Countdown to the end 3.

An Lie’s thoughts are understandable. In the Ascension Realm, he only has one son. As a result, he also found a **** guy who can't give birth to a baby. A pair of good friends is lingering, but there is no successor to An's family. At this time, some members of the Andre family came to the door, although they knew that some of them fascinated the world of Huahua or broke their conscience. Instead of having no successors, it is better to select reliable people from the family and deliver them to him. , Can't just go on like this.

As for what An Ran said at that time, what was the secret medicine for childbirth, An Qi did not tell An Lie.

If the hope is given to him first and then he is personally disillusioned, the blow will be too great.

It is precisely because of this that he opened one eye and closed one eye and let An Lie toss. If there is no secret medicine for childbirth, there will be a way out. If it is really researched out, and there is this thing, it will be even better. Under heavy defense and without Abba’s permission, they would never take away the ownership of Las Vegas. When An Ran left, they left so many things. Not only that, they also gave secret entrustment to many people. What should I do to respond to situations? There is no need for An Ran to be present, everything will be performed according to the script set by him. The Las Vegas staff, or the people who come to make trouble, are just the people in the play.

He is so calculating, he naturally expected everything, and the André family was perfectly prepared and could not figure out any tricks.

If you want to slowly infiltrate and insert your own people into the four shops, seize the technology or management rights, or even replace the personnel, it is of course possible to buy them privately.

The only tricks that can be used are these. If these are not successful, they may choose to conspiracy to frame them. Use guilty methods to stain their reputation and drive people away.

These little tricks can deal with others, and deal with those who stayed behind An will be very interesting. They must not know that these people have signed the contract scroll, otherwise. With An Ran's suspicious temperament, he would not believe them at all.

Regardless of doing everything in vain, give them a little hope. It can also make A-Ba feel at ease.

That's what An Qi thinks, and the status quo of ruffian gangsters simply doesn't work here.

It stands to reason that the results of his labor are deeply thought of by people. Even Abba has the idea of ​​giving in a hundred years later. An Ran should be irritable, but this time he is very calm.

He had anticipated these problems before he came, and since he had made up his mind to let Abba and his brother practice hard work, they would go to Jiu Tian Hua Ting as soon as possible. No matter how harsh the conditions are and no matter how hard the cultivation is, it must be successful. If they are destined to succeed, it is not a bad thing to let the Andre family take over Las Vegas. This is what Enron left for them to survive in the ascension world. Since people are no longer in the Ascension Realm, giving their hands to relatives who are related by blood is considered to be a bit of a thought. Although An Lie is an abandoned existence, An Ran and An Qi did not receive any special care, even along the way. They are helping those in the Andre family.

Even so, the other party is still greedy.

It's true that there are many problems, but the blood relationship is constantly cut off.

As a son of God, An Ran couldn't perceive this, and An Qi's comprehension might not be deep. An Lie grew up in the family.

He is the young master of the Andre family, at least that's true before he abolished and left. There are always some unforgettable things, and there are always some people I miss.

Now that those guys come to the door, they can at least have enough time to select some of these people who don't know the details and have a good character and a good conscience.

Las Vegas incorporates the efforts of many people, and they are entrusted with their efforts. It is also good to be able to pass on forever.

No matter how bad the family is, there are good people.

Seeing An Ran's return, An Lie's expression was somewhat unnatural. It was clear how much An Ran was treated to him at the beginning. The youngest son never came back. When the "vampires" came, he came. Thinking about An Ran, Huiyue, Lian Sheng, and the unpredictable abilities of the two brothers he brought back last time, I'm afraid he knew that he had done such a thing and came back to stop it.

Thinking of this, An Lie felt a panic burning on his face.

This is the family business created by the youngest son. He actually had the idea to pass it on to those guys. It shouldn't be.

Under An Ran's bright gaze, An Lie was ashamed. He actually had the idea of ​​surrendering the family business created by his youngest son. Even if this matter is to be done, at least it must be known to Enron.

As everyone knows, An Ran has already figured it out in his heart. Now that he has decided on the path of the future, he doesn't have to procrastinate anymore. If he doesn't want a good future, a big family business like Las Vegas will become a burden instead.

Can't it be sealed with a protective cover like the Nanyuan Revolutionary Army Base?

This is in the city anyhow, and Dada City is still one of the major cities in Xijing.

In the most prosperous part of the mercenary road crossing, you can't mess around.

An Ran nodded to the so-called elders and uncles, and brought Huiyue and Lian Sheng directly to Abba and his elder brother. After greeted them, he signaled them to return to the house, and he had something to say. Several old guys in the Andre family want to follow. Not everyone can look at others with good intentions. When trying to figure out others, they are basically malicious. This is also the case at this moment. If it's bad, insist on going back.

