Orc Tyrant

Chapter 183: The Journey of Flames (7)

The tall arches were quickly overwhelmed by a new round of shelling of flames. Bucktooth marched towards Purgatory without hesitation, followed by a large group of scarred, iron armored guards, armed with huge shotguns and machetes. Rear.

As one of the first two legions to be established, the Skull-Splitting Corps of the Buck Tooth is the largest of all legions in terms of size. At the same time, he also has a warlord guard with more than 10,000 soldiers. This guard is composed of a large group of people. The leader of the battle is composed of a large number of heavy shotguns, which are often called "big spray", which can create devastating metal storms at medium and close range, so this warlord guard is also called For 【Sweeper】.

But now they don't have many targets to clean up, because a few rounds of heavy rockets have blown everything up.

This is the town of Huisonglin, the closest town to the town of Chant, and the largest of the seven parishes.

But this is not because of religious reasons, but because there are large tracts of gray pine near the town of gray pine forest. These thousand-year-old tall plants can produce extremely high-quality pine resin. In this era, pine resin is also a very important industrial raw material. The main source of income for the Digo Church is this. Every month, black market merchants from all over the world gather outside Silent Hill, waiting to trade with the terrible cannibals.

But now, everything has been burned, the prosperous town has become a real hell, and the pine forest outside the town is crying in the flames, and the air is filled with a strong scent of pine, even overwhelming the smell of Ouke’s body. taste.

Bucktooth strode into the huge and gorgeous church, the roar of the collapsed building outside was endless, and the violent explosion burned the heavy armor of his body, but to this big guy, it was just an itching of his boots, and his arm flexibly adjusted its direction. , Lift up the big bump of double pipes in parallel. Pull the trigger and use a storm-like burst of fire to smash the shrimps that had thrown bombs. .

The building inside the church is magnificent and elegant, as if the wealth of the entire town is gathered here, but the buck-tooth let the siege cannon razed everything to the ground, and the magnificent pyramid-shaped buildings and crafted statues were all covered by lava. A fountain composed of raging fire was sent into the air, and then turned into fragments.

A shotgun was swept across other small buildings, and the guards were used to defeat the shrine. The sanctuary and bunker were all leveled. The defenders inside could only escape one after another, and then there was a massacre. After these poor Wendigo followers, their fragile bodies resembled torn rag dolls, either broken in two or turned into a diffuse blood mist.

After clearing the resistance, the bucktooth continued to move forward, passing through a square surrounded by sculptures, and then along the long platform towards a building with a huge circular dome in the center of the church. The huge dome was like It is a crown, eye-catching.

Gu Ya came to the steps in front of the dome building, ready to forcibly enter, but habitually, he called a few blasters.

"Face that, call me!"

"Understood! Boss!"

The kid carrying the small rocket launcher nodded and raised his hand to slap the fart spirit hung on the launcher.

Destroy first, then attack. Gu Ya is a boss who pays more attention to attacking rhythm. Of course, he also likes to see these strangely-shaped houses being shattered.

The air suddenly became brighter.

The tail flames of the rocket slowly disappeared, and on the other side, a mushroom cloud rising up into the sky appeared. The carefully carved door had disappeared, leaving only the door frame still with heavy smoke, the only one of this once gorgeous building. Remains, dust and stone dust are floating in the air.

Buck teeth stepped across the gate that had turned into ruins and stepped through the huge bullet crater. The pillars that supported the hall were still standing strong, seeming to abide by their duties, acting as a cane for the remains of the hall that has not fallen.

This hall is the pride and glory of Huisonglin Town. After its completion, it is expected to stand for thousands of years and forever.

Unfortunately, this good wish fell through, and the magnificent building fell under the iron hoof of the Oak army.

Regardless of the hot tiles and masonry falling like raindrops, a large number of warlord guards and boys poured in, buck-tooth slowed down, and avoided the dense pile-like debris like tree stumps.

"Stop it all!"

Yi Ya suddenly gave orders to all the boys. He seemed unwilling to stay here any longer. He stretched out his leg and kicked the broken totem pole a few times. Suddenly, a huge cave appeared on the devastated ground, and it was just around here. , Many human remains were buried in the rubble caused by the siege artillery, as if they were going to guard here to death.

Gu Ya smiled, it was really an ugly smile from a human point of view.

"Boys, we have won! You have proved this. It is entirely possible for us to waaaaaagh with the boss of Guk! We are no longer observers hiding in the distance, but a participant! Now, Let us complete this hand-training thoroughly and eliminate the shrimps still in this cave!

"What other shrimp can survive?"

Bracket's exclusive pervert kid is a bit confused.

"I can smell them. Although it's a bit weird, it's definitely below!"

"You all heard what the boss said?"

The buck-tooth adjutant and the leader of the guard stomped heavily, and the surrounding scavengers immediately slapped the armor on their chests neatly and issued a cry of eagerness to fight.


Bucktooth chose four scavengers to go with his adjutant. The cave could only accommodate a few of them to go down at the same time. Scarlet eyes swept through the shadows, smoke and dust. The Oukes were careless and unconscious, crossing one corner after another. But their fingers never left the trigger, guarding against a sudden attack.

Their actions took a clear purpose and went all the way to the bottom. The exquisite design and construction craftsmanship have disappeared without a trace. All the corners here are round and cornerless, and there is no decoration on the walls.

As his gaze swept across the thick metal Geshan, Gu Ya realized that it was a dungeon, and he could hear the breathing echoes of the boys rippling.

Suddenly, there was movement in the darkness.

Hundreds of poor numb humans emerged, all of them pale and slow, like unconscious puppets.

Judging from the appearance, the humans, men and women in front of them, young and old, are both young and old. They see the huge Ouke as if they see the air, and they don't seem to realize what they are in front of them.

"What the hell?"

Gu Ya murmured in doubt, he was hesitating whether to fire, these shrimps were not right.

"Boss, these dried shrimps... how come they are the same as the slime Skug?"

"The Ooze Skug is stronger than them, I wonder..."

Buck teeth slowed down and looked deeper from the hall. The dirty prison cells were filled with people who were kept like domestic animals. They were curled up like the fat Sgug waiting to be slaughtered, despite their faces. There was a deep fear lingering, but they didn't even bother to move their bodies, just staring at the Oukes with their hollow eyes.

There is definitely something strange, the faintly painful forehead and the strange atmosphere remind the buck teeth.

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