No matter how many insects rain, it is bound to get the DNA gene sequence of Jiangnan!

However, her sharp claws flashing with cold light have already caught the phantom!

But under zero friction, she couldn't catch it at all, it was slippery!

Naturally, it cannot break the defense of Jiangnan!

The insects and the rain are out of breath, and their sharp claws and strong-phase alloys have all grabbed a hole!

Why can't I take it off!

Jiangnan: (o?????)

"Goose Box~ Is this your trick? Yes, yes!"

Insect Rain's eyes are scarlet:

(???Dish??)? "Ah, ah, ah! Zonglan!"

At this moment, her two sharp claws attacked wildly, and the speed was so fast that Jiangnan could not see clearly!

However, the insect rain at the moment was too serious, and didn't even notice that her attack had changed in quality!

Insect Yuyu, who was still trying to attack, widened his eyes, and his claws froze in the air!

The pretty face switched to red like a traffic light, and made a sharp cry like a kettle boiling!

(???﹏???)! ! !

Jiangnan: (?????) "Why... why don't you continue to attack?"

Insect Rain: ! ! !

(??ˇ﹏ˇ?)? " a disciple!"

Anxious, she completely ran away, and planned to shark Jiangnan directly!

He raised his small fist with a hook and smashed it straight into Jiang Nan's face!

However, at the moment of contact, it was directly slid away, and the powerful force could not be controlled, and it went straight to his face!

Almost instinctively, Bug Yuyu's neck was bent at a strange angle, avoiding this blow!

She was completely stunned!

Staring blankly at his little fist!

?(°△°|||) " is this possible!"

The strength of his blow is even more violent than that kick Jiu Lan!

Jiang Nan's head should have exploded like a watermelon, but it didn't even leave a red mark?

He was such a rookie, he didn't kill himself?

Jiang Nan smiled brightly: (??°??°) "Why is it impossible? Everything is possible, you are so weak~ You must have failed to do anything just now, right?"

Insect Rain: ? ? ?

I'm not doing anything?

"Humph! I didn't want to ruin you so quickly. After all, few people appreciate my worm nest and those handicrafts so much!"

"But since you are courting death, then you can't blame me! Continuous blows!"

As he spoke, Insect Rain threw his fists like rain, and the small fists full of power fell on Jiangnan's chest like raindrops!

However, the geese all slid away without exception!

Jiangnan's physical golden body, can it be broken by a physical attack like the rain of insects?

Seeing that his attack didn't work, Insect Rain became more and more angry!

(????mouth??)??3?? "Ah ah ah ~ kill you! Wash you!"

Jiangnan's hammered face enjoys:

(???????) "Small fist punching my chest? Hey~ As expected of the queen of the Zerg race, she is so cute when she is angry!"

"Don't just hammer the front, but also the back. Recently, I've been sleeping on a hard bed with a sore back!"

When he spoke, he really turned his face. Insect Yuyu kept on his hands and madly hammered Jiangnan's back!

Jiangnan enjoyed it even more: (??????) "Left! A little further to the left, ah ah ah ~ here, you really understand me! This technician gave you a good review, you are very good at you!"

[The resentment value from Insect Rain +1009! ]


With an attack of my level, not to mention the Death Swallowing Star who can't be hammered, Jiu Lanshan Chacha and the like will be smashed into flesh by me!

It's enough for Jiangnan to die thousands of times, but why does he have nothing to do?

Are you still enjoying yourself? I'm seriously attacking? Are you doing a massage?

Damn it! Damn it!

She was so angry that she kicked the back hill of Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan scratched his head: "Oh, is there a foot massage? I told you earlier?"

The rain of insects is about to die of anger:

(?°?~°?) "What the **** is going on with you, a broken human being? Why are you so slippery! All the attacks slipped away? This is unscientific!"

Jiangnan's face was full of pride: (︶.?︶?) "Why is it unscientific? Do you know what it means to not stick to the body? Do you know the principle of water-repellent lotus leaves?"

"Breaking humans? Hmph~ This ability is standard for us humans! Isn't the Zerg Queen very strong? Can't beat me?"

"You should attack honestly, don't always think about taking shortcuts, go through the process that should be followed, maybe you will really get my gene sequence?"

Insect Yuyu was stunned for a moment: ∑(°mouth°?) " mean that human beings have the ability to be invulnerable? Immune to physical attacks?"

Jiang Nan immediately admitted: "Of course? This is only one of the unique skills of Lao Tzu!"

Bragging, who wouldn't! Isn't it illegal to brag?

Insect Yuyu's eyes are bright, this ability is not ordinary, is the talent of human beings so abnormal?

If you obtain the gene sequence of Jiangnan, you can use this to complete your own insect swarm gene chain, and let your insect swarm gain this ability to be invulnerable!

Wouldn't that make it impossible to attack?

Insect Rain is full of determination:

(*?????????)? "Your genetic sequence! I'm going to fix it!"

Jiang Nan smiled brightly: "Then why don't you go through the process quickly?"

Insect Rain sneered: (¬~¬) "Bah! Think beautifully! The same goes for eating you, so be grateful to be a part of my swarm!"

While speaking, he bared his teeth toward Jiangnan, revealing a sharp little white tooth!

