Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2181: recruiting horses

In the blink of an eye, it was night, Nanshen's small shop was closed, and the prisoners returned to their respective cells to be imprisoned!

Everything is quiet again!

Of course, this has nothing to do with Jiangnan, and his cell door has not been locked for a long time!

He didn't even need to use the bull-horse pen, he walked out the door in a grand manner, and brought Wang Youzhi to the women's prison area, the cell of Insect Rain!

Now, as long as Jiangnan doesn't cause trouble, and the entire Styx death prison is casually strolling around, no one will take care of it at all, okay?

Insect Yuyu sleepily opened the door to Jiangnan:

(???~???) "Why are the worms sleeping too?"

I can see that the nightdress of the insect rain is loose at the moment, if it is not for the right eye of the pupil insect has not returned to work, it still looks quite cute!

Jiang Nan laughed and ignored the objection of the insects and rain, and got under her bed and took out the sack!

The loot she got herself is still on her side! ΚáИδんǔ5.ζá

"Come and get some crystals, and take you to subdue your subordinates by the way!"

Insect Yuyu suddenly came to the spirit, and quickly pulled out the pupil insect and put it in its original position!

(*???)!! "Oh Huo? Recruiting? Go go go!"

When Jiang Nan got out from under the bed, he was already carrying a sack on his shoulders, and his eyes couldn't help but fall on the Caiyun table lamp holder by her bed! ωωw.ΚAЙδhυ㈤.ιá

Ashes had already fallen on it, Insect Rain always felt that this lamp was ugly and didn't like it at all. Since the encounter with Jiangnan, it has never been used again!

I saw Jiang Nan coughed twice, and said with a mysterious face:

(?)?°??°) "The treasures we've tried so hard to get are all hidden here! They're all from our family!"

"You have to guard it on weekdays, don't let others steal it or something!"

Insect Feiyu rolled his eyes and crossed his waist:

(??~??*) "Cut~ what do you say? When I'm not in the cell, who would dare to enter the emperor's worm's nest without my permission? Are you tired of living?"

"I'm very territorial, okay? I have a defense alarm system in my house! Don't talk about this, let's go recruit troops, acrylic or Damon?"

As soon as Jiangnan heard it, he had a bottom line in his heart, so that's good, goose box~

"Elbow! Go to Damon first!"


The group of three walked to Damon's cell just like that. Before they could get in, they heard the sound of a sewing machine clicking inside!

Jiang Nan took out the key and opened the door!

As soon as I entered the house, I was shocked by the scene in the cell. There were cute dolls and embroidered pillows everywhere in the cell!

Filled the room!

And Damon is now sitting in front of the sewing machine, lighting up the lights, and making new clothes for his rabbit doll!

Its majestic body is completely irrelevant to what it is doing!

Jiang Nan's forehead was sweating profusely, and the corners of his mouth were twitching. Is such a girl-like cell really Damon's room?

(??ω???) "Dazhi, are you sure you remembered the right person?"

Why am I so unbelievable?

Damon was very excited when he saw the three of them coming in. He quickly stopped his work and got up to greet him! "

(?????メ) "Big Brother Jiangnan is here? Hurry up and sit down, the room is a little messy, I'm making you laugh~"

While speaking, I was embarrassed to pick up my fingers!

Jiangnan: (??ω???)…

Why do I have a sense of sight that I entered into a beautiful girl's boudoir for the first time!

Insect Rain was also attracted by the rag dolls placed in the house, and picked up two of them in amazement!

(*???) "Oh, the craftsmanship looks good, it's almost catching up with my fur, not bad~"

Jiangnan: (¬yi¬?)

You are also embarrassed to say that he can't help but think of the sewing-mouthed dolls made by Bug Yuyu with "leftovers"...

Damon scratched his head shyly:

(?????メ)? "If you like it, take it. I have done a lot. What about Big Brother Jiangnan? You can take some too!"

While talking, I picked up several dolls and stuffed them into Jiangnan's arms!

Jiang Nan's mouth twitched, sorry, although the doll is innocent and cute, but when you think of it being made by such a big man with a scar, you really can't love it?

Jiang Nan coughed twice: "We'll talk about this later. I'm here tonight to talk to you about something!"

Damon looked solemn: "Brother Jiangnan! If you have anything, just tell me that, what Damon can do, I will do it for you!"

I saw Insect Rain stepped forward, crossed his waist, and his momentum suddenly rose!

