Orc Tyrant

Chapter 203: Red Snow (middle)

"damn it!"

Smoke was still coming from the muzzle, and Momac roared.

"This is what I like!"

"I was here first!"

The opposing war gang leader responded with a curse.

"You deserve to die! Poor ghosts are born!"

"Are you bullshit?"

Momac immediately expressed his doubts. The boys around him had become a ball, and the humans caught in it were lying on the ground. Many people still had the fear of death before death on their **** faces. Unexpectedly, the Nuggets carrying the shining fantasy will eventually become their own grave.

"I haven't seen you at all! Blue-faced ghost!"

"There are so many things you haven't seen."

The big face painted with blue stripes grinned, unkind in every sense.

"I have heard of you."

The opponent took a few steps back, but the big gun in his hand did not put down, and the boys looked curiously, expecting a **** fight.

"Momac, a head of the twin snakes."

Looking at the smiling face, certain memories in Momac's mind popped up, such as exchanging a few rotten teeth for a profiteer who jumped in his entire cage.


He roared in irritation, his muscles swelled, his legs wanted to charge at any time, and the knife in his hand was even more impatient to knock this cunning **** over.

"I have a suggestion for you, Momac!"


"We can fight until one of them dies, in the style of Oak..."

"Sounds great!"

"...Or we can make a deal."

Momac carefully observed Sharuka and his boys. There were indeed a lot of them and they were well equipped, but he was sure that he and the boys could overturn them.

However, it would take him a long time to gather enough kids, and he couldn't do other more important things, and it seemed a waste of energy to turn to kill Ouke when there was a hateful shrimp to kill.

"What's the bid?"

He cautiously questioned, but the attacking posture never let up.

"If you and your kids are willing to join my plan, I can give you many, many good things!"

Momac suddenly realized that he had become the focus of all the kids around him. He paused for a while but didn’t think of anything.

After a deep breath, Momac lowered his machete.

"Say let me listen..."

The sly smile on Sharuka's face was even brighter.

"I found a good place, but it's a bit hard-handed, I'm thinking about it... I have to find a helper."


Momac was more careful, because he was familiar with the smile on that face, which was when this **** profiteer cheated his jump.

Kind of smiley.

"An arsenal of dried shrimps."

"I have never heard of it!"

"You haven't heard of that much. Our butts have discovered a tunnel that can lead to the mountain, and the arsenal is there."

"It's huge?"

"Bigger than this."

"a lot of?"

"More than you think!"

I have to admit that Momac is really excited. In the Ouke society, besides the teeth, the second kind of hard currency is weapons. Even the weapons of Xiami can be sold at a good price.

But Sharuka is not a trustworthy guy, and he is not relieved to work with Momac.

As if aware of his hesitation, Shah Luka rolled her eyes and threw another bargaining chip.

"There is also an oversized metal cart!"

Momac's eyes twitched, finally unable to withstand the other's temptation, the machete in his hand slowly dropped to the ground.

At this time, the camp that originally housed hundreds of gold diggers had completely turned into burning rubble, the wooden houses turned into smoking charcoal, the simple tracks were violently dismantled, and many headless bodies were completely destroyed. They were piled up and ignited to form the torch of death. The boys tied the **** heads around their waists or inserted them behind them, and continued the carnival for the rest of the time.

The thieves of the brain search everything that can be searched. From time to time, small-scale fights erupt because of the ownership of a certain rubbish. Instead, the most precious gold mine and gold sand are scattered everywhere like rubbish. Humans regard it as life. The thing is not as meaningful as a stone in Oak's eyes.

The blizzard came soon, everything was wrapped in the cold white, and the vision became blurred, even Ouke could only stand still. Fortunately, the huge mine dug by humans gave them a good refuge.

"What are you looking at?"

"What's up looking at you?"

"Cutting your ass!"

However, the relatively crowded environment also made the atmosphere gradually irritable. Fighting inevitably began to occur, and the scale became larger and larger, even the farts were also involved.

Less than an hour after the blizzard, the mine pit became a chaotic battlefield, bones, stones, mud, sticks, butts... all kinds of things were flying around under the swaying firelight, in this kind of mixed operation. In the environment, no one thought of using a gun, even if it was used, it was an extension of a fist.

In Ouke’s activities, there is no slight friction, even the most primitive weapons can cause casualties.

The first one fell and was the first one to do it, and then the second... The deaths and injuries that humans did not cause all appeared in this pit. This is a thing that sounds extremely funny, but extremely real.

The "warm" atmosphere did not affect the conversation between the two bosses in the deepest part of the mine. Maybe they had realized this a long time ago, so they stayed away from the chaotic vortex as soon as possible.

"How many shrimps are there?"

Momac leaned against the wall to ask questions. It was pitch black, but his eyes were as hot as two burning coals.

"It's a lot, why are you afraid?"

Saruka was sitting on a round stone, her fangs rudely tore the **** leg from his hand, and Momac didn't pay attention to what it was.

"Ha, I just worry that the trip will be too boring!"

"It won't be boring, I have a plan."

Shaluka bit the last bit of flesh left, threw the bone aside, and stood up.

"We will leave as soon as the wind stops."

"Wait, I have to call for more boys."

Momac attached great importance to this plunder and was also very cautious. He didn't want any "accidents" to happen in the middle, just like the deal that annoyed him.

The iconic sneer smile immediately appeared on the other's face.

"It's up to you, but I won't wait too long. I heard that Yaya has already started searching the mountains. If he finds out, nothing will happen to us."

As soon as Momac heard this, he subconsciously rubbed his hands, and then began to walk outside.

"I will tell the kid to go back!"

"Then you have to hurry up."

"You don't need to talk nonsense!"

Shah Luka chuckled weirdly, her eyes full of sly mockery.

Second! The third one is at 8 o'clock in the evening!

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