White Fang suddenly transformed into fangs as sharp as shark teeth!

As soon as he jumped up and faced Jiang Nan's head, he bit down, and sighed directly!

Jiangnan: (?_?)

Are you really starting from scratch?

However, even if the goose is biting by the head of Jiangnan, it will still slide away, and the fangs can't break the physical golden body!

Instead, the saliva flowed down Jiang Nan's body!

"Hey hey hey! Don't bite me, can't you just walk down the process?"

However, Insect Rain did not mean to give up at all, the chin was like a reciprocating saw, Kang Chi Kang Chi just bites!

It may be that the head is more difficult to bite, so I start to change places to bite, biting on my arms, thighs, and even my palms!

The teeth even rotate like a chainsaw, and I don't know what she is doing!

(???Dish??)? "No! Kill you! I'll bite and wash you!"

With a speechless face, Jiang Nan sat cross-legged on the bed, letting the insects rain frantically eat!

But I can't even bite a piece of meat!

At this moment, Jiu Lan, who was listening to the wall outside the door, covered her mouth, her pretty face blushing!


After the unarmed attack, after the small fist slammed your chest, has it reached the stage of killing you?

sky! Oh my gosh!

Jiangnan is so strong, to fight with the Zerg mother emperor to such a situation?

Little do they know that what Jiu Lan's brain made up for and what happened in the actual cell are completely different things!

Insect Rain, who had bitten a piece of meat for a long time, gave up completely!

Sulking aside with a leather doll you sewed!

From time to time, his eyes showed fierce light and looked at Jiangnan, as if he was struggling with something!

Jiangnan is full of smiles:

?(???????) "If it's okay, then I'll leave!"

Anyway, happiness has arrived, and I am not losing this wave!

I saw Insect Yuyu stomped and stopped in front of Jiangnan!

(??ˇ~ˇ?) "Wait a minute! Stop me, you **** princess worm!"

Jiang Nan was stunned: "What else? You can't eat me!"

Insect Rain gritted his teeth, grabbed his silk dress and tore it violently!

After all, she decided to go through the process without packaging!

The ability of human beings to not touch the body really makes me jealous, and I can't watch the opportunity slip away from my eyes without saying anything!

You must get the genetic sequence of Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan's eyes widened, the boss with his mouth open!


My soul is stamped!


Insect Rain's eyes dodge:

(??~??) "Now... Are you satisfied now? Why don't you hand over the gene sequence soon?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes and said angrily:

(??~???) "How can it be so easy? You are the queen of the Zerg race, and you are all here!"

"You don't understand this little thing, do you?"

Insect Yuyu stared angrily, I'm just here, it's the first time I've obtained the gene sequence in this way!

If it weren't for the temptation of not sticking to the body, I wouldn't be like this!

Usually take shortcuts, okay?

"Then what do you want?"

Jiangnan's small mouth curled:

(︶?︶?) "Although you are healthy, you are really not attractive? You are not my type~"

And the rain of insects gave Jiangnan a feeling that she was not a human being, not to scold her! But she is too delicate to be true!

The joints of the whole body give the feeling of a delicate doll, not like a human being!

Insect Yuyu pouted: "Tsk~ there are so many things, don't you like this one? That's easy! Just change the one you like!"

As he spoke, Insect Yuyu's entire body was cracked, revealing dark gaps!

And she actually raised her hand and took off her face!

That's right, take the face off!

It wasn't a face at all, it was a grimace! The face Jiangnan thought was just the carapace of the grimace!

I saw Insect Rain lowered his head and slapped the grimace, and the faces on the carapace kept changing!

Jiang Nan's eyes widened in horror, and he fell down on the bed, sweating profusely!


At this moment, the true posture of the rain of insects is also completely displayed in front of Jiangnan!

Under the face of Insect Rain, there are countless insects linked by silk! Densely packed, crawling around!

The eyes are not the eyes, but the pupils, the ears are the listening worms, and the mouth is the tongue worm, the red-lipped worm, the cochineal worm, the sawtooth worm, and all kinds of insects, which constitute the head of the insect rain!

Even the silk-like white hair is the tail silk spit out by the ice silkworms!

Super muscle worms, spirit bone worms, there are too many species, even the skin covering the body surface is painted skin worms!

There are more than 10,000 insects that make up the rain of insects? Hundreds of millions are possible!

She is not one at all, but a group!

I saw the skin of the painted skin worm grow wildly, the spirit bone worm adjusts the skeletal structure, and the super muscle worm adjusts the proportions of the body, like a precision-running machine, a huge swarm!

And the rain of insects finally found a suitable face!

Reinstalled the ghost face bug back!

What appears in front of Jiangnan now is no longer a pure and beautiful white-haired loli, but a white-haired royal sister with a cold white skin, a splendid temperament, and an explosive figure!

(???.???) "What about now? Do you like this one? Huh? My worm concubine?"

Jiang Nan's face was as white as paper, and he was sweating profusely, and he stuttered when he spoke in shock!

=????(?﹏?????) "Just... what was that just now?"

Insect Rain touched his face and said of course:

"You don't think I'm an independent individual, do you? I show you what I just want you to see!"

"My existence is the swarm!"

Jiangnan: ! ! !

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