(*?~?) "This emperor sees that you have a peculiar skeleton and a so-so strength. You are a craftable talent. Why don't you just put yourself under the command of our bully gang?"

"In the future in this Styx death prison, we will cover you! No one dares to bully you anymore, follow us! We will definitely become bigger and stronger, and create greater glories!"

"How is it? Are you interested? Opportunities are not for everyone. Don't you know how to praise you?"

At this moment, Jiang Nan and Wang Youzhi are both holding a rag doll, sitting on the edge of the bed like a good baby, watching the performance of Insect Rain!



The Zerg mother emperor has always been like this!

I saw a look of embarrassment on Damon's face:

(⌒﹏⌒メ) "Hey~ Do you want me to join the Bully Gang? Still... Or don't you? There's no shortage of me, I think it's fine now..."

The insect rain was in a hurry, so he stepped forward and gave Damon an elbow!

"Is it useless to say anything? You don't know how to cherish a great opportunity right in front of you?"

Looking around while speaking, with a mysterious look on his face, he lowered his voice and said:

(?)?????????) "After a while, our bully gang will escape from prison, and then we will say goodbye to the Styx death prison!"

"Don't you want to go out? Join the bully gang, we'll take you out of jail!"

After Damon heard it, he looked at the rain of insects with a look of horror!

"Escape... Jailbreak huh~"

Before he finished speaking, he was covered by the rain of insects!

(??????) "Shh! Shhh you! Be quiet, what if someone hears you? The plan is still under wraps!"

Jiang Nan sweated profusely on his forehead and couldn't help saying:

(???????) "Actually, it's not a problem to be a little louder!"

Don't say it loudly, you can shout it out!

After all, he has clearly informed the Nether Warden that he intends to lead someone to escape from prison!

Hidden and tucked for a fart!

Even if Damon heard the news, he still shook his head, his eyes dimmed, and then he squeezed out a dry smile:

(⌒?⌒メ) "I... I won't go out, you guys go, I'm fine in the Styx Death Prison!"

"But don't worry! I will keep this news a secret! I won't say it if I kill you!"

Insect Yuyu opened his mouth wide and looked at Damon in disbelief!

Was he locked up stupid? And the prisoners don't want to go out?

If you want to go out in your dreams, will you be free?

Looking at Damon who was unmoved, Rao was helpless, and he didn't know what to say!

Could it be that I have no personal charisma and leadership temperament?

He couldn't help but puffed up in anger, stepped forward and kicked Jiang Nan, kicking Jiang Nan over!

(?`~′?) "Your ability to speak is good! Go ahead and say it!"

Wang Youzhi: ∑(°mouth°?)

And this thing? really! Sure enough!

Jiang Nan smiled freely and looked at Damon: "It's okay, I won't join if I don't want to, I won't force you!"

"It's just that I am more interested in the Sha Qi of your Sha royal family, can you teach me how to use it?"

As soon as he mentioned this, Damon's face instantly turned white, and his head shook like a rattle!

??(︶﹏︶メ) "No no no! Absolutely not, Brother Jiangnan, you don't want to learn it, that's not a good thing!"

"I can't hurt you. Once you get out of control, the consequences will be very serious! We are good friends, and I can promise you anything else!"

"But this is the only one that doesn't work!"

Jiangnan: (?°???°)? "Any requirements? Then join the bully gang and escape with us!"

Damon: (?﹏?メ)…

[The resentment value from Damon +1! ]

Can I scold someone?

I saw Damon pulled a rag doll into his arms, leaned against the corner, curled his knees, his expression darkened.

"I know... You are interested in his combat power. When the riot happened, I must have lost control. I can see it from the eyes of everyone looking at me..."

"Fear, fear, disgust, I don't want to be looked at by everyone! I don't want to hurt anyone!"

"I don't even want to go out. If I go back to the starry sky, there will be a time when I will lose control again, right? How many people will die because of me at that time? I don't want it!"

"Staying in the Styx Death Prison is good for me and everyone else! If possible! I want to stay in the Styx Death Prison until the end of my life!"

Even if you are bullied every day, even if you are beaten forty or fifty times a month!

Perhaps the only way to make yourself feel at ease, less guilt, and a little less guilt!

Speaking of which, Damon had tears in his eyes, as if he would cry at any time!

Jiang Nan smiled and stood in front of Damon: "Hey~ listen! You did lose control in the riot, but you didn't hurt anyone?"

"You protected me, protected so many prisoners, and stopped the atrocities of acrylic, no one blames you?"

"Those prisoners, did one say yours is wrong?"

