Orc Tyrant

Chapter 1162: Warcraft (3)

The huge brass gate is located six degrees west of Dunwich’s central square. It is more than two hundred meters high, like a signpost, guiding the course of this storm of war.

On both sides of the gate, two hellish towers were erected, and colorful flames gushed out from the large and small holes on the tower, spreading a drum-like roar over the sky, as if once every ten seconds. Covered bombardment barrage.

The Battalion Commander Faros of the Dead Hand Camp looked at the far gate burning with joy.

This reminded him of the accident encountered in the abandoned city.

That night, in the military camp outside the abandoned city, a dead hand bomb was accidentally detonated. He had just joined the dead hand camp not long ago.

In the end, he was the only one who survived the entire camp, and all the guards including the battalion commander were turned into ashes.

He is the last remaining dead guard.

But that memory no longer caused the nightmare he once had. His ability to feel fear is no longer there, leaving only fanaticism, destructive needs and a sense of emptiness, and fear should have moderated those desires.

But he knew that he was born for destruction.

Ever since he came into contact with the dead hand bomb, destruction has always fascinated him, it has become his habit, and he is familiar with the tools of destruction.

call out--!

A squadron of Skybreaker fighter jets decorated with the logo of the Drifter Flying Team roared past his head. The bubbling rocket trajectory circled from the mounting point under the wing, and a barrage was razed before the sound of the aircraft came. Leveled the remnants of the entire row of buildings.

They then left the battle, screaming and flying high, preparing to dive and drop bombs.

"The command of the overlord has been delivered!"

When Faros checked the preparation of the rocket, or smashed a piece of still burning rubble under his feet, he knew exactly what he was doing here.

He is about to destroy the whole world, and he feels joy in it.

"Thirty seconds to prepare!"

The mechanics roared in the communication channel. Behind Faros, hundreds of heavy trucks were already stable, and the giant cylinders they carried were slowly erected under the control of the mechanics.

At this time, another wave of bombers roared past their heads. These twin-engine steel behemoths razed the stone pillars and obstacles that protected the Brass Gate with a lot of firepower. Their task was to wipe out everything that was left.

Block after block, house after house, one person after another, annihilate everything that the shelling had missed.

As far as he can see, there are hacking and burning, damage and destruction.

They seem to be sprinkling salt on the ground to ensure that no hostile remnants flourish again from the ashes.

But Faros is not like that, and Dead Hand is not.

Their work is invisible, and they are top secret, at least for now.

That was exactly what Faros had accepted, a rally of soldiers who kept the best secrets no one wanted to know.

They are the last killer of the Ouke Empire, they do not exist in the words of the boys, nor in the records of the craftsmen.

"Fuel has been injected!"

The tech master in charge of the overall control roared in the communication channel.

"Countdown to launch! Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five!"

"We are the overlord's sharp blade and heavy hammer."

Faros, who has the final decision right, gently spread the lid on the red button with his thumb.

"Four! Three! Two!"

"For the hegemony and to make hair, we will destroy the world!"


At the same time, one hundred and twenty dead-hand rockets, dragging a long green tail flame, burst out of the launch tube, and quickly sank into the clouds like an arrow shot from the sky.

When they rise to a certain height, like an enraged bee colony, they begin to tilt and spread out, flying in different directions.

Fifty seconds later, the first dead hand rocket fell 100 meters from the Brass Gate.

This is a special dead-handed rocket. The warhead didn't explode directly after it landed. Instead, it slammed straight through the ground until it hit the ground for nearly ten meters. The entire city felt the tremor of a magnitude nine earthquake.

Then, a mushroom cloud soaring enveloped the entire Brass Gate.

In the next half an hour, hundreds of cities and towns in the New California Republic were bombed by dead-hand rockets. Except for 11 duds due to technical failures, the rest basically hit their targets.

Among those towns, there are areas controlled by the blood worshipers and areas controlled by the government of the New California Republic. The dead-hand bomb does not distinguish between identities.

Within an hour, the death toll climbed to five million, and the rest of the day, former and current residents of the New California Republic, understood what **** really is.

High temperature, radiation, and even dust from explosions have become terrible natural disasters. Tens of millions of people will die in pain, and their homes will be changed forever.

The once fertile country of hope no longer exists. For a long, long period of time, this vast land will only be a desolate wasteland.

This is what Guk wants, he wants to avoid trouble forever.

However, what Guk did not expect was that the most important one turned out to be something wrong.

Now the obstacles that protected the brass gate have disappeared, and even the ground has been hollowed out, forming a cave-like hall, underneath is a tangled mess of burning debris.

This dead hand rocket not only destroys the Brass Gate, but also destroys the altar under the Brass Gate. This secret was also told to Guk by Hannibal.

However, it seems that the effect is not as good as promised. Only the two high towers on the base are hung with a large number of evil emblems and heretic words smeared with blood and filth, and they have not been completely erased.

In the center of the explosion zone, there is still a monster-like brass gate more than two hundred meters high!

At this moment, it is like a huge mechanical organ. Its swollen body like a furnace is sprayed with steam and smoke. Its flame-blackened shell is covered with twisted evil texts, and it makes threatening whispers from time to time as it runs .

The valves and armatures all over it trembled, like a swarm of buzzing insects.

A man holding a long sword ran volley above a pile of wreckage, crackling witchcraft energy surrounding his feet.

As if noticing something, the man turned around and looked straight into Guk's eyes.

Guk was taken aback by his face.


The man with the same face as Hannibal grinned suddenly, and then began to chant a terrible witchcraft prayer with a sharp pitch.

The ensuing black lightning began to burst around the gate.

The brass gate began to rumbling rapidly, and Guk could feel the barrier of reality begin to blur, as if torn apart by invisible claws.

From the dark cracks that appeared in the air, twisted bodies and evil faces stretched out.

"The Lord is coming!"

Guk yelled through the communicator.

"Guards! Move closer to me immediately! Get ready to do something big!"

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