Of course, this level of request An Ran would not refuse, he also guessed what the other party thought, it didn't matter what, as long as he could follow his predetermined script.

Las Vegas will definitely fall into the hands of the Andre family. As for who it is, whether it is a direct line, and whether the blood relationship with them is close or alienated, it is really hard to say.

An Ran acquiesced to the behavior of several members of the Andre family, and walked towards the house with Aba's brother and Huiyue Liansheng.

There was hatred along the way.

For four years, they didn't show up for four full years.

An Ran's white hair is a shining sign. You don't need to infer to know that he is the former owner of Las Vegas. Thinking of his identity, Master Sheng Lian is not easy to be misidentified. After all, the difference in appearance between Huiyue and Lian Sheng is very big.

Seeing that the Gui wives were going crazy again, An Ran had to urge everyone to speed up their pace. If they didn't go back soon, they would most likely be intercepted by the wives in the middle of the road.

After all, Master Sheng Lian's popularity is too high.

In addition, he hasn't appeared for four years, and fans have long been intolerant of loneliness.

Simply, after several urgings, they moved fast enough, and when they saw the figure of the wives, they had already reached the door of the house, hurried in, and then closed the door tightly, and ordered no one to come, so he hesitated. An Ran asked An Lie and An Qi to walk with him to the inner courtyard. The father and son had something to say. As a son-in-law, Hui Yue naturally had to keep up. As for Lian Sheng, he was with these prepared vampires.

If you just leave them behind, you will definitely be protested, and let Lian Sheng stay with them, but no one dares to say anything.

Lian Sheng is not something ordinary people can afford.

As soon as he entered the room, Anri wanted to explain the elders of the Andre family. An Ran did not stop him. After hearing his words earnestly, he smiled and said, "Abba, don't worry, I am not talking about this. It is, of course, something to do. I absolutely agree with your proposal."

Agree... this proposal?

According to An Ran's jealous and hateful temperament, as long as there is a way he inherited, he would not give up things because he was unwilling to let them take advantage.

There is only one reason why he said this. What he asked for was hopeless and impossible.

An Qi thought so, so he was greatly disappointed.

"Is it really..." As soon as An Qi was about to ask, An Ran handed them a stern look, and then asked them a question: "Abba, brother, are you really willing to stay here forever for a few years? Only reunited once."

An Lie clenched his fist tightly, how could he be reconciled? When his spouse is dead, there are only these two people who are closest to him in the world, and I can't see him from time to time in his life.

He pulled up a revolutionary army and struggled for so many years, so he got such a result?

Although Las Vegas is very good, it allows them to eat and drink and live a good life, and has a high status in the ascension world.

However, this is not what he really pursues.

An Lie shook his head affirmatively, "I'm not reconciled, but what can I do?" The second half of the sentence is very small and misty. If you don't listen carefully, you may drift away with the wind, very light and light.

"I mean, you go to Jiu Tian Hua Ting with me and live there, and you can meet from time to time. Even the lower gods have a much longer life than ordinary people in the ascension realm."

Nine Heavens Garden? Can they go to Jiu Tian Hua Ting? This is something that An Lie and An Qi can't even think about.

They know more or less about the law, of course, what they know better is Enron's temperament.

At the beginning, they took Jun Qianxi away, but they didn't mention that they should be allowed to go together. It must be not allowed by the rules. How do you talk about this now? Is it possible to think of a way?

It was Huiyue who opened the mouth to explain, telling them the rules of the Nine Heavens Garden and the way to climb up step by step, and they knew why Jun Qianxi could go to them but they could not. The sentimental Phoenix Clan came from above. After explaining the matter clearly, Huiyue saw An Qi's expression and added: "In fact, there is one more thing that needs to be explained by Xiaoran himself."

thing? What's up? An Ran blinked, and Huiyue's stomach swelled in between.

Puff... Does this imply that he is pregnant?

Oh, the secret medicine of childbirth, by the way, "Brother, you forgot that you asked me solemnly when you left last time?"

Of course, he has never forgotten in the past four years.

"I have already made that kind of pill, but I hope you can take it after you arrive at Nine Heavens Hua Ting. You must give a reason. Huiyue mentioned it just now."

The reason is that if the child is born in the Ascension Realm, they will probably lose the opportunity to go to Jiu Tian Hua Ting, because he will not open the back door just because he is a newborn.

It would be different if he was born in Nine Heavens Huating.

It's like opening an account.


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