Damon looked at Jiangnan in amazement:

(??????△???????メ) "No... no harm? No one blames me? Really?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Of course! Instead, I would like to thank the person in your body. Do you want to call him out? I'll talk to him in person?"

Damon shook his head again: "No no no! It will get out of control. If anyone gets hurt, then I…"

Jiangnan raised his eyebrows at Insect Rain:

(??????) "No, there is her in control. What are you afraid of? I'll tell him a few words!"

Insect Rain is also a demonstration raising his little fist!


Damon wondered: "Then... well, I'll try it! If he does something bad, he must be stopped!"

"Don't worry!"

I saw that Damon's expression gradually became hideous, and red mist formed from his body, condensing into a scarlet evil star!

Jiang Nan looked at this scene with bright eyes, Oh Huo? Is this the evil spirit?


But before Jiangnan could feel it carefully, the scarlet shaqi all shrank back, and repeated several times, but to no avail!

Damon glanced weakly at Insect Rain, rubbed his cheeks and said:

(?)?﹏??) "He...he said he wouldn't come out!"

Jiangnan: ∑(°口°?) Huh?

"Can't come out? What's the situation? Did he limit the number today?"

Wang Youzhi: (??ω???)

People are crazy, but not stupid. They should be big bs who are afraid of being swarmed by insects, right?

In the dark and damp mine tunnel, Lu Ye walked forward step by step with the ore basket on his back and the pickaxe in his hand.

The content of the website is incorrect, please download the iRead app to read the correct content. The boy's expression was a little sad, his eyes focused on the empty space in front of him, as if staring at something.

To outsiders, there was nothing in front of Lu Ye, but in fact, in the young man's field of vision, he could see a translucent shadow.

It was like the shadow of a tree, gray and unrecognizable, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and the branches were separated from one-third of the tree body to the left and right, supporting a semicircular crown.

It has been more than a year since he came to this world called Kyushu, and Lu Ye has not yet figured out what it is. He only knows that when his attention is concentrated enough, this shadow tree has a chance to appear in the field of vision. And no one else notices it at all.

Really sad life. The young man sighed.

A year ago, he suddenly woke up in this unfamiliar world. Before he could get acquainted with the environment, the power he was in was overrun by a group of thieves, and many people were killed. He and some other young men and women became that The captive of the thieves was then sent to this mine and became a lowly miner.

Afterwards, he learned from scattered conversations with others that the force he was in was affiliated with the Haotian League, a sect called Xuantianzong.

The name of this sect sounds cool and tyrannical, but in fact it is just a small sect.

It was the Xieyue Valley under Wan Moling who captured the Xuantian Sect.

The Haotian Alliance and the Wanmoling are the two major factions in this world. They are all formed by the union of countless forces, big and small. They are fighting each other with the intention of completely destroying each other. It is said that it has lasted for hundreds of years.

In Lu Ye's view, this kind of battle is simply a confrontation between the lawful camp and the evil camp. He just accidentally got involved in such a confrontation.

Over the years, the Kyushu Continent has been raging with wars. Every year, small forces such as Xuan Tianzong have been uprooted, but soon more forces have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, occupying various territories, making the situation even more chaotic.

The mine slave is mine slave, Lu Ye comforted himself, compared to those who were killed, he was still alive anyway.

It's not that he has any special ability to survive, but that Xieyuegu needs some handymen to do things. Someone like Lu Ye who has no cultivation and is still young is undoubtedly the best choice.

In fact, the miners in this vein are not only the people of Xuantian Sect, but also some other small families and disciples of small sects.

The strength of Xieyue Valley is not weak, and it has captured a lot of sites over the years. The original forces on these sites have naturally been destroyed, and some of the available personnel have been sent to various places by Xieyue Valley for enslavement.

Without exception, these people have a characteristic, they have not yet enlightened, and they have no cultivation base, so they are very easy to control.

There is a saying in the continent of Kyushu, it is difficult for a demon to transform into a form without enlightenment, and it is difficult for a person to cultivate without enlightenment.

If you want to practice, you need to open your spiritual orifice. Only when you have opened your spiritual orifice can you be qualified to practice.

Opening the spiritual orifice is not an easy task. Ordinary people can open the spiritual orifice after systematic training. However, if they are from a cultivation family or a sect, the percentage may be higher if they have elders instructed.

Lu Ye couldn't open his spiritual aperture, so he could only make a living by mining in this dim mine.

