Orc Predator

: ☆Chapter Abnormal Magic

medical area.

In the ward, there was only the sound of quiet breathing.

Soon—and sometimes that means a long wait.

In order to save these two children in the sixth district, Ah Liu raised his combat power to the limit, and suffered such a serious injury at that time, the over-activated magic may have caused damage to his body, and it has been buried as a hidden danger Only now did it explode. This was the blond-haired uncle's explanation to Uncle Augustine, and Ai Wende didn't understand it in a daze. He only knew that the reason why his brother was sick and unconscious until now was probably related to himself.

The little female lay on the side of the bed and looked nervously at the person on the bed until she was so sleepy that she couldn't bear it anymore, her little head moved little by little, and finally she fell headfirst into the soft quilt and fell asleep. Opposite him, Cedric fell into a deep sleep in the same position.

Cecil felt the weight on his chest, which made him a little out of breath. He frowned and opened his eyes, only to see a small white tiger curled up in a ball and snoring on his chest. He picked up the little tiger and threw it to the side, turned his head, and saw a big and a small sleeping on the side of Ah Liu's bed, he couldn't help laughing silently. Brother seems to be quite tired these days, thinking so, Cecil lifted the quilt and got out of bed lightly, picked up a towel, dipped it in ice water, and put it on Ah Liu's forehead. When his fingers accidentally touched the skin of the black-haired non-orc, Cecil suddenly let out a "huh" and quickly stopped his hand as if he had been burned. He stood there hesitating for a while, as if thinking of something, he was full of curiosity again but cautiously reached out and put his hand on the forehead of the non-orc.

The scorching power like fire quickly ran up Cecil's body along that hand. It really wasn't an illusion, Cecil thought, but, because he was born weak and young, he was sealed with magic. Why did this happen?

It wasn't until Ah Liu's body temperature dropped that Cecil came back to his senses and quickly withdrew his hand. He took a step back and sat on the bed, raising his palm to his eyes, in a daze. Is this strange power flowing through the body magic power?

This force was warm and reassuring, and felt very comfortable. A strong drowsiness surged up from the depths of his body. Cecil shook his head to shake off the messy thoughts in his head, lay down again, turned over, and closed his eyes.

In the darkness, there was a "click", as if the light sound of something breaking did not disturb anyone, and a white light flashed on the blue-haired boy.

The wind passed around the branches, and the fine ice and snow drifted into the morning light.

The blond-haired orc turned the corner and saw a green-haired non-orc outside a certain room door holding a tray full of breakfast with one hand, and hesitatingly raised the other hand as he was about to knock on the door, with a heroic expression on his face. With an expression like that, as if some kind of scourge is locked inside.

"Adel." Francis yelled in a low voice, and the non-orc turned his head when he heard the sound, and when he saw the person coming, he immediately looked relieved. Although Master Cecil Augustine is usually very good-natured and gentle, but he has a bad temper! bed! gas! The non-orc doctor said that he has been kicked out for four consecutive days...

"I'll do it." Francis said, taking the tray from the non-orc man, who immediately said "Thank you, sir" as if he had been pardoned, and ran away decisively, as if he would suffer disaster if he stayed a second longer.

It seems that he was tossed miserably before! Francis shook his head helplessly, and gently opened the door. On the two beds placed side by side, the blue-haired boy on the left rolled into a ball with the little white tiger in his arms, obviously thinking that he was holding some kind of pillow; the silver-haired orc and the little female on the right each occupied one side, both keeping their heads buried in the quilt. Sleep soundly. As if smelling the aroma of food, the little white tiger moved in Cecil's arms, whined twice, and opened its eyes.

A trace of tenderness flashed in the pale gold eyes. Francis put the tray aside, walked lightly to the bed on the left, and rescued the twisting little tiger from the boy's arms. Jumped to the ground, spread all four hooves and ran towards the food. Now there was only a teenager on the bed who was still immersed in his sleep. His long dark blue hair was scattered among the white quilts, and the part hanging down his cheeks shone slightly in the morning light from the window. Francis was a little dazed, and stretched his right hand towards the boy's cheek, but stopped when he was about to touch the skin, stayed there for a long time, and finally moved up to the top of Cecil's head to rub the long hair.

The boy didn't respond, still sleeping soundly.

Francis thought for a while, then hugged the little white tiger and put it next to Cecil's head. The little white tiger blinked its moist black eyes, barked lowly, and rubbed its furry head against the non-orc's face, and even opened its toothless mouth to bite the tip of the non-orc's nose a few times. , completely unaware that he was being used as an alarm clock.

The person on the bed still didn't respond, Francis couldn't help worrying, and stretched out his hand to cover the boy's forehead, there was no fever, the body temperature was normal, could it be intentional?

The blond orc chuckled, moved away the little white tiger who was still rubbing against it, and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll take you out to make a snowman after eating."

"Liar, you didn't go when you said you would take me to see the sunrise." The boy said without opening his eyes.

Francis laughed suddenly, and couldn't help reaching out and rubbing the boy's head again: "Get up and eat first, and I will take you to the first district at dawn tomorrow."

Cecil closed his eyes and remained silent for a while, as if he was thinking about the truth of the orc's words. After a few minutes, he finally nodded and said, "I'm so sleepy, I don't want to open my eyes. You feed me."

Francis had no choice but to help the non-beastman sit up and lean on the pillow, and pulled the quilt up to cover the boy's abdomen. Turning around, he took a piece of bread from the tray, tore it into small pieces and sprinkled it into the milk, then carefully brought it to Cecil's lips, watching him drink up the mellow liquid bit by bit. When the egg was brought to him again, Cecil shook his head and refused.

"Don't you like it?" Francis frowned suddenly. Today's breakfast boy ate less than usual.

"I'm not hungry, I'm sleepy." Cecil said, closing his eyes and yawning.

"Then sleep for a while, I will call you when you take the medicine." The blond orc put down the food, and distressedly supported the boy to lie down on the bed again.

"Good night." Cecil said in a daze, and immediately fell asleep.

"How is he?" A soft voice sounded beside him, Cedric woke up at some point, and asked with a towel in his hand.

The blond-haired orc shook his head slightly, and also lowered his voice: "As usual... where is Liu?"

"I don't have a fever anymore." The silver-haired orc replied with a relaxed expression.

Francis nodded, and turned his gaze back to the sleeping boy in front of him.

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