Orc Predator

: ☆Chapter Crisis

In the darkness, the roars of wild beasts continued to come from behind, but there were only the footsteps of a few people here.

A bright white light suddenly shot out from the second area behind him, and it disappeared into the night sky in an instant.

Les suddenly turned his head and said thoughtfully: "The teleportation array is destroyed."

Phil had a cold war. The teleportation array in the second area was very close to Alket's mansion. If the teleportation array was damaged, the next target of the Tyrannosaurus must be a tall stone building.

He couldn't help but rejoice that he chose to leave with Ah Liu.

The cave was hidden behind a row of bushes, and the inside was not very big. After carefully inspecting it and making sure that there was no danger, Ah Liu simply cleaned the inside and signaled the other four to come in.

It was almost dawn at this time, and Phil and the two children were exhausted from the thrilling trek almost all night, so they closed their eyes and fell asleep soundly in any corner of the cave. Rice also looked a little tired, resting against the stone wall. The weather was still cold, Ah Liu lit two fires to ensure the temperature, and then sat down at the outermost position near the entrance of the cave, closing his eyes and resting his mind while paying attention to the movement outside.

The soft sound of grass and trees made him open his eyes suddenly, the scimitar threw out without hesitation and sank into the jungle with a "ding", and something whimpered and then fell silent. He got up and walked into the forest, and pulled out the scimitar from the tree. On it was an animal that looked like a goat with a pair of curved long horns on its head. This kind of creature has a gentle temperament and has always been active only in valley areas. It should be Only the impact of the beast tide will run here.

There is a water source near the cave, and the distance is not far away. After listening to the movement around, Ah Liu confirmed that there was no danger, and dragged the prey to the water's edge to clean it skillfully. When he returned to the cave with the packed prey, he found that Les had opened his eyes. It seemed that he was cold. He was trying to make the fire that was about to go out burn hotter, but he was obviously not good at this kind of work. The upper left piece and the right piece were rubbed all over with soot, and the fire didn't burn a little bit. The three next to them who were still dreaming were looking for a source of warmth by feeling, and they had already huddled together before they knew it.

Ah Liu put down the prey and took the wooden stick in Les' hands, fiddled with each fire a few times, and added some branches into it. It didn't take long for the flames to flourish again, and by the way, he found a wooden stick to string the prey on the fire. . Les leaned closer to the fire and let out a contented sigh.

Soon, the smell of barbecue spread in a small space. The three people in the dream sniffed unconsciously, and then opened their eyes to look in the direction of the source of the smell.

Six: "..."

Rice: "..."

A few eyes were fixed on the sizzling prey, Ah Liu cut a part and checked that it was already cooked, so he quickly divided it into five parts and handed it to several people. Although there was no seasoning and it was very hot, the five people who were hungry couldn't care less, and buried their heads in eating like a storm.

Behind the bushes, there was a sudden "crash". Ah Liu was alert, and saw a greedy eye staring at the barbecue in their hands behind the branches, obviously attracted by the smell. Ah Liu squinted his eyes, tore off a large piece of the barbecue in his hand and threw it towards the woods. The thing immediately jumped out to catch the piece of meat in mid-air, and Phil couldn't help but gasp, what a **** bear.

Ah Liu jumped forward with all his strength while the black bear was pounced on the barbecue, drew the knife with his left hand, and split its neck bone with a "click" the moment the black bear swallowed the meat.

"Let's go." Glancing at the corpses on the ground, Les suggested that the smell of the barbecue has not yet dissipated, and coupled with the **** smell of the bear corpses, it is unknown how many beasts will be attracted.

Ah Liu walked into the cave, covered up the traces left by several people, and asked everyone to re-apply grass juice to cover up the smell. Then he walked to the entrance of the cave to roughly judge the direction, and said lightly: "This way."

The group set off quickly and stepped into the jungle again.

Not long after walking, there was a faint smell of blood in the air. Ah Liu frowned, signaling the four people behind him to stop first, and walked two steps forward quickly, only to see two orc corpses lying quietly on the ground in front of him, their heads and limbs were separated from their torso, scattered all over the ground in pieces. The traces of being bitten by wild animals are obvious, but there are no traces of being eaten. Blood splashed around the two of them, the snow under the corpse and the bushes next to it were dyed bright red, and the smell of blood was so strong that it was almost breathless. Next to the corpse, there was a string of huge blood-soaked footprints, which were exactly the same as the footprints left by the sixth district.


Ah Liu stepped forward to examine the corpse carefully, then frowned and looked up towards the jungle. The blood was still fresh, and it hadn't gone far. Looking at the direction of the footprints, it should be heading for the second district. Three tyrannosaurus, no matter how many orcs there are, they can't handle it.

He didn't stay for too long, and turned back to the other four. For safety's sake, they walked around the two corpses. The smell of blood, after all, there is nothing more exciting to beasts in the forest than this.

The black building finally couldn't bear it, and it collapsed with two tyrannosaurs roaring excitedly. In the ruins, another smaller tyrannosaurus threw off the broken stones on its body, broke free from the thick chains that bound its limbs, and got up. In order to prevent the imprisoned Tyrannosaurus from escaping, the orcs only provided it with very little food every day. It looked skinny, with most of the scales off its body, and the remaining small part was dull. Even so, no one dared to underestimate it as the overlord of the forest. A lean camel was bigger than a horse, and even a malnourished Tyrannosaurus was far more destructive than ordinary beasts.

The silver dragon brushed against the edge of the blade-like sharp teeth, and the tyrannosaurus, which was biting the air again, couldn't help being irritable, ignored the annoying fly, and suddenly turned around and strode towards the most conspicuous building in the second district not far away.

The gray dragon in the herd roared eagerly, and rushed forward to bite the Tyrannosaurus' forelimb. With a roar, the tyrannosaur kicked it away, swept across with its thick tail, and threw the gray dragon high with a "snap". The hungry little tyrannosaurus rushed forward excitedly, trying to swallow the food that he could not resist.

Silver light flashed like lightning, picked up the falling companion, and flew back into the sky. The little tyrannosaurus lost its target, roared unwillingly at the sky, and followed another tyrannosaurus to the center of the second area again. It was quickly attracted by a shiny object not far away, stepped on it, and with the sound of cracking, bright white light suddenly rushed into the night sky. Startled by this inexplicable light, the little Tyrannosaurus jumped back reflexively, crashing into a building.

"Cedric, let me go!" The gray dragon struggled violently in the air, but still couldn't get rid of the pterosaur's grip. He had no choice but to change back into a human form, raised his head and shouted, "Phil is still at home!"

"You can only die now in the past." Cedric also changed back to human form and replied, the huge silver wings behind him shone with light in the darkness, his deep blue eyes narrowed slightly, and continued: "And I guess...they Should have left."

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