However, the mine slave is not without a way out. If he succeeds in enlightenment and finds the person in charge to report it, he will have the opportunity to participate in an assessment. If the assessment is successful, he can become a disciple of Xie Yuegu.

However, there are very few miners who can open their minds. They work all day in this dim environment, and they can't even eat enough to eat. How can they be enlightened.

So basically 99% of the miners have accepted their fate and work hard every day just for a full meal.

Lu Ye had no sense of belonging to the Xuantian Sect. After all, when he first came to this world, the Xuantian Sect was destroyed, and he did not know who the people in the sect were.

He also doesn't want to be a disciple of Xieyuegu, this is not a serious force, just hearing the name gives people a sense of evil, and it will be cold sooner or later.

But he can't live here as a miner all his life. What kind of formality is that? He is also an elite in the new era. If he has no dreams, what is the difference between salted fish and salted fish.

So for the past year, he has been working hard to enlighten himself. Originally, he thought that only the shadow tree that he could see could provide him with some wonderful help, but until now, the shadow tree is still just a shadow. It also affects his vision.

Lu Ye seriously doubted whether there was something wrong with his eyes.

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Turning a corner, a faint light appeared in the distance, which was one of the exits of the mine.

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Today's harvest is good. If you turn over the ore in the ore basket, you should be able to contribute three points. Counting the accumulation in the past few days, it is about twelve points. Two points are exchanged for two steamed buns, and the remaining ten points are just enough. Change a Qi and Blood Pill.

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Qi and Blood Pill is a very low-level medicinal pill, and it is not an aid to enlightenment. However, in order to open one's orifices, it must be filled with Qi and blood. Although Qi and Blood Pill is low-level, it is suitable for people like Lu Ye who are not enlightened.

The reason why Xieyuegu is willing to take out the Qi and Blood Pill is not because of their kindness, but because they understand the way of people's hearts. This cheapest and low-level pill can make people with hope work harder to mine.

For example, Lu Ye is very hardworking every day.

Thirty feet away from the exit of the mine tunnel, Lu Ye's eyes inadvertently glanced at a corner in front of the left, where there was a huge boulder.

He kept walking and continued to walk forward until about ten feet before he put down the mining basket behind him, tightened the pickaxe in his hand, and took out a moderately sized stone from the basket and weighed it a little. .

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The next moment, he ran towards the boulder, approached the boulder, slid sideways, stepped on the rock wall of the mine, and swooped down towards the back of the boulder with the help of the rebound force, like a vigorous Cheetah.

The two figures were half-squatting behind the boulder, and they used the boulder to cover their figures. They never thought that people would find their traces.

Hearing the movement, it was too late to see Lu Ye want to get up again.

Under the terrified gaze of the two, Lu Ye raised his hand and threw the ore in his hand, hitting the bridge of one of them's nose.

Lu Ye's mining pick in the other hand shot again, but missed the second person, who responded well and turned his head to avoid it.

However, Lu Ye had already rushed in front of him, kicked him down, and hit the opponent's lower abdomen. The man was suddenly in pain, fell out, knelt on the ground, and spat out a mouthful of sour water.

Lu Ye stepped forward, grabbed the other's hair with one hand, saw the other's face clearly, and sneered: Who am I, it turned out to be the two of you brothers!

The two he knew were disciples of the Liu family. After the Liu family's territory was captured by Xieyuegu, some young disciples of the Liu family were sent here to serve as mine slaves.

Strictly speaking, the two brothers Lu Ye and Liu's are also connected by the same fate.

The content of the website is updated slowly, please download the iRead app to read the latest chapter content. Have I ever said, don't let me see you again, or I'll kill you! As Lu Ye spoke, he picked up a stone from the ground and smashed it down.

The smash was not light, and Liu's second child only snorted and was knocked unconscious.

Lu Ye walked towards Boss Liu who was injured by him before.

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Boss Liu's forehead was smashed to pieces, blood blurred his eyes, he vaguely saw Lu Ye walking towards him, he was so frightened that he rolled and crawled: "Forgive me, my brothers didn't know it was you who came here, they thought it was someone else!

The two Liu brothers were sneaking in ambush in front of the exit of the mine, naturally they had no good intentions.

Before the two were caught, they were both spoiled and spoiled. Even if they became mine slaves, they were unwilling to endure hardship. However, the status of mine slaves was low, and the people of Xieyue Valley did not regard mine slaves as human beings at all, and there was no ore exchange. If you contribute, you can't get food at all.

