And where has Hua Zi gone, he hasn't shown his face until now!

Nowadays, everyone is poisoned by the side effects of the wrong soap, and is basically in a state of paralysis!

Fortunately, both Acrylic and Damon are under control, and everything can only be dealt with when Lord Nether returns!

As for the Pearl Star Harbor, the investigation will come out soon!

Yahweh is the most suspicious, and it is almost possible that he did it!

Taking advantage of the riots in the Styx River, go to the Pearl Star Harbor to pretend to ask for help, and take away a large number of garrison forces!

Immediately, taking advantage of his position, he sneaked into Yanshan Okura to empty the crystal treasury. After taking advantage of the fire, he absconded with a large number of Styx crystals!

When he left, the sack he was carrying was bulging!

And the confessions provided by the members of the Nether Legion who survived by chance!

The appearance of the Styx koi may also be due to the large amount of crystals carried by the Lord!

All the evidence points to Jehovah as the culprit, although it is not yet certain whether this is the truth!

But it’s not wrong to keep Jehovah under control first!

Ping Chacha was also extremely shocked after learning the news!

Unexpectedly, Hua Zi would take advantage of the robbery and take advantage of the riots in the Styx River to commit such maddening things that people and gods are indignant about!

This is simply blinded by lard!

Acrylic escaped strangely, maybe it has an inexplicable relationship with Yahweh!

Ping Chacha gritted his teeth, and immediately ordered the arrest of Yahweh, first to be a scapegoat, to get rid of his own responsibilities and then talk about it!

At this moment, Yahweh is stomping on his horse, purring frantically, and from time to time he makes an unidentified cry of "Eah, Eah!"


The two unlucky prisoners downstairs have completely given up their struggle!

Just then, the bathroom door was kicked open with a "bang"!

A group of soldiers from the Nether Legion blocked the Lord in the bathroom!

Yahweh froze directly:

(|||????)? "Lan...Rambo? Why are you here? Ah, I know, you're here to support, right? Just right! If you have time, send me some paper, I…"

Rambo pinched his nose: "Bold madman! He robbed the crystal treasure house of the Pearl Star Harbor, and is still arrogantly squatting here?"

"And let me send you paper? I'll burn some paper for you later! I order you to immediately capture it and cooperate with the investigation! Explain the hiding place of the crystal!"

"Otherwise don't blame us for being rude to you!"

Yahweh was stunned, what? What the **** am I a robber?

I have been squatting in the bathroom to fish for fish from the very beginning, how could I go to Pearl Star Harbor?

Yahweh said urgently: (???????) "You must have made a mistake. Please investigate further, and wait until I finish..."

Rambo stared: (?ò dishó)? "So far, you are still arguing, not...

ε=(??_?)? "Pfft~"

(¬yi¬?) "I still don't accept..."

ε=ε=ε=(??_?)? "Purlulululu~"

Rambo: ! !

?(`口′メ) "You hurt me! Give it to me!"

Yahweh's facial features are distorted, forgive me, I can't stand it?

Seeing that Yahweh didn't mean to stop work at all, Rambo was also anxious: "Go! Take it down on the spot!"

Immediately, two warriors held their breath, and one grabbed one of Jehovah's arms and controlled it on the spot!

But the mistake is that these two warriors stood behind the Lord, and this guy ate the horse biscuit!

At this point in time, the side effects have already erupted!

Almost instinctively, Yahweh directly raised his leg and kicked his son, kicking the two warriors who controlled him on the spot!

Rambo stared: "Oh, what the fuck? You still dare to resist? Come on with me!"

Yahweh said anxiously: "No! I didn't kick it on purpose, you listen to my sophistry..."

Regardless of Jehovah's great ability, he was still taken down in the end, until he was thrown into the torture chamber and controlled, he still couldn't take it!

The fighters involved in this arrest all vomited afterwards, even though they did a lot of dirty work!

But it was the first time to do such a dirty job!

Yahweh was caught and became the culprit, and people kept asking him where the crystals were hidden!

On the other hand, Yahweh asked three questions, how could Lao Tzu become a robber after squatting in a pit?

You're all home, okay?

In the blink of an eye, a day has passed, and the reconstruction of the Styx Prison has begun, and Jiang Nan's stay in his cell is called a cessation!

Ping Chacha also knew that the reason why You Ming didn't come was because he was fishing. Many people saw the battle between You Ming and the Styx Koi!

And Jiu Lan, who was missing after taking a bath, finally showed up after the side effects had completely passed!

With a gloomy face, he came to the men's prison, his fists creaked!

In the cell, Tarot is exercising, Sona is exercising his singing voice!

Hearing a loud "bang", the door of the cell was violently slammed down by Jiu Lan!

What scared Sona and Tarot was a shock!

Sona sweats profusely on her forehead:

(??﹏????) "Master Jiu Lan? You... why are you here?"

Shet! Wouldn't she find out that she was pretending to be the boss of the Southern God?

Can't you? Your acting skills can be said to be impeccable, right?

Seeing Jiu Lan's gloomy face, she stepped forward and grabbed Suona, dragged him out of the cell, and walked towards the room of the unconscious!

"Nothing! I have a personal matter with you!"

Suona suddenly remembered her tragic experience last time and shook her head frantically!

(?'??mouth??`) "No, no, no! I don't want to go, did you find the wrong person? I'm Sona! It's Sona, me!"

Jiu Lan molars: (?°? Dish°?) "This girl is looking for you!"

