ping Chacha roared: "Go away! Go over together!"

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