Therefore, the two brothers often squatted in front of a certain exit of the mine tunnel and robbed the miners who had been singled out. Many people were unlucky because of this. Not only were the ore mined hard every day robbed, but they were also beaten to death.

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Last time they just wanted to rob Lu Ye, but they were not opponents and were taught a lesson.

I never thought that it was only a few days ago that I met these two brothers again.

Just like rice raises hundreds of people, there are miners like the Liu brothers who are lazy and lazy, and there are people who have dreams like Lu Ye.

In the past year, Lu Ye's contributions through ore exchange, in addition to ensuring daily food and clothing, were all exchanged for Qi and Blood Pills.

He took no less than thirty Qi and Blood Pills.

This made Lu Ye stronger than most miners. Although his physique is not strong, the power contained in his body has already surpassed that of ordinary people.

Dealing with two delicious and lazy miners is naturally no problem.

Boss Liu was still begging for mercy, but Lu Ye pretended not to hear him, grabbed his hair, raised the stone in the other hand, and smashed it down.

In his more than a year of working as a mining slave, Lu Ye has seen too many tragedies, and he has long understood the truth. In this world of cannibalism, any pity and sympathy are useless.

The miners are not in harmony. The miners from different forces are destined to be unable to unite. For a piece of good ore, the miners often beat their heads and blood.

People die every day in the mine tunnel, and every time you walk a certain distance, you can see a dead bone scattered on the ground.

There are not a few miners who starved to death because of being robbed.

Boss Liu fell in response.

Lu Ye retrieved his mining pick, put the mining basket on his back again, and walked towards the exit. He did not kill the Liu brothers, but it was not because he was tenderhearted, but the injured miners generally did not survive long here.

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Just a few steps away, a person suddenly rushed in in a panic at the exit.

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Get off! The man drank lowly and swiped towards Lu Ye with a slap.

At this moment, Lu Ye felt cold all over his body, because he saw a light blue light flowing through the palm of his hand.

It was the light of spiritual power, in other words, it was a monk who shot him!

Only by opening the spiritual aperture can you be qualified to practice and be called a monk.

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The spiritual power of a monk is an extremely magical power. Lu Ye once saw a monk in Xieyue Valley take action. Although he did not have too much power, the man just smashed a piece of ore with a light palm. It was after seeing that magical scene that Lu Ye made up his mind that he must open his spiritual aperture and become a monk.

He had also secretly assessed that even the lowest cultivator in Xie Yuegu could easily hang ten of himself.

So when he realized that it was a cultivator who attacked him, Lu Ye knew that he was about to face great trouble.

At the critical juncture of life and death, he abruptly stopped his pace and jumped back suddenly.

His chest went numb, the sound of a broken bone sounded, and Lu Ye flew upside down and fell to the ground.

The severe pain made him clear his mind a lot, and after realizing that he was still alive, he got up immediately.

what! The cultivator who shot it was a little surprised. Although he didn't use his full strength just now, he just shot it casually, but it shouldn't be something that the miner could bear.

Seeing the miner's face in the dim light, he blurted out: Lu Ye?

At this moment, Lu Ye was in a posture of turning around and running away. He was stunned when he heard the voice: Steward Yang?

This cultivator surnamed Yang was a small manager at the mine, and Lu Ye often dealt with him, because the Qi and Blood Pill was exchanged from him, so they were familiar with each other.

Manager Yang is very optimistic about Lu Ye. After all, it is rare to see a mining slave like him who can bear hardships and stand hard work.

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However, there is no special preferential treatment, and there is an insurmountable gap between mortals like Lu Ye and monks without enlightenment.

After recognizing Lu Ye, Manager Yang was relieved that he failed to kill the opponent with his palm. Lu Ye has exchanged a lot of Qi and Blood Pills from him over the past year, and his physical quality is better than that of ordinary miners. Strong, plus he just hit him casually and didn't want to kill people deliberately, it's not surprising that the other party can survive.

Opposite Guanshi Yang, Lu Ye was beating a drum in his heart.

The monks in Xieyue Valley generally don't pay attention to the life and death of the miners. They also know that the miners often fight in the mines. Unless they meet them, they basically ignore them.

Only then did Lu Ye beat the Liu brothers to the ground, and he passed out. He turned his head and slapped him. From Lu Ye's point of view, it was clear that Manager Yang was teaching him a lesson.

To see the latest and correct content, please download Love Reading Novel. However, he soon felt that something was wrong, because Steward Yang looked flustered when he rushed in, as if he was standing up for the Liu brothers.

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