Orc Tyrant

Chapter 189: Shadow of Fear (5)

The world in front of him flickered, accompanied by the sky and the earth. This was the place where Parker was trained for the first time as a Wendigalist.

The corpse of the blood worshiper, lying on a broken stone pillar, turned into a red tree, with its twisted rhizome carrying the crimson red of a river, rolling across the cracking floor one by one.

The waterfall-like illusion flows above reality, and the school of fish jumps over the crushed clouds. Parker wants to stay there and return to the place that will always only exist in his memory, back to when he was a little boy. , Back to the time when I felt that the world was so infinite and full of miracles.

He stretched out his hand and touched the reeds growing in the Lengshihe, insect-like birds flew across the sky that he somehow could see through the smoke clouds, as if the howling wind and turbulent thunderclouds were another space Things, and in reality, blood is flowing down his head.

He walked forward, and most of the people present were dead, but this no longer made any sense. In fact, they had already become ghosts.

Hanan's material boiled through the cracks in this world, dragging Parker into a vortex of original emotion.

He was full of regret, then worry, then love, each of which was so powerful that he was just a passage for them, a person who was hollowed out because of Hanan.

More memories poured in, his father's eyes lit up with pride when he received his first appointment, and the sadness in his mother's eyes when he learned that her son had fallen into the bright red way.

Furious mind, greedy vacuum, hungry nihility, he always knew that these would swallow him one day, and in Hanan they were as real as the mountains of Silent Hill.

The red mirror cracked, screaming and pouring out, throwing the bodies of the followers out of the distance.


With his heart, instead of his eyes, he saw a huge amount of rushing toward his face—over the towering mountains of passion, crossing the sea of ​​sorrow, passing through the cave of misery, and reaching the boundless under the poison of anger. Ground.

Hatred is a distant sky, ups and downs on the vast ocean, suffocating.

Love is a sun.

Peeling the skin and the gust of wind represents a bitterness.

This is really amazing.

There was a trance voice passing through Parker's heart, it filled Parker's sight, or pure perception, because Hanan was completely without light, but emotion and experience made it represent the most essential part of his soul.

The sky of hatred cracked open, and then a wide open mouth enveloped Parker's soul. The angry teeth formed a bottomless pit, and under it was a brown lump, boiling like a worm's nest.

Infinite horror.

There are open mouths everywhere, unconscious things, like sharks made up of malice, shuttled in the thunderstorm of passion, they prey on the soul fragments of cultists, and their teeth are like knives to comb through their consciousness. Remnants.

Even love turned to him, filling him in the last moments of his existence with all the terrible longings he hadn't had, and the terrifying, intense grief that he had had but was never able to embrace.

The bottomless pit approached Parker, and his teeth approached him. A frightening cold light tore him apart, and he knew that it was the purity of death.

The scorching blood was boiling, and the last trace of his body curled up like a worm into a short-lived silhouette.

The world was dark, and Parker was drowned in fear...

"That's it!"

A wild howl gushes out from the center of the storm, injecting Hanan's shocking energy into the air. A large circle of purple flames spews from the blood vortex, setting off a circle of shock waves on the top of the broken mountain, submerging everything in the turbulence. Of energy.

"Sure enough, a suitable sacrifice, as a **** that almost got out of control, he is still very qualified."

Hannibal stood on the edge of the storm, smiling up at the sky, while Edward's shadow stood behind him.

It landed a hundred meters away, and the moment it landed, sand and gravel filled the sky like a landslide.

The tremor of Hannibal's feet was trembling, and the joints of his knees crackled in an attempt to eliminate the tremor.

The first thing that stood up were its wings-huge and beastly black wings. The flesh membrane between the bones was as stiff as old leather, and the blood vessels were surging like a cobweb in the dark.

The fierce fur with scratches from the battle covered most of its body, and the rest of its muscular body was draped in ferocious brass armor.

Its giant head with horns is so evil, it is completely the most terrifying and evil spirit of the devil recorded in the oldest scroll in the ancient classics.

It stands in front of a mortal like a real giant, with its fists clenched and two weapons of the same height as a human being.

A tangled dark red long whip constantly slapped and provoked on the sand, and the other, a huge battle axe made of brass, was densely covered with metal carved runes.

It stepped out, stepping forward step by step from the deep pit formed by it falling to the ground, and the armor vibration it brought with each step made the world tremble.

"Zha Rasha!!!"

It raised its ugly head and let out a roar full of pleasure.

"In the name of Wendigo, this, after all, is, what..."

Edward was stunned by the tsunami-like demonic power lingering around him, and his voice became muffled.

"Zar Rasha, a powerful demon, defeated by Wendigo, bound in a box of fear..."

As if hearing the unpleasant past, the devil turned his head abruptly, his burning eyes fixed on the vocal Hannibal.

"Human! Although you have completed the transaction! Don't try to provoke my patience!!"

"Of course, the powerful majesty."

Hannibal bent slightly, a pair of black bat wings suddenly opened behind his back, and his whole body instantly rushed into the sky.

"Sir, do you remember one of my conditions?"

"Huh! Mortals, don't try to make terms with me! You are only worthy of being my servant! When I destroy Wendigo's chore, you will get the power that belongs to it!"

"No, actually my condition is not this."

A smile appeared on Hannibal's face, and then his skin began to fall off, revealing a green-iron cracked skin, and that handsome face turned into an ugly spider-like face covered with fine black hair.

He opened his mouth, revealing his thin white teeth, and whispered in the other's suspicious eyes:

"I just hope your Excellency sees one person."



The turbulent battle cry tore through the crowded evil clouds in the sky, penetrated through the curtain-like blood fog, and reached Zar Rasha's eardrums and soul.

It inadvertently stepped back a few steps, and the anger on its face was mixed with a hint of surprise.

"who is it!"

Zha Rasha could feel the anger and fierce emotions that came on his face like a huge wave, but it was not the same as what he was familiar with, but a more intense and exalted existence.

Hannibal turned his gaze to the end of the stairs, and he could already see the shriveled head swaying in the wind.

"...The one who takes your first level."

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