Orc Tyrant

Chapter 199: Rest after the war

"God? Devil?"

Bakshiyev knelt on his limbs in the dust, blood flowing from his open mouth, he laughed wildly and gasped, gasped and vomited, laughed again after vomiting, trying to squeeze a few words between the broken breath and the intense convulsions. Discourse.

"You won. We tasted the mud and drank all the shame. Our bleeding lips could no longer offer prayers and chants. We lost everything."

"how about you?"

He raised his head and looked at his former master and spiritual leader, while his beloved wife fell under each other's feet, her throat was severed, and blood gathered into a pool.

"Hannibal, your essence and soul are much older than your physical body. You have spent centuries in Wendigo Church, haven't you? So, what is your faith?"

The dark green eyes stared at him, seeming to measure silently. From his inhuman and terrifying face, Bakshiyev could see that his words really surprised the other party, and Hannibal's thinking was changing. , Following a new path to extend downward.

"I have the same faith as you."

He admitted that there was no tension in his tone, even though the new master sat high behind him.

"I have always believed that it is a god, and I myself continue to spread this belief."

Pictures, memories, mixed into a whirlpool in Hannibal’s eyes. Before they disappeared, Bakshiyev didn’t know how to feel the peer’s peep in his mind.

"Do you still believe in it?"

"I only know everything I know."

He replied, although his tone was full of melancholy, but he was extremely firm, and he swept away all doubts.

"Whether it is a true **** or not, his power is no different from that of a god."

"My lord does not welcome discussions about theology."

Liya, who is closest to Guk, issued a warning, and this tedious argument has caused Guk to start yawning.

The reason for everything is just that some of Hannibal’s original subordinates are unwilling to abandon their previous beliefs. This is not a problem in Guk’s view. Those who disagree are just killed, but Hannibal tried to persuade the other party. In recognition of his meritorious service, Guk let him come, but now it seems that his persuasion is far less effective than his sharp edge.

"Perfect joke!"

Bakshiyev roared, and there was endless sadness in his cast iron voice.

"We are all part of this perfect joke!"

"My lord?"

Hannibal turned his head and asked, the low voice seemed to be coming from a copper pipe.

Guk stared at this guy who didn't know if it was a person or something else, his eyes were torch, his lips were slightly open, revealing a row of neat and sharp teeth that Liya had taken care of.

Then he nodded slightly.

Hannibal let out a sigh, walked to Bakshiyev, grabbed his collar, and ran his fingers across the thick neck under the hollow gaze of the opponent.

With a stagnant expression, his bald head fell from his neck and rolled all the way to the side of his wife's blood-stained face.

Without waiting for Guk to speak, the guards on both sides walked up and dragged away the corpses on the ground, leaving only a pool of blood still smoking.

This is the only well-preserved building in Sing Town and the most sacred church in the entire Wendigo Church, but it is now the temporary palace and command post of Guk. The original ornate murals were all contaminated by red and black graffiti, and the dome is colorful. The enamel was completely shattered and only an empty frame was left. The carefully carved religious artifacts were replaced with wild and wild Ocque decorations, and pale skeletons became the most common embellishment here.

Behind every guard standing here, there are more than double-digit skulls hanging. These are their trophies after breaking through the other three towns. In order to reward the loyalty of these bodyguards, Guk indulged them for a whole day, and the result was three. In the end, there was no one living in this town, even if he was willing to defect to Hannibal to serve for Guk, he could not escape the greedy butchers of the guards.

The results of the war satisfied Guk. The real thatch in the entire Silent Hill was overfired, and the stones were overdone. People probably have to change another plant. At present, it is difficult to see trees that exceed Ouke's height on the mountain, if not in the first two. There was a torrential rain, and it is estimated that the wildfire could continue to the Howling Mountain Range.

Not only is Guk very happy, but the boys are also very happy. This unconstrained war has almost inspired every spore on their bodies, and an unprecedented desire for destruction erupted.

The only thing that makes Guke feel a little bit regretful is that there are still too few humans here. What he really wants is the kind of "city" that is said to have a population of millions of people. So many shrimps can really make him happy for a long, long time. It would be boring, and this kind of place is on the other side of the towering mountains.

Although he can't wait, Guk can only temporarily stay in Silent Hill now. One is because the battle at Bailingfeng Mountain was really fierce. Although he didn't feel it at the time, he would pay the price for his recklessness afterwards.

The rough statistics of the whole body are 126 wounds, of which 31 wounded the bones, and 13 wounded the internal organs.

Any of the injuries mentioned here are fatal injuries on humans. Guk lost almost half of his blood during the battle.

Even if he is as strong as him, he can only stop and heal the wound first, and he is unwilling to let other boys see his weak side, so the whole church except for the guards and the guys who are allowed in and out, any kid who approaches It's all a "dead" word.

The guards have chopped off a lot of their heads these days, and there are always curious guys who want to see why the king can't come out behind closed doors.

"My lord."

After being silent for a while, Hannibal spoke again suddenly, then knelt in front of Guk on one knee.

"I'm going to get back Wendigo's heart."

Guk glanced at him suspiciously. This was the second time he heard that thing. According to Hannibal last time, it was a very powerful thing. It was originally under this place, but was worshipped. The blood sect old man cut his head.

"Didn't you say it was stolen?"

"Exactly, that's why I'm going to get it back."

"Is that important?"

"Kill Wendigo."

He said to Guk again.

"Kill it and seize your position under the watch of the dark power. This is your destiny, King Guk."

It was that word again, that was, it ruined Guk's last loss of affection for this guy. He didn't know if this inhuman existence was like a neurosis, and was messed up by some kind of power.

"Then you go."

Cucker thought for a while, but decided to send Hannibal away, he was completely disinterested in this guy.

Hannibal bowed respectfully, then stepped out of the church door.

"By the way, those of your kind."

Suddenly, Guk turned his head and looked at Liya on the side.

"They seem to be a bit dishonest. Luya and I reported that some birdmen attacked his stockade."

Liya's face turned pale when she heard Gu Ke's words, and she hurriedly fell to Gu Ke's feet.

"Master, I..."

"Nervous ass! Come here."

Realizing that there was not much anger in Guke's voice, Liya carefully raised her head and saw that the other party hooked her finger at her, then flapped her wings and jumped to Guke's palm.

"Give you a task to tell you the same kind, surrender, I won't go looking for them, but they got... 50,000 birds for me."

After listening to Guk's words, Liya didn't know whether to cry or laugh, so she nodded silently.

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