If I hadn't hit you with physical amnesia today, I wouldn't be surnamed Jiu!

Sona: ! !

(;'??Д??`) "Boss Nanshen! Help! Help!"

Hearing this movement, Jiang Nan suddenly stuck his head out of the cell!

Door??~??) "Sister Jiu Lan? What are you doing? Do you want to find Suona to practice with you? If you don't mind, I can accompany you!"

Sona nodded frantically, yes, yes, you should come. I haven't made up for the half of the blood that I lost last time!

Jiu Lan looked at Jiang Nan and bit her lower lip. For some reason, she felt a little bit of guilt in her heart, and she didn't dare to look directly into Jiang Nan's eyes!

Being seen by others, why do you feel sorry for Jiangnan? The more Jiu Lan thought about it, the more confused her heart became!

"Don't worry about it! I'll practice with him today!"

Jiang Nan looked at Suona, and suddenly showed a pitying expression, forgive me! There's nothing you can do, brother!

('???)? "This is my subordinate, give me some face and slap it lightly!"

Jiu Lan, who was irritable in her heart, didn't even look back!

"Don't worry! I will make him forget this painful memory forever!"

Sona howled and struggled frantically:

_(? Yi??"∠)_ "Help! Help!"

As soon as he entered the sleepless room, Sona was thrust into the wall with a fist from Jiu Lan, clutching his stomach and pumping!

Sona could not help vomiting blood, two punches! Still using two numbers separately, this is really a **** mold!

He even wondered if Jiu Lan fell in love with this feeling!

Jiu Lan frowned at her fist, eh? Why does this feel so familiar?

do not care! Call him a fragment first!

Sona's loud screams spread all over the Styx death prison, and even sang a big funeral for himself in advance...

And in the evening, Nether finally arrived late and arrived at the Styx Death Prison!

Ping Chacha and others hurriedly came out to greet him!

(⌒_⌒;) "Lord Warden? You're here, it's already... oh ~ cough cough!"

Before he could finish speaking, Ping Chacha looked at Netherworld in horror!

I saw Netherworld's body full of embarrassment, tattered clothes, large bruises on his body, swollen cheeks, black eye sockets, and bloodshot eyes!

There was even blood on the corners of his mouth!

Not only that, there is an extremely bright smell on Netherworld's body, which is quite top!

Ping Chacha choked as soon as he was finished breathing air-conditioning!

what's the situation? Lord Nether, with such strength, was actually injured like this!

(⌒﹏⌒;) "Master Nether? That Styx Koi..."

As soon as this was mentioned, Nether's face turned even darker, and only then did he realize that something was wrong, and the injury on his body quickly recovered!

"Cough cough~ I told it to run away, as expected of the Styx Koi, it's not that easy to catch, but it didn't take advantage of it either. I punched it and knocked it out!"

Everyone was horrified! Styx koi? Has Lord Nether destroyed all such existences?

So strong!

So this smell on him...

You Ming has a dark face. After working for so long, he still has nothing to gain. Instead, he was beaten up by the Styx Koi!

It is much stronger than I expected!

In the River Styx, the advantage of Netherworld is equivalent to nothing compared to the River Styx koi!

Once he gets away, even if he rummages through the Styx Star Region, it is impossible to find it again!

Thinking of this, Netherworld can't help but look unlucky!

The great opportunity was right in front of me, but I couldn't grasp it!

You Ming looked solemn: "Let's put it aside for now, what's the situation here? Tell me! Can acrylic escape? That's how you act as the deputy warden?"

"The crystal warehouse in Pearl Star Harbor was also robbed? The good news is really one after another?"

Ping Chacha's complexion was pale, and he quickly reported to You Ming what he knew, without daring to hide it at all!

You Ming frowned: "Is the hand out of the insect rain? Oh ~ Yahweh? Are you sure he did it?"

Ping Chacha nodded: "It's almost certain! This whole incident may have come from the hands of the Lord!"

"Acrylic creates chaos, and he can take advantage of the opportunity to rob!"

You Ming narrowed his eyes: "Take me to see him!"

A group of people came to the severe punishment room where Yahweh was being held, and before entering, the smell was already wafting out!

When the LORD saw that Netherworld was coming, he immediately cried out!

ε=(#)??Д??(#)? "Master Nether! I wronged me! I didn't do it, so I squatted in a pit, how could I become a robber?"

"You must do justice for me!"

Netherworld is stunned, isn't this brave general who is lying on the mouth of the fish?

At that time, it did come with a bulging sack!

Co-authoring at that time was when he retreated after the robbery?

Nether's face darkened, this guy has witnessed the scene of his imminent death!

Or just kill the ball directly!

But looking at the cowardly appearance of Yahweh, who has been beaten and pulled, he doesn't look like someone who can do such a thing!

"Jiangnan... Where's Jiangnan? Where was Jiangnan when the incident happened?"

Ping Chacha was stunned: (???~??)???? "Jiangnan? He's taking the lead in fighting acrylic? Very brave!"

"To be honest! If Jiangnan and a group of prisoners hadn't blocked the acrylic for half an hour, things wouldn't necessarily have turned out like this!"

You Ming frowned, Jiangnan was participating in the war all the way? Has nothing to do with Jiangnan?

Isn't it right?

"Let's pass on Jiangnan! Let him come to my office! It's now! It's time to have a good talk with him!"

"Yes! Lord Nether!"

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